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Realistic or Modern the devil's backbone


story weaver



Many years ago during the early 15th century, witches and warlocks lived among men undetected and thrived within their communities. They grew and branched all around the Americas creating clans and families to carry on their lineage. They all coexisted peacefully until a rift within the witches with Light and Dark magics created a separation of the two.

The Dark witches and warlocks ripped away from the Light because they thought they should be using their power to grow and take over the humans of the world. They became extremely greedy and reckless with their practices and eventually were discovered by humans. All their plans were exposed and brought to light. This created the Salem Witch Hunt and Trials. The matriarchs of each family, Dark and Light alike, were hunted down, tortured and killed to make sure they had no chance of ever going through with their plans.

The families grew extremely weak and had to be careful. They took on new identities and moved far away from the rest of the world, hiding in cottages in the forests of America for several hundred years until they finally grew large enough and allowed themselves to reluctantly reenter human society. They still keep what they are a secret, but their numbers have steadily grown and clans have popped up all around the new states. Dark and Light cast aside in the name of survival, they connected with each other again and even created a small government for themselves. One prominent family member, usually the Head of Household, from each state was carefully picked creating a board of 50 members to make important decisions for all of the witch and warlock community.

Things ran smoothly for 99 years, but on the 100th year anniversary, this current year, the entire state of Mississippi and all of the families inside it came forth with ideas for the New World. The families were sick of living in secret and want to come out from behind the veil. While this sounds peaceful enough, what they're really planning on is to take down humanity and wreck havoc into the world. Only a couple months ago they took over the clans in Tennessee and after that, Arkansas, forcing them to accept things or pay the price. And it's not just Mississippi who believes in the New World. All around the United States clans plan and plot in secret with one another to occupy other lands. Some board members have even been in on things all along. Now the U.S.A. is being divided between the new and old ideals and no one knows who they can trust anymore.


Louisiana is under the big possibility of being attacked by Mississippi to take their power. One of the families in Louisiana, the Eastey Clan, has already aligned with the Clans of Mississippi and their ideals. They are waiting for the perfect time to attack and oppress. The Wildes and Jacobs Clans have been warned to surrender, but they will not and instead are planning on marrying into the families and joining their powers together in order to protect themselves. They do not want to go into the new ideas because they know history is repeating itself and this will ultimately destroy all the witches and warlocks once again.

The Wildes family has travelled to the Jacobs' home in St. Francisville, LA to prepare for an arranged wedding. They haven't done this since the early 1900s, but desperate times calls for desperate measures. The powerful heir of the Jacobs is set to marry the first born male of the Wildes clan. All family members have travelled along with as well. Over the course of a month, the house will be prepared and guests will be notified. They can't wait any longer in fear of being attacked by the other families. So far Mississippi doesn't know about the wedding, but it will catch wind soon and when it does they had better be prepared for the ultimate battle.


Each family member will have a certain ability that is different from the rest, but all will be able to do basic things such as casting spells and making potions. Please make sure that when you're choosing your special ability to not make yourself too overpowered. If I don't think it's appropriate I'll offer another option of your version or I might ask you to create an entirely new one. Also, don't be afraid of taking a role of a daughter or son. Even though you might not be a part of the main plot currently, I will have subplots for all characters so everyone can have plenty of drama.




@RadGalBri |


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1. You are allowed to express interest in a role, but know that this is not first come first serve. I will accept or deny your characters based on whether or not I think they'd fit into the world.

2. Please do not join this RP unless you are ready to put in some serious detail to all characters/locations/posts. I plan on collaborating with you all to create a intricate and interesting world. Also, a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per post is required.

3. I have a set plot that I've developed with the storyline, but I am up for any ideas that you might have to make this RP more intriguing.

4. I am open to creating more sons and daughters if this gets a lot of interest.

5. Thanks so much for reading this far! I love questions, so if you have any please let me know!!!

I'm interested as well!

(The characters aren't first come first serve, right?)
Out of mere curiosity, right, must you pick a son/daugher from the said families? Could it be possible to have a witch hunter inside the RP? Perhaps a collaboration between some hunters and witches to find the greater evil?

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