wanna bewitch you in the moonlight
/* credit to sugarvine*/
- character sheetthe sheet will be fairly simple. as a reminder, roles will not be first come first serve. apps will be due in one week! A soft deadline for those with extra energy or previously admitted apps will be Sunday, May 7th, but the hard deadline will be May 10th otherwise. If you need an extension ask, but I will only provide a couple of extra days! If you cannot complete it by then don't worry, and simply reapply when there is an opening to slot you and your character back in! It will be fairly lax, as tense as I may seem writing this, but I'm as communicative and willing as you are : )
feel free to use code or don't, but we always enjoy a pretty layout.
name: (full name, legal name, pseudonym)
age: (21+)
p.o.b: (place of birth)
d.o.b: (date of birth)
faceclaim: (written description is okay, aesthetic pics for 'faceclaim' works, but keep them realistic as well. )
written description: (slightly optional: if you have an fc, feel free to omit some of the description but please provide anything that isn't pictured)
four pos traits: (traits that are considered 'positive' or otherwise agreeable or beneficial to themselves or others)
four neg traits: (traits that are considered 'negative' or otherwise a detriment to themselves or others)
fears: (minimum one)
vices: (minimum one. anything that is a habit or personality trait that is particularly vice-worthy: addictions, behaviours, etc)
supernatural encounter: (whether they play a passive or active, whatever has got them going to these meetings and taking the job)
personal effects: (provide whatever petty or little things that they may have on them, perhaps as a sign of personality and who they are; what they enjoy, little tidbits that need not be expressed in pure prose, but in their presence alone)
personal history: (paragraph minimum, please give us an idea of where they came from and who they are) - THE "ROLES"
Different to the last interest check, we won't have any 'specific' roles. Everyone is sort of equal in being paid and essentially hired, each with their own motivations, for the RP's premise. Here is the finalized ideas, sentiments and boundaries for characters.
1. Mediums and the like are welcome, psychics that can communicate with energy, spirits and et cetera. These will be moderated in both number and strength, so be sure to think more humbly about it than going all out. Whether or not 'real magic' exists is beyond the realm of most character's belief. This RP will ride alongside real sentiments and life, so going insane with any witch powers or beliefs is a no-no. Hippie-dippie occultic fascination? Sure. Don't go beyond 'The Conjuring' as an example for spiritual abilities.
2. Everyone's going to be a rather every-man, paired with the 1973 setting, so don't go crazy with outfitting your OC in equipment, gear or anything that'll make 'em lethal. All that will be provided by the IC benefactor. The less prepared you are, with a chance to learn and grow your OC along the way, the better.
3. Keep an active eye for characters already claimed/reserved or published. Trying to fit into the group best will give you the best chance of getting your OC accepted! Characters that are too similar will be asked to change/judged on which dynamic or execution fits better with the setting. Characters that are dynamic and can stand on their own in an adapting setting (as we will be investigating different cases) will be preferred over those that are passive watchers to events around them. In some cases this can be executed well, but exercise caution! Better to be able to have fun with your character than pigeon-hole them into something and someone that won't be fun to play with.
4. I don't feel like I should say this, but please: No Mary Sues, No Gary Stues. This feels incredibly pre-2015 to even mention, but in some cases folks just defer to this in more horror based RPs. Your OC won't die unless you want, but they will be hurt and they should be stupid at stuff. Where's the fun in everyone being readily prepared or knowing what to do? What's the fun in everyone being agreeable and pleasant? Mix it up. Boogie down.
5. If your concept feels a little out of reach for the RP but you're wanting to work something out, please DM me and I will help you work it out beforehand. Cheat code into getting into an RP with a specific tone is to always just ask the GM what they're looking for! I promise unless you're idea is batshit, I probably won't shut it down. But if it comes to it I will.
- cs guidelines1. as mentioned please, fcs are to be realistic/real. written descriptions with supplemental aesthetic/no face pictures are welcome as well, but keep it real as well (still no drawings, no anime).
2. brought up in the ooc but I will mention it here, but characters should be older than 21 but can be whatever range. Whatever works and makes sense for your character to be traversing the country with a car full of near strangers.
3. everyone needs to have (or claim to have had) some experience with ghosts/spirits/demons, etc. If you want ideas feel free to ask!
4. give some weight to the sheets; these will be a reflection of the writing you intend to bring as well as your chance to give some voice for your chara. feel free to take your time with it all.
5. as mentioned, apps will be accepted on a rolling basis, but are not first come first serve. I will not be reacting to any CSes unless they are finished, or already are accepted (in the cases of anyone having submitted their oc before and wanting to reapply).
6. another reminder that this takes place in 1973, and thus things should be somewhat appropriate in your character's bio for the times and their occupations. plenty of wars to fight in, and plenty of cultural zeitgeists to cling to. tech references or tech included will reflect this. Please, oh god please, keep it within the time period. If you blatantly ignore this or your OC looks and feels too modern (I know, it sounds dumb to be a stickler on it), they will probably not be considered. Period RPs work best with a consistent tone and aesthetic, and I will adhere to that.