The Descenders of Dri Var

Gender: Male



Body: Lithe, yet muscled, Medium length hands and has scars on his back.

Face: Has piercing black eyes, a straight nose, A Silver ring in left lower lip and silver ring in left ear lobe, a scar down right cheek bone, and a dimple in left cheek.

Hair: Dark hair with red streaks in it.

Clothing: Black Leather jacket, black leather gloves and leggings. Along with Silver chain hanging out right jacket pocket and chain maile jerkin underneath jacket.

Weapons:Long silver Rapier, spells (do you want to know what spells?)

Abilites: Can morph into large black dragon, Can stun young women into inaction

Personality: Moody, one second he will be trying to kill you, the next he will be singing songs and dancing.

He is a feirce friend, and a feircer enemy.

He tends to be elegant of speech, due to the fact he lived (mistaken for a prince) in a castle for a while.

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