The Den (remakes) [Inactive]

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Lovable Dark-side submitted a new role play:

The Den (remakes) - A city for the unwanted

Welcome to The Den, city of runaways.
Every year thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people disappear, never to be seen again. Some are found, no always happily, willingly, or still breathing. Most are not, yet only a very few make it to a place called The Den. An underground city created for the runaways, the unwanted, discriminated, and the guilty. A place created to hide from what was once your past, and to create a new feature. Yet, only the desperate and, or the crazy actually...
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Agatha Salts, also know as Mama Bear sighed, leaning her thin, stick like frame against the counter top. grabbing a glass and a bottle of aged scotch, a distinct pout curving her pink lips downwards, grey tired eyes watching the poorly painted black door, which was strangely located on the side of the building instead of up front, so you had to walk down a narrow alley way to get inside the building which she called home.

It had been a long morning, and was probably going to stretch tell the wee hours of the night when last call had ended, and she finally got to fall into a dreamless sleep. Who would have though there were so many hard drinkers this early in the afternoon. She thinks pouring herself a glass, swirling the contents for a second before taking a long swallow." I need to get better hours," She mutters," Or at least better waitresses." She could just tell today was gonna be a very, very long day.


Rowan planted her feet firmly onto the metal edge of the train cars floor, wrapping her fingers around a metal bar that was tightly bolted onto the door, it shook slightly as she lowered her body out of the train. The wind whipping around her causing a hollow whistle to sound in her ears, her short brown hair flying back. Adrenalin pumped in Ro's blood as the bronze plated train raced through the underground. The scent of dirt and engine exhaust causing her noise to tickle," Gosh I love this," She screams over the noise of the engine, lurching as they start to slow down and the train pulls into an old abondon station just outside of the The Den.

"I bring the goods from the old country," She shouts, jumping of her favorite deadly machine. The thing that had taken her hand, what seemed like so many years ago.
(Using the same intro :D )


Adrian stood outside of the Medic ward a newly lit cigarette fresh in between his pink lips. Its soft glow giving off a string of smoke which rose through the air. His creamy brown eyes stared at the smoke mesmerized by its unpredictable movements as it flew into the air soon disapearing. The Dens lights like stars through out the town scattered without pattern where un focased in the horizen. He rose his fingers and plucked the wrapped tobacco from hit slightly ajare lips letting the smoke blow from his mouth. The world that continued on around him spoke with loud noises from cars and voices. But he continued to stand in his own silence waiting for someone to cast him back inside, to pull him back into his life. Adrian brought the cigarette back to his mouth and let his hand fall to his side. Waiting, that's all he was doing. Waiting.
Somewhere out beyond the Den, a lone Track member was completing the last run for the day. As he lay facedown on top of the moving train, quickly using the handholds on the side to move himself forward, he gripped a small knife between his teeth and steeled himself for what was to come. It was very cold- his large, thick coat was buffeted by the heavy wind as he waited for right time to strike. He wore all black; his t-shirt, torn jeans, the steel-toed boots he'd ripped off of a guard, and even down to his socks. A dark green bandanna circled around his neck while he wore thick goggles to protect his eyes. Suddenly, the tunnel ended as the train moved out into open space. If he'd wanted, he could have looked to the side and seen a vast plain.

Instead, he smiled. Taking his chance to strike, he hefted himself over the side and swung into the supply cart of the train. In doing so, he kicked down an unsuspecting guard. In the same instant, he rolled away to dodge a bullet, grabbed the guard he'd hit, and pulled him up to put a knife to his throat. Using the guard's body as a human shield as the second guard continued firing, he swiftly reached down and grabbed the guard's gun. He shot the other guard several times in the chest, incapacitating him. Finally, he slit the throat of his 'shield', allowing the body to drop to the floor before putting on the safety of the swiped gun and putting it in a coat pocket.

The entire exchange happened in a matter of minutes.

Smiling once more, the Track member waltzed over the body on the floor to inspect the goods around him. This train, in particular, was carrying an assortment of medical supplies- something that, more and more, was beginning to seem invaluable to the citizens of the Den. After making sure that the supplies were in usable condition, he went over to the guard he'd shot and took his gun too. It was time to get to work.

Luckily, even though the supply jackings were becoming more and more noticed, there had only been a few guards put in place to attempt to protect said supplies. Not only that, but the guards didn't have much priority, meaning that they didn't get certain equipment such as bulletproof vests. And so, the lone track member had no problem making it to the front of the train- what little more guards there were were easily dispatched of using the two handguns he'd stolen. With each and every guard he took down, he searched their bodies for bullets and other things that could come in handy later.

When he got to the conductor, an aging man who looked to be in his sixties, he had no problem putting a gun to his head and directing him off of his initial course.


"The call came in. It's time to move, people! Places, now!"

"Wait, that bastard actually did it?"

As a train chugged its way up to an abandoned rail station, ever so slowly coming to a stop, a small group of people made their way to the platform with various bags and carts.

"This guy....seriously just jacked an entire train....."

The train finally stopped, prompting a singular gunshot from within. A few minutes later, the Track member entered the supply cart and stood to face the other members in the rail station. Smiling wide with an almost evil grin, the Track member took off his goggles and put them in his pocket, showing his dazzling green eyes.

"Aw, did you guys really doubt me? And here I am, thinking that I was rather trustworthy...." As if he didn't have a care in the world, the Track member hopped off of the train and simply waltzed past his comrades, ignoring the questions and various comments being spoken at him. He grabbed a spare bag, went back to the train, filled it up with whatever he could, and got back off the train. By the time he was done, the other Track members were also scrounging the train for everything it had. "Now we can use this train for our own transport, or whatever else you guys wanna do with it. Just gotta be sure to jack fuel from now on. Anyway, I'm out, you guys. I'm done for the day." He yelled out as he left, bag in tow.


After stopping to dump some of his loot at one of his many hiding places, Titus made his way to the medic ward. A young man stood out front, smoking a cigarette. Titus approached him and set down the bag of medical supplies in front of him.

"Here. This is from today's run." Titus wasn't much for introductions, or talk in general. He preferred to just dump what he had to and leave. "There's more on the way. You guys might want to clear out your storage, 'cause it's a lot for once." Without another word, he turned away and left.

His next stop was to visit an old friend- Mama Bear. There had been rumors of troublemakers giving her hell, and Titus wanted to check it out. It didn't take long to get to her pub, Salt's, and it took even less time to go down the alleyway that led to the front door.

Once he was in, he went up to the counter where she was leaning. He took a seat in front of her. Wordlessly, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small first-aid kit. He set it on the counter and slid it over to her.

(For clarification: the abandoned rail station in this post is a different one from where Rowan is at.)
The twenty-seven year old raises her eyebrow, just slightly as if she was fixing to ask a question. As Titus pushes the first-aid kit across her freshly polished counter stiffly. Before letting out a hearty laugh that shook the room," As broomsticked as ever lad," She grins, practically pulling the boy over the counter to hug him," Is that how you treat me love, glaring at me with those cold eyes." She squeezes him tightly, with great strength that you would thought capable out of what seemed an 8oz. woman.

"Now where have you been," She ask finally letting him go, and picking up the first-aid kit, placing the small plastic box under her the counter, before turning her back to him," and what's your poison?" At first sight you would have thought this odd couple might have been dating, due to the fact Mama was so baby faced, but in truth Titus was just her little orphan that had been dropped at her doorstep ten years ago. A scrawny little thing, acting like he was older than her was. She sighs remember when he first came to her.
"As broomsticked as ever lad. Is that how you treat me love, glaring at me with those cold eyes?"

Titus didn't say anything as Mama nearly pulled him right over the counter just to hug him. He didn't return the hug either, although he normally would have, albeit rather stiffly. He hadn't returned the hug simply because Mama was squeezing so tightly that he couldn't move- she was one of the very few people that could do such a thing.

"Now where have you been, and what's your poison?"

"I was out workin', like usual. Those trains ain't gunna jack themselves." Titus answered quietly once she released him, "And hit me up with a whiskey on the rocks." Titus leaned back on his stool, silently noting the sigh Mama gave. For a moment, he vaguely wondered what she was thinking about. "I brought you that first aid kit so you have somethin' here just in case somethin' happens and ya can't get to the medical ward right away. Don't waste it." He gently chided her upon receiving his drink, taking a long gulp of it. If he hadn't been talking, he would have chugged the whole thing.

"Now what are ya thinkin' about that's got ya sighin', do I hafta go out and kill a man?" He added rather protectively.
"Titus my little knight," She chuckles, her tone of voice sarcastic , placing a hand on her hip and blinking her eyelashes at him," If you are gonna kill a man over my sigh'n you might as well put a gun to your own head and pull the trigger, cause your the one causing all my sigh'n of the late."She gives him a pat on the head, and examines him with her gray, motherly eyes," I'm just thinking about how you first came to me a ratty like thing, big eyes, cute in a sad kind of way." She pauses giving him a sly grin," Didn't even know your letters."She lifts her right hand, pushing a short curly strand out of her eyes, and taking his glass adding more to it, before pouring herself a glass.

"But enough about that, tell me how you day was. Rowan just got back an hour before you, rumor says she brought back some cattle."She says, excitedly. Meat was rare in The Den, and fresh meat was almost unheard of," Probably just a rumor though." She added, taking a dainty sip,"Even if it is true I doubt the suppliers would distribute it fairly."
Titus grinned mischievously at her when she pat him on the head. "Now why would I be causin' ya trouble?" He playfully scoffed at her, laughing. "You should know that I've always been a little angel." He snickered at that last part and took a drink.

"My day's actually been pretty good," he answered, "I got a good haul. Some cattle, eh? Little shit's gotten a lot better at her job, I see. Well, luckily for you, you dont even have to worry about suppliers 'cause ya got me." He winked at her, still smiling. "Just tell me where to go."

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