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Fandom The Dragon Prince!


tired & in need of dino nuggies
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello hello, I’m putting this out here to see if anyone is interested in doing a 1x1 The Dragon Prince role-play. I am completely caught up on the show and my preferred love interest would be Aaravos! I mainly stick to bxb pairings on my side and I’m currently in the process of fleshing out an oc. As for other information: I am a descriptive rper but my replies are slow and it can take me up to 6 weeks to reply if I feel pressured to, but I will always try to be communicative with you if I cannot/don’t have the time or I’m no longer interested. I use he/they pronouns and I am 20 years of age. Shoot me a message if you have any questions <3
Hey! I would be interested in roleplaying! Though I wish to ask if you do non romance plots? I can do romance but it is rare and mainly only oc and oc. As I feel weird playing a canon character in that sense.

If you do wish to do romance, I hope we can discuss and come to a mutual conclusion so we can both enjoy a fun roleplay!
hello!! apologies for the late response. i would totally be down for a non romance plot, and ocxoc actually sounds quite fun if that’s something you’d prefer!

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