The Dorm Room [Inactive]

Trent looks back at Harleigh." Well I guess this is what you in this college." Though he didn't know Harleigh for long, Trent was still very interested in her. He thought to himself about who she might really be on the inside. So nervously, he prepares to ask her a brave question. "Harleigh.... can I see you later? Maybe for something like coffee or dinner, perhaps?"
"... Me? U-Uh Okay, I guess. That's fine..I-I mean..." Harleigh shrugged nervously. "You, uh... Mean like a date...?" She didn't know what to think, she really wasn't expecting this.
"Umm...yeah! If you'd prefer to call it that.... I mean...Umm....I know that you were probably weren't expecting something like this, but I just feel like your different from all the other girls I've ever dated. Or met, I meant to say." -looks down hall-" So I guess I'll see you later?"
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Marielle walked with her suitcase in her hands, heading towards the dormroom she had been told to live in. How was she supposed to live in a dorm with others? What if she got another break down? Would she manage this? She saw some other people, but kept on walking, terrifid of talking to someone first, heading directly to the dormroom, and stopping just within the door.
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