The Devil's Knight


Queen of being Bored
(Between me and @xSvendalx )

Times have passed and the world has become split, not literal but something like that. Alliances have been made and two half of the world are at war. But this isn't the first time is has happened. It happened once before and it lead to a great era of peace but there were those who had helped in the word. They are known as the Devil's Knights, cold blooded killers with an unquenchable thirst for blood and death.

These warriors have said to have powers unlike no other but all having a different mastery in an element or skill. Some more than other but still never the same.

These warriors have been lost in time fore they were only mortal yet time knows no bounds. One warrior still lives, said to be sealed away by the Devil himself.

100s of years have passed and through the world has been in peace during the split it is now at war again and there are a few who have just found their answer to winning their war. The last warrior that had been sealed away was found and brought out of his slumber, ready to fight a war, just as he had before his sealing. This last living warrior, is the leader of the Devil's Knights...the strongest one, and the only one said to be bless or maybe cursed by the Devil.

"Oh...You've come around." A man said the Devil Knight. "How are you feeling? Being alive and awake now."

The Devil Knight remained silent as he looked around at the strange new items around him.

"Well? How do you feel? I hope your feeling up to some more fighting. We have a war on our hands and we can use your help."

That caught the Devil's Warrior's attention then smirked and nodded at the man. "If you want my services then I need at least three things."

"Name them." The man replied eagerly.

"Gold, land...and a maiden."

" Oh, yes, you mean money. We can do that. Land might be a bit harder but I'm sure we can come up with some. The last want...a girl? I...I don't think we can do that one."

"Then I will seek your enemies and see if I can make a deal with them."

"Wait!" The man shouted just as the Devil Knight turned away. "I'm sure there would be one girl here willing to go."

"No, one of my choosing."

The man paused then nodded. "Alright."

"Hello! Ms. May! I got your shipping supplies." A teenage girl shouted knocking at the door of a lady who opened it.

This caught the Devil's Knight attention and he watched silently as a women stepped out. He then turned back to the man and nodded. "Her."

"Ms. May?!"

"No." The man sighed as he heard this but the Devil's Knight continued to talk. "The girl delivering the supplies."

The man shout a look at the Devil Knight in surprise but before he could say something the Devil's Knight called over the girl, the picked the girl because she looked family, she looked like someone he knew before, someone he was a bit close too but not that close.

The girl looked over curiously and smiled. "One minute!" She said taking the supplies inside before coming out and taking her pay and putting it in her pocket. She walked over to the man and the Devil's Knight taking out a pencil and notebook. "What can I get you?" She said getting ready to write something down.

"Yourself. You belong to me now." The Devil's Knight smirked looking down at her.

(Note: He's supposed to seem mean, demanding, and lustful [slightly])

(Just because its romance doesn't mean there will be no action and that romance start right away!)

My skelly:

Name: Mika

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Powers: N/A

Skills: Speed

Bio: Mika lives alone and works at the supply delivery store. She's one of the best delivery girls they have because of her speed. When she is on her breaks or is sitting alone doing nothing she tends to start humming. Some times she will lose herself in her humming and start singing. She doesn't like to sing in front of others so when she does its always accidental and she becomes embarrassed and leaves the area even if they thought she was good. Mika loves music so its a big impact on her. Even though they are at war she carries a music device on her at all times and when others are not looking she plays her music. Most of the time the music she is listening to is the same kind she sings. Mika doesn't remember anything of her parents and remembers working and being treated as family by those who work at the delivery store. Mika can often be very stubborn and hates to be ordered around unless its for her job.
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My skelly!

Name: Lucian Aurelieus

Age: 21 at sealing

Gender: Male


Powers: Devil's Wings (Ability to "grow" wings and fly.)

Soul Link (Lucian feeds off the enemies he kills, rapidly healing him and increasing his endurance.)

Damnation (Lucian has only once used this power. A circle of red appears on a large area, rending the soul from everyone in the fields body, fueling Lucian.)

Skills: Swordplay, Speed, Casting and tactics.

Bio: Lucian was always the black sheep, never social, always off. He was recruited young to a combat training program. He never knew what it would turn into. He excelled, though. He was always training or studying. Never slowing down. His development into a Devil Knight was accidental. He stumbled upon a simple ritual one night while training. The acolytes fled, the inverted pentagram placed on the grouns flared to life around him, burning a crescent moon in his left shoulder. The rest of his past is a mystery. Up until he was recorded in the war. He was truly a remarkeable being. Merciless, murderous. Nothing could stop him now. And now he was called to arms again, far outside of his actual era he does not fit in very well at all.

Galaxy S4
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(Sure ^^)

Mika huffed. "Yeah right like I belong to you. Go to hell." She said turning to walk away only to be stopped by the mayor.

He laughed a but awkwardly. "Oh, you see. There isn't much of a choice. You see, he is all right with the land and gold. But there is a maiden he needs and -"

"Go hire one." She said mistaking the word maiden for maid.

"No...he wants a maiden. A girl. Of his choice...and he picked you."

"Hell no." Mika said and continued walking away.

The mayor starting to feel at a loss. "Are you sure you don't want another girl? I'm sure there is one more willing and this one is just stubborn. She won't listen to you at all."
"It matters very little if she listens or not." Lucian glared at the mayor, moving his hand forward, the door to the room closing and locking as he turned to look at the girl. A smile spread on his face as his eyepatch shifted.

"She will be mine, or I will destroy this village with no regard." His eyes stayed locked on the girl, his hands folding infront of him as he huffed. He was, of course, wearing strange clothing. A long red and gold robe with a sword holster tied at the side, with no sword. On top of such, he had a necklace with a long sharp tooth.

"I'm growing tired of this game." He eyed the mayor, his golden eye shimmering. "You should probably speak with her and convince her quickly. I am not a patient man." He continued smiling that odd, psychotic smile, his hands gripping themselves tightly.

Galaxy S4
Mika glared at him before the mayor called her attention.

"You know we need his help."

"Yeah...I know but what gives him the right to just come in and made demands? Some of us are trying to live actual lives. Not through wars to be sealed away again."

"Yes but...he doesn't seem to care about the others. He only picked you."

Mika huffed now and went back to glaring at the Devil's Knight. "Why did you pick me? You should know that there a a ton of other girls out there. Most likely trying to find an easy way out of this war. I'm not one of them. I actually have a job and your land is most likely out and away from my town. Besides, the only difference in destruction would be now or later."

"Yes but-"

"He says he can help us but what if he's lying? What if this is some kind of prank or joke? You would have given away land, money, and someone who will more likely want to punch him than work with him. What proof is there that you are actually going to help and not just leave this town to be destroyed?"
Lucian smiled and looked at her. He quietly approached her, extending a hand. "I am Lucian Aurelieus. I was once the leader of the group you know as 'The Devil's Knights. And while true, you have no reason to trust my loyalty.. well." He smirked, staring directly into her eyes. "It's better to have a chance at something, rather than no chance at all, right?"

He offered a light chuckle, turning his head to look at the mayor. "You know of my group, yes?" His eyebrows raised, not waiting for an answer. "Of course. Or I wouldn't be awake. Alive again after.. however many years." He scoffed and looked at the girl, hand still extended. "I am the strongest. I have never failed a task set before me." His eyes locked, his lids lowering slightly. "Why did I choose you...?" He grinned, shrugging. "You look familiar. Remind me of someone I knew, long ago. Tell me.. how long have I been asleep?" He seemed to jump subjects quickly.

Galaxy S4
Maia looked at his hand but didn't bother to shake it, her arms were not crossed. "Too long judging from your clothes." She muttered glancing away. She hated his reasoning, mostly because he was right. A chance was better than none. But she knew about the stories and it wasn't a group that people feared.

"Well, the stories usually tell of one person. Strong and almost demonic. Then again, stories are often manipulated." The mayor said.

Maia glared at him, hating the way he looked at her. "Whatever time you come from it is not this one. Stop looking at me that way. Your obviously too old to even know how to treat girls or women of this time." She glared at him.

"Hm, you might have been about a thousand years...or so judging from your clothes." The mayor added then looked at Maia. "Won't you just agree?"

"Why? Do you really think he's just going to destroy our home just because of that? Even if he does that its not like he's going to get what he wants anyway." Maia pointed out.
Lucian looked at the two of them, then looking to his hand he closed it tight. "Do you need proof that I am the one the stories are about? Because yes, while my Knights were powerful and a force to be reckoned with.. No Army could stand against me. Alone." He took a step back, his arms crossing in front of him. "If proof is what you need, I can give you such."

He quietly exhaled, memories flashing through his mind. His face contorted into a frown now. "A Thousand years.." It was barely a mumble as he looked down, his sandals shifting a bit as he sighed, closing his eye. "That truly is a long time. But I will adapt in time for this war to be fought." He looked up again, staring at Maia. "Well? If I prove that I am the 'Demon' of the stories will you come with me?" He smirked, obviously knowing he could prove it with ease.

Galaxy S4
Mika glared at him but eased only as she looked at the mayor, who looked at her back with begging eyes. "Ugh! your hell bent on that! I don't see why your can't just find some other person. Honestly, another person would be much easier..." She muttered, remaining silent after that.

The mayor watched her even though she was trying to avoid looking at anyone.

After a moment of silence she sighed loudly and looked up at Lucian fairly annoyed. "Fine! But you can't betray us. If you do then there will be no way that I will stay. I will leave the moment I find out." She honestly wanted to say that she would try and kill him but she knew that she would most likely be killed before that was even a possibility.
"Perfect!" He clapped his hands together loudly and smiled, his gaze softening as he looked at the mayor. "Very well. Take us to your King so that we may further work out the details of payment and land. If it has been a thousand years, I'm sure the Kingdoms borders have changed so I will need a map of what lands this kingdom possesses. I do not work cheap, either. But I can gaurentee that you will win this war with minimal casualties now."

The Devil Knight looked at the girl, extending his hand once more. "Now that we'll be working together, I would love to know your name. Though, do excuse me if I sometimes call you by another. You remind me very much of someone I once knew." He offered a light smile, yet it was still eerie.

Galaxy S4
Both Mika and the mayor jumped a bit after hearing the loud clap.

"Um, well there are no longer kingdoms or Kings who rule them. There are countries now. I can very send a message and have him either come here or send something for you. At the moment we are near the boarder of two grand countries. They are both warring at the moment and for now this is both a safe heaven...though there could be an attack at any moment. We were both looking for one To help ensure a win to the war." The mayor explained. "If the money and land we have now isn't enough then I am sure we will give you what we gain including the land of the other country. I hope that sounds reasonable."

Mika glared at him a bit. "My name is Mika. And it is not a pleasure to meet you. Though what exactly did you even prove? All you did was clap really loud...anyone could have done that." She still showed no intention of shaking his hand.
"Oh, yes, right!" He laughed a bit before he rolled his shoulders, after a moment there was a loud snapping sound as blood splattered the wall behind him and two large wings unfurled from his back. Each was gold with tinges of black as it spread wide, each wing at least sevem feet in length. He smiled even wider as he flapped them, causing a massive wind current to rip through the room, throwing objects around as he quietly curled them to his sides.

"Need any more proof or are randomly growing wings not good enough?" He smiled at Mika, nodding. "Lucian. Still a pleasure to meet you none the less, Mika." His eyes turned to the mayor as his wings began to fold, cracking and ripping as they slipped back into his shoulder blades, his robe now ruined in the back. "I have no idea what the go... mm.. money value is worth here. Or what the market is like. Therefore, I will entrust all financial needs to Mika." He looked at her and smiled.

"As for land, I require at minimum a two story stone house on thirty acres of land. There must be a pond on it relatively close to the house. Other than that, I want half of the territory we gain through war. I'll deal with the rest on my own accord."

Galaxy S4
Mika and the mayor stared in shock as they heard the snapping sound and saw the wings appear.Both of them moved to cover their faces from whatever items flew around though it didn't last long.

Mika returned hes comment with a glare. "Thats fine enough and why trust me with the financial needs? Shouldn't you be able to figure it out?" She asked. "Besides, I don't like you, it doesn't exactly qualify me as the most trustworthy person to you at the moment." Mika rubbed her arms, the sound of his wings going back into him made her hair stand on end and give her goosebumps.

"That is a lot of land...but I will surely send the a letter to him as well. Should I add anything that you wish to say of the land or of your demands?" The mayor asked almost nervous.

"Why the hell do you need so much land for?" Mika asked. "What are you planning on doing with all of it?"
He smiled as the Mayor complied with it all, but as Mika spoke up his smile faded. He mumbled quietly before looking at Mika, shrugging. "You won't betray my financial needs. The money is coming from your... Country. And is also to supply you."

After a short pause he bit his lip, before nodding. "Well. What I need with that land is to finish what I started years ago." He bowed lightly. "Now. What does your currency look like and how much can you give me up front? I obviously need new clothing. And I'm hungry."

After another moment, he crossed his arms. Looking at Mika. "I'll be trusting your sense of fashion for this as well. I do hope you won't let me down. That would be a shame." He let his arms drop before looking to the Mayor again. "So, finances." He stated simply. "Until my land is secured, I'll stay at the finest inns in this village. Mayhaps they'll even have a jester there for entertainment."

Galaxy S4
"Yeah...why don't I just dress you up like a rainbow and be done with it." Mika muttered crossing her arms and looking away. "Or rags..." She huffed obviously angry, mostly because she felt like she had to take care of a person that she didn't know or care about, more so that she didn't know about.

"Your currency is bill and coins. I can't give you everything we have since school and payments must be made but I can give you enough for clothes and food. A place to stay will be provided until we have your land. We will send people to search for the best land for you and we will clear it out and build to your expectations. A home that those of wealth live in, or at least the type. Would that be all right?"

"There are no jesters here. You have to settle for something else." Mika said then glanced at the door. "Can I go now? You don't need me and I have work to finish. Unlike you I have to try and earn a least for today I do." She muttered at the very end.
"Hmm. Very well. Write up a bill of notice for my free stay in my place of choosing. And even I'm not evil enough to take everything. So food and clothing will do." He looked to Mika and smiled. "No. You work for me now. No one else." He continued smiling as he approached the mayor. He was tall, muscular and... Very intimidating. "So. Give Mika all the things she'll need and she can guide me around the village to the best tailors. I'll also need a new sword. Mine was lost some time ago. So I'll have to go to a Blacksmith." He nodded, making a list in his mind.

Galaxy S4
"Wait...what? I have orders to fill you know. At least let me take my pad to my boss." Mika said stepping around Lucian, trying to catch his attention.

The mayor glanced up a bit nervously, feeling extremely intimidated by Lucian. "I will give this letter to you telling them to bill me instead of you." He then started to pull things out of his drawers and place them on the desk. Maps, letters, and everything else Mika would need. "We do have a blacksmith. They actually still do exist. Its actually-"

"Near the delivery store I work at." Mika said glaring at him. "So can I return that stuff now because right now it doesn't sound like I'm going to be going home soon."
Lucian nodded, waiting for Mika to gather the supplies as he walked to the door, gripping the handle. "Very well. Drop me off at the Blacksmith, tell your Boss you can no longer work for him and then come back. We'll go from there."

He grinned and looked out towards the door, pulling it open and closing his eyes, taking in a deep breath, before exhaling slowly. Laughing suddenly.

Galaxy S4
"I am not your servant." Mika said annoyed picking up the papers now turning her glare toward the mayor. "Some help you are." She muttered to him before walking out behind Lucian just to hear him burst out laughing.

"Whats your problem?" She asked before muttering, "freaking psychopath."
"My problem.. is that I'm enjoying being alive again. Death has a habit of taking away your senses." He shrugged and walked out, stretching and yawning. "Well then, Mika. Lead the way?" He smiled, gesturing out to the streets as he bowed his head.

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"Well I wouldn't know that. Normal people don't tend to get sealed away for a thousand years." Mika stated as she started to walk ahead of him toward the blacksmith. "Okay, so what do you need me for?"
"Guide. Informant. Many things. I have a short temper, I'm not political and I can't stand being in crowded places!" He laughed quietly again, following after her as he received strange stares from everyone they passed.

Galaxy S4
"I'm not a political either. I can't stand anything having to do with the stuff let alone understand it." Mika sighed then sighed as she figure he was just going to use for basic outings like avoiding crowds or people.

Mika shook her head as she stopped in front of the blacksmith. "James! Its Mika I brought you a customer! Reluctantly!" She called.

A large, short white bearded, built man came out from the back laughing. "Reluctantly brought me a customer. Whats that-" He paused as he looked at Mika and then over to the new person. "Who's that?"

"Devil's Knight." Mika answered dully. "He needs a sword and I wish I had a gun right now." She said to him before starting to walk away from the two.

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