THE DICE OF DESTINY (D&D/Dungeon Crawl RP Sign-ups/OoC)

The Kaosophile

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Archon
Welcome to The Dice of Destiny, a Dungeons and Dragons based RP which will make use of the "Roll a dice" functionality. I will be the DM, possibly assisted by a helper, and you will be the players.

The mechanics of this RP will be very much based on Dungeon Crawl, Stone Soup Edition and will rely heavily on the understanding of the races and classes within, so it is highly recommended that you read the game's manual, at least from the linked point through the skills section. Select a name, race, background and weapon, and I'll help with the rest.

DO NOT GET OVERLY ATTACHED TO YOUR CHARACTER, the quest for the Orb of Zot (Or whatever we're questing for) is a perilous one, and you may need many characters before succeeding.


One of the great things about RPing instead of playing the actual game is that you can mess with the mechanics, in this case, alliances. Players can decide to be pre-allied with other players, or decide to meet others within the dungeon, or, if they so desire, kill anything on sight.


By this point you may be wondering why I am asking for applications if they are so short. Well, it is more for me to keep track of who is where than to decide if they can join. Also, when (And I don't mean if) your character dies, I will give you a score over PMs and you can decide to edit the post to have their morgue information. (At the very least, I would ask you to mark their profile as DEAD for tracking purposes)


Being the DM (Dungeon Master for those not familiar with Nerdian) I can tip the odds for or against you depending on your actions... A form of Karma if you will. This means that it is indeed possible to reason with enemies (Which you cannot do in-game) or discover a life-saving potion.

In the RP

Once the RP starts up, most replies should be in short, clipped, Zork-like commands unless you are interacting with something, to make things easier for me to read and keep track of.

Winning requirements

In the event that someone beats all odds and wins the game, they will have had to fill certain requirements, Here is a list of objectives.

  1. Reach the Orb of Zot - The Dungeon has a total of 85 floors, each with unique challenges (Some are maze-like, some are arena-like, some are filled with traps) And the player must reach the bottom to retrieve the Orb
  2. Make it back - upon retrieving the Orb, several special guardians awaken, and the player must escape them or defeat them to make it back out of the dungeon with their prize
  3. Along the way... - To be able to touch the Orb at all, the player must first retrieve at least three runes that can be found in various sub-dungeons
  4. Get out alive - Enemies are harsh and plentiful in the Dungeon, so... good luck.


Multiple characters will die, occasionally leaving behind a ghost or undead, these creatures are mindless and are no longer in control of the player, but the equipment can be reclaimed by someone else, along with a boatload of EXP. However, depending on your in-RP religion, your unearthly patron may take your body and your belongings for his/her self.
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Name: Aucaman

Race: Kobold

Background: Hunter

Weapon: A crossbow

I'm not sure if that's enough, but I did put down everything you asked for.
Mooalally said:
Name: Aucaman
Race: Kobold

Background: Hunter

Weapon: A crossbow

I'm not sure if that's enough, but I did put down everything you asked for.
Considering that I have played the game with over 100 characters and died every time... It's good to not have to go into detail. This rp is more about actions than story.

ACCEPTED honestly the only people who won't be are the ones who choose their own race or whatever
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Alright, now that I'm sure people will join, I'm going to have you guys roll for your weapon enchantments, go back to your sign up posts, select more options in the bottom right and then click "Roll a dice" Type in Weapon enchantments and keep the die six sided, roll twice.
Unfortunately, that means the trident is +0 +2 first means attack damage, second means accuracy, but that's good, considering polearms can reach, I'll start when we get one more person
If I find Kyal's character and skin him, can I use his skin to create a koala trap, in which I will catch a flesh-eating koala which I can release on other people in the dungeon?
Mooalally said:
If I find Kyal's character and skin him, can I use his skin to create a koala trap, in which I will catch a flesh-eating koala which I can release on other people in the dungeon?
Creative, but if you can manage it... not a flesh eating koala, but maybe a worm (more fearsome than it sounds) 
We're just waiting on at least one more person to sign up, I think @VampiricPotato expressed interest

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