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Fantasy The dragons are back

Name: Misty Strange

Nickname: Chameleon

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Personality: She is quiet, and rarely talks. She is a mysterious person, though she is deeply caring for her friends, she is cruel, and sadistic, as she likes to see people suffer or die from her poison. She is easy to anger (And many ways to do so), But especially when one breaks her horn in dragon form, or even threatening her or her friend’s lives. She is also raised to be a thief, so she has a mindset of one.

Type: Elder dragon, Chameleos Species

Appearance & Outfit: (If you have one)

(Ignore the sword)

(Chameleos Form!)

Abilities: (Anything you have as a dragon)

Dragon Form:

Breathing mist and poison mist

The ability to turn invisible (The complete invisibility can be reduced to seeing her outline by breaking her horn.

She also has a tongue that can reach to about 1.5x her actual length in dragon form,she uses this to steal things from people from a distance.

In human form, she has the ability to do more poison, taking 23, to 27 poison.

Invisibility carries over from dragon form, even with partial invisibility due to the broken horn.

Though she can become invisible, she can still be tracked by scent, since her invisibility does not hide her scent, or heat.

Likes: (Optional)

Flying in dragon form, playing hide and seek with her prey, and stalking people.

Dislikes: (Optional)

Fire attacks, loudness, and being degraded/humiliated

Bio: (optional)

She was raised by a group of thieves known as Silent Wind when she was young, and had a decent childhood. That was until at age 15, when she discovered her dragon abilities while she was running from a group of soldiers who were chasing her to reclaim their queen’s diamond. She vanished without a trace, leaving the soldiers to search for days before giving up. She eventually went back, and plagued the entire castle ground with her poison mist, when she discovered her dragon form at 16. She was then left the Silent Wind, since everyone knew of her abilities, and tried to take advantage of her to get what they want.

Other: (Optional)

She really likes the cold, and she enjoys bathing in both forms, as well as eating in both forms (Bugs are her primary prey in dragon form.)

Weapons: (If you have any)

Dual Chameleos, which deals 230 poison (This is actually 23.), and has a ⅓ chance to apply the poison to the prey, and she hits fast with these, so they will be applying the poison like crazy, though not with every hit. @Betweengoodandevil
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Name: Daniel

Nickname: Dan

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Crush: Lily - deceased

Personality: He's very calm, fearless from dragons and anything scary, and he's never emotional, all he needs is to kill dragons to feed himself.

Type: Artificial Human Dragon

Abilities: As an magician, Daniel can throw flying discs made of blue mana, varying in many sizes from small to enormous depending how much mana he can produce. Mana discs can slice anything, even capable to slice a dragon in half. Other than flying discs, he can slice objects with a wave of his hand via mana.

As an artificial dragon, Daniel cannot turn into a full dragon since he's a prototype test subject by the humans, but still he has the eyes, fangs, skin, and claws of a dragon. Daniel's skin is protective against any changing temperature from cold to hot. And outside his human side, he has super speed, super strength, and super senses similar to dragons.

Likes: Lily

Dislikes: dragons

Bio: Ask him.

Weapons: N/A



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Character's Name: Ju Yin Lan (Chrysanthemum, Sound/Silver, Orchid)

Nicknames: None but open for suggestion

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Age: Looks to be 17 but is 845 years of age


Hair color/style: White/Silver, Straight/Varying styles that involve putting hair up

Eye color: A Silver blue

Build: A somewhat lanky dainty body but hides strength

Clothing: Things that would keep her warm

Face claim/image(s): Human





Personality: Ju Yin Lan is quite an odd person. She lets her actions speak more for her words than speaking. She usually wears a passive expression on her face, making it hard for people to get a reaction from her. It may seem she comes off as a cold person but she doesn't know how to full express her emotions outwardly. While not wholly understanding the emotions of others, she will protect others with a ferocity that berates her build and size.


Her crystal forest home




Her older sister




Clingy people

Disrespect of personal space


Currently unknown


Lack of common knowledge

Expressing emotions

No existing knowledge of future abilities.

Crush: None at the moment


Destruction of her home

Her 'friends' lives' untimely end


Type: Crystal Dragon

Abilities: Crystal Creation. Ju uses the crystal from around her neck to create small things that she had either seen or held. It lacks strength in many ways but Ju doesn't let something like that slow her down.

Crystal Dome. Once more using her crystal, she creates a dome of varying strength but can only hold it for a 10-15 minutes. She doesn't know the full extent of it when an angry dragon hits it.

Crystal Sword. In compilation with crystal creation, Ju can create a sword made of crystal but only when 'friends or lovers' are in danger that the true power of the sword is shown. It can become various weapons in accordance to her will and it almost unbreakable but how Ju does this is still something she doesn't know.

Crystal Scrying. Ju can scry up to a mile and cannot hear what is being said.

Origin forgotten

History/Bio: Ju was an orphan from the moment she breathed her first breath to life. Her entire life had been sequestered to a small crystal forest that she had maintained for as long as she knew. Being without other of her own species or other dragons, she hadn't felt the various emotions that others often displayed to express their wants and needs. It was only by chance that various remnants of her kind remained in the crystal forest and she caught snippets of interactions of the varying emotions but still had no concept of why these 'emotions' were expressed so wildly and without some forethought. She still doesn't know the full extent of her abilities nor her flaws. It also wouldn't be surprising to see a few animals following her as well. She had never known she had an older sister until journeying beyond her home, now destroyed by Yogig.

(If she sounds too weak please tell me. I'm trying her out as without knowing somethings about herself.)
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Name:Darmani Alandair

Nickname: Emperor of Embers, Kaiser

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: male

Age: 40

Crush: n/a

Personality: Darmani is a man of vast wisdom and compassion. He understood many people’s feelings, and often related to them. However, he is one of those men who will not tolerate being walked on, or being manipulated, or being deceived, since he is an honest man. However, he will relentlessly fight anyone that angers him, or when in battle. He is also short tempered.

Type: (Type of dragon, not really needed but it helps.) :Elder Dragon, Teostra species

Outfit: (If you have one)


Abilities: (Anything you have as a dragon)

In Dragon Form:

He can breathe fire, and release a cloud of explosive powder at close and wide ranges, and gnash his teeth to detonate the powder. When enraged, the area around them turns red, and he can use the explosive powder in place of flames. He will breathe the powder in a stream, like a flamethrower with only powder. When the time comes, he can Supernova, reverting him back to his normal state. He can even swipe and leave a cloud of powder, and gnash his teeth to detonate the powder right next to his head (Immunity to blast powder), he can even cause small explosions by pushing a small cloud of powder in a direction at medium range, and gnash his teeth to detonate the cloud. He can also make a wall of powder going in front of him, or behind him using his wings, and detonate the powder also. He can also fly. Attacks using blast powder are only used when he is enraged. He is also fast despite his size

In Human form, He can grow wings and fly, he has increased Strength, stamina, and durability, as well as a heightened sense of smell and sight. He is also immune to fire in both forms, and can breathe fire only. He also has the ability to use blast powder, but only on his weapon, since the powder is released when his weapon strikes his target, and has a ⅓ chance of applying.

Likes: Helping those in need, giving wisdom to anyone he meets, and burning his foes with his fury.

Dislikes: Water attacks, Ice attacks, lies, and bragging.

Bio: (optional)

Darmani was loved by his people, his just laws, his honest opinions, and the way he can quell crowds with merely his voice. He was the perfect emperor, and had a growing empire, though it was small, it was a success. His people knew of his dragon form, though he would rarely show it, and he had an empire that was technologically advanced for its time, weapons that can change shape, lances with integrated guns, and even magical horns that can empower the user and their allies. But all of that was destroyed 20 years ago, when the gods he praised and worshipped grew angry, and decided to let the god of death destroy his empire, showing the time for his end. He was horrified to see his people killed, and reanimated as walking, souless monsters that roam the shambles of his home. His wife, son, and daughter were mauled by his former subjects, and could do nothing but flee. Armed with a Switch axe from his empire, he is the only thing that remains, and will fight on with a flaming fury, until his last breath.

Other: (Optional)

He does not mind the cold, and will hold his word to anyone of his friends, especially promises. He cares deeply about his allies, almost like a father.

Weapons: (If you have any)

A Switch axe named Teostra’s Castle, which does 270 (or 27, if you want it like that, since the stats for element/ status is x10.) Blast, which is a status that allows easy breaking of parts on anything, even armored dragons. The Blast powder imbued within the weapon has a ⅓ chance of applying, and has an element phial to boost the blast to 30, and with each explosion, more hits are needed to apply the blast powder on a given target. It also can change into a sword, which will slice through virtually anything in sword mode only. In sword mode, the element phial is used, and can do an elemental discharge, taking most of the phial. He has to let the phial recharge to use sword mode again. He knows many arts with this weapon, and is proficient in using this weapon effectively.

(This is the switch axe, sword mode is basically the blade on the left (When upright) is on top of the blade on the right, making a longer blade.

Appearance: (Anime, drawn or real, your choice)

(His face, just imagine him with a muscular build)

(Dragon Form)

(I tried to make him as not op as possible, but I had to add some explosiveness to him. And trust me, Teostra is even more ridiculous than what I made him to be, since I had to remove some of his abilities, like a fire aura, or the ability to make flaming tornadoes.)

Character's Name: Lin Mei Ling, or Ling Mei Lan (Forest/Gem, Plum, Soul/Bell)

Nicknames: Mei

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Hetero

Age: Looks to be 25 but is 945 years of age


Hair color/style: Same color as Ju and style

Eye color: Same as Ju but with more green

Build: Tall and built. 6'3"

Clothing: Whatever feels comfy

Face claim/image(s): Human





Personality: Lin is a person that can be very calm and semi stoic but has a temper of Hades when pushed too hard. In other words, she becomes a sadistic person that wishes only pain upon those who harm her friends or family.



Crystal forest





Clingy people

People that can't see past their past

Ju being harassed because of her lack of certain things


Her build

Her sword



Her temper

Crush: None at the moment


Destruction of her home

Ju being hurt

Anyone she loves/cares about dying


Type: Earth/ Wood dragon

Abilities: Earth/Wood creation. Using a lump of earth or stick of wood, Lin can create almost anything small to distract enemies or help allies

Earth/Wood dome. Same as Ju but with earth/wood and with more experience in strength

Lin has other abilities but she rather show them than tell what they are.


Armor: (See pic above)

Weapons: (WIP)

Origin forgotten

History/Bio: Lin is like her little sister, Ju, but not like her at the same time. She was there when Ju was born from her 'mother' and was going to be there for her the rest of Ju's life when her 'mother' swiftly took her out of the crystal forest and left her someplace that had never been before. She had no idea where she was nor did she know of a way back to the forest home that she was born in. Once she reached the age of 25, in human years, she began to travel to find the crystal forest and reconnect with her little sister. Any mention of a crystal forest, she jumped at the chance to visit the rumor site to only be disappointed in what she found. Remnants of the forest was all she saw and black water greeted her everywhere in the forest. But she never gave up, though never staying in one place more than a few weeks. She gave humans a health distance and found many were iffy with dragons. They could go either way but mostly they wanted the dragons to leave them alone.

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@Betweengoodandevil just a question, there can be dragon hunters right? because... it's always fun for me to hunt innocent creatures like shooting deers in hunting season... muahahaahahhahaha! sorry...
You want to hunt the dragons?? You can be Yogig the god of death who hates the dragons and has an army of villagers and the undead. The has an enemy called the goddess of midnight (No one has made the actual character yet, but someone is playing her). And Yogig fell in love with the goddesses daughter and long story short Midnight keep her daughter from seeing yogig and she eventually died yogig blames the goddess. Though be warned if you do decide to be Yogig he has two kids (Now one his son died) and he doesn't know about them. If not @Inheritance will still be him and you can be one of Yogigs companions/henchmen XP
Betweengoodandevil said:
You want to hunt the dragons?? You can be Yogig the god of death who hates the dragons and has an army of villagers and the undead. The has an enemy called the goddess of midnight (No one has made the actual character yet, but someone is playing her). And Yogig fell in love with the goddesses daughter and long story short Midnight keep her daughter from seeing yogig and she eventually died yogig blames the goddess. Though be warned if you do decide to be Yogig he has two kids (Now one his son died) and he doesn't know about them. If not @Inheritance will still be him and you can be one of Yogigs companions/henchmen XP
uhh.... i have no idea what all of that means, maybe it's because i just arrived and is not familiar to the storyline, but by hunting dragons i mean like individually, having a passionate hate by himself not cause by anybody though, is that possible? @Betweengoodandevil

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