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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales

"Oh, I'm sure they'll be alright. Like I said, it's not that far, anyway." They trekked down the path, the sunlight streaming through the branches of the trees. He glanced at her. "It's good to hear you like the school. I wasn't a big fan of school at all myself when I was younger. Got teased quite a bit, that's why my parents pulled me from it and started homeschooling me. I kind of got sick of that too, just being inside the house all the time. It was actually my Uncle Quasi that convinced them to let me go. 'Nobody wants to be cooped up forever,' he said." He flushed ever so slightly when Eva placed a flower in the thicket of his dark hair. "Thanks, Eva. I'm just glad I was able to meet you as soon as I got in. Who knows what could've happened if we didn't. You might still be missing your book!" He teased her. "Now come on, we're almost there." As they walked forward, the sound of rushing water became more and more apparent. They finally broke through the trees into a clearing, where there was a ledge overlooking a crystal clear spring, a small waterfall spilling water into it on the other side. "I hope you don't mind keeping this little grove a secret, Eva." He said, grinning. "I'd hate for other wild teenagers to pollute it."

“Thank you dear lady.” He said, taking the sunglasses and putting them on himself. He grinned at her though she wouldn’t be able to see it to her answer of the hallway.

He followed after her, waving at people they walked past.

“Yeah, they definitely know we’re from the other school.” He said with a chuckle as he saw two girl pointing at him. He waved at them and they both jumped, giving disappointed looks. As if he cared what they thought.

“This will be very fun ‘Nicole’.” He said, glancing at her. Hopefully she would understand that he was using a different name on purpose. He figured she would. Anais was a smart cookie.

He grabbed his bag and pulled out his own spray paint. Blue. What a beautiful color to ruin the school with. He moved a few feet way from Anais and began to spray paint the wall himself, doodling crazy little cartoons.

He took a step back, looking at his work with a grin before going back into it. “We have to keep on the lookout.” He said, glancing at her. “A lot of people saw us and there’s no doubt in my mind they’ve already told the staff. You see an adult- you run.” He said, feeling his adrenaline kick in. This was going to be so much fun. If there just so happened to be an adult coming it would only add to it.



Evangeline frowned slightly. “Aww, I’m sorry to hear about you being bullied Zeph. School isn’t as preppy and as sweet as they make it out to be on TV. We all have troubles, some have more troubles than others. But I’m glad you came back to going to a public school.”

She smiled at him and laughed. “Oh yes, my book would certainly still be held captive by that big idiot if you hadn’t swooped in and saved the say. But you are a pretty cool guy Zeph. I’m glad I met you too.” She said with a small grin. She happily followed after him and heard the water. Her excitement rose a bit and was amazed at the sight she saw.

“Oh wow, this is beautiful!” She exclaimed, looking over at him before looking back at it. “There is no way I’d tell anyone about this place. Too pretty to want to share!” She took a few steps forward before looking around some more. “How in the world did you find this place?"

Zeph snorted. "You've got that right. I'm glad I came too though, I just wanted to make some friends aside from my family and our pets." He chuckled at this. "I hardly saved the day, Eva. I just pointed you in the right direction of that unscrupulous guy." Zeph smiled at her reaction to the waters. "It is, isn't it? I always went on walks when I wanted to be alone, I actually ended up stumbling upon this about a year ago. I like coming here to clear my head, or to practice dancing, or to swim. Speaking of such, I think I might go for a dip!" He dashed off to the edge of the waterfall, pulling his shirt over his head and exposing his tattoos. He turned his back to Eva. "No peeking! We only just met, remember?" He shouted playfully at her. As soon as he had stripped down to his shorts, he launched himself into the water, hooting as he splashed down. The water bubbled around him in a sunlit rush as he bobbed to the surface, gasping for air and smoothing his wet hair back. He looked up at Eva, who was still above him. "Come on, sit down and put your feet in! It's awesome." He grinned, pointing to a large rock poised right on the waters edge.


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"Psh, yeah right, 'Derick'. Adults here are old bags and will probably take a whole day to get to us." Anais snickered at Wick, she picked up that he was using another name for her to avoid getting caught. She continued making silly drawings/paintings at the wall and turned around to the murmuring students behind them. She bowed at them, "Maleficent High for the win!" she proudly yelled her ex-school's name as she adjusted her scarf and sunglasses.

That was until a loud whistle was heard and the security guard was after the two of them. She silently cursed and looked at Wick, "I think we need to find another location to vandalize." Anais told the said guy as she took his hands and ran away with him quickly. Did she underestimated the adults here in this school? Anyways, they shouldn't get caught or they'll get sent to the principal's office right away.


“Well this is a wonderful thing to stumble upon.” Evangeline said, nodding her head as she looked around. She turned to him and watched as he ran. Worry radiated. “Um, Zeph will you be okay? Are you sure-“ She squeaked in surprise when he pulled his shirt off and quickly turned around, doing her best not to see him. She hadn’t been expecting for him to strip like that.

“Oh shut it!” She said, glancing at him. She turned around, running to the edge when she heard him letting out a whoop. She watched him dive into the water and a smile came to her face. She grinned at him when he came back up. “I’m going to give you an… Eight!” She teased him. Turning around, Evenagline grabbed his clothes and folded them up, holding them in her arms. She nodded, making her way over to the rock. Pulling her shoes and socks off, she sat down on the edge and slowly dipped her feet in, hissing at the cold temperature. She looked up at him and smiled.

“Is this what you like doing?” She asked with an amused smile. “Jumping into the water?"


He snickered at her and continued to spray paint the wall. Watching the faces of the students around them and seeing their horrified looks and judgmental gasps was enough to get him riled up. This was certainly something that was fun. He was pretty sure it’d be the highlight of his day. “Old hags can’t get to us.” He said before looking back at her when she shouted. He let out a loud whoop in agreement before turning when he heard the whistle.

“So it’s going to take them the whole day huh?” He asked, grabbing up his cans with a grin. “Because I’m pretty sure that was a few minutes!”

He had just finished putting them in his bag when he was pulled away by Anais.

“Another place to vandalize sounds wonderful!” He said, running with her. He pulled ahead just a bit, puling her after him. “But first we need a place to hide! Somewhere to wait them out!"

@TheOneAndOnly @Ravian
"Only an 8? Ah, I'll take what I can get." Zeph grinned lopsidedly at her, swimming around. "Ah, don't tell me it's too chilly for you! Cold water invigorates your blood stream!" He dover under the water again, splashing her feet slightly, and came back up for air. He swam up to the rock she was sitting on and rested his arms on it, pondering her question. "Well yeah, I do like to swim, but I also like other things. I like performing a lot, riding my bike, among others. I just like having a good time, I guess." Zephyr looked up at her. "What about you? I mean, I already know you like cooking, but that's just about it."

"I'm not much for cold anything." Evangeline said with a small grin as she watched him swim around. She hissed when he splashed at her, sticking her tongue out even though he was under water. She placed a finger in the water, gliding it through the cool liquid as he swam back over to her. She glanced up at him and sent a small smile.

"I would love to see you perform one day." She said with a small shrug. "I'm sure it would be entertaining."

Her eyes trailed over his shoulders, landing on the tattoo. She brought her finger up, tracing at it as she thought of the question.

"Other than cooking? I love to party, have fun, just be rebellious when I can. Although I do love working hard as well so I can be a bit of a studier nine times out of ten. I just have this feel of always needing to prove someone wrong when they assume something about me." She said, glancing at him. She frowned.

"You lost the flower I put in your hair. Shame on you." She scolded, though there was a slight teasing in her voice and a ghost of a smile on her lips.
Zephyr shrugged. "Your loss, Eva. Cold water's fantastic." He grinned at her. "If you're lucky I'll dance for you. Maybe that'll be our trade, a dance for one of your beignets." His eyes flickered momentarily to her hand as she touched his tattoo. "You like it? It's a map of Paris. My parents met there, they took me to visit a year ago." His eyes then settled back on her. "Party girl, eh? I like to hear that. They throw good bush bashes around here? I'm guessing house parties are out of the question, parents probably wouldn't want us hoodlums to wreck their stuff." He tilted his head. "Assumptions are pretty shitty, I agree with that." He suddenly felt up his hair, noting that the flower was indeed gone. "My bad! Here, I can fix that. One sec!" With a splash, he was swimming across to the other side of the water, where several lily pads floated. He reached out and picked a water lily, then swam back over. "A thousand apologies, Eva. Here, allow me..." With a cold, wet hand, he delicately pushed a strand of her hair back, and tucked the flower behind her ear. "Lovely. Flowers suit you very well." He smiled at her.

"I think that's a wonderful deal we've worked out." Eva grinned. "My food for your dancing."

"I do like your tattoo." She said with a small nod as she listened to his story. "That's very interesting. It's nice you know where your parents met and even the fact that they took you where they met."

"You won't find many house parties. Maybe a few. The other high school throws pretty crazy ones I've heard. I usually go out of town for mine." She squeaked in surprise when she was splashed again and looked on as he swam to the other side.

She shivered at the feel of his cold hand but couldn't help but grin as he tucked the flower in her hair.

"Thank you Zeph." She said, smiling cheekily at him.

Zephyr smiled back at Eva. "Deal." He said. "Yeah, it was really beautiful. The architecture, the music, the sights, and the food. God, you would've loved the food. I swear they put butter in everything, it's awesome." He shrugged a bit. "Well, if we have to search for ragers, then search we shall. I always love a good party."

He smiled back up at her. "No problem, Eva." He slid out of the cold water, sitting beside her on the rock. He shook out his hair like a dog, water drops flying from his head. "Did you feel a bit of rain there?" He said mischievously. He looked out on the water, feeling very at peace. "You know... I was actually kind of nervous before coming to the school. But... I dunno, I just feel a lot better about it now. I'm actually looking forward to it." He looked over at her. "I guess that's in part thanks to you. So, um, thanks." He smiled sheepishly at her, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh yes, parties are wonderful." Evangeline said, nodding her head at him with a grin. She looked around when he pulled himself out of the water before flinching and letting out a squeak when he began to shake his hair.

"Oh shut it you jerk!" She said, pushing his shoulder as she laughed. Eva calmed down after a few seconds and looked out at the nature, feeling at peace with herself and her surroundings. She looked up when he began to speak and sent him a gentle smile.

"You don't have to thank me Zeph..." She said with a small laugh. "I'm simply being a nice person and including the new kid instead of ostracizing him. But trust me, you would have made a good friend even if you hadn't seen me. Everyone at the school is pretty cool enough to greet a new kid. Not the ones from the other high school but other new kids? Yeah..." She said with a small shrug.

((Please forgive my absence! I'm writing my reply now!!))

Frostlyn shot the next arrow, watching it hit once again. She stood for a moment, just staring at the target. At that moment she noticed Dmitri by her side. She took a step back, her eyes slightly wide. "W-what? Oh... I found it hidden in my moms room." She explained, looking away. She wasn't expecting anyone to follow. She continued to eye the boys as she walked over to her target and pulled out the arrows she shot before walking back to the spot she shot at. "I don't really watch films." She shrugged, locking another arrow onto her string, releasing it.

As it landed on the target, she noticed the shaggy haired boy who caused her anger walking out into the target area. She rolled her as as she watched him panting. Frost released another arrow, hitting the styrofoam. She tried to ignore the male as he stripped himself of his sweater. "Yupp. I'm pretty good." She mumbled mostly to herself as she tried to ignore him pointing to the target. However it was hard to ignore him as he suddenly had a concerned look on his face. The boy quickly started crawling away. Frost was super curious as to what caused the sudden commotion. Frost quickly grabbed and arrow, hooking it and releasing it in record breaking speeds. The arrow landed right in the ground where Rahul was crawling, stopping him from moving any more unless he wished to get shot.

"Give me a moment Dmitri. If you'd like you can look through the book." She pointed towards her jacket before slinging her bow across her back. She then made her way over to Rahul. The small girl crouched down to the ground, hiking up her dress to make sure it didn't touch the ground. The female stared into Rahul's eyes, not once leaving them as she reached over and grabbed her arrow from the dirt. "If you didn't mean it, then say sorry. That's really all it takes." She explained. She then reached out and pulled his hair gently. "Or maybe you're just too hard headed to see what you did wrong."

@Deadkool @FrankieLynn
Zephyr laughed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Didn't realize you were so adverse to water." He titled his head at her. "Still, you didn't have to be as friendly to me as you were. I appreciate it, a lot." He stood up, reaching over to the pile where his clothes were, and started dressing himself. "I think we should move along. Do you have any ideas for what you'd like to do next?" He pulled his shirt over his head and looked down at her, offering his hand for her to get up."

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Anais continued running as she dragged the man behind with her. She turned her head to look at him and the guard, "Wow, that guard is actually catching up." she said while raising an eyebrow at the security guard who was after them. She noticed that there was a girl's bathroom nearby, she ran towards it and pushed Wick inside one cubicle.

"Yo Wick don't go out." she warned the boy as she took off her scarf and sunglasses and gave it to the said man. She went outside the cubicle and acted as if she was fixing her make up when the guard arrived to check if the two of them are in there. "Perveeerttttt!!!Heellpp!" she faked an alarmed scream and pointed at the middle aged guard who just apologized and quickly ran away.

Anais smirked afterwards and complimented herself for being a good actress. "Hey Wick, it's safe to come out now." she told the said guy.

Evangeline smiled. “Don’t thank me so quickly. You don’t know me that well. I could easily be using you for personal gain and once I’m finished drop you to the side like a piece of trash.” She thought about before shrugging. “Of course, I’m not going to do that though. I promise.”

She glanced up at him and took his hand, letting him help her up.

“I actually do not have any ideas. I’d say… The movies maybe?” She asked with a confused look, sending him a shrug. “Or to get something to eat. I don’t know.”


Wick turned, glancing back at the old guard and snarled. “What the hell man? He shouldn’t be this fast? What are they giving the old people now days?” He complained, glancing at Anais before pushing an unfortunate kid down to the ground as their papers flew up into the air, causing a commotion. He snickered at the sight but saw it didn’t stop the guard too much. IT was a matter of seconds before the guard was back on their tail.

Wick yelped in surprise at being pushed into the bathroom. His eyes widened in surprise and didn’t protest when he was pushed into a stall. He took the objects, wrapping the scarf around himself and putting the glasses in his pocket before slamming the stall door shut just in time for the man to come barging in. He heard Anais and screamed in as high pitched of a tone as he could until he was sure the man was gone. He sighed, resting against the wall before opening the door up.

“Well- that just happened.” He said, taking a step out and looking around. “…So this is how a girl’s bathroom looks. Nothing fancy about it at all."

@TheOneAndOnly @Ravian
"What? It's your first time in a girl's bathroom?" Anais smirked at him as she took the scarf and sunglasses from the same guy. She clicked her tongue and chuckled afterwards, "Did you see their faces? They were so alarmed and surprised." she said before facing the mirror and taking out her lipstick. She fixed her make up properly and kept it in her bag.

The ever narcistic Anais winked at her own reflection before looking at Wick's reflection. "So the next venue is?" she asked him as she started dusting off her clothes. Today was fun thanks to Wick's idea of vandalism. "Bless you. You saved me from dying out of boredom." the girl snickered as she shook her head in amusement.

"I've been in girls bathrooms before- Don't get me wrong. You'd be surprised where I've had make out sessions." He said with a shrug, leaning against the sink beside her. "Just this one... It's a new place. Don't judge me." He said with a small blush and shrug. His embarrassed look turned into one of amusement as he nodded. "I sure did. Those idiots didn't know how to react to what it was that we were doing." He said, snickering.

He rolled his eyes when she winked at herself but decided it'd be best not to comment. Wick had to admit that he could be like that at times as well. It was just how he was and apparently how she was as well. He glanced at her before making a noise as he thought over the question.

"I have... I have no idea. Vandalism was the highlight of my thought process for the day. Did you have anything in mind?"

Anais looked at Wick with a blank expression, "You had make out session in a girl's bathroom before?" she chuckled afterwards. "Dont worry I won't judge, I had one in the faculty one time with this one jock." she assured the guy and smirked at his flushed and embarrassed face.

"Plus, I don't really have anything in mind that is better than vandalism. Hm, I dunno." she gave him a quick shrug before finally facing him. "Where are the others anyways? How come we're the only students from Maleficent high causing all these mess?" she tapped her right cheek thoughtfully before shrugging at her own question.

"See? You can't judge me then if you've done it yourself." Wick said, grinning at her. "The joys of high school and hormones. When we want it, we need it. Doesn't matter when or where." He said with a chuckle, turning to look at himself in the mirror. He ran a hand through his hair with a small sigh before glancing back over at her.

"We could always find something to do. Someone to run into..." He mumbled, going back to staring at himself until she started talking once more. "I saw Rahul earlier. He was with a group of girls and you I think. I don't exactly remember who was with him. Ginny's here somewhere. Probably making a movie. That dork." He snorted, rolling his eyes in amusement. "I'm sure with a little... persuasion- we could get them all to go on a rampage. You know it doesn't take much."
"Can we stick with the truck?" Raymond questioned while walking through the halls. "My favorite male superhero is the Human Torch because of the fire and stuff. I wouldn't mind being the Human Torch. I mean, I would need to find some fireproof clothes, but that's not impossible! Favorite female is probably Scarlet Witch" He answered after pausing to think for a bit. "Wait, are we really allowed to leave campus? I thought the authorities wanted us to meet up with the rest of the people around here " The teen stated.

Zephyr did a double take when she spoke, but visibly relaxed when she continued. "Okay, good. You had me going for a second there." He gestured back to the path, and they walked into the forest. "Hm, food sounds good to me. Swimming does wonders for hunger." As he spoke, he suddenly became aware of a tinkling melody. "D'you here that?" Zeph asked, turning towards the source. As they wandered back into the main park, lo and behold, there was an ice cream truck parked on the road, and his eyes widened. "Jackpot!" He shouted gleefully. "Wait here!" He said to Eva, leaving her by the swingset and racing off to the truck. He quickly glanced at the menu, and then ordered a strawberry shortcake bar, and a cookie ice cream sandwich. He paid for his treats, then dashed back off to Eva. He presented the treats to her with a grin. "Take your pick! I hope you like ice cream."

Eva grinned. "I got you going? That makes me feel better about myself. Maybe I do have some sort of mean streak." She said with a small laugh. "But I promise you, I'd never do that without any reason." She said softly. She walked with him back through the forest, collecting another flower ever few seconds before looking at Zeph when he got excited. "Um, sure?" She said, looking at him as he ran off to the truck. An amused grin came to her lips but she decided she wouldn't say anything.

She got on a swing, letting it move her just a bit as she watched him order. Humming softly, she looked at the ground, scuffing at the dirt before looking up. "Ice cream? I love ice cream. Thanks Zeph." She said with a grin.
Junjie turned around to look at Raymond before chuckling. "We can leave this campus when we want to...I don't think they really care as much what we do...now look we need to take my bike to my house and get the truck...it's only 30 minutes away so it won't take supper long. Also you still need to tell me your favorite male and female superheroes from DC then I'll tell you mine..." Junjie rode out the high school straight to his motorcycle. He stopped once he was in front of his bike and grabbed his keys unlocking the compartment he stashed his stuff in. Unlocking it and stuffing his backpack and board in one he went to the other side and took out two helmets tossing one to Raymond. "Here ya go..." He told him as he got on the stuck his key in the engine. "Rule one don't get sick while on my baby...I'd hate to clean vomit off her leather seats...Rule two don't hold on too tight or I might pop...and Rule three just relax and enjoy the ride..." He smirked and started the engine listening to the loud motor turn on. He reeved the engine a little bit feeling the beautiful sound flow through his eats and sighed in content before looking at Raymond. "Cmon dude we ain't got all day if you wanna catch an early movie..." He smiled at him patting the empty seat.

Rahul gasps as the arrow appears ahead of him; ducking was certainly the best idea he has had all day. Sorry? He had merely stained her dress; she just made a non-verbal threat against his life. The male stares Frost back, looking into her eyes with the same intensity that she looks into his. He starts to move his pupils back and forth, hoping he can hypnotize her like clever characters do in movies, but watches must be the key tool. Even after what may be three seconds or what may be ten years, Frostlyn's eyes don't grow hazy or swirled. They remain the same. Rahul is forced to do as she says, only instead of hypnotizing him, the girl had cheated and lured him to her secret hideout. So much for having fun.

"Okay; I'm sorry! Just put that thing down; geeze..."

The male sits up straight now, showing he is scared of the weapon more than the girl herself. He stares at the bow, as well as the arrows nearby, with equal amounts of fear and curiosity. Why would she choose to have such a weapon? A gun or a large knife would get the job done quicker.

"Why do you have to protect yourself, anyway? Have you been preparing for our arrival long enough to do that?!"

Rahul, once again, points to the target Frostlyn had shot at, and, after noticing the other guy, he shakes his hair out of his face and tries to appear calm... No moody girls scaring boys twice their size over here. Nope; Rahul is just playing along, giving the girl confidence.

@Halcyon @Deadkool
Zeph laughed. "Easy, girlie. Looks like those Maleficent school guys are already getting some influence over you! Next thing you know you'll be flooding the hallways." He smiled at her. "Good to know."

After bringing the ice cream to them, he sat down on the swing next to her. "Not a problem, Eva." Zeph sat there, enjoying the warm sun and eating the delicious treat. "Mmm... this is awesome." He said dreamily, giving his ice cream a lick. He swung a little back and forth on the swing, then turned to Eva. "Hey, could you show me your cookbook? I'd really like to see it. Oh, I also promise not to get ice cream all over it."


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