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Realistic or Modern The Descendants of Fairytales

Zeph grinned as Eva took his arm. "Nice meeting you all!" He managed to get out as Eva pulled him away and out of the library. They made their way down the hallway, and he laughed as she skipped ahead of him. "Slow down, Eva, we're barely even there yet. Though I gotta admit, your enthusiasm is a good sign. Most girls would turn their tails and run if a tall, especially handsome stranger offered to whisk them away on a motorbike." He gave her a wink as they pushed opened the doors to the outside world. "Don't worry, I promise I won't do anything heinous, like selling you to the gypsies. Unless you're into heinous things..." He teased her as they walked down the steps. The sun was shining warmly in the sky as they walked towards the parking lot where his motorbike was. "Ah, there she is." He remarked as they came across his motorbike, polished and gleaming in the sun.


"Asian Whipper? . . . How's that inappropriate?" The teen tilted his head a bit as he questioned Junjie. It was just an Asian that whipped things right? Sounded just like Indiana Jones, but Asian. Raymond found nothing wrong with the term. His innocent mind took no notice to Junjie's implication. Hey, it wasn't his fault! Raymond was like his mother. They were both innocent, yet rebellious. Yeah the mixture was slightly strange, but they both managed to live out their lives with the odd combination. "Where did some of the others go?" Raymond asked after noticing the crowd in their area begin to thin out a little.

“Preppy good girls… I wonder how much fun they’d actually be.” He said with a chuckle as he sat back, slouching further into his seat. “I’m sure I could have some fun but something tells me they’d bore me eventually. That’s why I must have multiple because you know- Sleazy guy and all. I have to keep up appearances.” Whether he was being sarcastic or completely serious wasn’t something that couldn’t really be assumed. Sometimes it truly was hard to figure out just what was going on in that mind of his.

He snorted. “Pretty face? As if Anais. It probably made you look better.” He teased, sending her a teasing smirk.

He then pondered over the question. “Hmm… Well I’ve already done my usually habit that I seriously need to kick… I still have some spray paint in the trunk of my car. You think painting a ‘thank you for having us’ somewhere on the school would be nice? We could even put pretty little pictures of flowers and smiley faces.” He said with a smirk, standing up and stretching. “Vandalizing sounds like a beautiful idea. Surely it’ll get us kicked out but hey- I’m in it for the thrill. Unless you have a better idea. I’m all ears.”



Eva huffed, slowing down just a bit before stopping to wait for him.

“Well this girl just happens to like when handsome strangers decide they want to whisk her away.” She teased back, smiling at him. She blushed a bit at his wink and grinned.

She laughed at him. “Heinous? Gypsies? I’m sure they would be lovely people. They would probably teach me a thing or two- oh, maybe even some new recipes I could add to my book! I’m totally up for being sold if you do decide to take that path.” She said joking though there was just a smudge of seriousness in her words.

Her eyes widened at the sight of motorcycle and she rushed over to it, touching it cautiously.

“I love the color of her…” She said, glancing back at him. “It compliments your eyes.” She turned back to it and grinned. “I just got even more excited."

Zephyr raised an eyebrow at this remark. "Is that so? You're rather adventurous, aren't you?" He smiled broadly. "I like that. And here I thought the students at this school would be a bunch of goody two-shoes. Glad to have you to prove me wrong." He chuckled. "Oh, gypsies are fantastic. I get called one all the time when I'm performing on the street. And I'm sure they would! But let's face it, your cooking talents would likely be squandered in a travelling caravan... although, if you're as good as you say you are, I'm sure you'd have every man in there clamouring for seconds."

Zeph smiled as she ran over to the motorcycle, and flushed slightly when she complimented him. "Yeah, she's a beauty. Her name's Djali." He reached into one of the saddlebags, pulling out a motorcycle helmet. "Now this may be a smidge big on you, but with a few adjustments..." He plunked it on her head and fastened the strap, tightening it so it would secure to her head. "There we go!" He stepped back. "Now, Madam, when riding on the motorcraft, please ensure that you keep your hands and feet are secured to the craft, preferably around the waist of your pilot-" He pointed his thumbs to himself, grinning, "-me. Now, did you have a destination in mind for your maiden voyage?"

Full Name

Anaëlle Bella

{ An-El, Bell-Ah }




Inside the Library

Interacting With

@No One Really

Anaëlle ended up silently observing what was going on around her, the guy named Rauhl was irritating her so much that she was about ready to repeatedly slap him with her heel. But, she knew better than that. And, knew her mother would've been disappointed in her while her father would be proud yet disappointed. So, in the end she would still get two disappointed parents sadly. Scratching her head a bit, Anaëlle had took Frost's book off the table and set in her lap to observe privately. She wouldn't admit it, but the book was slightly creeping her out a bit. It was almost like the writer of this book knew all our parents and just made a fairytale out of them. " I wonder, if the writer knew our parents before and kind of just made a fairy tale out of them. Though, 1 times out of 10 that wouldn't make any sense, as the book looks older than 100 years. " Anaëlle said, all this thinking was already giving her a headache.

As, she was observing the book she had heard the Library door open and close frequently. Looking up from the book, Anaëlle's eyes had widened when she noticed all the people around the group as, she zoned a majority of voices out. And, before she knew it Eva and some guy were leaving, making Dimitri the only one by the group. "
I could've sworn the Library was a place where people barely came. Where the hell did they come from, did they just magically teleport here. " Anaëlle thought, honestly this many people in a Library had freaked her out. Usually only 3-5 or 7 people had came to the Library. Including Anaëlle who came to the Library daily for books as she was running out of the ones at home. Sighing, Anaëlle scratched her head for what seemed like the 100th time today before placing the book back on the table. " Like, what Ash said. This could have to do with our ancestors and maybe not our parents. It could be true, for all we know. " Anaëlle said before leaning back in her chair.

Evangeline shrugged. “I guess I’m adventurous. I like trying out new things. I get that from my dad. My mother isn’t one for trying new things. She’s always: Stick to the schedule. Don’t stray. Work hard.” Evangeline said, making a small face. “I hate that. I say you need to get out there and try new things. All the more fun.”

She pondered over his words before grinning. “I wouldn’t mind having a fleet of men desiring my food. At least someone would then.” She said with a small grin.

She glanced back at the car. “Djali…” She mumbled, nodding her head before turning to him as he got the helmet out. She squeaked in surprise when he plopped it on her head before watching him as he fixed it up. She blushed a bit but grinned widely before looking up at the sky.

“… I honestly have no idea where it is I want to go. Let’s just take a ride.” She said with a shrug.

She waited for him to get himself situated before getting onto the bike herself. She was a bit self conscious due to the fact that she had a dress on and could feel her cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

“Actually, I need to sneak back into my house before we do anything.” She said over his shoulder.

Junjie looked around when he saw the others have left. "Don't know don't really care...since there aren't any classes today...feel like going to the movies wanna come with me?" He asked Raymond. He actually took a liking to this boy, he wasn't all uptight or annoying in general. And he wasn't going to lie, the boy was cute. He's mentioned before that he's bi and was proud of it. "Better give me an answer now dude cause I don't think I wanna go solo..." He laughed as he put his skateboard down and hopped on.

"Really? My dad's kind of like that. Strict, I mean. My mum's the adventurous one." He nodded. "I completely agree with you. What's life worth living if you're trapped inside all the time?"

He grinned at this. "Well, I'd be happy to be the first of the fleet to desire your tasty treats, if you ever happen to bring them around school. I'm not picky either, so even if it's bad, it'll still be good to me." He sat down on the motorcycle and grabbed the handles. "Just a ride sounds fine with me. And I know the perfect place to end up. But first, to your house!" He gestured behind him. "Hop on. I promise you it's not dangerous. ...Well, actually, it is a little, but it wouldn't be fun if it was completely safe, now would it?" He grinned devilishly. "Alright- Squeeze my right side with your hand if you want me to turn right, squeeze my left side if you wanna go left. Squeeze both sides if you wanna stop, and holler if you want to go faster." He waited until she sat down and was secure. "Hold on tight, cutie." He revved the gas, the engine roaring to life, as they peeled out of the parking lot and drove down the road. Zeph grinned as the wind roared past his ears, the trees flying by in a green blur. It was almost like he was flying, and he was loving every second of it. He only hoped that Eva was enjoying it as well, as he waited for direction from her to lead them to her house.

Frost went to work sopping up the mess with her handkerchief. Sadly it was ruined and now the poor girl was in a sour mood. "Yeah. I don't believe any of our parents are older than 100 years." She let out a small laugh, noticing Rahul stand up and leaving. "Thank god he's gone." She mumbled before realizing his book bag was still there."Yeah, it could be our ancestors, but my mom said she didn't even know this place existed until she moved here before i was born. Don't you find it odd that both of our ancestors are in one book?" No sooner did he leave he was back. And with paper towels.

"Oh... Thanks..." She spoke softly. She figured he had a kind heart considering he actually helped pick up them mess. She leaned back in her chair, eyeing his actions. She decided later on she would apologize for acting the way she did. She was much to quick to judge him, even if he did a crappy job picking up the mess and Frost would later get the cleaner from the Janitor and clean the table herself. However, she was quick to speak since as soon as she went to give him a smile he placed the wet sticky cloth onto her white dress. Frost let out a small gasp, lifting up her hands slightly and staring down at her lap. She then slowly raised her head, her bottom lip quivering. Her white dress. He favorite dress to be exact. was now stained and possibly ruined. Frost slowly raised from her seat, taking the wet handkerchief from her lap.

"You jerk...." She whispered, slowly turning on her heels. She looked Rahul in the eyes, glaring at him slightly. She then raised her arm back that held the cloth. "Fuck off." The small girl spoke sternly, before launching the cloth, hitting Rahul right in the face. She wouldn't be surprised if this was the one act that finally expelled her. Frost then walked over grabbing the book from the table. "It's a book with our parents names and faces in it. I could almost bet you your parents are in it too." She pointed her finger and let it scan the entire group "I'm leaving." She growled, sashaying out of the Library. She was pissed off. Not to mention her outfit was ruined. That guy was so lucky she didn't kick him in the nuts.

Frost made her way down the hall, opening the book to a random page. This time it was of a gorgeous women with hair that was longer than it was possible for someone to grow. She let her hand glide over the page. It was Raymond's mom. Frost sighed and closed the book with a slam, leaving the school from the back and heading out towards the shed. Once she made it there she took off her leather jacket and wrapped the book in it. She needed to let off steam. She walked into the shed and grabbed her bow and a large bucket of arrows. She then walked behind the shed, placing the jacket on the ground as she put on her arm guard and finger tab. She placed an arrow onto the string, locking it into place with the nook. She then lined up the arrow to her target, releasing the string and letting the arrow sore. Before she could even see if it hit the target (which it did. Right in the middle.) she loaded up another arrow.

@Deadkool @Fingertips @FrankieLynn @Karcen ((TBH i dont remember who was all in the library.))
“Exactly. Someone who understands.” Evangeline said, smiling up at him.

She then laughed. “I will be sure to save you the first plate of whatever it is that I make so you can try it.” She said with a small grin.

Evangeline hesitated for a moment but listened, climbing onto the motorcycle behind him. She did as he said, placing her hands on either side of him.

“Okay!” She said, nodding her head.

When he zoomed out the parking lot Eva couldn’t help but scream loudly in surprise and excitement. Her arms wrapped around him, holding on tightly as she laughed.

This was truly amazing to her. Watching the cars they drove past,feeling the wind hit her… She could get used to this. She did as he instructed, squeezing his sides every once in a while until they finally came to her home.She squeezed both sides before hopping off once he came to a stop.

“Stay right there. It’ll only be a moment.” She said, looking at him as she took the helmet off before jetting to the back of her house.

Dmitri followed Frost out and said "What a D*ck. Pretty weird with that book though. I wonder if my parents are in it. Then again, not too often you hear a Russian fairy tale. Where'd you get it?" Dmitri asked, this book was really bizarre. Plus those kids from Maleficent seemed like total assholes. A thought then popped into Dmitri's head, he unzipped his bookbag and took out a few discs along with a USB. "So, any films you're interested in seeing? Five bucks a pop."
"Kind of want to pull a prank or something, you know? Get some action going on up in here" Raymond gestured at the calm campus. "What movie did you have in mind though?" He asked after putting his hands in his pockets. The suggestion may change his mind. The teen wasn't much of a movie goer. Raymond tended to read more or do other things instead of just stare at a screen. No, he didn't hate movies! The idea of just staring at a screen though . . . well it was kind of the same with books. Readers just run their eyes over some paper. Ah whatever. Just see what happens I guess. He thought to himself.

Morgan watched from a safe distance as everything at the table unfolded. the events where needless to say interesting and Morgan even found a rather interesting looking book. She even laughed as Rahul got decked it seemed that the good students weren't complete saints it was good to know they were human after all. Still this book that had their parents in it was sounding more and more real and less and less like a prank after they got so worked up about it. Now she wanted to look at this book and see just who all was in it, though she doubted her mother or father would be in it. Still it was worth a look so as Frost left Morgan slipped out taking the book she wanted without asking, and following the girl at a distance.

Morgan followed frost out and to a shed where apparently they kept arrows, apparently they did archery here that was interesting news, and watched her fire off an arrow.
"Awesome the new Avengers movie just came out and I heard that it's real good!" He smiled then circled around Raymond. "After that we could do whatever you want to sound good dude?" Asking as he continued doing small 360s on his board while checking his phone. He sent out a quick text to his mom saying there weren't any classes today and he will be hanging out with a friend and to his luck she was fine with it! He thanked God for making this day so far an alright day minus what happened this morning in the halls and what happened on the basketball court. "Alright let's get going!" He stopped his 360s and started riding down the halls to the schools entrance door luckily the front desk was a little bit farther back so they both won't get caught. He really wanted to get to know this boy and maybe be a little bit more than just friends...maybe bros.

Zeph smiled back at her, for a little too long perhaps, before he caught himself and answered her. "Please do. I'd hate to miss out on it." He smiled at her. As they drove off, he couldn't help but grin more as she heard her scream out and hold onto him for dear life. It was nice to have someone join him on a ride, zooming through the streets. No, not nice... It was fan-freaking-tastic.

As she felt him squeeze the command to stop, he slowed down the bike, turning off the ignition and parking in front of a beautiful house. He whistled as Eva got off. "Damn, this is your house? Nice setup." He smiled and nodded his head. "I'll be waiting right here, Eva. Don't be too long, though. We're burning daylight!" As he watched her dash off, he slipped into his bag pocket and pulled out his tarot card set, given to him by his mother. He shuffled it quickly, looking back up at the house. "Alright, cards, tell me about this new school.... and a bit about Eva, if you don't mind." He thought. He pulled out three cards, and examined them one by one. The Wheel of Fortune was first. That usually meant good things, he pondered. A turning point as well. He drew the next one. The High Priestess, in reverse. He raised an eyebrow- it seems like there were going to be plenty of secrets to uncover, and he'd have to watch out for people with hidden agendas. He drew the last card, thinking about Eva. The Queen of Wands. "Vibrant and determined... a real firecracker", he thought, grinning, as he reshuffled the deck and put it away. He then settled down and waited for Eva.

"Avengers!" Raymond exclaimed. "Yeah sure. That sounds great" He followed up in a calmer manner. The teen watched as Junjie rode away. Leavin' me behind-ish. I see how it is . . . just kidding. Raymond jogged down the hall way to catch up to the four-wheeled "cheater". "Easy, I'm not Quicksilver. Though it would be awesome if I had his abilities" He stated slowing his pace down a bit to adjust to Junjie's skating speed. Shoot, need to call mom. His hand pulled out his phone from one of his pockets then dialed his mother's number. "Yo mom!" He greeted before hearing a slightly raised voice from his mother. "I mean . . okay. Hi mother. I was gonna say that classes were canceled so I'm hanging out with a new friend of mine" Raymond paused for a moment to listen to his mom's response. "No there will be no bandits" He replied slightly furrowing his brows. "Mom relax! I got this!" The teen continued then relaxed his facial expression. "Okay got it. Bye. Love you. Peace, mum" Raymond hung the phone up before turning to Junjie. "Anyone else gonna come with us?" He asked.

Rahul pretends not to hear Ash's comment about his volume-level, and he stares at the book, though it is mostly in Anaëlle's view, as she apparently has the right to hold it close to her face. The girl is so focused on its pages for a moment that the male is worried she is going to eat it. This causes him to laugh, until Isabelle inserts her own sarcastic comment into the conversation. Rahul sends her a sharp glare, despite her happy, joking-like tone. Seeing the girl's face forces the teenager to smile, though, as he can not stay angry at females.

"Of course we had things with words and pictures... only less pictures...and more curse words... We called them bathroom walls, but 'book' sounds so modern; I love it!"

The male responds back boldly, and tries to actually listen to the conversation. He picks up something about the characters looking like the parents of the students around him. This idea causes Rahul to scoff at the group, but he doesn't have time to speak another word before a wet cloth slaps him in the face. The impact itself doesn't hurt, but the slimy feeling stuns the male into silence. He lets the handkerchief fall off his nose and onto the floor bellow him. This action, as well as the unexpected-from-the-good-little-children, crude language that follows, causes Rahul's face to heat up and he immediately stands. He was never good with decoding body language, but he could tell the girl before him is madder than he is. She was furious.

The teenager is absolutely clueless to what had angered Frostlyn so much; all he knows is that he caused it. He licks the dampness from his top lip, wipes the rest of the soda off his face with his sleeve, and grabs his backpack. Frost has stormed out as quick as she could, practically snatching her book back from the others. Shit; the book. Looks like Rahul has destroyed another happy gathering. He knows there is not a proper way to apologize, so he merely ignores the fact. He waves slightly to table-sitters, while walking backwards, towards the door the girl had also exited from.

"Wish me luck, guys... I think she likes me!"

Rahul mentally kicks himself on the way out, knowing that joke didn't clear anything up. He also knows involving himself further would only make things worse, but he can't help taking the risk. Sure, he hadn't asked for this much drama, but he wasn't going to let it pass by him. All he thought about was finding entertainment, as he ran down the halls, dodging scattered groups of students. Although his exit was much longer than the female's, Rahul is still able to see her ahead of him, though it is only for half a second before she escapes the school grounds through the back door.

By the time the teenager reaches the fresh air, his lungs are burning and Frost is no where to be found. He hears the familiar noise of a force, perhaps a knock-out punch, but it isn't paired with the familiar sounds of a painful moan and an eager audience. He follows the noise, trying not to breathe as hard as he thinks he is. When he sees the girl shooting arrows, he doesn't have the energy to be surprised at her hobby, amused by her frustration, or impressed by her apparent skill. He also doesn't notice Morgan watching near by. Rahul merely doubles over in slight pain, trying to catch his breath. He tries to grin towards her, though he knows he looks ridiculous. The male claws at his sweater, regretting (for maybe the first time in his life) that he did not do his laundry, and manages to pull it over his head and toss it the ground. He sits for a moment until his breathing is normal, and then he points at the target to his right, trying to show his admiration. He is dangerously close to the target, but, judging by her bullseye, he isn't afraid of her aim. He is, however, afraid she may hit him on purpose, for whatever he did.

While he has the time to think about his chore neglections, Rahul also notices the stain on the girl's dress. His grin drops and he scrambles to crawl away; even the school was better than being here.

"Shit; shit....shit! I..didn't know! I swear, I--I didn't mean to... Oh god."

The male stops crawling to duck and cover, deciding it's the best option at the moment.

@Halcyon @Fingertips @ShatteredSoul
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Junjie laughed at the joke Raymond made about him not being quicksilver. "I wish I was quicksilver...I think that would be awesome to have super speed!" He told him as he saw him catch up to the speed of his board. "OK what's your favorite superhero? From 1 male and 1 female from Marvel and DC..." He casually passed through some other high school students swaying back and forth. "Also heads up I got a motorcycle...hope that's cool with you or we could go to my house and get my truck...you can decide..."

Anais narrowed her eyes at Wick, "What? You don't agree with me having a pretty face?" she asked the guy. She wasn't really sure if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Vandalism?" she tapped her cheek thoughtfully before grinning at Wick. "Sounds like a great plan. It might kick us out of school but who cares about schools anyways." she shrugged and stood up from the bench. Might as well let this Fairy Heights High students see her artistic sides. "We can also cover our face while we're at it. Anyways where's your truck, Wick?" Anais asked the said man as she think about the best spot to execute their 'mission'.

She can almost imagine the look of this goody-two-shoes students when they see her work of art.



Ash Leaf accidentally fell asleep inside the library with all the ruckus that was going on in there. He gasped when he heard somebody say his name and find out it was Anaëlle. "Huh? Was I asleep?" the sleepy guy looked around the room only to find out that the students inside the school library were lesser and Frostlynn is walking out of the room.

He scratched the back of his head, "Um, what is going on in here?" he asked the remaining people as he wiped the corner of his lips in case he drooled in his sleep. He sighed in frustration as he remembered about that weird book and slammed his head back down the table to continue sleeping as his hands clutched his messy blonde locks.

@whoever is still inside the library
Evangeline smiled at Zeph, raising an eyebrow when he seemed to smile for just a bit too long. She enjoyed the ride and was eager to keep moving. She glanced back at Zeph and nodded, smiling widely at him. “Thanks Zeph!” She said with a grin.

“I promise I won’t be too long!”

She raced back inside, quickly getting ready for the rest of their day. Wearing a dress and a skirt was completely out since she’d be on his bike so shorts would be the next best thing.

Luckily her parents weren’t home so she wouldn’t have to worry about them wondering why she had come home so early.

Checking herself once again in the mirror she raced back out, locking the door to her house behind her before making her way to Zeph.

“Hope I wasn’t too long.” She joked, sending him a small grin.

She got back on the bike, wrapping her arms around him. “Off on an adventure now!”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/y.jpg.0e67ca2b5972c97349bb4a739d0023d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/y.jpg.0e67ca2b5972c97349bb4a739d0023d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


“You’ll never know what I agree with when it comes to you.” Wick replied, staring at the ground as he leaned forward. He glanced at her and grinned, pinching her cheek playfully. “I like it better that way.”

He stood up, nodding at her. “Vandalism would be wonderful. Oh the things we could create.” He said with a grin. “Covering our faces is good too. I believe I do have some masks in there. If not that then some scarves we could use. Follow me.” He said, guiding her towards the parking lot. He opened up the trunk to his truck, and drug a bag to the front only to open it up and show the spray paint.

He sent her a grin. “Let’s give these beautiful people a wonderful thank you for letting us stay here with them at their school. I think they need the school spirit."

@TheOneAndOnly @Ravian



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Anais cheeks flushed as Wick pinched it. She's not sure whether it's because its just sore or maybe she's blushing. She rubbed her reddish cheek, "You're weird. But I like it." she teased the guy as she followed him towards the parking lot.

"Nice truck and I can see that you are always vandalizing stuffs huh?" Anais said, after all he has these many spray paints and scarves. She took half of the spray paints and a red scarf as she wrapped it around her. She made sure that she was covered from her neck to her mouth. She also put out a sunglasses from her bag and put it on. She looked at Wick, "You want sunglasses too? I have two of them here for disguise purposes." she asked the guy while raising an eyebrow.

"Where should we start saying thank you? The hallway, library, courtyard? Lots of options actually." she pushed her sunglasses upwards so it rested on top of her head.

“Well… I don’t always vandalize stuff. I usually use this to paint when I get home. I just leave it in my car.” Wick said with a small shrug, glancing over at Anais with a grin. He grabbed the black scarf and covered up his face, changing out of his top and putting on a different hoodie. He put the hood on, covering up his hair before turning to look at her with a grin.

“The sunglasses would be wonderful.” He said, grabbing one of his smaller bags and stuffing it with spray cans. “Adds a touch of awesomeness to what we’re doing.”

Wick pondered over where this could happen. “Hmm… We want it somewhere everyone can see it. But we don’t want them to know it was us while we’re doing it. I say… A hallway? That could be fun.” Wick said, nodding his head in agreement with himself. “Choose one of the hallways and just go spray paint crazy. Aww man, such a beautiful thing we’re doing here.”

He closed up his bag, putting it on before shutting his trunk. He knew he’d told Vinny to be good and felt like a hypocrite since he was doing the exact opposite of what he’d instructed but oh well. He’d having fun doing it. Vinny could get mad later.

“Let’s go show our school spirit."

Zeph glanced up as Eva raced back to the bike, smiling as she approached. "That was the fastest outfit change I think I've ever seen a girl do. Count me as impressed." He tossed her the helmet. "Alright, let's go!" He revved up the engine and they sped off, weaving through traffic and speeding through the streets. It was such a gorgeous day that he knew exactly where to go. After about 10 minutes on the road, he pulled up to a little park, surrounded by trees and filled with flowers. He stopped the bike and hopped off, then offered his hand for Eva to get off. "I hope you brought some foresty shoes, cause we're gonna do a little trek. Don't worry, it's not far." He set off into the forest, and turned around to face Eva, walking backwards. "So, tell me Eva. Do you like it at Fairy Heights?"

Evangeline put her helmet back on, holding onto Zeph tightly. The thrill of riding on the motorcycle excited her and she couldn't help but squeal every few seconds or whenever he'd switch lanes.

'If mama saw me right now...' She thought to herself, laughing. She looked around when he finally stopped, smiling at the sight of the park. Pulling the helmet off, she shook her head, trying to fix up her hair a bit before noticing his hand. She smiled softly, taking it and letting him help her off the bike.

"I hope my shoes are good enough." She said with a small giggle before following him. She looked around the forest as they walked before turning to look at Zeph. She thought about his question for a few moments. Did she truly like Fairy Heights?

"...Yeah.... Yeah, I do like the school." She said with a smile. "Everyone is just so nice and sweet- Well not everyone- But a good majority are. It's one of my favorite places to go and that's saying a lot because it's a school." She said with a grin.

She swooped down, pulling a small flower up from the ground and bringing it close to her face to look at. She glanced up at him and smiled, reaching out and putting it in his hair.

"You're a sweet guy," She mumbled. "You should fit in just fine at the school."

Anais gave him the extra sunglasses she has after he puts on his hoodie and black scarf. "The hallway? Hell yes." she gave the guy a quick smirk before she put the sunglasses on top of her head down. She adjusted it and looked back at Wick.

"Let's get this party started." she walked towards the hallway with him as she made sure that the spray paints aren't seen from her bag. The students looked at them as if they were some sorts of delinquents and started murmuring with each other. Anais chuckled and shook her head from left to right in disbelief, "This will be fun." Anais secured the scarf that was covering her face so she won't get caught.

"Yo, let's get started." she sent the guy a grin as she put out a violet spray pain and tossed it in the air and caught it mid air. She sprayed all over the wall as she used her scarf to cover her nose and avoid inhaling the spray. She tried forming the word 'thanks dumbasses.'.


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