The Dimension Keepers

Hello people, my name is Evil and I'm your new co-moderator.

I'm going to comment on the three people who aren't accepted and why that is.


You're not up to quality standards.

No, I don't want 15 minute characters in this roleplay, just no.

I don't want people like this. Those who type like this. Over and over. You know? Who is able to enjoy roleplayers who types like this? Oh no. It's still going. Is it over? Nope. The entire character is just one giant period.

Listen here, shape up your writers sense, use things such as commas, colons, and semi colons (things used to improve your writing and make it much less robotic and stale). I realize that your influence from LOTR is immense, and I'm also furious at the fact that you spelled Rivendell wrong.

There's also the problem of the "Race: High Elf. Species: Eldar". What? That makes literally no bloody sense. Oh, there's also the instance where they have no use for weapons, have them anyway, and are somehow insanely proficient with said weaponry. What is going on in your mind? Did reason fall asleep?

The sad part is that it doesn't stop there, I'm afraid. Oh no, there's more.

There are sentences that have no grammatical basis, or structural for that matter. One such example would be this one right here: "David hasn't known he has had his power to control time very long, (...)". I don't think I need to mention anything else.

If you were drunk, then re-write it in the morning, if not, then fix it or get out. This roleplay has a quality standard, and it should be followed to the letter. If Dandelion wants quality, you will give her quality, period.
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Quick lotr lesson, there are multiple races of elves; the noldor, the calaquendi, the Lindar, and a few others. Eldar as used in lotr is a word that groups all elfs. Anyways I am going strip the lorsbodbthe rings things from my app. Which is really only names.
This isn't LOTR.

All that is irrelevant, anyway. Species and races are used in, virtually, the same context. Ergo, the point I'm making is: you're saying the same thing twice.

But that is still irrelevant. There are other problems.
I did say I was going to strip the lotr from it. I going to say I am going to drop out of this though. I can tell your not the type of person I can work with (or get along with). No its not because you said this isn't lotr, but because I can tell you can't listen. (I can hear your judgemental thoughts)
Got it. More detail... I can do that; give me a day and I'll have more.

EDIT: Do I have to follow the 1 basic paragraph character biography or can I write more? It would be the easiest (but not the only) section to expand. There was much, much more that I wanted to write, but was hesitant to.
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Not that I would like to instigate an RP argument... My understanding is that Mer is the all encompassing term for the elvish peoples as a species, including all races. Eldar is a term for generic elves, Dark Eldar / Drow are dark elves, Bosmer are wood elves, and Altmer are high elves. There are fantasy universes which expound upon them further such as the snow elves but that's neither here nor there.
I have read LOTR extensively. He's not going to go anywhere unless he explains anything INSIDE of his CS.

Granted, that doesn't save him from his sub-DETAILED writing.
Oh, no no. I just meant in general. I'm not versed in LOTR, but I do know 40k and ES universes pretty well.
-face claws- I meant it as it was applicable to the lore of Elves in any universe. I apologize I did not clarify. My point being, isn't Eldar a term used for the overarching species of elves? Similar to the use of Mer for Elves? And the other classifications such a dark, snow, high, and wood elves being the race?
Well, it's not. That's not what I was talking about. I just saw something about Eldar and went "Oh, I know some stuff about elves, did you know this stuff too?", that's all. Sorry. x.x
@King Of Imagination, your character sheet looks fine, however, I'd personally like to see more information filled out in the dimension section. Right now it's pretty basic, and that's fine, but a personal preference would be for you to fill it out with some minor history related to your species.

@Dethbycoffee, you are accepted. By utilizing your creativity to it's worth, you were able to create a well done and informative character sheet.
Malphaestus said:
@Dethbycoffee, you are accepted. By utilizing your creativity to it's worth, you were able to create a well done and informative character sheet.
Since it appears that Dandelion is a tad busy, Might I send you my questions over her powers? I'm just having a bit difficulty really fleshing out how they work for her without her seeming overpowered
I've finished up Lyra's character sheet with the information of her abilities. Please let me know if I didn't explain something well enough or if I need to adjust anything.

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