The Dorm Room [Inactive]


Double Luck
trhymes7900 submitted a new role play:

The Dorm Room - No adults, no drama, no rules.

All your life you were told what you couldn't do. "No cursing! No running! No snacks before dinner!". Well guess what? The answer to all your wildest fantasies are not far away. Westwood University is known for its unknown events hidden inside of its walls. Teens walk and out, quiet as mice, and never reveal their experiences. Six young adults, all ages 17-20, will find out why this is during their two week stay. But remember.... the dorm rooms are known for the unknown.......
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Do you ever get a feeling that you should just get up and go? Well that's the feeling I got when I decided to leave my dysfunctional family and home. Westwood University was the only place where I felt like life would be awesome. So now that I'm finally on my own, I'm just waiting for something.... anything to happen.

(Taxi pulls up. I get out of the car. -sighs- "Well.... I'm finally here!".

-walks inside school building- "Hello?". (Echoes occur) "Is anybody else here besides me?".
"how can you be so sure that you're actually in here" -I say from the shadows- "maybe your just another figment of my imagination?" -I step forward- "Well, are you?"
(Dead silence) Umm..... is this dude crazy.....or nah? Just kidding.

"Well.... I hope I'm not."----"I'm Trent, but my real name is you could also call me Trey. And you are..."
Sticks out hand with great enthusiasm "Cosby, Bill Cosby. Thank god you're real this time, you wouldn't BELIEVE how wild my imagination has been lately" looks around frantically "sh*t, have you seen my glasses?"
"No I haven't seen your glasses..." Is this guy weird or what? I can already tell that this is gonna be a long next few months... "So is your name really.... Bill Cosby? I mean you do know who the famous one is, right?"
"ah, you're about to freak out cuz that person, is me! Don't worry, I'll sign an autograph for you, which album is your favorite by the way?"
"But Bill Cosby is a comedian.... who's African American..." WTF!?!?! I'm so weirded out right now! This guy is insane! He thinks he's the real Bill Cosby? Please.....this guy could probably pass for Slash, though....."Dude.... is dorm in hall 3b? Cuz that's where it m supposed to be headed..."
pulls out a album titled Truth in The Eyes Of Madness "here take this, dorm hall 3b is somewhere, I hope you find your way to your resting place, if you need me I'll in that corner" walks back under the shadow.
"Ok, thanks dude!" That was so weird. But I have a feeling I'll be seeing that guy again....-looks down hall ways- "Hello? Anybody here?" (Reads: Hall 3b) "Well this is supposed to be it. But nobody's here!...... I'll keep on searching though!"

Harleigh wasn't sure what to do.

Okay, alright, okay alright alright it's okay. She assured herself, pacing back and forth. The cab long gone, whilst fumbling with the straps of her book bag. Harleigh doesn't know hwo to be around strangers, and alas! She was here! She popped her knuckles nervously, taking deep breaths. Oh god, was she going to hypervenilate? She nodded her head, trying to assure herself even more. She slowly opened the door and walked in very awkwardly, holding herself as if she was protecting herself. Harleigh's eyebrows furrowed tightly as she reached up to push up her glasses and brush her hair back to one side.

She had on a 'Markilpier's Heroes' sweatshirt, muddled and ripped jeans, and muddy wedge heeled red sneakers with a highly uncomfortable look on her face. Harleigh spotted two others talking to each other before one of them just walked into a shadowed corner. Wasn't sure if that was cool or just really creepy.
"...........Ugh! Now somebody has to around here somewhere...."

Trent, by this point had realized that he was walking around in circles. He had also realized that the "Bill Cosby", insane guy was nowhere to be seen. But when he turned to in the main hall for him, he saw a pretty girl walk in. And in fact, she was kinda hot. But dreams are only meant to be dreamt. So nervously, he asks the girl one of the weirdest first things you could person.

"H-hi... I'm Trent. But before you tell me your name, I just have to ask this.....are you crazy?" In his head, thinking,"Holy Crap! Did I just say that?",. So now he nervously waits for a response.
Harleigh was suddenly approached by a male, and she could already feel the sweat starting on her palms. "H-hi... I'm Trent. But before you tell me your name, I just have to ask this.....are you crazy?" Yeah, uh, this was a first. She gazed at him with that incredulous look for a moment, before coughing into her fist that was covered by her long sleeves. She rocked on her heels a bit, looking for her voice. "... I dunno. I-I mean... Crazy people don't know they're crazy, so. You tell me." Harleigh muttered, her voice really quiet. This was her first conversation she's had in this college, might as well make it something to remember. She scratched the back of her neck in an slow manner.
Trent was stunned when he got a response. A small white girl being approached by taller mixed dude was the situation. Race had nothing to do with anything, all sorts of things were running through his Mind at the time. Not knowing what to do next, he just did the only thing he could think of. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry... that came out wrong. I mean there was Bill Cosby, then hall 3b, and I ran in circles and..... this probably isn't making sense to you but..... let me start again. I'm Trent and I just wanna know what dorm hall you were heading to."
Harleigh listed intently to the other, not sure what he meant or why did he even ask such a question. "... Hi, uh, Trent. I'm Harleigh... Uh... And I think I was heading to dorm hall, I dunno, 3b?" She twiddled her thumbs together. "... Bill Cosby?" She asked, confused.
"Yeah, I'll explain that 'Bill Cosby' thing later. And I'm in hall 3b also and I was hoping you knew where that was?". Trent seemed so dazed at how pretty this girl was. He thinks this about alot of girls but this time it was different. This chick was looking pretty darn good for a redhead.
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"Uh oh... I mean umm.... Harleigh this is 'Bill Cosby' and 'Bill' this is Harleigh." -whispering to Harleigh-"This is the crazy Bill Cosby guy I was talking about!". " And Bill this is not my girlfriend. Me and Harleigh just met." Trent was feeling pretty awkward by now. The thought of him even having a girlfriend was a joke. Especially with this girl. She's just too pretty to ever go for a guy like Trent.
Harleigh looked off nervously, giving a small puff through her nose. "... I'm sorry, I dunno where the heckie that is... But--" She was cut off by the shadow guy suddenly wandering into the hall. She got flustered, shaking her head. "N-No, I'm not his girlfriend..." She muttered, resisting the urge to face palm herself. "N-N-Nice to meet ya, uh. Bill... Cosby." Harleigh said, thinning her lips and awkwardly patting her thighs.
"hmm you look scared, here have this" Pulls out a Hershey bar from his back pack "I was gonna eat this later but I think you'd enjoy it more." hands it to harliegh, Looks around frantically "Do you guys know if there are any rules about removing doors?"
"Removing.... doors? Dude I'm just gonna come out and say it--- Are you crazy?". Trent was feeling so awkward at this point. Getting to dorm was at first his only mission. But right now, things were just plain crazy.
"haha, you're a funny one Tryten. I don't like how there is a door on my room, it makes me look like want to be closed off" Pulls out a screwdriver "well I guess it's better to ask forgiveness than beg permission, if you guys need anything, I'm in 234." sprints away.
"Dude, my name is Trent. And I think I'm supposed to be headed for 234, also." (Reads ID Card: Roomates-1 or two.) "Yep it says I'm your roommate along with another person or two. So I guess me and you should hang out together more often then, huh?"

Trent was feeling better now. He had doubts about whether or not he should leave home, but he is feeling comfortable now with his new 'home away from home'.
Harleigh gazed at the Hershey bar she received from the very mysterious Bill Cosby. She opened it and bit into it, trying to savor it. She really loved chocolate. Harleigh looked at Trent. "Is this is what you do in college?" She asked nervously.

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