The Dreamland [World of Dreams]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Are you just a visitor who comes across to this place when you drift to sleep...?

Or are you a being that already belongs to this world, waiting for new excitements...?

There are towns, forests, castles, houses, wonderful places where secrets hides...

Welcome to Dreamland, where imagination weaves, dangers lay, and fantasies take flight!

You can be anything

Any creatures or human you want to be

A visitor or not is your choice

Just be as free as you can possibly be

But no god modding






Visitor or not:


Background info/Past:


(Can rp as many characters as you want)

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Name: King Hive

Age: 17



Species: King Bee Humanoid

Visitor or not: Not

Personality:He hates other beings other than bees and he can tolerate insects but he mostly hates all other beings. Saying they are too low for him to care for and should all be exterminated until they have proven their worth or skill in any means. Towards the bees he is very protective and caring and quite smiley. However he has a terrible anger problem.

Background info/Past: As far back as he can remember the bees have been his best friends and his family taking care of him. He has however had bad experiences with other animals and humans. He has not once been afraid to inject them with a lethal poison. He sees his past life as a living nightmare but currently he is quite happy.

Extra: He is able to manipulate mass hoards of bees and he can fly with wings that he is able to grow at any time. He can also grow antennae that help him sense things before they get close and he can produce a multitude of pheromones from the pores in his body. King can produce various types of honey as well that can be released from openings in his palms that open and close on command. These holes can also be switched to produce different kinds of waxes ranging from hard enough to with stand explosions to soft and gooey. His fingers gain stingers on the end allowing him to inject multitudes of poisons. Kings body operates as breeding grounds for bees,and it also works as a development lab for new poisons and honeys.
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Name: Vice Brightley

Age: 17



Species: Shape shifter/half demon

Visitor or not: Yes

Personality: Vice is, in fact, very unsociable and keeps to herself. She's not a shy person, she just finds it bothersome to engage with anyone else. She loves being alone and prefers to watch from afar.

Background info/Past: She doesn't remember anything about how she became this way. All she knows is that she has too many secrets wrapped around her that she can't break loose. When she woke up she didn't know her name or her age until she looked on the inside of her shredded backpack. She found her name Vice Brightley, and her date of birth. She's spent most of her years trying to discover who she was, or what happened to her, a lost soul.

Extra: She uses two blades as her weapons, daggers~
Name: V

Age: 16




When in water/rain:


Species: Transforming Undine

Visitor or not: Visitor

Personality: She is calm and innocent, almost childlike in a way. Though there is an air of mystery that surrounds her. She is optimistic and always looks on the bright side of things, even through her amnesia. She is actually scared easily and can be a crybaby at times so always be careful about what you say to her. She can toughen up though and be quite stubborn when the situation calls for it.

Background info/Past: She doesn't know how she came to visit the Dreamland or if this place is actually a dream or reality. She has amnesia so she doesn't remember who she was before she woke up in this dream. She hopes she will one day and has made it her mission to find out who she is and if she really is an undine, or if this is just what the Dreamworld made her to be.

Extra: She transforms into an undine when she makes contact with water.

Name: Jade Ultimer

Age: 17

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/anime_witch.jpg.4cb9867b74b027d9b5fec57e35894420.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/anime_witch.jpg.4cb9867b74b027d9b5fec57e35894420.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Witch

Visitor or not: Visitor (but maybe not for long)

Personality: I love animals and I love spells. Here is my little bud (in appearance) named Cram. I have a hobbie of creating new potions. I am very good at telepathy and have a problem of randomly making people into toads (by mistake of course!)

Background info/Past: My father had died in the war. My mother had passed away. The only thing left to my name was my mothers Book of Spells and Book of Shadow. The book of spells is a book of all kind of spells that you must learn slowly in your mind. Her own book of shadows is full of potions that she had made herself. The day that my mother died I was left alone and just walked for days in and days out carrying these two books and nothing else. One day Cram came up to me and was there for me. Because of my abilities I can communicate with Cram. The reason I decided to name him Cram is because he would always cram words in my head in the beginning and I couldn't even figure out if my thoughts were his or mine. I have been traveling ever since, acting a gypsy, traveling the world (and the seven seas!) looking for a place to call my home. On the way to finding my home I find many animals that need help so I have always helped them out and they have helped me out in return. I just had made a new potion that had knocked Cram and I unconscious and we found ourselves here...



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Name: Princess Delilah Day

Age: 1000+


Species: "Daughter of the Sun" (a solar experiment)

Visitor or not: not

Personality: She is usually a very cheerful and happy person. She likes to pull pranks and joke around. Her fun loving personality gains her many friends and companions, but when it comes to something more than friends she becomes snappy and unwilling to corporate. She acts like she hates them but she really doesn't, it's the exact opposite.

Background info/Past:

She's not exactly sure how she has come to be who she is, but based on what her father had said before, she had an extreme illness from the UV rays the sun gave off. To solve the problem he infused her DNA with solar energy, causing her to have nuclear power running through her veins. The more she used her new "power" she could create things out of light. When her father died she recreated him out of light, which is why she is still a princess. Her castle is made out of light but it is called the "Golden Castle" because of it's golden hue. the area surrounding it is the Golden Kingdom where little light people live.

Technically Delilah is all alone and her kingdom is just a light show, but she's okay that way.

Extra: Although she has the power of the sun, the only thing she can really do is create light illusions, make heat, and give people tans.

The closest thing she can do to harm another person is give them sun burns.

But harming a vampire is a totally different thing.

Because she uses solar energy it's hard for her to have any vampire friends because she's always burning them.

I don't even know why there's two appearances there.

Just note that it's the second one with the picture in it >.>



Species:Pikachu Neko

Visitor or not:Not

Personality:Pika is a sweet girl who loves to play and be cute,she is stuck in a childish state and loves to be near people and can be extremely clingy to people she likes or has interest in.Pika has a little problem in stealing stuff including when it is shiny and often gets lost because she lacks a sense of direction.

Background info/Past:Pika grew up in the forest and loved to run free never knowing where she was going and always caused a little trouble.Whether it was accidentally stealing some honey from the bees or falling into enchanted lake that belongs to another dreamer.She was always in a bit of a pickle,but she never understood why.

Extra:She can control lighting.



Species:Pikachu Neko

Visitor or not:Not

Personality:Pika is a sweet girl who loved to play and be near people,but she can be a little bit greedy and likes to steal.She is stuck in a child like state and doesn't really understand the difference between right and wrong.She will almost do anything and can't stand mean people,but she is gullible and easy to trick.

Background info/Past:Pika grew up in the forest and loved to run free never knowing where she was going and always caused a little trouble.Whether it was accidentally stealing some honey from the bees or falling into enchanted lake of another dreamer.She wanders around meeting trying to make friends and doesn't really have a home.She will usually just sleep when she is tired and steal something to eat once when her stomach growls.

Extra: She can control lighting and likes to Yell pika whenever she attacks someone.
Name:Venus Elias


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/t-anime_girl_2.jpg.c59b640863d81831d98e3e065277f0e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2579" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/t-anime_girl_2.jpg.c59b640863d81831d98e3e065277f0e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Visitor or not:Vistor

Personality:Quick and silent type.She is a sneaky one and can

get away with almost anything.She loves to

listen to birds and the wind.She is shy and

completely harmless unless you make her mad

Background info/Past:Venus was born from her mother tree

in her town and immediately was train for what

her mother tree wanted her to be an expert in.

In her town they all stop growing at the age of 17

and keep there looks forever and well even though

she might look young she is really old.One day she did something

the mother tree didn't like and was executed from the lands

that she was born in.Even since then she has been wandering around

the forest and woods for somewhere she would be excepted.

She would even stumble across a cute little creature that would

always steal things so it can eat.

Extra: Expert in archery,water and fire bending.



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