The Dismay of Etharus - Post OOC


Superior Grand Master of Role Playing
Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs!

I'll reply just as fast to this thread as I will to personal messages, so please don't send me the same thing to both locations. Thanks!
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Is it ok if I develop the Warlocks a bit more? I'm not sure what my plans are for them exactly. I was going to gauge the story and decide. If you'd rather me not, I can just contain them for a few posts in my own little subplot before I phase them out. If you like them I thought they could be used to stir things up a bit.

EDIT: Post everybody! It's open and ready!
Ah, I was just about to read it. Give me a moment, as I'm doing chores around the house at the same time. 
Okay, I've read your post. I like the idea of the Warlocks, and I wouldn't be surprised if such a group was to form. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Pirates and the Warlocks were conspiring together a bit.

The moment that the guards found any of the members, though, they'd be quick to boot them out of the city or kill them. xD
Interesting idea! Didn't think of that! I knew they would be arrested (it's the reason my character is against it), I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crossing any lines.
Sorry about the absence. Just got back to school. If I don't have the post up today I will get it up tomorrow.
I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to drop out of this. Real life commitments ramp up significantly when you go back to school :/

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