The Divergent Trilogy


A+ Daydreamer
Soo.. I finished the series, and started it, all in one night. Allegiant killed me, haha, but I suppose that's to be expected, unless you're a heartless monster or something. I don't know you. I don't know your life. It's possible.

Annnyywwaaayyyss.. I want to do an RP based of it. Not all romance and mushy stuff, although that can be there, but one with actual action, strategies, training, fighting, overcoming weakness, dealing with fear.. All that good stuff. Now, I'm debating whether I'd want to do one with the actual, canon characters or have everyone make OC's. Maybe set before the first book, maybe set after the last.. An alternate ending to that horrible gut wrenching one maybe? Who knows?

I also don't know whether I'd prefer to do it as a small private group or a full fledged RP. A 1x1 is a possibility, but I feel like that would limit it too much, as such RP's usually do.

So basically, this post is basically just an interest check to see if we have a Divergent fanbase here on RPN, and to see if anyone would be interested in attempting something with it. If that's the case, leave a post below. The details of anything this ultimately leads to are definitely open to debate, and I don't bite, most of the time, so don't be shy! Thanks.
I AM IN!!!!

Maybe do a before the whole Tris thingy? Or maybe in a different universe where tris never has existed, same about Tobias, but same technology?
I just started reading the books, hopefully I'll be done by the time this starts up, but I love the concept of this. I'm for a small private group to keep things organized, but I'd join even if it was a full fledged RP. That's really up to you in the end. In any case, I would definitely be interested :)

(I'd have input to give about the before/after question if I was caught up on the series, sorry!)
It might be a clever idea to do the before/alternative universe thing, so that it isn't spoiled for those who haven't read allegiant?
That's true. @Nat

I was thinking before might be a better idea, just so we can get a clear idea of the factions and whatnot. Since that's the case OC's will be used of course, and still have the same familiar setting from the series.

One more thing I forgot to consider, however, is if there would be a specific faction all characters will be from. If it's a small group, it'd have to be one, but in an actual rp more than one faction would be doable. So picking a faction for everyone might be in order depending on everyone's interests.

Also, I'll make sure not to spoil anything about the trilogy for you then @Kal I know if someone spoiled it for me before I read it, I would've been devastated, haha.
Hmmm I like the alternate universe Idea but maybe where Tobias(Four) didn't existing I like Tris and kinda want to play her in a Divergent Rp
Hmmm... I'm ok with either Dauntless or Erudite.

And people will need to know that not everyone can be Divergent.
@Nat you make a huge point maybe 10. To 19 Divergents hey @Frost if we don't have Tris could I make her future daughter you know the daughter her and Tobias should of had in Insurgent
Unless we end up with like 30 characters, even 10 divergents may be a lot.

They did say that being a divergent and being aware of it war rare, very rare.
Glad you're interested too. Seeing as though I've thought about it a bit more, OC's would be more convenient and allow for more character development I think. So I'll probably say we should stick to that. As far as the whole daughter thing goes, it'll probably be set before Tris and Four's time. I was probably thinking a generation of two before them. It'd be more fair for everyone's characters to be made from scratch.

As for the whole Divergent thing, I agree, although if we're only going to have a small group it won't be that much of a problem if there are multiple divergent, since it's not that huge of an advantage except with the simulations and mental stuff. So hopefully not everyone will choose to be one, but quite a few would be okay, maybe 3. If it is a larger RP I will make a limit of like, 4-5 or something. Not sure yet. Of course, character's could be like Four.. For those of you who know how he's a bit different. Don't want to spoil it too much.

I was thinking probably Dauntless too, just because the first book went into that in so much more detail and we better know how their training, initiation trial's, slang and traditions work. If a majority of you don't want that faction I'll be happy to RP another though.
Aww I want to be a daughter or niece or something to Tris and Tobias. Ooooh I loved Dauntless I think if I ever had to choose my own Faction it would be Dauntless

Haha! Thank you for being careful. But don't worry, I'm won't freak out too much if I accidentally get a peak of something.
Good to know. @Kal I'll just make sure I don't spoil any of Allegiant then. That's where all the major stuff is anyways.

Sorry Ella. That really wouldn't be possible since it's gonna be set in the past a generation or two before Tris and Tobias' time.

Anyways, if any of ya know people into the series as well, I encourage you to direct them towards this little recruitment page. I'd love to have at least 5-6 people in the RP altogether, if not a few more, or maybe a lot more. It depends I suppose.
Hmm I will figure out something I still want to be a Divergent Dauntless though maybe a Abnegation or Amity transfer to Dauntless cause of my Divergence?
I already know what I'll do, though i'm not spilling anything ;)

And you don't need to be divergent to transfer, the divergence means that you're equal to be likely to join multiple faction, so it would be because the character chose to transfer. Not just because they are divergent. (yes, I am a bit of a geek and very very on the spot when it comes to books I like >.< )
Well yeah I meant she wanted to transfer maybe she didn't like all the peace or something? Haha just my own idea there.
That is absolutely natural. Caleb wasn't a divrgent (as we know of) and he transfered to Erudite because he loved knowledge.
Right I have a lot of Amity Divergent To Dauntless transfer ideas I am thinking of them right now and it is making me laugh and smile. @Nat and @Frost_
Most of the divergent went for Abnergation actually, because that is where they would be least likely hunted and tried killed. So why people would want to be divergent in Dauntless i have no idea about.

Look at the sort of stuff they had to go through thou. Tris was wanted dead because of her divergence, and Tobias wasn't 100% divergent. He just had a very high resistance against the serums. I'm not saying that you can't have a divergnt in Dauntless, i am just saying that they are the onesthat go through the worst hell.

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