The Duo Experiment Descedants


Esoterically Discontented
This place is nothing like the one you may have once known, the hidden villages have grown a good deal larger in strength and land that they cover. The Village hidden in the Clouds has grown most of all, with this is also a rise in crime. The rise to becoming a great Shinobi is a slow one, some ninja think they can take short cuts by stealing Jutsu from others through a forbidden technique that shows the user how to use the Jutsu that a corpse had used last before their death. The Clouds Yotsuki Clan has become one of the biggest and they do what they can to police the village, their tactics are ruthless but they are also caring to their fellow villagers, committing a crime within the village is an unforgivable offence and betrayal of trust in the eyes of the Yotsuki. The villages center is it's safest and most populated point, the streets are usually full of people visiting the many shops, eateries and gathering locations. This is also where the Academy is centered and one of the only places where the Yotsuki Clan don't police, they don't need to because this is also where the Raikage lives and where the Jounin gather for meetings and get their missions, only the foolish would attempt any crimes here.

It is in this villages center that you've lived the majority of your life, where you continue to live and train to one day become a strong Shinobi. The past few years in the Academy have been tough on you, but you're ready to take the leap so that you may one day prove your worth in a world full of people that seem to dislike your existence.


Nine Year Old Jikken

Jikken's first year at the academy was a tough one for him, he attempted to make friends on the first day and was shunned by any he approached. He tried to greet four people before he gave up, during his classes he did well. He payed attention to his studies most of the time, he would often get in trouble for using Jutsu in class, although it had no visible effect for the others to see, Jikken used it to push away evil spirits that would often distract him.

Jikken was just above average with melee weapon practice and average with thrown weapon, his Taijutsu was bellow average but he would work hard after classes and eventually pushed it to an average level. His chakra control was terrible for their year group but his understanding of Ninjutsu was easily achieved, he had a lot more trouble with understanding Genjutsu however.

During this year Jikken was picked on a lot by one boy in particular; Kurinei and his two friends, one who was a male and another who was a female both seemed to hold Kurinei in high regards. Kurinei's family the Satsukiyami Clan were known of their expert use with Genjutsu and Kurinei looked like he would be no exception to this. Jikken had a tough year but this was also the year he found 'Kages Lake', a lake wrapped in dense forest just outside of the village, with Jikken running full speed it would take him half an hour to get from his apartment to this lake. He knew little about it's history but the lake also had souls that felt loneliness like he does, he often came here and resonated with the spirits that would be drawn in by their common feeling, it made Jikken feel comfortable in a way he couldn't explain.
Nine year old Fuu.

Fuu never bothered with trying to make friends during her first year at the acadamy, on the first day she thought about it but before she got the chance to approach anyone, some kids walked up to her calling her names and teasing her.

She couldn't stand class, instead she'd play with her chakra strings, seeing how far she can stretch them or how thin she could make them before getting caught, although she never really paid attention, Fuu was quite skilled at Taijutsu and chakra control for her age, and she's never been able to understand genjutsu, and had a bit of trouble with ninjutsu.

Fuu got picked on a lot by one girl called Aiko and two boys that she hung out with, they would tease her both in and out of school. Fuu usually would just wander the streets with Puppy, practicing her puppetry and working on different moves with her. There's a forest that Fuu always visits, she found it during a walk she went on this year, after finding it she would practice there, or just sit and talk to Puppy, although Puppy couldn't respond, Fuu enjoyed talking to her and found it comforting expressing her feelings.
Ten year old Jikken

This was a tough year for Jikken, this was the year he moved out of the Orphanage and in to an apartment payed for by the village leaders, it was the first time that Jikken remembers living alone. He was always in detention for using Jutsu in class, despite there being no visual aspects to his jutsu the teacher was still able to sense Jikken's chakra use. Jikken would do his best to catch up on his physical classes in his own time, he became the third best student in the class with Taijutsu and the second best with chakra control. Jikken sometimes noticed Fuu being picked on as well and nearly introduced himself to her, but he thought that the ridicule towards the both of them would just get worse.

Jikken dragged training dolls and targets to his favorite location next to the Kages Lake and seemed to spend more time there then he did in his apartment. He would sometimes pass out during his training, although he was in detention a lot he managed to keep his Ninjutsu knowledge up to par while Genjutsu continued to stay just bellow average. It was during this year that Jikken first seen what he named the 'Lake Guardian Spirit', it was a the most vivid spirit he had seen, it bore a human figure and it's eyes shone brightly, it wondered through at the night walking on the water of the river forcing ripples with each step, it was the first time Jikken had seen a spirit affect something in the real world, the spirits gaze would lock on to negative spirits and force them to flee. After a few minutes the spirit would do several hand seals and then smaller blank spirits would spew form it's mouth, the new spirits would rush in to negative spirits and the two seemed to disappear.

Towards the end of the year Jikken set up a tent next to the lake and would often camp at the spot.
Ten year old Fuu.​

This was a big year for Fuu. during this year she started to take her learning more seriously, before she use to just play around with her puppet and her strings, but this year she dedicated all her time to training it the best she could. Fuu made some changes to Puppy during this year, she changed her fabric body to a wooden one, and added blades onto the palms of her hands, it took her all year to complete this though.

She'd spend most of her time in the forest working on Puppy, or pushing herself to her limit so she could control Puppy with less strings, She managed to go from using all ten fingers to only using eight, although her control of Puppy wasn't as good when only using eight, she continued to push herself to get better at it. She also spent any extra time training her taijutsu, practicing dodging, attack strikes, and speed, she would often use Puppy as her opponent, although she knew what the attack would be.

She also learnt how to use some of her Kekke Genkai, she'd practice using her vision, and trying to push it as far as she could, although this is all she's worked out this year, she managed to get her vision to reach 15 meters, she would often try and count all the birds or owls in that distance, then disturb them so they would fly off so she could find out how many there were, when training she would often push herself to the point of passing out in the forest.

In class Fuu noticed a tall boy named Jikken was being picked on a lot, she often wondered why they would tease him so much considering how tall he was seemed intimidating, that's why Fuu never spoke to him, he was about a foot taller then her and she knew if she irritated him he'd most likely be able to take her down quite easily, so she figured she'd just leave it at that.

Just before the year was over Aiko pushed Fuu too far, so Fuu lashed out and attacked her with Puppy, since no one else in the class uses puppets, Aiko underestimated Fuu, Aiko ended up with multiple cuts, bruises and a broken leg, and no longer hassled Fuu. Fuu was given a warning, and told that if she doesn't control herself then she'll be asked to leave the academy, she completely avoided everyone since then, walking away whenever people approached her to avoid any problems.
Eleven year old Jikken

This was Jikken's best year in the way of his training, he excelled in class and took to learning his Ninjutsu easily. He was able to learn his basic defenses easily as well. All his training were put to the test twice during this year, first he was attacked by Kurinei who thought it'd be funny to test his new Genjutsu out on Jikken as a joke, it was the first time Jikken experienced a Genjutsu, his vision went funny and everything felt cold to his touch, Jikken managed to break the Jutsu after a few minutes and retaliated by swinging his hammer at Kurinei, the blow missed and hit a tree Kurinei had fled to, it was the first time Jikken was able to make sparks from his hammer the bark of the tree was cracked and burnt black. Kurinei and his group seemed to fear that hammer after that day, they continued to pick on Jikken however Kurinei never used his Jutsu on Jikken again.

The second time Jikken was attacked while he was walking through the towns slums as a short cut to his camping spot, the ninja demanded Jikken's hammer, he was several years older then Jikken but never made it past Genin rank. With a fusion of offense and defense Jikken made it to help in time and was praised by a kind Yotsuki Clan member.

Jikken began carving a seat at his favorite spot from fallen logs using his Kunai, it took the whole year before it began to look like a wide three person seat, he only worked on it after his daily training. Jikken spent all his nights at the camping spot and only went to his apartment to pick up his mail. He got in trouble with the village leaders for this although he never understood why, despite their command he continued to sleep at the location. Spirits had begun to show up at the lake that Jikken has never seen around there before and the boy considered it to be a bad omen, it was on that night he had seen the Lake Guardian Spirit for the second time, he felt at ease as the spirit forced the foreign spirits away. Jikken observed the hand seals the Guardian used this time while watching how he forces the chakra through his dim frame, he wrote down the hand seals and tried to describe the use of the chakra and would practice it when ever he was reminded of the Lake Guardian but he was never able to reproduce the results.

Through out that year Jikken's grades stayed the same mostly besides slight improvements in Taijutsu and the use of his hammer, although Jikken hadn't noticed it because he was always with his hammer it had grown longer and the head of the hammer had grown larger.
Eleven year old Fuu.

This year was interesting for Fuu, she learnt to extend her range wit the byakugan to see 25 meters, and she also discovered she can see peoples chakra points, with this she also came up with her own version of the gentle fist, she put a lot of practice into these things over this year, so by the end she had a good understanding of it.

She had been watching Jikken over this year too, she became drawn to him after watching him swing his hammer at Kurinei and started sitting closer to him, she didn't understand why she was drawn to him but she found herself sitting back and watching him from a distance.

She made some more upgrades to Puppy, she placed hidden blades in the joints of her knees and elbows, and made by the end of this year she was able to control her reasonably well with eight strings, with only the occasional mistake.

Her grades in taijutsu improved a notable amount, she managed to become just above average, as with her chakra control.
Twelve year old Jikken

This year was the hardest for Jikken, he did his best to keep his grades up but now that most tests were being scored as a whole every little mistake he made he was mocked for. Jikken had no room for errors other wise he'd deal with ridicule from more then just Kurinei and his friends. Jikken began spending more and more time at the lake, he even began carving more furniture, he began working on a small table he could kneel at and more targets to train with.

The highlight of Jikken's year was when he learned how to use the jutsu he seen the Lake Guardian Spirit using, it was an exciting and confusing moment for Jikken, he didn't expect that he'd have to spew the ghost out of his mouth and he nearly choked, if it weren't for the spirits tiny fists grabbing and pulling to get out Jikken might have passed out. The little ghost he created each time would only last a minute at most before it disappeared and each time Jikken felt light headed and weak form the chakra use. Although it drained a lot of his chakra he enjoyed creating the ghosts, they always held the same lonely waves Jikken had and would stay close to him before they poofed out of existence, he never used the Jutsu around others because he thought it would give more reason to pick on him.

As the year went on Jikken got worse and worse grades, he began disconnecting himself from his studies and the class that would alienate him. The majority of the classes failures would be constantly blamed on him even when there were other students who did a lot worse. Jikken often thought about running away but he enjoyed his time at Kages Lake and thought(hoped) that things would change eventually.

His Ninja exam was coming up soon and he was training the jutsu he would have to use as much as he could, however he always had issues making a proper transformation and feared that would hold him back for a few months.
Twelve year old Fuu

This year was terrible for Fuu, she started being picked on by Aiko and her friends again, as well as a boy named Kurinei and his friends because she could never do anything she needed to in the tests, because of this she became more withdrawn, her grades dropped since she stopped paying attention again and would often play with her chakra strings, she continued to play with Puppy, and would keep training in the forest, she managed to get the range of her byakugan to 45 meters this year, and practiced her version of the gentle fist every day, she also managed to increase her speed. She would often sleep in a large tree in the forest, it had a thick branch with a curve in it that cradled Fuu nicely.

She continued to watch Jikken and started sitting two seats behind him, nearing the end of the year she managed to walk up to him and whisper "Jikken" quietly, but got scared, blushed then turn and ran off.
Jikken Today


The year was nearly over and Jikken had been thirteen for a few months, he did his best with his studies but continued to lack in his grades and he no longer cared about what a report sheet would say. The boy took to his own training and he was ready to prove that it was all he needed, a class room just held him back. Tomorrow was the day that the students were able to do the ninja exam to become a genin and earn a ninja licence, Jikken was ready to prove himself.

Jikken rolled in his tent with discomfort, he was getting a bad vibe and decided to go out an investigate. He felt those feelings again, the silent ones that wanted to hide, the foreign spirits that sent a chill up Jikken's spine he would often wake up to find one of them hovering over him. Jikken took quiet steps around the dark camp sight with only embers to light his way, he had set up a camp fire not too far away from his tent it had a metal pot held over it on a frame. The thirteen year old had troubles spotting any spirits besides the usual calm ones that would sometimes be drawn to him but wasn't ready to give up his search, 'Should I try it?' he thought to himself. After a short moment Jikken clapped his hands together and brushed any dust of his bare hands before doing a fusion of hand seals, first hare, dog, dragon and finally horse "Ghost Release: Chakra Ghost Jutsu" Jikken muttered as a grey glow gathered in his stomach. Jikken shifted forward slightly as a bright glowing blank spirit stuck it's head out of his mouth then crawled out on to the ground, it shook any saliva off it's body and began floating back and forth in front of Jikken.

Jikken got down on one knee and gazed at the spirit, "It's time to test something Soul... There is a weird vibe coming from around here, go find it for me." Jikken muttered. Before he finished the spirit began rushing off, it's glow allowed Jikken to track it's movements, he eyed the spirit closely watching it dart around trees until suddenly it stopped. Jikken took this as a sign that it likely found the source, Jikken threw his hands together in to a horse seal and closed his eyes, he was going to attempt to use a jutsu through Soul, it was something Jikken had managed to do once a few weeks ago, he made a choppy transformation out of a ghost. "Ghost Release: Radiant Feeling Jutsu!" Jikken shouted. In the distance a burst of light could be seen and the negative vibe quickly left Jikken's senses. He was surprised, it was the first time that Jutsu ever shown any visual aspects, he thought about what other aspects his Chakra Ghosts might have but the whole processes left Jikken feeling weak, he crawled in to his tent feeling at ease and quickly fell asleep.
Fuu Today.


"Dog, Boar, Ram'" Fuu whispers to herself while doing each sign "Transformation Jutsu!" She tried once again with her last bit of chakra to perfect this move, she's been trying to turn into Puppy, but she can't seem to get it right, there's something always off. Fuu breathes quickly, exhausted but tries one more time 'I won't give up!' she thought to herself "Dog, Boar, Ram," she said out loud to remember the hand signs "Transformation Jutsu!" She tried again, completely failing, and failing due to the lack of chakra left.

Fuu woke up several hours later, she looked up at the moon, it must've been about 3:00am she thought to herself. Fuu decided to practice with Puppy some more, she managed to get down to six strings, although she wasn't too good at controlling her with only six strings yet, she also worked on her vision with her byakugan, she's managed to push her vision to 50 meters now.

Fuu practiced for about an hour then decided it's best if she get some more sleep before class tomorrow. She climbed up her tree and into her 'bed' and snuggled into the blankets and pillows she took there and fell fast asleep.
Jikken woke up and got ready for class, today was the day of the ninja exam. Anxiety squeezed tightly to the boys stomach as he got dressed, it was early in the morning and Jikken was still tired but he couldn't sleep properly. The boy made his way along a main road in to town stopping at his favorite food stand, many different aromas filled Jikken's nostrils today he's order some sushi! "The regular for me please gramps!" Jikken stated in a cheery tone. The chef groaned, Jikken wasn't sure wither or not the chef was tired or annoyed at the outcast who just crawled in to his restaurant. Minutes later a young male delivered Jikken's food and in return he payed for it, the waiter smiled and walked off. It seemed like it would be a good day indeed, Jikken would rarely see smiles form strangers that he considered their smiles a good omen.

Jikken finished his meal and made it to the entrance of the academy, the large red building still seemed foreign to Jikken, he hadn't even explored half of the building yet and he was a student here for the past few years. Jikken pushed open the giant double doors leading in to the building and strolled down the hall a few rows of doors until he came to a door marked '5th Year', Jikken opened the door to find only three other students, usually Jikken was the first student in class but it seems others were more excited then he was. Jikken ignored the hostile stares and took his seat next to a window at the back of the class, he sat down resting his head against the window frame looking out to the training field that they use for kunai practice along with the younger students. At the front of class the their teacher, a short haired chunin who looks like he's in his 20's, was writing on the board placing the date in the top right corner and "NINJA EXAM DAY" in big letters.
Fuu hardly got any sleep the night before, she kept waking up and had troubles getting back to sleep. Today was the day of the exam, Fuu was terrified and she was sure there was no way she could pass, but she got ready and headed off to the academy stopping to get some ramen, then once she finished headed back towards the academy.

Fuu approached the building, she began shaking with fear, but she managed to get herself together somewhat, and shakily made her way through the large double doors into the building and down the hall heading into the room marked as '5th Year' she headed in the room to find herself the only one there she took her seat and after a while another two students showed up, then their teacher.

Not long after she saw Jikken walk in the door, for some reason she couldn't help herself but to look at him, smile and give him a wave, something she's never done before, after realizing what she's done her cheeks went bright red, she put her hand down quickly then turned around slouching down into her chair. 'Why would he like me? he probably didn't even notice, stupid Fuu!" ​She thought to herself as she buried her head in her hands.
The first few classes went by quickly for Jikken, he kept his gaze out the window and didn't pay attention while their teacher was going over the hand seals needed to use clone and transformation jutsu which have to be done for the test. The day rolled at as normal for Jikken and before he knew it, it was lunch time. The boy didn't meet with his usual abuse today, all the kids were waiting at the gate for the Raikage to come done, he would be there to watch the students try and earn their Ninja Licences and it seemed Jikken was one of the only few who weren't excited about that fact. The Raikage didn't seem so special to him, the title was a great honor but Jikken seen the Raikage in the same light he seen the political leaders, people who use others to gain something.

Jikken was determined to prove his strength and that he didn't need the Raikage's help or any of his advisers help to make his way in this life. It was at that moment the boy began to tread in to thoughts that could put his passing the exam at risk but if it worked, it would be a great way to show how far he's come on his own. Jikken began to gather ideas of how he could pull it off but before he could make a plan Kurinei showed up with his friends, Kurinei was on top of the class when it came to Genjutsu but he was bordering bellow average in all other fields. "A true shinobi of the cloud would greet the Raikage... I guess it's only fitting your stuck over here then." Kurinei muttered at Jikken. Jikken ignored him and attempted to jump back on to his previous trail of thought. "You should just give up, you've caused our class enough trouble. We don't want you giving the Raikage the idea that our class is full of idiots." The mouthy young shinobi continued. Jikken couldn't hold back his remarks, "If anything is going to give the Raikage a bad impression it'll be your sloppy Taijutsu." Jikken shot back. A look of disgust fell on to Kurinei's lackeys faces, "Kurinei is a much better ninja then you'll ever be!" a young blond haired girl shouted from Kurinei's side. "Your emotions cloud your judgment." Jikken stated trying to sound smart by coping something he heard Sensei say. Half a second later Jikken realized that he not only insulted her judgment but also implied that she had feelings for Kurinei, Jikken laughed at the fact that he probably hit the nail right on the head with his statement. The girl went red in the cheeks and stuttered before yelling back at Jikken, "You're just a loser!" she shouted. Kurinei ignored the exchange, "We'll see who is the better shinobi today, in front of the Raikage as well!" Kurinei stated with a smirk on his face. The group walked off turning their backs to Jikken before he could muster a reply, not that he was going to anyway. Jikken had a good idea for what Kurinei was planning, there was a rumor that he had learned a new Genjutsu he wanted to show off to the Raikage and it seemed Jikken would make for a good target.

Jikken looked around the grass field that has been doted with play equipment for the students to play on hoping to see if there was anyone he could get help form with his plan, that's when he noticed a white haired young girl from his class playing with a puppet by a tree, she was alone and Jikken remembers seeing her get picked on by the other students as well, maybe she would help Jikken with his plan to outshine Kurinei. Jikken slowly walked over to the girl all the while trying to remember her name from role call, "Hey, you're Fuu right?" Jikken asked in a friendly tone.
Fuu was playing with Puppy and thinking about what she could do next to improve her when Jikken approached he caught her off guard, she hadn't heard him approach her and the shock caused her to jump up, breaking her chakra strings.

She looked up at Jikken (who's about a foot taller then her) with her large white eyes, she was blushing and her white eyes and hair with her pale skin made her red cheeks even more noticeable. She stared at Jikken for what seemed like a minute before looking down at the ground, holding her left elbow with her right arm across her body, and she twisted the tip of her right shoe into the ground. "Y-y-yeah. Hi Jikken." She said quietly while still looking down, she thought he was gorgeous, she's been admiring him for a long time now.
Jikken was still fleshing out the details in his mind but he had a good idea of what he would do and an extra person would be key to his plan, he was glad he wasn't greeted with hostility or shunned however he noticed Fuu's face turning red. "Are you feeling ok?" Jikken asked. He shoved a hand up to her forehead, "You look like you have a fever." Jikken asked while feeling the temperature of her forehead. Jikken often got straight to the point when health came in to question and this was no exception, it was a feature that would make him a good Medic Ninja if he chose to become one.
Fuu was shocked and jumped a little to Jikkens touch, besides fights she hadn't had any physical contact that she can remember, she enjoyed his gentle touch. Fuu blushed a bit more feeling even more embarrassed at the thought of how red her face must look.

Fuu looked back up and into Jikkens eyes and gave him a small smile then quietly said "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine. W-what's up?" She was very nervous about talking to Jikken, and felt intimidated by his height.
"I've got a plan for the exam, Kurinei is probably going to use some new Genjutsu on me to show off in front of the Raikage and humiliate me... I'm going out shine that little twerp right in front of the Raikage with my new jutsu!" Jikken muttered. "I was wondering if you could help me with my plan? It's going to be really complicated." Jikken asked. He expected a no from the girl and with good reason, this could get her in trouble though Jikken doubted it would carry any risk for her chances of passing the exam. He was hopeful on a positive answer, he didn't get to communicate with other students much and this would be the first time it wasn't out right hostility.
Fuu shone a huge smile at Jikken and her face lit up, she loved the thought of working with Jikken and the thought of getting revenge at Kurinei excited her aswell. "Of course!" She said eagerly/excitedly in a raised tone, "But, on one condition." She said shyly. "You see, I've been practising day and night and I can't transform, c-could you maybe help me pass this exam?" She whispered expecting Jikken to walk off and find someone else as she looked at the ground again feeling quite nervous, she's surprised he's talking to her, and really shocked he was being nice.
The exam wasn't until the end of the day and Jikken didn't mind skipping a few minutes of class time. First things first, the transformation jutsu it would be needed for them both to be able to do it to pull of Jikken's plan and they still had the longer half of their lunch time left to do it. "Ok try and use a transformation jutsu and I'll tell if you if I see anything wrong." Jikken muttered to the girl. He looked over to her limp puppet to the side and then took off his bag and threw it next to the puppet, his hammer slid out slightly, it was getting to be too big for his current bag.
Fuu was nervous, she knew she couldn't transform, and having to do it infront of Jikken scared her but she knew she had to for him to help her.

She took a deep breath, did the hand signals and softly said "Transformation Jutsu!" She had tried to turn into Jikken, but instead ended up a a short, round version of him, she was embarrassed and quickly turned back and pulled a look of frustration before blushing and looking down. "Sorry." She whispered softly feeling rather down about her attempt.
Jikken did his best to hold back his laughter and only just managed, "Ok, from what I've read it's best for students to shout the jutsu's title a bit more. You seem to have it all correct but you're not focusing on the image you want to mimic enough, first take a deep breath, do your hand seals while imagining an exact copy of the person or thing you want to change in to and finally shout it out and remove any and all doubt in your mind. You should be thinking 'I AM going to do this' instead of 'I am going to TRY and do this.', if you keep doing this then you'll get it in no time! Do you understand what I'm getting at?" Jikken explained the best he could. He was confident that he explained the process plainly enough for Fuu to understand.

Although Jikken didn't quite fully understand it himself he was sure that it was correct, it was hard for him to describe the process of a transformation Jutsu but what he just said would be the closest and most accurate way of describing it he could think of.
Fuu took a deep breath calming herself as she looked up at Jikken and nodded. She stared right into his eyes and did the signs Dog, Boar, Ram, "Transformation Jutsu!" Suddenly Fuu was the same height as Jikken, she looked and everything seemed to be right, Until she looked at her shoulder and noticed something fleshy, she grabbed it feeling where it went to, she felt the other side aswell and absolutely cracked up laughing and fell onto her bottom into a complete giggle fit as she realised she looked Just like Jikken, only with massive ears. Fuu Laughed for ages to the point of coughing and struggling to breathe.
Jikken crossed his arms, he began to wonder if Fuu was taking this seriously their lunch break wouldn't last forever and he was wondering if she was just making fun of him, Jikken began to feel uncomfortable around her with that thought heavy in his mind. "Well you keep practicing you'll get it soon, I need to do something, I'll see you in class." Jikken said to the girl. He grabbed his back pack and walked of, he couldn't take a chance on her his chances of becoming a ninja were hanging in the balance after all. As Jikken walked along the outside of the oval he thought up a new plan to out shine Kurinei, he didn't like the risk that Fuu could of been making fun of him, Jikken was always hard to trusting others after all.

He managed to form a plan he thought would work perfectly, however it would require him to push his chakra to the point of him nearly passing out, in which case if Kurinei tried to use his genjutsu again Jikken would be helpless to it's invasion.
Fuu felt terrible, she didn't mean to transform like that and noticed Jikken seemed upset. Fuu quickly rushed off after Jikken, forgetting about her puppet, she caught up to him just before he headed into the building and quickly grabbed his wrist softly, by this point Fuu felt really bad, she looked up at him with a sad look on her face. "I-I-I'm sorry Jikken. I really didn't mean to. Please, let me try again?" she said quietly, holding back from getting emotional, she was scared that she's just thrown away her one chance to have a friend.

She quickly dropped Jikkens hand, just after that happened she heard a girl laughing "Hah! What, you two freaks in love or something?" The other girl said spitefully. Fuu spun around and saw that it was Aiko, while looking at the girl she noticed she was holding something, when she looked she noticed it was Puppy. "W-what are you doing with her?" Fuu whispered, terrified of what Aiko was planning. "Oh, this garbage?" Aiko said while lifting puppy in front of her, "Just getting rid of garbage!" She said as she threw down the doll forcefully then stomping on it breaking the puppets face and body. "And now, I have a new Jutsu to show you, I figure you can't pass the exam if you can't move!" Aiko said as she got into a attack stance. Fuu grabbed Jikkens arm tightly and took a step slightly behind him, Fuu had tears streaming down her face now and she started shaking with anger and fear, she loved that puppet, it's the only friend or family she really had, even if it's just a puppet it's special to her.
Jikken turned to meet Fuu's apology and quickly began to feel bad that he took her attempt the wrong way, 'I guess I should lower my defenses a but more...' Jikken thought to himself. However he still didn't feel too at ease that he'd have to include her in to his plan, Jikken read many books about Jutsu in his attempts to train himself and some stated that sometimes it can take some Shinobi months to learn a single jutsu correctly. He went to voice his agreement in watching her try again but before he could another student came in to his vision from afar, it was Aiko 'the beast' Jikken had given her this suffix due to her un-civil behavior but then again Jikken had never seen her good side and he was confident not many people did either. She seemed like the type of person who was always angry for no reason, Jikken couldn't begin to understand why a person who's a loved member of the village would hold such a negative view of other people and the thought that she did made him angry.

Aiko got in to her attack stance and Jikken noticed Fuu's fear, that puppet was her weapon after all and she'd just been disarmed, not only that Aiko also chose Fuu as a regular target of hers. Although it would cause more trouble for Jikken he was getting prepared himself, Jikken drew his hammer form his backpack and swung his backpack of, "Hahaha, are you serious? You're going to get one of the worst students in class to stand up for you?" Aiko laughed at the two. "I hope you know how to dodge." Jikken replied with confidence "Although you wont be able too." Jikken added with a smirk. Aiko's hands started moving to form hand seals, she was faster than most students but not fast enough, Jikken threw his hammer with full force at Aiko, as it flew sparks flickered off the hammers head and Aiko broke her stance and seals to dodge. Hare, Dog, Dragon and finally Jikken holds his Horse seal "Ghost Release: Chakra Ghost Jutsu!" Jikken shouted. He formed two blank spirits with the smallest amount of his chakra he could, it would only be enough for them to last a few moments, but that was enough, he funneled more chakra in to the second ghost so that it'd last a bit longer, the toll form using the jutsu was minor in this case but still caused Jikken to feel a bit weaker. Going off Jikken's emotions and intentions both ghosts charge at Aiko while Jikken quickly darted behind Fuu hiding himself behind her small frame the best he could, he wouldn't need to try too hard considering Aiko would be concentration on his ghosts, Dog, Boar, Ram "Transformation Jutsu!" Jikken said but not as loudly as he shouted his first jutsu, with that the second ghost formed in to a perfect image of himself. The first ghost head butted Aiko in the stomach with moderate force before it 'poofed' in to white smoke and disappeared, the next one charged at her for a punch but then suddenly found itself frozen and unable to move, the smoke cleared to reveal Aiko holding a hand seal and a smirk on her face. "I've got you now twerp." She muttered. Jikken could sense the anger in her tone, but now was his time to strike.

Jikken rushed out from behind Fuu and darted towards Aiko from behind his transformed ghost, Aiko who was oblivious to the attack began taking slow strides towards what she thought was Jikken and prepared her fists, just as she got to the ghost 'POOF' it disappeared in to white smoke and look of shock fell over Aiko's face as the real Jikken charged through the smoke landing a hard right hook to her chin and sending her back a good distance, she got to her knees slowly as Jikken rushed and received his hammer, Jikken began walking towards Aiko who had picked herself up. "Wan't to go again?" Jikken asked with a smirk. Although he looked confident he was weakened by all the jutsu he used and if it weren't for his baggy pants Aiko might of seen his knees buckle slightly as they tried to hold an attack stance. Aiko who was now furious drew her kunai and rushed towards Jikken who prepared himself with a base ball batters stance with his hammer, just as Aiko got close something appeared between the two; It was a Jounin, her movement was lightning fast and Jikken's inexperienced eyes didn't have a chance of spotting what direction she came from. The Jounin grabbed the wrists of both students firmly and had a stern look on her face. "What the hell do you both think you're doing?" Her voice echoed and seemed to radiate intimidation. Before him stood a Jounin, an extremely gifted shinobi tasked with protection of the village and carrying out extremely dangerous missions for the village. The Jounin looked at Jikken then at Fuu and finally to Fuu's broken weapon, "Who broke that?" The Jounin asked. "She deserved it! She's a freak who holds the entire class back, just like that freak over there!" Aiko protested to the Jounin while pointing at Jikken and Fuu. A look of anger fell over the Jounin's face and with out another word she grabbed Aiko's wrist even tighter while letting go of Jikken's that dragged her in to the building, Aiko shouted protests on her way but the scary Jounin didn't pay her any mind.

Jikken may have won that battle but in the end, it was needless and Fuu's weapon had been damaged. Jikken went over and picked up the pieces and brought them to Fuu, "Do you think you can fix it?" He asked her.


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