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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales

Evangeline laughed. "I promise you they're not. I haven't even met one yet. Though I have let a gator loose in the school once... He needed to be free." She said with a small shrug before giggling.

She began to work on her ice cream, licking the melting ice cream first before biting into it and shivering. Eva glanced at him and gave an amused smile as he spoke before following him and swinging on her swing just a bit. She stiffened just a bit at the question and turned to look at him. "M-my cookbook? I..." She bit her lip, thinking about whether it would be a good idea or not. After a few minutes she sighed, turning towards her bag and pulling it out. She glanced at him as she handed it over.

"Please be careful, okay?" She asked, giving him a pleading look.

"I told you I won't judge already. Worry-wart." Anais sent the guy in front of her a playful smirk before raising an eyebrow when he mentioned that he saw her earlier.

"Erm, yeah. Rahul, Morgan and that local kid here Frostlynn was with me earlier. Chatting about cupcakes and stuffs until they left me for a stupid boring library." she snorted and rolled her eyes afterwards. She means, they chose a library over her story about herself earlier. And libraries are boring then that means her story was less interesting than the library, how bad is that?

She giggled softly at his next few words though, "Persuasion? I would like to see you try and make others go wild." she challenged Wick with a Cheshire Cat smile.

Wick smirked at Anais when she began talking about being left for the library. Was she that annoyed by it? Did she want to be the one on top at all times? Wick couldn't help but snicker.

"Someone's gotten a bit more cocky. Their confidence level is running off the charts." He sang, eyes twinkling with mischief.

He raised an eyebrow at the Cheshire Cat smile before giving one back.

"You're challenging me? You dare challenge Wick?" He asked, cracking his knuckles. "It's on baby doll."

FrankieLynn said:
Rahul gasps as the arrow appears ahead of him; ducking was certainly the best idea he has had all day. Sorry? He had merely stained her dress; she just made a non-verbal threat against his life. The male stares Frost back, looking into her eyes with the same intensity that she looks into his. He starts to move his pupils back and forth, hoping he can hypnotize her like clever characters do in movies, but watches must be the key tool. Even after what may be three seconds or what may be ten years, Frostlyn's eyes don't grow hazy or swirled. They remain the same. Rahul is forced to do as she says, only instead of hypnotizing him, the girl had cheated and lured him to her secret hideout. So much for having fun.
"Okay; I'm sorry! Just put that thing down; geeze..."

The male sits up straight now, showing he is scared of the weapon more than the girl herself. He stares at the bow, as well as the arrows nearby, with equal amounts of fear and curiosity. Why would she choose to have such a weapon? A gun or a large knife would get the job done quicker.

"Why do you have to protect yourself, anyway? Have you been preparing for our arrival long enough to do that?!"

Rahul, once again, points to the target Frostlyn had shot at, and, after noticing the other guy, he shakes his hair out of his face and tries to appear calm... No moody girls scaring boys twice their size over here. Nope; Rahul is just playing along, giving the girl confidence.

@Halcyon @Deadkool
Okaaaay, the bow might've been a bit much. Good to see he apologized though. Dmitri began saying "Well then-" he walked over to Rahul and held out his hand to help him up. "Nice to make your acquaintance. I'm Dmitri, peddler of the unique, bizarre, and pirated." A grin swept across Dmitri's face. Nice to see not everyone from Maleficent was a d*ck.
Frost leaned back, satisfied with him apologizing. She stayed on the ground as he continued to speak, pointing towards the target. "What? No no. I do that because it fun. Do i need protection against you?" She asked raising an eyebrow. The girl then let her eyes travel up and down his body. He seemed like an okay fit. A little out of shape though. He also judged by the way he panted just running out here that she could out run him in a heart beat.

"Nawh, i don't need protection against you." She decided, shrugging a little. Frost then stood up, brushing off dried grass from her knees. As she did so Dmitri walked up, greeting Rahul. She decided that even if Dmitri didn't think so, she thought Rahul was a d*ck. Apologies mean next to nothing if you have to force them to do so.

"Yeah isn't he just peachy?" She spoke sarcastically, walking away from the two boys and over to the barrel of arrows. She then took off her guard an finger tab, also putting them in the barrel. Frost then started dragging the barrel towards the shed.

@Deadkool @FrankieLynn
OOC: hey guys, sorry I haven't been responding, i've been really sick lately. I'll be back up and responding hopefully by tomorrow!

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