The Duo Experiment Descendants [Another Naruto RP] [1x1]


Esoterically Discontented

1. Naguru

2. Shanay Marie Williams

The Duo Experiment Descendants

Through out history there has been many evil Shinobi doing what they can to further their own power, this includes the sacrifice of human lives in large numbers, centuries had past since the last know Jinchuriki had died, with them the last tailed beast, their power was amazing, rivaled only by the curse seals, it became something most dreamed of, many had attempted to re-create this power but most failed, others took to becoming Jinchuriki's with extremely powerful, yet weaker creatures, this too yielded good results but for some it wasn't enough, then by absolute chance a Jinchuriki and Juinjutsu were created in separate laboratories birthed without a mother or father but through a fusion of jutsu and science at the same time, you were born with an unknown mark on you, said to hold the great powers found in the old days. The two infants seemed as if they were linked mentally, both of which launched a counter attack to their oppressors who would do experiments on them, all in the same year at different dates. Lightning Country was the closest to these laboratories and took it's chance to grasp the power that are the Jinchuriki and Juinjutsu for themselves, the children were adopted in to the village hidden in the clouds where they stayed at an orphanage until the age of ten, it seemed they had no memory of the attacks they started which ultimately got the attention of Lightning Country's shinobi to the labs in the first place. Since being taken in the only sign of the presence of their powers are tattoo marks made by jutsu that show up when ever they charge or use chakra. All their lives they've been shunned and rejected by others and because of this they have grown up with likely social and possible psychological issues.(But not bad enough to effect their desires to become Shinobi)

The First Four Posts: For the first four posts, I would like it if each post was dedicated to one year of your life leading up to the current point, so in your first post you should be nine years old, the age when you join the Academy properly and start actual weapon practice, Taijutsu practice and basic study of chakra, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. The year after, at age ten you should be learning hand seals regularly to learn them off by heart (The original twelve) and as well as continuing classes from the last year you will also learn basic ninja tactics for escaping and hiding. The year after that at the age of eleven you should be learning your first Ninjutsu and defenses against jutsu as well as in battle evasion, at this age you also start competing with your fellow Shinobi with grades, most tests in skill are done one after another in open view of each other. Then there is the next year in which you'll be twelve, during this year team effort and working as a unit becomes drilled in to the students, tests are usually graded on the whole of a class so if a few do bad at something the rest will suffer, the very basic jutsu you know are being refined and fine tuned this year, learning any Jutsu properly is usually a slow process unless you have experience and talent with that type of Jutsu. Finally things will kick off on your licence exam test day, the day in which the class lines up to each use three Jutsu in the order asked by the teacher, if you pass you get your own ninja head band and become an offical Genin

The Young Shinobi

AKA you! Start out at the age of 13, you're applying for you Ninja License(Head band) which will then allow you to be placed in to a group of three. However, students refuse to join group with either of you even claiming that they'd prefer to leave the academy from fear of the stories of Jinchuriki and Juinjutsu mixed with the fact that you weren't born from a mother or father. As a result the two outcasts have been placed together, unknowing of what hides within their bodies(It is forbidden to spread knowledge of it for risk of the village being attacked for the Jinchuriki and/or Juinjutsu from evil forces) they view one another as normal students who are less judgmental than the others. Despite the usual team of Shinobi being required is four(including a Jounin) a particularly skilled Jounin has agreed to take on the outcasts for personal reasons dating back to a dark time in his history.

As the Jinchuriki Shinobi & Juinjutsu Shinobi you have to deal with ridicule and insults from other children, ignorance and shun from the adults and a general vibe of fear and hate from nearly every civilian that knows who you are. As lab experiments it's likely you also possess Kekkei Genkai,(optional) which are special abilities only passed on through bloodline or heavy research in to a corpse that has a Kekkei Genkai.

The Shinobi aren't always young, we're going to start out doing some missions, possibly a nice story arc or two, then our Ninja will separate to different trainers after a year or two, then we'll do a similar post style to the first four posts, posting one post to resemble a summery of your years teachings, efforts and events until you reunite under a common goal, wither that be to pick up your squad training or to finish an unfinished battle. The yearly summery is an optional thing.


Here is a link to the world map with some basic information on villages and country capitals.

We are situated at Lightning Countries 'Hidden Cloud Village' listed under the star with the name 'Kumo' on the map.


Click the Jutsu link just bellow to find out some basic information on Justu ranking and Jutsu in general.


There are many different Jutsu's in the universe of Naruto, the main of these can be split in to three types:




Please read and view each link until you have a basic understanding of them all. They're pretty simple though and wont require reading the entire pages. NOTE: These sources provide enough information on how to make your own Jutsu! So please read carefully, Ninjutsu has a section on making it, Genjutsu is pretty simple to make once you've read the big section at the top, the most important bit is understanding and perfectly imagining your genjutsu so that it'll work the way intended. Taijutsu is as simple as finding an effective way of working out, it doesn't have to look nice but as long as you get the desired results you're doing it right, this isn't entirely simple however, Taijutsu is all about increasing your stamina, strength and speed and using your chakra to bring out the best of these aspects, so working chakra control in with your combat is very important to reduce waste of chakra and to produce better results.


This gives you important information about Chakra, please try to read most of it, however the key parts are: Elemental Chakra, Normal Chakra and Chakra Control.


Ok, you will need two characters, one is your main character another is your future trainer, your future trainer should be someone who is very, very skilled and likely a sage. These trainers will be RP'd through you as a second character, I will fill the spot of important NPC's such as Raikage, our Jounin teacher, Information and Quest givers(This is open for switch up, I'd appreciate any help with NPC's as well, just make sure you let me know what you're up to.) while all other characters such as store owners, villagers, unimportant enemies can be done by either person during interaction with this NPC.


Original character Sheet-

Name: (First)

Age: 13


Clan Name: (Although you don't have a family clan, clan name is commonly referred to as your last name, when someone sayings "You're from the Hushiri Clan" they're also saying that you're from the Hushiri family.)

Kekkei Genkai: (Blood Line ability)

Nindo: (Your Ninja Way
is a personal rule that each shinobi lives by. It is their way of ninja life, their motto or "dream". A ninja's nindō can be anything, no matter how immoral their personal point of view is.)

Jutsu - (You have eight points to apply, None is 0, Weak is 1, Average is 2, Skilled is 3 and Genius is 5.)

Element: (Choose an element)

Chakra Control: (None, Weak, Average, Skilled, Genius)

Ninjutsu: (None, Weak, Average, Skilled, Genius)

Genjutsu: (None, Weak, Average, Skilled, Genius)

Taijutsu: (None, Weak, Average, Skilled, Genius)

Fighting & Jutsu Style: (There is where you place the details on your characters fighting style and use of Jutsu. E.g. do you use a mixture of Genjutsu to paralyze the enemy, then kill them with Taijutsu? Do you use puppets? ect.)




-Jinchuriki: (What type of beast do you have inside of you and what does it look like?)

Jinchuriki Chakra: (What color is it? is it easy to use? How does it wrap your body?)

Jinchuriki Stages: (How many stages to the Jinchuriki is there? What changes as you gain more chakra?)


-Juinjutsu: (What seal do you have? What does it look like?)

Juinjutsu Aspects: (What are the side effects?)

Juinjutsu Stages: (The typical curse seal has two stages, what does yours have? What do each stage took like?)

-Jutsu Handbook: (Please list all your known Jutsu and what they do here.This section will often be changed and to help you record your jutsu, you start off with some E-rank academy jutsu such as simple clone jutsu, but when you learn a better clone jutsu, such as 'earth clone jutsu' then you replace the old clone jutsu with this new one, however the same moves of different elements can be added with each other, considering the different elements have different effects. Please write down the hands seals used if possible, if they don't list them then make up your own sequence.)

Trainer Character Sheet-

Name: (First)

Age: (Anything over 30 is best.)


Clan Name:

Title: (What type of Sage is this character? E.g. Toad Sage, Slug Sage, Serpent Sage, ect. )

Jutsu- (Everything that can be ranked is at Genius level and/or beyond. This doesn't mean one sage will be evenly matched with another, they may be a genius in the use of jutsu, but if they have a poor strategic mind they'll likely lose a battle. Being a genius means you are very skilled at using jutsu, but it doesn't mean you're skilled at using the right jutsu at the right time, that comes mainly from battle experience.)

Element: (Same element as you is probably best, but not required.)

Fighting & Jutsu Style:




-Jutsu Handbook: (This book is going to be pretty full, but think of it as a work space where you can think up moves you want your character to later learn. This hand book doesn't limit the players by saying "This is all the stuff you will learn" but rather "This is some of the stuff you can learn.")

NPC Chat Color:

These colors indicate when a particular NPC is talking.



Key Enemy

Key Enemy Henchmen

Jounin Trainer


Old Villager

Adult Villager

Young Villager

Store Owner/Merchant

Political Figure


Misc. Enemy


The following links will give you some extra information on the world of Naruto, some of these topics will be covered by the Jounin training us. But some you have to learn from your Master Sage, so if there is a '-Sage' mark next to the link, please take some time to read it, however it's not important early on.

Tailed Beasts -Jounin

Juinjutsu -Jounin

Sage -Sage

Senjutsu -Sage *Important*

Hand Seals -Academic | You should already know these, use this as a reference.

Mount Myoboku -Sage Reference | When sages talk about the home place of their summons, it works similar to this.

Partial Jutsu List: Rank E | Rank D | Rank C | Rank B | Rank A | Rank S | -Personal | If this doesn't make sense, please read the 'Jutsu' page listed above to learn about Jutsu rankings.

Full Jutsu List -Personal | Scroll down to the large list, there you will find every move from every game, (official)manga and anime. They usually have information on them including what Seals are needed to use the skill, it is a HUGE list with over 1,000 entry's so try and look for some Jutsu when you get the spare time. Use this to look for Jutsu inspiration you never know what you might find!

Coming Soon:

Details Sheet -

Things to add to the Coming Soon list - I can't think of anything, but I'm sure a problem will arise as a gap in information.

Data Sheet

A section giving some of the details we'll need to know to understand important characters. Mainly: our Jounin trainer, Shinobi we befriend and work with, Raikage and any other Kage's we meet. Main enemies.

Squad Jounin

Name: Biyuki

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Clan Name: Nyacuzki

Title: Jounin

Fighting & Jutsu Style: Biyuki is a skilled fighter with deadly Earth and Fire Ninjutsu, she had a record of completing many high ranked missions and has survived hostile encounters with the Leaf Villages elite Anbu Ninja. She fights with a firm and strong stance always aiming for vital areas in a style that aims to injure your opponent with maximum damage with every hit. She is able to summon a variety of felines but this isn't apart of her main fighting styles.

Public History: Not much is known about Biyuki, she came to the Village Hidden in the Clouds at a young age with just her mother, not much was ever said about her father. His clan has a history for being a small time bandit group but weren't known widely nor did their crimes ever include cold blooded murder or assassination. She's always been a strict and dedicated ninja who upholds her values above everything else.

Personality: She is caring and gentle, but she refuses to take crap from anyone besides the Raikage and other important figures who should never show disrespect to her for no reason anyway. She is down to earth and sometimes quite mean about it, she likes to keep her work and her entertainment life separate and because of this it can sometimes seem she has two personalities.

Appearance: Biyuki wears the typical ninja Flak Jacket, the Cloud villages style involves a black or grey undershirt with a strong jacket that goes over one shoulder and down diagonally until the upper waste where it wraps around the lower torso of the wearer.(For images look at this link, then check out the 'Flak Jacket (Current)' under Cloud Village, the old one is also worn by Jounin and Chunin in the village.
Name: Jikken

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Clan Name: Yourei

Nindo: Jikken doesn't have a Nindo yet, the concept of hopes and dreams isn't something he's had a chance to understand fully, for the time being anyway when asked about his future goals he merely states "Be alive.".

Youreingan is an experimental addition to the 'Shamanic Spirit' Kekkei Genkai, Jikken gains the title Shaman, spiritual ninja who have access to a rare type of chakra and live in the 'Dim' world. Sadly for him they have a history of mental health issues due to their upbringing around evil spirits. Youreingan is a special eye jutsu that allows him to see the spiritual energy of those who are alive around him and pick up on their emotion and morality wave, this gives the user a good sense of both their dominant emotion through life and a weak sense of their current emotion and a sense of their morality wither they had dark intents most often, good intents or survival intents, this can be tricked by a Ninja who's mental state cause them to do evil things that they consider justified or good in the average moral sense. This allows the user to know wither they're fighting on emotion and wither they're likely to attack you. It also grants Jikken a better view of the Dim world, this Kekkei Genkai will eventually be said to be the eyes of the dead.

Youreingan 1st Stage :View attachment 12606

Youreingan 2nd Stage is more of a temporary boost, it grants a much wider vision and allows the user to see quick movement much more clearly. It continuously drains a small and steady amount of chakra, This allows the user to react to movements much more efficiently as long as their Taijutsu skills allow it.

Youreingan 2nd Stage:View attachment 12605

Sakkaku Youreingan

The Sakkaku Youreingan is an advanced form of the normal Youreingan, this advanced form allows him to see a full 300 degree's around himself focus in up to three miles. It's weakness is that it cannot be used for very long periods of time and an unskilled user can easily get confused when using it considering it gives you fourteen pupils that can me moved independently in total. The Sakkaku Youreingan also grants the user the ability to see 0.8 seconds in to the future, the things a person does are usually 99% accurate.

Sakkaku Youreingan gives the ability to peer directly at a persons soul, it's gaze is almost tangible. When the user is using a Jutsu any Jutsu he uses that produces something involving his body, just as shooting flames form a limb or mouth, hardening skin, Transforming or cloning, anything; Sakkaku Youreingan will be able to see the chakra gather in the spirit form of yourself and allow Jikken to predict the type of attack. The spirit clings to the original user and doesn't change during transformation. Although splitting Chakra evenly can make for deceiving clones in combat to this. Using this drives you to death, with the eyes of the dead you begin to fade in to the world of the dead too, it is a fast process only granting a few minutes at first, but with strength comes resistance.

Sakkaku Youreingan Pupil:View attachment 12604

Shaman are spiritual Ninja who live between the world of the living and the world of the dead, they are able to use the 'Ghost Release', Shaman are extremely rare but they've become slightly more common in this age, there are rookie and legendary Shaman in this universe. Shaman are able to convert their chakra in to soul fragments, miniature ghost, relatively weak but is essential for a Shaman to use certain jutsu. Shaman fighting styles are huge in number, Some Shaman are known of using ghosts, others infuse them in to totems that give off many different effects, some Shaman even work like necromancers. The most famous Shaman were weapon smiths who'd infuse weapons with powerful spirits, the results were amazing. It was said that in centuries past there was a Shaman so skilled and powerful that any weapon he created would be regarded as a relic. He destroyed many of his weapons before his death but it's rumored some still exist as treasures of the Hidden Villages kept out of sight and used for defense during times of war.

NOTE: World of the Dead, this isn't the after life, the world of the dead is where spiritual energy from a dead ninja exists in the form of ghostly figures usually themed to the fighting style of the Ninja they came from, the ghosts share similar characteristics in look and most of the weaker spirits look similar, however it's hard to find powerful ones that look the same. The ghosts of this world aren't living in any way, a ninja's spirit isn't usually a tangible thing however it's made up of two things; their consciousness and a special type of Chakra that gives it an existence. In the world of the dead that Chakra exists, the consciousness is said to move to another place that some Shinobi consider to be 'The After Life' others believe that with out the spiritual chakra the consciousness cannot exist.

View attachment 12702Blank Spirits are usually grey in color, all other spirits are usually bigger, different in color and depending on the skills of that belonged to them while they were apart of a body the will have very difference characteristics, however there are three characteristics that stand out the most and are most commonly seen in powerful spirits; Large Fists for Taijutsuist, Elemental Aura for Ninjutsuist(The auras splits up in different areas, each color to their own area.) and Large eyes for Genjutsuist.

Jutsu -

Element: Ghost Release

Chakra Control: Skilled 3

Ninjutsu: Average 2

Genjutsu: Weak 1

Taijutsu: Average 2

Fighting & Jutsu Style: Jikken doesn't know anything about his Shamanic powers, besides the fact that he can see Chakra ghosts while others cannot. Like the usual Shaman Jikken has a primary melee weapon special to Shaman, it is a one handed heavy hammer. When in the hands of a Shaman the side of the hammer used for impact heats up the more momentum the hammer is swung with. Much of Jikken's fighting style is still in development, he mainly uses his basic Jutsu with a mixture of Taijutsu with his hammer.

Jikken is a natural in Loopy Fist but isn't able to explore his extent yet, however he is on a level no way near Rock Lee's natural talent and although he is a natural it still needs a lot of fine tuning to be a feasible choice in battle. Jikken hates drinking however and instead smokes a plant that give the same effects as drinking a bottle of elixir. Of course this is all out of his reach for now, he is far too young to feel the effects, good and bad, of ninja elixir.

His Hammer is thought to be a rare relic, however none of the countries claim to know of a missing relic, it has rare properties that make the weapon almost a living thing, it grows and changes with it's user, however to become it's user you need to kill the previous one. It was said on the day Jikken destroyed most of the lab he was found holding what looked like a toy hammer, one of the Shinobi from the Village Hidden in the Clouds attempted to remove the item from Jikken and ended up with a broken nose and arm. The size of Jikkens hammer at the moment is from the middle of his thigh to his foot. It looks like this: View attachment 12703

-Juinjutsu: Cursed Seal of Star View attachment 12611

Juinjutsu Aspects: The Seal of Star grants the user incredible strength, huge reserves of chakra and the chakra used is a lot stronger. Over use of the Juinjutsu can cause fatigue, great pain in the body, unconsciousness and in rare cases, death.

Juinjutsu Stages: All effects of the Cursed Seal grow more and more powerful as you progress through the stages.

First Stage the Seals mark spread over the body, this can be limited to just half your body, or to cover all of your body. The curse covers your body in links, this curses links look like this: View attachment 12612

Second stage changes your skin color and form a bit. Jikken has a dark grey flesh color, a third eye on his fore head all the pupils in the middle eye are star shaped instead of round, Jikken becomes taller and more much more flexible, Jikkens speed increases also.

Third stage grants the user four black wings(Two smaller than the others) and have thick bone wrapping around his head like a crown, they're strong and sharp, the center of the crown has a black star on it. Jikken is able to use his wings to fly, glide and increase his speed. Jikken is much stronger and his jutsu take on a dark and sinister angelic theme almost.

History: Jikken remembers fragments of his years before coming to Lightning country, all of them were terrible and horrific. Jikken grew up in the orphanage being shunned by the other children but taken after by the care takers, they never talked to him much besides one care taker who Jikken has always considered to be a friend, he still visits her sometimes to talk to her and she acts like a very supportive friend to Jikken. At the age of ten Jikken moved in to his own apartment, like most Shinobi who are orphaned. In the Shinobi world maturity, intelligence and skill are things Shinobi grasp faster than we can hope to understand, however the fastest aspect to grow in the Shinobi world is none of these, but independence and self reliance.

Jikken remembers bits of the day that he destroyed the lab and it's Shinobi but only in images, the images he see's from that day he doesn't understand however, during the period of the attack he had somehow used the Sakkaku Dougingan, however since that day he has never used or been able to use, or even been aware that he can use the Dougingan. In his mind the crimson images feel like memories but he doesn't understand how they work because he has no concept of what it's like to look through many different pupils.

Jikken has always been able to see the 'Dim' world(the fusion of the world of the living and the world of the dead, it's titled the 'dim' world because those of the features of the world of the Dead are transparent('dim') to those who can see it.) and it's spirits. Shaman are naturally able to feel spirits with a sixth sense this sense works like a way that resonates from it's source. Shaman can feel emotions and morality of spirits, these emotions and morality were owned by the ninja that once held these spirits. This is one of the downsides of being a Shaman, the influence these waves can have on a Shaman's mind can be heavy if they encounter a particularly powerful and sadistic spirit. It's even driven weak minded Shaman to cold blooded murder before. This has played a key role in Jikken's history, although he is unable to communicate with Spirits he's adopted his own language towards them, he believes that feeling an emotion himself also sends out this wave and so he sends out his own waves to see how spirits will react with him, this has caused many people in his history to think of him as weird and unnatural, he's even been considered to be evaluated on his mental health, because of this since the age of five he's been seeing a ninja who helps with mental training who is also a Genjutsu specialist. Despite the unwanted attention Jikken still uses this method, although most calm spirits show no effect to it spirits who have dark and evil waves of emotion and morality usually drift away when Jikken sends out his own wave.

Personality: Jikken is anti-social and distant, he doesn't trust anyone besides Kyou, who he considers to be a bigger sister(Although she is at least 10 years older than him). Although he prefers to be away from other people he doesn't consider himself to ever be alone because of the spirits that fill this world. Although they don't cover the world as heavily as people cover a town, it's rare to ever find an area that doesn't have at least one spirit just drifting around. Jikken's silent language with the spirits doesn't act as a method of communication that we're used to because spirits themselves don't have their own mind to acknowledge this communication, however they do tend to follow or be around spirits that share similar emotions, When ever Jikken is sad, angry or lonely he often feels much better when he comes across a spirit with the same feelings, it helps to make him understand that he isn't alone in the world, nor is he the only one who's suffered/suffering these feelings.

Appearance: Jikken is five foot seven, a few inches taller than most of his fellow students. His skin is a fleshy pale and his eye color is orange, his hair is long and naturally spiked in a black color, the back of his hair is tied up with leather in a crisscross pattern, the hair tail is six inches long. He is fairly muscular and fit, like the average shinobi male. The only note worthy details on his body is the curse seal that is between his eye brows and the scars that cover his body, he has scars sliding horizontally from the corner of his eyes(in the direction to his ears), two scars on his chest(Over his left and right ribs), one on his stomach(horizontal) and four on his back(All along his spine at different points.

Clothing - Jikken wears the common Shinobi sandals except they're black, he wears loose, long black cargo pants held on with a black leather belt, on his right thigh he has bandages wrapped around it and a kunai holster over that. He wears a black short sleeved undershirt, he wears a loose long sleeved dark grey shirt with a thick black vest that covers his mouth, his shirt has a hood attached to it which he doesn't normally wear. Attached to the back side of his waste line on the right is a Ninja equipment pack and a medical pack resting over his bottom attached to his belt, Jikken's Ninja License is tied to the ring on his hammer, it hangs down over his right shoulder when has it held in his backpack.

Ninja aren't known for wearing much armor these days, the main reason is because of the noise, you have to be extremely skilled to wear armor and have it silent, another reason is that war isn't as dominant as it used to be. Jikken's fighting style would be well complimented with armor, because of this Jikken wears a few pieces, two shoulder pads and knee protectors, the metal it's made from is strong and light, a rarity he paid for by using his jutsu to help monks who come to their village every year. The Knee pads are slightly spiked and shine like silver mirrors, the shoulder pads are plain in look and curve over the wearers shoulders, the curing bits are made in layers attached by chain-mail allowing the ninja to raise their arms easily, it's as shiny as the knee pads.

More on the Monks: Monks of the religions in the shinobi world deal heavily with the passing and birth of life, most of their ninja art are based around seals and rituals that have very little use to normal shinobi. Monks aren't able to see the Dim world but they can pick up on the same waves of emotion and morality that Jikken feels. They believe to have such spirits around them would corrupt them and their 'clean' items and temple. So they set up barriers, however this also gets rid of the calm spirits. Two years after Jikken was in the village they noticed a difference in the way the village feels and eventually found out Jikken was the cause, though no one could confirm the Monks claim because feeling spirits is something you cannot do on accident and are very hard to sense with out training. The Monks see Jikken as a great blessing and even offered him to join them, their way of life was not suited to Jikken, however he does greet them happily every year. The Monks are paid a good sum of money to set up and maintain seals and barriers that protect the villages dead who ninjas of rival villages attempt to dismember to unlock secrets of their techniques or Kekkei Genkai. Jikken attempted to refuse the money from the Monks, however they were very willing and wouldn't take no for an answer, Jikken believes their pay is too high for something he does only once a year but they claim it brings a benefit to them that anyone who isn't a monk could fully understand. After a few years Jikken had spent all the money he had saved from the payments he got from the village (To pay for his basic needs, it was more then others got however because he was 'special' to their village in the eyes of the diplomatic.) and from the monks on a wondering merchant who had the armor pieces, it was suspected that his items were the real thing but over priced, the merchant wasn't with out heart and threw in Jikken's second shoulder pad for free.

  • Substitute Jutsu(Body replacement Technique)
    Substitute Jutsu replaces your body with another object and creates an illusion so that it appears that the object successfully hit you for a few seconds. This Jutsu doesn't need to be spoken to activate.
    Hand Seals: Ram > Boar > Ox > Dog > Snake.
  • Ghost Release: Radiant Feeling Jutsu
    This is a Jutsu Jikken's developed himself, although he isn't aware of the uses it may present in future he uses it to clear an area of evil spirits. It is relitively weak at it's current state but works on nearly all spirits he's come across. This is a channel type Jutsu, it uses weak amounts of chakra to push out this wave, it cannot be seen and only felt by high level Jounin. Depending on the amount of chakra used it can feel like gusts of wind are coming from the ninja using the jutsu.
    Hand Seals: Horse (Needs to be held, the Jutsu ends when there is no chakra left or the hand seal is stopped.)
  • Cloak of Invisibility Jutsu
    This allows you to temporarily change cloth or something similar so that it can be used as a disguise to conceal someone. It doesn't need to be spoken nor does it need any hand signs, it is very easy for an alert Shinobi to spot, however if you're being chased it can be a good way to lose and enemy, but finding fabric needed is very hard in a combat setting.
  • Clone Jutsu
    This allows you to create an intangible clone of yourself, this clone cannot attack and will disappear when it comes in to contact with something.
    Hand Seals: Ram > Snake > Tiger
  • Transformation Jutsu
    This allows the user to transform in to just about anything, it requires first seeing what you want to transform in to and remembering that image perfectly, this jutsu doesn't give you the properties of what you transform in to, so transforming in to a sword wont allow you to turn the RP in to Soul Eater.
    Hand Seals: Dog > Boar > Ram
  • Rope Escape

    A basic jutsu that takes a bit of concentration, it allows the user to free themselves form being tied up. It is useless to use when you're being watched however, because it leaves you open for a few seconds, this is more then enough for a skilled shinobi to kill you.

  • Ghost Release: Chakra Ghost Jutsu

    A basic Ghost Release Jutsu that is required for the use of a lot of other Ghost Release Jutsu, it can also increase the power of some jutsu up to double. This jutsu allows the user to convert their own chakra in to Blank Ghosts, Shaman summon them in different ways, Jikken spews his from his mouth. The ghosts are hard to control and act on Jikken's impulses most of the time, out of battle they're usually very clingy. The Ghosts from this Jutsu are visible because they're made from Chakra used by a living being.

    Hand Seals: Hare > Dog > Dragon > Horse [As long as Horse is held the user can spew forth as many spirits as they want to(and can handle with out depleting all their chakra.)]

Name: Zuzeji

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Clan Name: Kyukiro

Title: The Ghost Sage of 'Yu no Seikai'(The Dim Land)


Element: Ghost Release (Natural Element)

He's also mastered; Fire, Earth and Lightning

Fighting & Jutsu Style: Zuzeji is a genius with totem use and Ghost Release ninjutsu. He has many different fighting styles tailored for different situations, however he is best at position control, he uses his totems to set up areas best for healing,(with totems that slowly recharge chakra and healing effects. Very slowly, I should say.) combat,(with totems that increase the strength of Ghost Release ninjutsu and other elements depending on totem choice.) and many other situations, he then protects these areas with totems that'll alert ninja if an intruder is close by, will spew attacks at ninja that get close by and even totems that will summon guardians. Zuzeji is also able to summon residents of Yu no Seikai, however for now I'll keep that one a secret.

Like most Shaman he uses a weapon, his weapon are two duel axes, each look the same besides a symbol on the axe head. For one(in the picture) the symbol is of fire, this gives the axe a small amount of flame damage. The other is Lighting giving the axe small amounts of electrical damage. These weapons were made by Zuzeji's mother and used by her for much of her life time.

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History: Zuzeji is from the Kyukiro clan, to this day only very few of their members survive but he has been working on efforts to restore his clan, his clan are capable of a Kekkei Genkai that allows them to use Ghost Release, because of this Kekkei Genkai they family has produced most of the history's Shaman. However no all of the clans members and Shaman have done good things for the world, in fact at one point the Kyukiro clan was evil and bent on power. With the rising of Zuzeji's grand father that was put to a stop, Zuzeji is the third in a line of Shaman, his mother and grandfather both were born with Shamanic abilities.(Note: if you're confused if a women is still referred to as Shaman, in this case yes. I've read stories that use different word to describe a female Shaman, but in this case there is none, Shaman is just a title.) Since Zuzeji's birth and confirmation of being a Shaman as well, it is believed that their clan's Kekkei Genkai has evolved. Zuzeji himself still leads a Shinobi's life and refuses to admit to every have a child, however this is a normal thing for a Shinobi to say if they have a child that may have a rare Kekkei Genkai, this is to protect their family. Zuzeji's family details are unknown.

Zuzeji's history has had moments of great pain and great joy, he trained under both his mother and grandfather(Who is now passed on.) and respects them both greatly. During his younger years he showed very great skill and supported his fellow ninja expertly in battle with his totems. He was also known for having strength that rivaled giants in physical combat. When he became a Jounin at a young age and carried out his missions until he reached his mid twenties. After that he began exploring the world adding to his skills and opening his mind to the different kinds of spirits that existed. He found new purpose in helping spirits, capturing them and taking them to areas more suited to their nature. It was said that on his travels be came across a place he calls 'Yu no Seikai', The Dim Land, when asked about it he refuses to give much information however his Mother, who is considered a high authority confirmed it's existence and refuses to give it's location, she, like her son claims that it is of no use to anyone who isn't a monk or Shaman and extremely dangerous to these people. Even those who were skeptic at first do not disbelieve it's existence, since Zuzeji had found this place he had grown immensely in power and is capable of jutsu no one has ever seen.

He gained the right to call himself Ghost Sage from Yu no Seikai, but the Kage's were hesitant to call him a Sage, all five with one extra ninja whom they trusted more than anything were allowed to see Yu no Seikai, from that day on Zuzeji was officially known as a Sage.

Personality: Zuzeji is at times a comedian, he enjoys showing off and pushes his title around with pride. Like everyone he has a serious side, but he doesn't jump to his as quickly as others. He enjoys having a laugh and especially enjoys drinking, it's rumored that he's mainly in retirement now due to how much he drinks when he travels, despite this he is still a skilled shinobi, like any Jounin the mental effects of booze can be pushed passed in a moment of dire seriousness and their lazy and sluggish movements can be put to use in different methods that still prove effective in battle, however it is clear that no shinobi is ever at their prime when drunk, unless of course they know the Loopy Fist fighting style and how it works. Zuzeji doesn't have much of a temper and does what he can to suppress negative emotions, he is a noble and good person all in all.

Appearance: Zuzeji has long grey hair that hangs back, the tail of the hair is plaited and goes down to his butt. He wears a grey shirt and armor over it, the armor and held together with chain mail and allows for flexibility, it covers his chest, then a gap of chain mail then his stomach, it also covers his shoulders and back. He wears white pants that drop just bellow the knee and light metal shin pads that are connected to knee pads are on his legs, he doesn't wear any shoes however. Over his thin armor is a long sleeved white coat that almost drags along the ground, the coat has a blue flame design at the bottom and a symbol on the back, a black circle with what looks like a white smile on it, two perfectly round white dots for eyes and a moon shape for the smile, it curves up on to where the cheeks would be.

-Jutsu Handbook:(More Added Soon)

  • Substitute Jutsu(Body replacement Technique)

    Substitute Jutsu replaces your body with another object and creates an illusion so that it appears that the object successfully hit you for a few seconds. This Jutsu doesn't need to be spoken to activate.

    Hand Seals: Ram > Boar > Ox > Dog > Snake.

  • Cloak of Invisibility Jutsu
    This allows you to temporarily change cloth or something similar so that it can be used as a disguise to conceal someone. It doesn't need to be spoken nor does it need any hand signs, it is very easy for an alert Shinobi to spot, however if you're being chased it can be a good way to lose and enemy, but finding fabric needed is very hard in a combat setting.
  • Ghost Clone Jutsu
    This allows you to turn a blank spirit fragment in to a clone of yourself, the clone acts much in the same way that a Shadow clone does, when the clone is destroyed it has a chance to turn back in to a blank spirit depending on the attack it took.
    Hand Seals: Ram > Snake > Tiger > Horse
  • Transformation Jutsu
    This allows the user to transform in to just about anything, it requires first seeing what you want to transform in to and remembering that image perfectly, this jutsu doesn't give you the properties of what you transform in to, so transforming in to a sword wont allow you to turn the RP in to Soul Eater.
    Hand Seals: Dog > Boar > Ram
  • Rope Escape

    A basic jutsu that takes a bit of concentration, it allows the user to free themselves form being tied up. It is useless to use when you're being watched however, because it leaves you open for a few seconds, this is more then enough for a skilled shinobi to kill you.

  • Ghost Release: Chakra Ghost Jutsu

    A basic Ghost Release Jutsu that is required for the use of a lot of other Ghost Release Jutsu, it can also increase the power of some jutsu up to double. This jutsu allows the user to convert their own chakra in to Blank Ghosts, Shaman summon them in different ways, Zuzeji's ghost crawl out of his flesh and then race out from the sleeves and openings of his clothing. The Ghosts from this Jutsu are visible because they're made from Chakra used by a living being.

    Hand Seals: Hare > Dog > Dragon > Horse [As long as Horse is held the user can bring forth as many spirits as they want to(and can handle with out depleting all their chakra.)]

  • Ghost Release: Ghost Expansion Jutsu
    This jutsu allows the user to expand anything with dead spiritual energy in size, this includes blank and marked spirits, totems, weapons and when the requirements are met, the user themselves.
    Hand Seals: Ram > Horse
  • Totem Activate/Deactivate
    This is a utility jutsu that allows the user to turn the effects of their totems on and off. It is simple to do which presents a problem for some Shaman, an enemy is able to do this Jutsu to deactivate an ally Totem, but the totem needs to be in view of the user for this to work.
    Hand Seals: Hare
Original character Sheet-

Name: Fuu

Age: 13

: Female

Clan Name: Yukikitsune

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan (

Nindo: "Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their friends are worse than trash"

Jutsu -

Element: Wind

Chakra Control: Skilled (3)

Ninjutsu: Average (2)

Genjutsu: None

Taijutsu: Skilled (3)

Fighting & Jutsu Style: Fuu uses a puppet in battle by sending strings of chakra from her fingers to the puppet. At the moment Fuu is only able to use the one puppet since she uses six fingers (The three middle ones on each hand) to control it, but using more fingers gives her more control of the puppet. When Fuu is unable to use her puppet she turns to Taijitsu, relying on her Byakugan to see around her, and observe the enemies chakra.

Pictured below is Fuu's puppet Puppy (The name (and puppet) are explained in her history.)

View attachment 12733

History: Fuu really doesn't remember anything from when she was in the lab, except when she made Puppy when she was three, she heard some shinobi talking to each other in a friendly way, while wishing she had someone to talk to she decided to make a doll out of bed sheets and other fabrics she found, since then she's been adding to Puppy ever since, to get her to 'grow.' She has small flash backs of that day where she destroyed the lab and all the shinobi in it to escape. After that she grew up in an orphanage in the lightning country, all the children and caretakers there feared her and would avoid her as much as they could. At the age of nine Fuu grew frustrated and attacked some children that were older then her who were teasing her, she was removed from the orphanage, but as she was walking out the door she was approached by a trainer at the academy named Kazuki who took her under his wing and taught her about ninjas, and convinced her to join the academy.

Fuu has always failed any exams or tests due to her never paying attention, instead she'd sit in class altering puppy, or playing with her chakra strings, or drawing pictures planning her next puppet or what she could do next to Puppy. Everyone continued to avoid her except Kazuki who cared for her like a younger sister, they would often do a bit of training after classes, and he'd bribe her with her favorite sushi.

Personality: Fuu comes across as a very quiet, sad girl who always keeps to herself, she often sits away from everyone playing with Pupppy. Due to the White Fox people fear her, although she's never had an understanding as to why they stay away from her. Since she's never had a friend, there's no saying what her personality towards her friends will be, but she is usually very timid, and freezes up whenever someone goes near her.

Appearance: Fuu Is 4'5 with long platinum white hair that goes just past her pelvis with a side fringe that goes across to the right. She keeps her hair tied back in a plat that she has over her shoulder and down the front of her body (Pictured below.) Due to the Byakugan her eyes are plain white. Fuu has quite pale skin, almost white with a tinge of pink to it. Her clothing looks exactly as shown in the second picture.

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-Jinchuriki: Fuu has a twelve tailed white fox inside her, The fox has red across each of it's eyes and the tip of each tail is red.

View attachment 12728

Jinchuriki Chakra: The fox's Chakra is light grey, Fuu has only been able to use it when she is drained of her normal charka, the fox gives Fuu a small amount of chakra. She wishes to learn how to control the fox's chakra, so she can recieve more of it, and use it at any point, but since the fox is full of destruction, it isn't an easy thing to do.

Jinchuriki Stages:

There are twelve different stages;

​Stage One: A Light-grey transparent cloak of chakra begins to engulf Fuu, it clings tightly to her body but parts of the chakra can be seen dripping off in small droplets that fade in to nothing. A long tail extends from the cloak at it's tip the chakra changes to a red color.

Stage Two
: Fuu's teeth begin to sharpen slightly and her eye color changes to a blood red, another tail extends from her cloak of chakra and he nails become slightly sharper.

Stage Three
: Fuu's cloak becomes thicker and harder to see through, on her forehead a dark grey symbol forms on the cloak, another tail extends out of her cloak and her eyes change to resemble something similar to that of the fox sealed within herself

. View attachment 12983

Stage Four
: Fuu's cloack becomes even thicker, almost impossible to see through, the circle on her forehead darkens to black and another tail appears, her mouth starts to change to that of the fox.

Stage Five
: Fuu's cloak is no longer transparent, as she gains another tail, a grey symbol appears on all of her tails, and she gains thick black whiskers.

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Stage Six
: Fuu's cloak becomes slightly lighter, as she gains another tail the symbols on her tail turn to a darker grey and she gets thick dark red lines around her eyes and ears where the chakra turns to a dark red at the tip.

Stage Seven
: As Fuu gains another tail her cloak turns to an even lighter grey then before, the symbols on her tail turn even darker and the skin starts to peel off her hands and feet revealing the muscles of paws, as this happens the skin floats up and disintegrates.

Stage Eight
: She gains another tail, her chakra cloak turns to a very light grey, almost white and the symbols on her tail turn almost black, as this happens the skin starts peeling off her arms and legs slowly, as it reaches her shoulders and butt the bone structure of her arms and legs change.

Stage nine
: Fuu gains her ninth tail and her chakra cloak turns to white, and the marks on her tails turn pitch black, the skin slowly begins peeling off her face and back, and the bone structure of all other bones slowly change and her size increases.

Stage Ten
: Fuu gains her tenth tail, and with this her cloak 'bursts' and turns to a transparent white cloak that continues to drip, after this she gains skin and fur that spreads over her body and her size increases more. (She looks much like the picture below only with dark red on the tip of her tails, tip of her ears, and around her eyes, and the symbols on her head and tails.)

View attachment 12991

Stage Eleven:
Fuu gains her second last tail and her cloak now becomes infused with dark red bubbles, much like a lava lamp, which drip with the white chakra from the cloak, her size continues to increase, her claws sharpen further, as do her teeth, to the point where she can rip pretty much anything to shreds.

View attachment 12992

Stage Twelve

Substitute Jutsu (Body replacement Technique)

Substitute Jutsu replaces your body with another object and creates an illusion so that it appears that the object successfully hit you for a few seconds. This Jutsu doesn't need to be spoken to activate.

Hand Seals: Ram > Boar > Ox > Dog > Snake.

Cloak of Invisibility Jutsu

This allows you to temporarily change cloth or something similar so that it can be used as a disguise to conceal someone. It doesn't need to be spoken nor does it need any hand signs, it is very easy for an alert Shinobi to spot, however if you're being chased it can be a good way to lose and enemy, but finding fabric needed is very hard in a combat setting.

Clone Jutsu

This allows you to create an intangible clone of yourself, this clone cannot attack and will disappear when it comes in to contact with something.

Hand Seals: Ram > Snake > Tiger

Transformation Jutsu

This allows the user to transform in to just about anything, it requires first seeing what you want to transform in to and remembering that image perfectly, this jutsu doesn't give you the properties of what you transform in to, so transforming in to a sword wont allow you to turn the RP in to Soul Eater.

Hand Seals: Dog > Boar > Ram

Rope Escape

This is a simple jutsu taught to all students at the academy, it simply allows the user to free themselves if they have been tied up.

Trainer Character Sheet-

Name: (First)

Age: (Anything over 30 is best.)

Gender: Male

Clan Name:

(What type of Sage is this character? E.g. Toad Sage, Slug Sage, Serpent Sage, ect. )

Jutsu- (Everything that can be ranked is at Genius level and/or beyond. This doesn't mean one sage will be evenly matched with another, they may be a genius in the use of jutsu, but if they have a poor strategic mind they'll likely lose a battle. Being a genius means you are very skilled at using jutsu, but it doesn't mean you're skilled at using the right jutsu at the right time, that comes mainly from battle experience.)

Element: (Same element as you is probably best, but not required.)

Fighting & Jutsu Style:




-Jutsu Handbook: [To be completed at a later time.]

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