The Dreamland [World of Dreams]

I bumped into you haha.I though you were a little lost or something so i interacted with your character.:smile 2: 
Umm Where the lonely ones roam i think
Ill make them start with your legs first so you can watch then your arms sadly after that we'd go to organs and you'd probably die
Name: Dark and Twist (Brothers)

Age: Dark is 17 and Twist is 15




Species: Nightmare Spirits/Nightmare Brothers

Visitor or not: No

Personality: Let's just start with both are pretty playful and annoying and tricky, and jerky, smirky, maybe cocky. They are mysterious, distant, and appears cold. They are both pretty similar in personalities, really, so similar they can be twins. Oh, and people fear them. Twist, the one with the brown hair always follow Dark, the black hair. They are really close to each other, or to say, super close. Twist can be more easily hurt in feelings though, so Dark is rather protective with his brother. He is also gentle only toward his brother, but can be gentle to other people once they stand an important part in his life. Other than that they pretty much has no interest in nearly everything. They love to play tricks on people, do what they want, and laugh at people's mistakes....Twist relies on Dark a lot, and when somebody offend either one of them, they stand up for each other. If that requires killing, they will do it. Yes, they have a nice side, but show it only to each other....Unless, again, someone stands an important part in their lives and stuff like that.

Background info/Past: They have no parents, they just exist into the dreamworld as 4 years old children and grow on. They are part of the dreamworld really. Being someone people fear, for they bring nightmares and create evilness in the dreamworld, they grow super close to each other and usually stay in the forest. Rejected and disliked, since they are not accepted to people, they decide to be who they are, the Nightmare Spirits. They can bring nightmares to anyone they wish should have, and together with all the other nightmare spirits they form the existence of nightmares. People always try to capture them or kill them but failed, cause they are skilled and, through lots of experiences, can be stronger then many other nightmare spirits. Actually some lonely existences, they fear to lose each other, forming the only weakness between them. They once had another girl, another nightmare spirit, they both loved, but ever after seeing her getting strangled and killed in the most torturing way by the other species, they grow distant to everyone...And stuff.

Extra: They can create nightmares to other people, or create scary hallucinations. If they have to kill/physical fight, Dark's weapon is two long sharp daggers and Twist's weapon is two detailed guns. They are feared by people, and they never care. Together their powers are super strong, considering each of them is strong....They love blackberries and likes to try new tricks. Easily get tired of stuff, by the way.

Name: Jack M.

Age: 26

Appearance: Jack will normally appear as an average human man approximately 5'7" with short messy black hair. The only features that normally give away his abnormal qualities are his purple eys and the fact that he has an iron face mask that covers his nose and mouth. The mask has a few holes to allow breathing but none big enough so that you can see through and is fused to his face by unknown means. He appears to be able to remove it but violently refuses if pushed. He will usally be found wearing a black dress shirt a red vest and black dress pants occasionally with a tie of varying colors. He will always be wearing a pair of black dress gloves due to an insignia burned into the back of both of his hands resembling a trianlge with an eye in the center.

Species: was human currently unknown.

visitor or not: not (was at one point but that all changed with him)

Personality: Jack prefers to stay silent and does not enjoy company for the most part. Due to his past he trusts almost noone yet is able to keep calm for the most part. One thing that will anger him is anybody asking about his face mask. He is very protective of it and will refuse to take it off. He doesn't exactly enjoy fighting unless he has a good reason to fight but will get involved if he feels he needs to. For a person who trusts noone and hates people he has a strong sense of honor and pride.

Background/past: If you ask Jack about his past directly his answer will be "none of your buisness." This is simply because his past is something he hates and is ashamed of. Before ending up where he is now Jack was the servant to a very powerful man who used Jack to do all his dirty work. Sometiems that meant just getting somebody who worked for him back to where they belonged but more often it meant collecting debts and leaving messages behind, sometimes with blood. He eventually was sold by the man for a great sum of money and that was when the changes happened. It turns out he was sold to a group of people trying to make humans "better" and ended up how he is. He claims that that happened 5 years ago and that he has been wandering ever since leading to his inability to trust.

extra: due to the expirements done on him Jack is now able to create an unseen force from his body. He will use this to fight and is able to control the concentration of force and the exact spot from his body it comes from. He prefers to fight with his fists and will only fight with his legs when he has to.
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Name: Oshana Tyronus

Age: 23



Species: Human

Visitor or not: Not

Personality: Brave, commandeering, ferocious.

Background info/Past: Oshana has spent all of his life sailing the seven seas of Dreamworld. When he was but a little boy, Oshana sailed under his father's command, upon the ship named, "The Red Star." For sailing it after thirty years, his last year of life came, and passed it down to his son when he was only fifteen. His son, Oshana, took great pride and began to rule the ship with an iron fist, and a party-hardy attitude. Meaning, he kept his ship tidy and clean, and formal, yet treated every night like a party. Because, in oshana's eyes, one does not pirate to make themselves rich, or famous. They do it for the love of the sea, and it is the best way of life they can find.

Extra: Any man who has seen or known Oshana, tells only great stories of his brave and amazing personality. He is one of the nicest captains, in this age, and is always revered among tales of his glory.

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