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Fantasy The Dragon's Throne:: reboot (Medieval fantasy quest/battle royale for the crown)


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Dragon king is dead, attacked by a assassin which the Three Dragon knights apprehended but sadly not fast enough... The three loyal, trusted, valiant knights are the ones to hear King Hart's final words...

"protect my family, these fiends will strike again, you must cut the head off of the beast lest they hunt us forever... My dear Limon shall take the throne until a heir can be chose.....an...."
The poison took his final message, but he had letters from a individual which upon deciphering...
The Dragon king had people investigating the Shadowhand. As it was inevitable they would attempt to userp the throne.

The knights took their kings dying request to heart. Limon Bluflame...
The Dragon kings newest concubine who had only just given birth to a baby boy three months ago,
Became Drawin's queen. The many wives that came before Queen Bluflame and the dragons children were upset, furious, but ultimately unable to go against the Dead king's request.
How can a worthy successor be chosen from twenty heirs? Twenty boys and girls born to King Durran Hart, the only thing they hold in common is their father.
(And you know, being able to turn into a dragon)

The three eldest are overseas looking to bring glory to Drawin. Those of age still in the country however... Well to put simply they are all their own sort.
the Kings children range from lazy hopeless fools like prince Durzo,
(A man content with shirking responsibility and drinking all day)

Or Princess Maria, a hard working young woman who earned the title of Knight and the respect they deserve.

Limon was ambitious for a young woman, she wanted to hold the throne until her baby was old enough to rule. Queen Bluflame was bound by a oath however. The king chose her to take his place, but only until a suitable heir is chosen. How can the Queen keep her power while also adhering to her lover's final request? She decided on a quest.
A campaign against the Shadowhand, the criminals able to murder the Dragon king.
All the king's children were summoned before the queen who gave them a choice.
"Avenge your father, crush the shadowhand and prove to the people, myself and the soul of your father, may he rest in peace...

Prove that you are fit to rule Drawin. The Throne is for those with strength and wisdom. The Dragon's Throne is the top of the world, only those fit to lead have any legitimate claim to rule."

Each Prince and princess of age can take three escorts to embark on this campaign. They are to meet with the leader of the Dragon rogues for information on the shadowhand, from there they have one goal. Avenge the king, Destroy the shadows.
To play in this rp you need to fill one of three roles.

Dragon heir. A child of the king. Able to transform into a Dragon using mana. Your mother determines what type of magic the Dragon breathes. If she had fire mana. Your a fire Dragon. If she controls ice you a frozen Dragon
(there is twenty heirs but for the sake of being sane I'll allow only four or five to actually go on the campaign)

A knight, the top three are called Dragonknight but every knight is capable of kicking ass and using magic.

A Rogue, the top three have Dragon ahead of their profession, but there is a whole guild of sneaky sorts who do dirty work for Royals.

Razvi-sama Razvi-sama Pepsionne Pepsionne Nellis Nellis have already made characters and we can start proper with a few more players.
Detailed/casual is the style I'm after.
Hoping for two or more paragraphs each post, with each player posting at least twice a week.

There is unlimited amounts of rogues and knights for players to be.
But the Dragon knights and Dragon rogues are limited to three each, they are considered a rank higher then your average knights and ninjas.

We are in need of players, feel free to pm questions or read the 1stCheck and ooc here
The character page is here, I will like or heart your sheet once accepted
Trying to start a rp often feels like this

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