The Duo Experiment Descedants

Fuu stared at Jikken, shocked that he had stood up for her, after a moment she looked down at the puppet and nodded slowly responding to his question "It will take a while, but I should be able to replace the broken parts." She said with a quiet, disappointed tone. She then looked up at Jikken with wide eyes "Th-thank you Jikken, really. I'm sorry I put you into that position ." She said softly to him, she felt terrible that he had fought for her.

Fuu just realized how late they must be, the exam will be starting soon and she wanted to try one more time to transform, she had a look at Jikken and quickly did her hand symbols without saying anything then shouted "Transformation Jutsu!" She had done it! She managed to transform into an exact replica of Jikken, out of excitement she threw her arms around Jikken hugging him tightly without thinking. "S-Sorry! " She shouted quickly realizing it was probably inappropriate, she then looked at Jikken and smiled "Thank you, You helped a lot!" she said happily as she changed back. "But we have to get going if we don't want to be late! I can fix Puppy later." She started to run off but only got about a meter before turning and running back to Jikken. "Sorry! I almost forgot, What's this plan that you have in mind?" She gave Jikken a smile as she spoke, she was more then happy to help Jikken, especially after he had helped her.
"You got the look down, you just need to practice on mimicking stance and mannerism, but even I'm still not good at that." Jikken added. He was surprised by the hug and quickly stepped back, they only just started talking and her advance made Jikken feel very uncomfortable. Fuu had the basics of the jutsu down and that was enough for Jikken's plan to succeed, however her Puppet was broken and that was going to be a key part, Jikken will just have to exert more Chakra. "Ok, I'm going to make a Soul and make it look like me, I want you to transform in to an image of your puppet and I'll transform in to you, I don't know what your puppet looks like all over properly like you do so that's why I need you to turn in to the puppet. I really want to pass this exam so my Soul will probably stand where needed, as you, I will have you standing in front of me and I'll use jutsu through my Soul((Soul is what he calls his Chakra Ghosts)) so it looks like I am doing my jutsu with out hand seals, Kurinei wont be able to resist after I do my clone jutsu with no hands and will use his genjutsu, in the academy using Genjutsu on others is considered a form of attack and in this case it's likely the teachers will let it roll because Kurinei's genjutsu wont cause any real harm, as you I'll walk up and punch that twerp in the face then we release the transformation, if all goes well you will only need to use your clone jutsu to pass and Kurinei will be embarrassed." Jikken explained. He was lucky that the exam wasn't until the end of class other wise he wouldn't have enough chakra.
"S-Sorry" Fuu said quietly once she realized she made Jikken feel uncomfortable after she had run back to him, hugging him was quite out of character for her "I-I'm not usually like that, I just, haven't had anyone help me, or even be nice to me before."

Fuu listened to his plan "O-okay, I'm pretty sure I can do that, If you need any more help just let me know. We should meet up somewhere out of site before we enter the gym though, so we can transform without being noticed by anyone, any ideas where we could go?" Fuu liked Jikkens idea, but was thinking about what else they could do. "D-do you want me to use my chakra strings to trap him so he can't move when you go to punch him?. I-I can get my strings quite far." She spoke softly, she felt quite uncomfortable after the way she acted before, but after she spoke she showed Jikken her strings Using one string she can get it to reach 60 metres, two strings reach 30 meters, then four is 15, ect.

"I-it'd be pretty funny, that he tried to trap you in his genjutsu, but falling into our trap." Fuu spoke softly, and looked up and gave Jikken a smile.
Jikken listened to Fuu's suggestion closely, "We'll pass on the trapping, but if you used it on his legs it would mean wither he dodges or not, he'll trip over in front of everyone." Jikken suggested. If Jikken passed the exam that that means he'd be assigned to a Genin level Squad, which meant he no longer had to deal with the harassment he had gotten used to, this also meant that this was his last chance at getting revenge on Kurinei. "If you wrap a string around his ankle and pull on it when he tries to dodge or as I hit him it might lighten the blow and will look a lot more humiliating for him." Jikken added.

Jikken began walking down the hall towards their class room, "Mind if I sit with you? We can arrange more of the details in class." Jikken asked casually.

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