The Demonic Disease


The disappointing thing about vampires and werewolves nowadays is that both are displayed inaccurately by the media, giving them fangirls. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO GIVE BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS FANGIRLS, IT RUINS THE WHOLE POINT! O^O I can only imagine how the next supernatural romance is going to go... "Girl falls in love with a ghost! She can't touch him but he can sure touch her!" O-O ish gunna make all te ghosties mad
Cuteness is the greatest weapon of all. 
I hate romance its ok every once in awhile but then it sucks if you overuse it.
"GIRL FALLS IN LOVE WITH A MUMMY! She dumped him after their first kiss. No one likes the taste of corpse on their lips."

But seriously, the media needs to get more creative.
ok Hurry up person who is the leader of this Rp. 
lol I think I'm gonna make Hannah run away and get caught up in some danger when it starts who wants to attack her meweheheheheh
Name: Aidan Brown

Race: Newly Werewolf(Hasn't turned on a full moon yet.)

Age: 17


Profession: Student

Weapons:...His werewolf xD

Personality: Aidan is friendly and is usually the one to look at the bright side. And well, in the end hes the guy that doesn't know when to shut up. And with his fun-loving personality he is extremely sensitive emotionally. He isn't one to find love, and almost tries his best to stray away from it.

Bio: Aidan had a great life, loving parents, awesome friends and his sister. His sister was driving home from a friends house and passed in a car accident, Aidan was 13. After that his parents began arguing, always slamming him in the middle and relying on him to fix their issues. Some parents huh? He eventually had a mental breakdown and ran off into the woods near their house, that's where he got bitten, and 2 days later hes still trying to figure out what bit him. (Thats like, him now. He just recently got bitten.)
Wow, got quite a few new submissions, eh? Young Chaos, accepted. Plume, accepted. Murfemra, accepted. Xynia, accepted and if need be your character could be the daughter of an officer of the hunters (someone who gives assignment and deals with political stuff with HQ and so on). Sock, accepted. Ok, I'll post momentarily on the RP and you can post at will.

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