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Graded [The Deep Woods-Fae See] Shadows Unbound: The Broken Seal


Bitter and Sweet, do not eat.
Roleplay Type(s)
Adventurers Needed: Track and Reseal a Curse

Eilredareth Velwyn seeks the aid of a few adventurers, in a crucial task. A large black wolf, cursed by a shattered relic from my collection, roams freely. The wolf unknowingly feeds the curse by the day. If it isn't dealt with quickly, the curse will consume him and take over his physical body. Allowing a wicked spirit a physical body to do as it pleases. While the wolf is a man that has been cursed, it is unclear how much of the man is left within. Non-Lethal methods would be preferred, however the safety of myself and the adventurers I've hired does come first.

All willing to undertake this mission are asked to gather on the night of the full moon in the Moonlit Grove of the Deep Forest. There, you will be provided further details and guidance. Payment will be dispensed through the adventurers' guild upon successful completion of the task.


Moonlight Grove

Near the northwestern border of the See of Chaeron sprawled a forest, vast and deep as the ocean's abyss. Within its shaded embrace, creatures unknown to mortal eyes lurked beneath the shadowed canopy. The mysteries of this enigmatic woodland ran deep, and yet, amidst its leafy depths lay a grove where the canopy thinned, allowing the night sky to cast dancing starlight and moonlight upon the forest floor. The air there was cool and crisp, carrying the faint scent of moss and wildflowers, and the distant call of nocturnal creatures added a haunting melody to the night.

In this enchanted grove, the trees held a peculiar secret. To the wandering eye, strange artifacts appeared to be entwined and grown over by the trees, as if nature herself had claimed them. One such curiosity was a mechanismβ€”a pair of wheels linked by a chain with a seat between them. The trunk of a mighty oak had enveloped the metal bars, securing the artifact in place. The trees amidst this grove seemed to have an eclectic myriad of artifacts claimed: statues entangled in ivy, glittering weapons radiating arcane energies, and ancient relics all melding seamlessly with the woodland. Each item hummed with a faint, mysterious energy, inviting closer inspection but hinting at unknown dangers.

As one ventured deeper into this wondrous grove, entire bookshelves appeared, twisted and nestled within the trunks and roots of the trees, each lined with dusty tomes whispering secrets of the past. Some books glowed faintly, their titles written in long-forgotten languages, while others seemed to murmur softly as if eager to share their ancient knowledge. Standing amidst this extraordinary collection was a tall, lean figure. To the discerning eye, she was unmistakably an elf, with long, pointed ears and near-translucent skin that glowed faintly in the moonlight. Her hair, the color of ivory, flowed down her back, and her silver eyes shimmered like twin moons.

Eilredareth Velwyn moved gracefully from tree to tree, tapping her chin thoughtfully as she surveyed the artifacts. In her delicate hands, she held a small book, meticulously checking off items as if conducting an inventory. Each step she took seemed to resonate with the forest, as if she and the trees shared an ancient, unspoken bond. Occasionally, she paused, her eyes narrowing as if sensing an unseen presence or disturbance.

As she reached the heart of the grove, a rustling sound caught her attention. From the underbrush, a small chipmunk scurried forth, its eyes bright and inquisitive. Eilredareth knelt gracefully, a gentle smile spreading across her lips.

"Ah, there you are, my little friend," she murmured softly, her voice like a gentle breeze through the leaves. "Have you seen any travelers yet? Our guests should be arriving soon, and I need you to guide them here to the center of the grove."

The chipmunk chittered in response, its tiny paws twitching. Ellarya nodded as if understanding every word. "Thank you. I trust you'll lead them safely."
The chipmunk almost seemed to nod to her words before scampering off dutifully, skittering through the foliage of the forest floor in search of those who had come to the forest to help. However, the first creature it came upon was a vulpine fae. Tahmuras let out a low snarl, the lips of his muzzle curling back only slightly. His golden eyes shone down on the chipmunk that had scurried beneath his paw so suddenly. It squeaked up at him nervously, blinking expectantly at the creature. For a moment, the fox stared down at the chipmunk, ears flicked back, and eyes narrowed. It was then that another voice spoke quietly in Sylvan.

$"Oh... Let it go, Tahm. It's not going to hurt us,"$ Asuka spoke from his side. She extended a single wing to the side, as if to stretch it out in the moonlight, craning her long neck to run her beak along the pearlescent plumage. When she looked at the little chipmunk again, she gave a soft cooing noise, as if to soothe the creature. Tahmuras sighed frustratedly, though he lifted his paw from the little creature.

$"You don't know that, Asuka. We're in the Fae See. This could be an illusion to lead us to some magical plant so it can eat us!"$ Despite his words, the fox released the chipmunk, and instead returned to searching for a path.

$"Surely not...This is not so dangerous a place as that Tahm. You'll excite Amice."$ She cooed softly, glancing back at their charge. The chipmunk squeaked, watching the two speak to each other. Then as if somewhat exasperated, it began to wave its tiny arms and point towards a path that appeared to be mostly cleared. Once the chipmunk was satisfied that the pair had acknowledged the path, it scampered off again, running through the forest to find any lost or wandering adventurers and lead them to Eilredareth.

Ooc Thanks for joining me for this adventure guys. The goal for me through this whole ordeal will be to free Hideki from his curse and give him the ability to return to his human form. Use this first round to explain how/why you're character is in the forest. Whether they've accepted the job or they're just wandering the Fae See, or perhaps they just woke up here. The little chipmunk will seek your characters out and lead them towards the heart of the grove. Feel free to post as you like, so long as it's not back-to-back. I will attempt to maintain a posting rate of each Monday, and Thursday. Though likely it might end up being a little slower than that at times. We shall see and hope for the best accordingly.

Please link your character sheets in your first post, and list any goals you might hope to see your character achieve. Thank you! Let's have a fun adventure!
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πŸ¦…π™Άπšπ™Έπ™΅π™΅π™Έπ™½πŸ¦π™²πš˜πš—πšœπšπš›πšžπšŒπš, π™±πš˜πš  π™°πš™πš™πš›πšŽπš—πšπš’πšŒπšŽ, π™±πšžπšπšŽπš , πšπš’πš”πšŽπš— π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴 , πšπšŽπš™πšžπš‹πš•πš’πšŒ π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴
π™Έπš—πšπšŽπš›πšŠπšŒπšπš’πš˜πš—πšœ: Moonberry Moonberry


IMG_0421.png To Griffin’s knowledge, the Fae See adventurers guild really didn’t post jobs often, at least that was what he had gathered in his short time there. After finishing aiding the Fae See in the sinking of the Eastern Empire’s fortress β€˜Fort Kanna’ and nearly meeting his fate…again. Griffin went back to the duties he was determined to fulfill. The job of protecting people, so finding that there was surprisingly a job with the country's adventurers guild was a step in the right direction. That and the description of the wolf sounded…familiar.

β€˜A…large black wolf, huh?’

Back during the pig attack, he had met a pure black wolf of the same description. While animals, no doubt, could look similar, Griffin had figured that the wolf he’d meet was too..smart? No…responsive. It started in the effort of attempting to communicate and even managed to volunteer itself by understanding it needed to raise its hand...or paw . That wolf, if it was that wolf, needed saving. And so did more people if the job description held merit. Which left him where he was now, currently alone and wandering The Deep Woods of the Fae See. He wished there could’ve been some more instruction on how to navigate his way there.

Eeriel's journey this time sent her deep into one of the Fae See's many mysterious forest. She once heard rumour about strange artifacts that grows on trees, and based on the few twisted description of those artifacts, it seemed like something that she would like to see for herself.

"A bicycle, huh." The cat stood in front of one of such artifact. It's not really grows on tree like the rumour said but it gave her enough reason to keep going. There's also that chipmunk that tries to guide her to a path, though Eeriel didn't rush to follow the critter and instead kept getting distracted by the shelves filled with books that was scattered across the forest. Technically, she could just swipe a few books and ran away, but she knew more than enough not to mess with any caster that has this many books. Besides, that chipmunk was probably the caster's familiar and she's already under surveillance the moment she stepped into the forest.

"Allright, meatball. Show me where your master is." Satisfied with looking at the book, Eeriel finally followed the chipmunk.

"Greetings, sorceress." The cat silently stepped into the heart of the grove. Her black fur making it seemed like she just came out of one of the tree's shadow. "You have quite a collection of peculiar items here."

Moonberry Moonberry
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Goals: Chase down a rumour of someone saying they saw a member of Asuka's species in the See. | Relax and enjoy being back 'home' in the See. | Make some new friends. | Possibly keep trying to get over he trauma's from having been kidnapped.
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry |

It was good to be back in the See. People spoke the language she understood best and they behaved in ways far more familiar to her. There were also far less people overall, which was great. She'd gotten rather tired of seeing crowds upon crowds of legs. Even more so than she saw trees in the forest. β€œ{Hmm... We haven't been to this bit of forest before, have we?}” She asked Tahmuras and Asuka. She didn't recognise it. β€œ{It seems darker here than the bits of forest we usually went too.}”

She watched in surprise when Tahmuras caught a small creature. That said, she was taught well (Survival F). β€œ{I don't think those were good to eat.}” She stated, recalling what she'd been taught about the do's and dont's of finding food in the wild. Chipmunks were rarely ever worth eating.

That said, when Tahmuras warned them that it might be an illusion, Amice nodded. β€œ{Just like how you never follow the lights into the swamp or waters! Those might be pixies trying to drown people!}” She'd learned her lessons well. β€œ{Although... I don't think chipmunks were ever used for it...}” That didn't add up. Looking at the little guy, there did seem to be one comparison. β€œ{It does look like it wants us to follow it somewhere...}” She stated. β€œ{Do you think it's trying to feed us to gnome-eating plants or trying to drown us?}” She asked, not eager to follow strange creatures. She'd been taught better than to do that and she definitely wasn't going to head off alone anytime soon. She could still feel the spot of her missing finger reminding her of when she made that mistake.
Cliff Adler
Cliff awoke with a jolt, as if he had been dreaming of falling from some great height and his subconscious had roused him from the nightmare before he could hit the ground. His eyes shot open and scanned the forest canopy above him. What happened? The last thing he remembered was saying goodbye to his dog Sadie before leaving for the night and then a bright light. Did he make it to the woods?

He sat up and surveyed the forest around him with bleary eyes. Most of the trees were types he was familiar with, but other than that, nothing about the clearing he found himself in looked right. Even the calls and trills of local wildlife sounded alien to him. The canine ears on top of his head twitched slightly.

β€œThe hell??” Cliff raised a clawed hand to his head and gingerly touched the new physical features. It was then that he remembered. He had died. Or maybe not? Either way, he wasn't in Elkhorn anymore and he obviously wasn't quite the same wolf he had been.

He saw his rucksack and rifle on the forest floor next to him. At least he had some items from his former life to remember it by. He picked them up and started walking into the strange forest. The place felt like nature had reclaimed some museum filled with baffling antiquities of unknown origin. He felt his tail wag slightly as he passed a large clock. He glanced over his shoulder.

β€œI guess that's a thing now too. Ok.” He sighed, hoping his clearly visible animal attributes wouldn't be frightening to anyone he might meet.

A chipmunk suddenly appeared from under a bush. It paused for a moment and cocked its head to one side. Cliff was happy to see something familiar in this place. He knelt down and held out his hand, noting the large claws he now sported. The chipmunk came closer but then ran off. It poked its head out from behind a tree and chirped at Cliff.

β€œGuess I'm followin’ you then, huh buddy.” It chirped louder as the wolf followed the little rodent onto a small dirt path.
The chipmunk darted nimbly among the adventurers, its tiny form a beacon guiding them towards the Moonlight Grove. The path unfurled before them, bordered by flora that glowed with an otherworldly luminescence, casting soft, ethereal light on the strange creatures lurking in the shadows. The illumination seemed to swallow the darkness, creating a stark contrast with the pitch-black depths hidden beneath the canopy, shrouded in abyssal mysteries.

Tahmuras shook his head, searching for the right words to address the youngling beside him.

{"Never mind me, Amice. You're right though. These shadows are deep. And there's a strange...aura to a lot of these things. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to follow it though. Better to stay in the light for now."} He huffed, trailing after the chipmunk along the luminous trail. Asuka nodded in silence, content that Tahmuras had redirected the gnome's attention.

As they traversed the glowing path, they eventually gathered in the grove, where ancient artifacts and bookshelves intertwined with the branches and roots of the trees. Here, they were met by Eilredareth, her silver hair shimmering like moonbeams in the night. An aura of dreamy detachment surrounded her, eyes as silver as her hair, long and pointed ears twitching slightly. It took her a moment to notice the gathering, but when she did, her greeting was cheerful.
"Oh! Hello there!" she hummed absently, moving towards another tree and lifting a large vase towards it. For a fleeting moment, she looked rather whimsical, holding the vase aloft. But soon, branches reached down to cradle the vase, claiming it within their embrace. Turning back to the gathered adventurers, she smiled. "Thank you all for agreeing to aid me with this. I suppose I could try and handle it myself. But, well...there's so much to catalog here. I'm afraid if I left, I might fall too far behind you see." She glanced at a nearby bookshelf. "This forest always has the strangest things, that seem to just appear. Odd weapons, curious books. Even people sometimes." Her eyes flicked over the adventurers. "Oh my...Look at you. I haven't seen many like you."

The elf, seemingly unaware of personal space, approached Asuka closely, causing the bird to ruffle her feathers in surprise. Tahmuras, protective, snorted and flicked his ears, ready to step between the elf and his friend. However, as quickly as her curiosity had peaked, she shifted her attention to another party member, Griffin.

Eilredareth examined Griffin with intrigue, marveling at his wings and lion-like features. "What a curious creature indeed. I don't think I've seen anything like either of you." She pulled a book from a shelf, flipping through its pages with focused intent. "Ahah!" She smiled, showing Griffin an illustration of a beast with the head of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the body of a hippo. "Almost! Not quite though...hmm..." She snapped the book shut and returned it to the canopy's grasp.

"I suppose I should explain what exactly it is I'm asking you to do." She paused, glancing at a particular vase resting on a tree stump, shattered into three large pieces. "A few months ago, an adventurer entered this forest. He spoke of a place called Japan and demanded that I send him back. When I explained that interdimensional magic was unsafe, he grew angry and knocked this vase with his sword sheath. The vase contained a cursed spirit, filled with anger and frustration. When the vase broke, the spirit latched onto him, transforming him into a large black wolf."
Eilredareth's voice softened, her gaze thoughtful. "This spirit must be re-sealed. Capture him alive if possible. Bring his body, alive or dead, to a spring located here." She unrolled a scroll and pointed to a spot on the map. "Soak the body in the waters, and recite this mantra to purify it." She handed a piece of parchment to Amice and an amulet to Griffin. "If he is still sane, this amulet will allow him to retain his body while the spirit is purged. However, if you cannot, his body will be destroyed along with the spirit."

She looked at the adventurers with a warm smile. "He should be somewhere in this forest, lurking at the edge of light and shadow. Follow the lights; the plants will guide you. There may be creatures or monsters, but nothing too dangerous, except perhaps the wolf himself. Once the task is completed, return here and let me know what happened." With that, she glided back to another shelf, waving them off.

As she had promised, the plants around them began to shift, creating a lit pathway through the forest. The adventurers were left to explore, with Asuka and Tahmuras looking rather taken aback. Tahmuras turned to Amice.

{"What exactly just happened? Are we supposed to go fight a curse now? I don't like this one bit. Amice doesn't need any more danger in her life."} He groaned. Asuka nodded quietly, fluffing her feathers anxiously.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Jupiter_South Jupiter_South DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

My apologies for this long round. I'll try and pick up the pace. Though I can't make any promises. I will try to have the next post up in about four days. Which might possibly be next Thursday, Maybe. Thank you for being patient with me <3
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry | Cliff Jupiter_South Jupiter_South | Eeriel Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Griffin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

β€œ{I do like the pretty lights.}” She replied to Tahmuras, sticking close to him and Asuka, but also looking around in wonder. The place was really pretty and magical, after all.

β€œ{Wooooh! There are so many things here!}” She called out, upon seeing all the bookshelves and artefacts and whathaveyounots. She really had to hold herself back from running up to them and starting to touch them. Yet she'd been raised well. Don't touch strange things.

Upon hearing whomever greeted her, she turned around and was surprised. β€œAre you an ang... angle {Angel}?” She asked the woman, as she looked somewhat like an Elf, but even prettier and almost sort-off glowy. Then again, she didn't have wings, so Amice wasn't sure.

β€œAid... you?” She was confused. What was that about.

Before she could question it further, however, the girl went over to Asuka. Yet whilst the bird and Tahmuras were busy guarding personal space, Amice had picked up on something. β€œWait! You said... 'not many' so that means you did see some, right? Do you know anything about Asuka's family?!?” They might finally have a lead regarding the bird's species and what might've happened to the other members of it.

It turned out to be story-time next, as the Elf started talking about some weird stuff. β€œOh, I know that story! It's the big bad wolf! Did he blow down the houses of the three little gnomes next?” She'd always been terrified of when Tahmuras told her that story, but he did say he'd burn any wolf that would try eat her afterwards.

Being send out on a 'dead or alive' fetch mission wasn't exactly in the books for the gnome. That said, she was a bit curious about the others that have gathered. Pointing at Cliff, whilst hiding behind Asuka, she'd ask. β€œEhm... isn't he also a big bad wolf?” The man surely looked like one.

She'd look at Griffin next. He had wings, but nothing else about him looked all that much like an angel. So he must be a beast, right. Thinking back on the last time she as in a [Beast] nation, one thing came to mind. β€œDo you also like eating pump-kabooms {winged} beast mister?” She wondered if all beasts were like that or if it was just the once that she'd visited.

The last one was actually smaller than her, which was a rare thing indeed. β€œAre you a witches... {familiar}?” She asked. β€œTahmuras told me lots of black cats work for witches.”

INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario Jupiter_South Jupiter_South Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
π™²πš˜πš—πšœπšπš›πšžπšŒπš, π™±πš˜πš  π™°πš™πš™πš›πšŽπš—πšπš’πšŒπšŽ, π™±πšžπšπšŽπš , πšπš’πš”πšŽπš— π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴 , πšπšŽπš™πšžπš‹πš•πš’πšŒ π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴

Following the chipmunk had led to the meeting of Eilredareth, which was a interesting enough experience. The fae was cheerful. Which he considered odd given the circumstances and the job that needed to be done. Which Griffin still had his concerns. When Griffin was shown the imagery of a creature with eagle wings, a lion's head and a hippo's body, he agreed.

β€œYeah not quite, I was named after the creature I was designed after. My name is Griffin.”

He decided to introduce himself while he had the chance. Listening to Eilredareth go into more detail about what the job was, then what was mentioned in the job description. He accepted the amulet and observed it curiously. Asking.

β€œJapan, huh? I…think I remember that name…”

It was one of the countries on earth he was certain of. He wished he had more memories though. Albeit he supposed it didn’t matter, he doubted his family in his past life had the funds to visit a different country, especially since if the memories he had did serve correctly, paying for his treatments was a struggle in of itself.

β€œBut I think I’ve met this Black Wolf. He even helped against a rotting demon pig thing if they are the same person.”

He nods at the warning but then looks at Amice with worry, under the impression that she was quite literally a toddler. Maybe it was because of her height, but it seemed like her behavior seemed confirming of that suspicion. And it concerned him that someone who seemed so young came here for such a job. He answered Amice’s question. He also corrected her a bit.

β€œPump Kabooms? I believe I’ve yet to try them. I am not a beast… I’m a construct. I can understand the confusion though.”

As his experiences continued, he began to take the construct thing more in stride. Especially since he helped the fae sink Fort Kanna and had a moment with his comrades. He finally admitted to being dead and, surprisingly, the others were in the same boat it had seemed.

β€œSome wolves aren’t bad. If the Black Wolf I meant before is the one involved here, he was a hero… I hope he is still okay…and I am sure he is a good person as well.”

He told Amice, gesturing to Cliff. Believing it to be a good learning chance. Before telling with concern Eilredareth, Asuka and Tahmuras.

β€œI don’t think it’s a good idea to bring her with us. This sounds like way to dangerous of a job for a child and I wouldn’t want her exposed to potentially traumatizing experiences….”

If she still came with them for the job, he would still try to keep Amice safe. The thought of a child joining in on something like this was disturbing enough.
The sudden gathering made the cat wary. All these people, what're they doing here in the middle of a forest? Though the sorceress seemed to had anticipated them and asked them to subdue a cursed black wolf. Its not the kind of job that she would take on alone, but with this many people, she might consider it. One of the individual in the gathering, a small gnome girl asked her a question.

"Nope. I''m just a random black cat. If you want to see a familiar you should ask the chipmunk over there." Eeriel replied nonchalantly. When it comes to children she had a mixed experience with them. Sometimes they're sweet harmless creature that might hands out occasional treats, other times they're demon incarnate that pull her tail for no reason. She would thread carefully with the gnome girl.

Ignoring the blooming glowing plants, Eeriel instead approached the sorceress again as she moved between the shelves.

"Just so we're on the same page, sorceress. I will accept the task, but I don't want to be paid with money or random magic items. I want you to lend me some of your books once this is over." Eeriel said to the elf.

Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E, Contributor

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Jupiter_South Jupiter_South


Having decided to get out of the city for a bit, Kasumi found herself traveling to the Holy Fae See. Crossing over from the Ryke border due to the ongoing conflict between the Fae and the Eastern Empire. Though from what she was hearing it didn't look all that great for the Fae See at the moment. With recent events, she had collected some information but decided a small trip away from Azuran would be the best time to plan the next move now that she had the needed information. Following the path, she had her pack slung over her shoulders.

Stopping in a small clearing along the path for a moment the chipmunk appeared, That is a bit odd. She thought to herself watching the creature for a moment before it seemed like it wanted her to follow. She hesitated for a moment before reluctantly followed the creature, naturally her dominate hand dropped to her thigh where one of her daggers were hidden. One couldn't be too careful after all on top of that it wasn't unheard of the fae to be suspicious of humans to a degree. Following the creature her eyes shifted around from place to place, looking and listening for anything that didn't seem natural.

Eventually, she stumbled upon the others arriving when Japan and the spirit were mentioned, which confirmed that there were other people in the world that at one point had been brought to this same world. Which was something she assumed to be true but this was the first time she was hearing about it from someone else. Though she could probe that a bit more later on. "I assume this chipmunk is yours then?" Kasumi inquired as she made her presence know to the rest of the group as the tasks was explained to her she brought her hand to her chin and pondered it for a moment.

"So capture the spirit and bring back proof, seems simple enough, though cryptic if nothing else," Kasumi stated, she looked around at the group which seemed to have a few interesting individuals. Though if she could trust them or this elf in front of her was still to be determined in the whole thing. It was strange to be guided here by a chipmunk if nothing else.
Amilia - F

The portal opened up into the middle of a magically enchanted forest, surrounding Amilia in an environment of curious looking artifacts. She was curious about that in the world happened, as the vision she had was a wide open field when she stepped through. This was neither wide open nor a field, unless this was some weird illusion. She walked over to a tree that was wrapped around some object and knocked on it. No, this was very much a real thing. Maybe her portal coordinates got skewed when she entered into this timeline?

With a sigh, she decided to transport herself back to a town or city or someplace that had the ability to tell her what was going on. However, when she went to try and open a portal a strange error sound buzzed in her ear. Her brows furrowed and he looked around, knowing damn well she didn't just hear an error sound after she tried to use her portal. So she tried again, and the sound buzzed over and over before a window appeared warning her of excessive usage of a locked skill would cause trouble.

"Well, would you look at that. A rare opportunity dropped in my lap. Who would have known I would've been brought into a world like this." She chuckled lightly and waved away the window before speaking again, opening another menu. Another chuckle of disbelief came from her before she read over that window. "Okay, human...odd. Skills, looks like a grading system to it...and the only ability I have unlocked is my rage? Thats a stroke of bad luck. Hm, what else? I can fight bare handed ar least, so I'm not completely on a losing side. I have confidence in my fighting abilities even if they are lower."

She sighed and closed the window, looking around to get a feel for her surroundings. It was obvious she was in a forest and that it was filled with magic. She took a step closer to the object in the tree and noticed it was a half buried weapon if some sort. Wiggling it proved that it was in there for quite a long time so no pulling it out. She then walked over to look at another artifact when a chipmunk came skittering over. It chittered and clicked about, hopping around to get Amilia to follow. She raised a brow and tilted her head, giving a thought to it.

She gave a shrug and went along with it, the worst that could happen is she would die and be brought back to a town. A one way ticket to civilization and the ability to gather information better. As she walked, she began to notice more and more oddities buried in trees before finally she came to what seemed to be a meeting spot. From the way she entered, she came up from behind everyone and had a chance to get a look at them before they noticed her. It was an odd bunch, all of which was listening intently to a silvered haired elven woman ahead.

They seemed to have been discussing a matter concerning a mission. The details were missing, as she joined late to the party, but she knew that a mission meant that she could learn more about the people and the lore of this world from the other members as well.

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Cliff wasn't entirely sure what he had walked into but it was equally as strange as the museum-like forest he found himself in. The shining pointy eared woman was definitely an elf. He'd seen enough movies to know that much. Minus her and the black cat though, he was unsure what exactly the others were. A couple looked human but he wasn't certain. And apparently they didn't know either. Maybe he wasn't the only one here who had no clue what the hell was going on.

He raised an eyebrow at the tiny child accusing him of being a fairytale creature. Not only was he expected to take on this crazy wolf hunt and perform some kind of magic ritual, he was going to have to be a babysitter.

β€œYeah, I'm sorry Miss, I gotta agree with this guy.β€œ Cliff gestured at Griffin with his hand, then gave him a nod of thanks for kindly explaining wolves to the child.

It was a relief to Cliff that the elf hadn't given him anything. He was going to have a hard enough time remembering all her instructions.

He wasn't surprised when the cat spoke. Everything about this place felt like a dream and cats frequently talked in dreams. If that's what this all turned out to be, it would at least be an interesting one. Cliff knelt down and touched the strange luminescent pathway.

β€œDo you have anything with his scent on it?” He glanced over his shoulder at the elf. β€œMagic is cool and everything but that ain't exactly my style.”

It seemed as though the elf had just written them all off, her attention drifting onto another object that apparently needed evaluating. Tahmuras shook his head, looking at the scroll in Amice's hand. It appeared to have Sylvan writing on it, though it was an aged dialect. "The winged boy is right. We can't put Amice in danger for a random stranger. It seems we made a mistake coming here."

Asuka was caught in a daze, staring off at the elf in curiosity. The shadows of the forest shifted as if they were alive around them, casting an eerie glow from the enchanted plants. Their questions seemed to fall on deaf ears. The elf was in her own world, inspecting a new statue that seemed to have appeared from the shadows. Large and intimidating, some adventurers might recognize it as a stone gargoyle.

"Hmm yes. Very intimidating. Threatening even. But harmless." She waved a finger in the air and started to move on towards another stray object that seemed to materialize from the trees, though no one had any memory of seeing it prior.

Her diligent work was interrupted by a little chipmunk. It hopped in front of her, waving its arms and pointing accusingly. The elf looked even a touch sullen. "Yes, I see... I hadn't thought of that. Well... hmm." The elf paused, turning to look over the group of adventurers again. "Yes, I suppose you're right. That would be problematic. I suppose I will have to go with them. How troublesome..." She pouted. Despite her reluctance, she rose to her feet and moved towards the group.

"Oh!" she said, seeming to have just realized that she'd been asked questions. "I apologize, this is my friend. I can't exactly translate his name but I just call him Cheeks." She giggled, looking down at the chipmunk upon Kasumi's question. The chipmunk looked rather indignant at being renamed so disrespectfully. "Because of his cheeks... hehe." She blinked, looking at the group, realizing they probably didn't care. "Oh, I'm sorry. That's what Cheeks was saying... I'm a bit... forgetful. I didn't think about the fact that you all won't be able to talk to the wolf when you see him. Hmm well..." She paused, looking at Cliff. "Maybe you could... I could give you a scrap of his clothing. It was cut when he shattered the vase and went through the transformation. You know, I think you could handle this without me. Do I really have to come? He's such a rude fellow." She mumbled, looking down at the chipmunk. It tapped its foot with a huff, and she sighed. "Fine... fine, I'll go. Oh hello!" Her silver eyes locked onto Kasumi and Amilia. "Just to be clear... which of you were actually here for a job, and which of you are entirely confused?"

It was here that Asuka lifted her head and raised a white wing. "Do forgive our grievances, madam elfβ€”"

"Eilredareth." The elf corrected. Asuka didn't miss a beat though.

"My lady Eilredareth... It would seem our family wandered into your forest out of mere curiosity. However, we cannot in good means put Amice in any more danger." She bent her long white neck, spreading her wings in a humble bow. The elf tapped her chin, looking over the bird.

"Yes, I suppose I understand your fear for the little gnome. Little ones are always so impressionable. I can promise you that there shouldn't be any severe dangers here. Other than perhaps confused and belligerent other Worlder. Sometimes those aren't always intelligent creatures." The elf began to babble again. Tahmuras interrupted.

"You don't need our help. You've got plenty of other capable hands here." He huffed, flicking his tail from side to side in frustration. He didn't seem to like this elf and her airy presence. The elf seemed a bit taken aback by his countenance. She hummed and nodded.

"You're right. It doesn't seem that I do. However... I must say I am a bit curious about your bird friend..."

"She has a name..." Tahmuras grumbled, though he didn't seem eager to provide it.

"Yes, I'm sure, but I can't quite place what the name is. I could swear I'd seen something like her in a book somewhere. Something about an immortal boy... hmm... Are you immortal?" She looked to Asuka and tilted her head curiously. "Well, no matter. I'll know if I see it again." She paused for a moment, blinking. Then looked down towards Eeriel. "Oh my! You like books too? Yes of course I wouldn't mind letting you read whatever you can get your hands on. You'll see a few bookshelves as we move through the forest. Some are empty, some still have a few tomes. There might be a few tangled up in the branches. More than likely those are a bit too dangerous to read but maybe if you have a specific need we can see about it."

Mentions: Jupiter_South Jupiter_South Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread saxon saxon
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry | Cliff Jupiter_South Jupiter_South | Eeriel Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Griffin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

β€œA con.. constrict?” She had to think about what Griffin just said, until she suddenly seemed shocked. β€œWait, you mean you're a {construct}? Oh no!” She called out. β€œDoes that mean you were also made by Humans by having them trap your … sprint your... spirit into this body?!?” She recalled the general Fae teachings on what Constructs were pretty well.

She also wasn't sure about 'bad' or 'not bad' wolves. β€œSo... you think he'd be a good great wolf, rather than a big bad wolf?” She asked again, just to make sure she understood this peculiar claim of Griffin's. However, when he pointed out her age, she puffed her cheeks. β€œI'm not a child! I'm already...” She tried counting on her fingers again, though she only got to nine this time. β€œNine and...” It was always ten and six, right, so now it would nine and... eight? No... five? Wait, 6? No, one less than before, wait no, one more than before. β€œNine and seven! Sixteen! I'm sixteen years old!” At least her maths had gotten marginally better after her usual instrument of counting had gotten worse.

She was a tad disappointed when the cat was saying she wasn't an actual familiar. β€œOh, okay. Although I don't think mister chipmunk can talk.” She replied.

Two more people joined, but by now, the amount of them was starting to get on her nerves, so she didn't speak to them and instead figured she'd just stick close to Asuka.

When she saw the Elf speak to the chipmunk, however, she perked up. So it DID speak. β€œIs... is the {chipmunk} your {familiar} miss Elf?” She asked. β€œHow come only you can talk with it?” She was rather curious about that bit as well.

As Asuka was speaking to the Elf, she tilted her head. β€œIm... imp... res.. imp-res.. imp-rest-ion-able?” She was trying to figure out that word in Common. What in the world were they accusing her of being? β€œBell-... bell-irigent?” Seriously, why was this woman using so many difficult words in Common? Could she not just keep it simple or speak Sylvan instead. Amice puffed her cheeks again. How mean.

However, when it sounded like this woman might know more about Asuka's species, she perked up even more. β€œDo you know more about Asuka's family?!? Can we read that book?” This might be the first lead they'd gotten in a long time. β€œWhat is imor... immor... immoral?” She asked as well.

That said, she looked at the cat again, confused, wondering how a cat was going to be able to flip through book pages. She knew Tahmuras and Asuka always asked her to do it.

INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario Jupiter_South Jupiter_South Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
π™²πš˜πš—πšœπšπš›πšžπšŒπš, π™±πš˜πš  π™°πš™πš™πš›πšŽπš—πšπš’πšŒπšŽ, π™±πšžπšπšŽπš , πšπš’πš”πšŽπš— π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴 , πšπšŽπš™πšžπš‹πš•πš’πšŒ π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴

As the two new people showed up, Griffin waved at them in greeting. He then answers Eilredareth, to avoid any confusion.

β€œI’m aware of the job. I saw the request at the Fae See adventurers guild, which I’ll admit was odd.other branches of the guild are usually much more busy then this one seems to be.”

He then turns to Amice and shakes his head.

β€œSort of Amice. I have no idea if it was humans who created this body…seems likely, and my soul wasn’t trapped in it by it’s makers…my soul came from… somewhere else.”

Griffin was many things, but he wasn’t eager to be the one who explained death to someone who seemed and acted so young. He questions.


He turns to Eilredareth to confirm.

β€œI’m not an expert on fae…but don’t fae take longer to age than other species do?”

Regardless, it still seemed bizarre that him and Amice were the same age, and even trippy. But there wasn’t time to dwell on that, as it seemed Amice and her friends wouldn’t be there for long with what the conversation was. He answers Kasumi.

β€œSeems to be the gist of it. Finding the black wolf free the wolf from the spirit through a ritual to capture the spirit and hope the wolf lives.”

He blinks, realizing something. He then decides to ask Eilredareth.

β€œYou said this wolf is a cursed human. Did you happen to catch his name?”

He then decides to introduce himself. Or reintroduced himself, since everyone was oddly focused on the wings, and they had two new people joining

β€œInstead of calling me winged something, something. Please call me Griffin or Aurora.”

"Glad you're not the type that hoard knowledge, sorceress. Don't worry though. I already know what I'm looking for." Having secured her deal with the elf, Eeriel can now shift her mind at finishing the task at hand. Honestly, if the sorceress really try she should be able to deal with the wolf by herself, but she didn't seems to be too fond of the wolf. If that's the case then the cat can actually understand it, if she hates someone she also wouldn't want to grace them with her presence, she would just let him rot after getting beaten up by a bunch of random people.

"You're in charge of tracking the wolf, old man. Go lead the way." The cat said to Adler as she strolled towards the edge of the grove and glanced at the other in the group. The team didn't seems to have a good composition, but since they're only chasing one wolf then they should be able to quickly kill the wolf by their sheer number. This should be an easy task.

Kasumi school 3.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - C

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E, Contributor

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Jupiter_South Jupiter_South Daddy Dream Daddy Dream


As the elf spoke to her and the other new arrival asking who was who, Kasumi raised her hand at the mention of the confused one. So far, this whole event wasn't making much sense, and now that introductions with the chipmunk happened, it made even less sense than it did before. She brought her hands up to her temples and started to massage them. This elf seems a bit aloof, like the kind of client that hires you and then screws up their own plans. Kasumi thought to herself as the conversation continued on with their tracker asking about anything with a scent on it. Though it would make things much easier now that the elf seemed like she was going to go.

Then came the bombshell of one of the ages for one of the fae in the group. Kasumi opened a single eye and looked over at Amice.
"You may be a fae but, this isn't a game and it seems like your companions don't wish to put you in harms way," Kasumi pointed out as she let her hands drop to her side and lean against a tree. She knew just how dangerous any mission could get and, it seemed like the people guarding this individual did as well. While she wasn't against the girl going, it did seem like a risk in her mind.

"Well it seems like its a little too late to turn back now, so I'll follow from the shadows and keep an eye and ear out, if our friend there wants to track the wolf," Kasumi stated as she joined the rest of the group.
Amilia - F

Amilia looked at the elf for a brief moment before they locked eyes and she spoke again. Who was here for a job and who was confuse, huh. Amilia thought about it for a moment before she noticed the girl next to her raised her hand. To what, she didn't announce, but judging by the look of confusion she figured it was for the latter. Amilia, however, didn't answer and just gave a shrug. She didn't know there was a job going on at first, but all she knew was that she was going to tag along.

Her eyes then traveled over to a young girl that she had missed at first glance when she first arrived. Wait, were they a child? They looked way too small to be a child that is able to walk and talk. It must be a species of this timeline that she has never seen before, all she knows is that they were way to small to be doing this task. And the bird and fox next to her seemed to be in agreement. actually, the girl next to her also seemed to agree with the tiny ones guardians about staying behind.

Amilia sighed and scratched the back of her neck as she listened to the winged girl who introduced themselves to the little one as Griffin. She took note of the name then listened to their simplified version of the job. It didn't seem all that bad, they wasn't fighting some overpowered beast or super evil big bad boss. It just seemed like a wolf that was cursed, easy enough kill or capture, but the capture could be even more challenging.

She took notice on how the elf was drifting off into her own desire to take inventory of the oddities around and sighed when she heard her complain about needing to go. Then she noticed a black cat walking off after talking about needing some knowledge and at that point Amilia pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned out loud.

"Is this the party we are taking to deal with this wolf? I'm not expert of this world, but everyone here puts off the air of unbalanced with a leader who would rather bury themselves in her own world than help clean up a mess that seems to have come from her own oddities." She tilted her head and ran a hand through her hair. "I get the feeling that you believe this is an easy task, where you don't need to be involved with us but too challenging for you to take it on yourself. Is there something we are not being told?"

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
Cliff Adler

The old adage 'go along to get along' was a saying that had been ever present in Cliff's mind back in his old life. Being a wolf hiding amongst humans meant doing whatever it took to blend in and keep the humans happy enough to not ask questions. So agreeing to some quest he had no prior knowledge of in this weird place with these new people was an easy choice for the wolf.

Cliff took the fabric from Eilredareth, showing no physical indication of the wave of relief that washed over him when she decided to join the search party. He decided to stop questioning Amice’s presence once she said she was 16. Made as much sense as anything else here. Besides, he was already living on his own and working two jobs by the time he was that age.

β€œYeah, I can talk to him. Hopefully he's willing to listen.” Eilredareth had originally said it would be acceptable if the party had to hurt this lone wolf. Cliff hoped it wouldn't come to that. He'd never met a wolf who was cursed to be that way and he couldn't imagine what the guy's state of mind might be.

He cast a scornful glance at the cat before sniffing the scrap of fabric in his hand. β€œI'm 38. And that's in people years, not dog years.”

Moonberry Moonberry
Elvario Elvario
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
As the group began to follow the luminescent path deeper into the forest, the light around them gradually dimmed. The once soft and inviting glow of the plants now felt more oppressive, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch and twist in unnatural ways. The air grew cooler, and the scent of damp earth mingled with something more metallic, like the sharp tang of blood.

The scent of the wolf on the scrap of fabric Cliff held seemed to grow stronger, pulling him to the south. Each step in that direction made the forest feel heavier, as though the trees themselves were leaning in, closing off the path behind them. The faint sound of rustling leaves, like whispers, filled the air, but there was no wind to be found.

Eilredareth trailed behind the group, her gaze flickering between the artifacts embedded in the trees and the path ahead. She seemed distracted, her thoughts divided between the urgency of the task and her deep-seated need to maintain order in the chaotic forest. After a moment of silence, she spoke, her voice softer than before but tinged with a hint of regret.

"I never did learn his name, the man who became the wolf. He was so angry, so desperate. I should have done more, but... I felt tethered to this place. This forestβ€”it needs to be tended, the artifacts sorted and kept safe. I couldn’t bring myself to leave, even when I knew he needed help. Now that he's returned to the forest though I can feel the presence of that curse again. It's grown stronger. If there's anything left to save, I hope we can."

As the group ventured deeper into the forest, the path winding between the shadowed trees, Eilredareth seemed to glide rather than walk, her movements as fluid as the wind that rustled the leaves above. She paused now and then, examining a new artifact that had somehow appeared, or perhaps had always been there, hidden until the forest decided to reveal it. Each item seemed to hold her attention more than the gathering of adventurers, but she always returned to them, her focus drifting back like a leaf carried by a gentle breeze.

When Amice's curious voice piped up, Eilredareth turned her silvery gaze upon the small gnome, her expression one of mild surprise, as if just realizing she had companions with her. β€œAh, yes, the crane. You are a curious creature, indeed,” she murmured, her voice soft and airy, as if she were speaking more to herself than to anyone else.

β€œAsuka,” she repeated the name with a thoughtful nod. β€œI remember reading about cranes in a very old tome. It spoke of a boy in a land far, far awayβ€”a place called... what was it? China, perhaps? A land I have never seen, but the book described it as filled with strange and wonderful things. There was a story about a crane that could transform into a boy. They said he was immortal, living for hundreds of years, and could change his form at will. The people believed he was a guardian spirit, a protector of sacred places. Perhaps... perhaps you are one of these beings, or maybe something even more unique.” She smiled dreamily at Asuka, her mind clearly dancing with possibilities.

Tahmuras, always protective, stepped a bit closer, his gaze narrowing slightly. β€œYou’ve read about cranes like Asuka before?” he pressed, his voice low and cautious. β€œWhat else do you know?”

Eilredareth tilted her head, considering. β€œNot much more, I’m afraid. The book was old, and many of the pages were missing. But it spoke of cranes as messengers of the divine, beings of wisdom and power. They were revered in that land, almost worshiped. I wish I could tell you more, but that book is somewhere in this forest, and I haven't found it again. This place hides what it wishes until the time is right.”

The conversation shifted as the elf turned to Griffin, her silver eyes twinkling with curiosity. β€œGriffin, a fitting name for such a curious being,” she said, a soft laugh escaping her lips. β€œNo, I didn’t catch the wolf’s name. He was too busy demanding I send him back to his world. Japan, I believe he called it. But the curse overtook him before I could ask more.” She sighed, almost as if the memory was a mild inconvenience rather than a tragedy.

Her gaze wandered to the others, noting Kasumi’s raised hand. β€œAh, I see. Some of you are here for a task, others are simply lost. But in this forest, even the lost find what they are seeking, in one way or another.”

Eeriel’s request brought a more grounded response from the elf. β€œBooks, yes. I can lend you a few, but be careful. Some of them are... temperamental. They don’t always like being read, especially by those they do not know. But you may find what you seek. This forest holds many secrets.”

As the path ahead darkened, the scent of the wolf grew stronger, more pungent, as if it lingered on the very air they breathed.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Jupiter_South Jupiter_South Daddy Dream Daddy Dream saxon saxon Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Alright sorry the rounds have been so long guys. We'll be getting to the middle part soon. Feel free to post freely as long as it's not back to back. I will try to have the next round faster than last time.
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry | Griffin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Amilia Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Kasumi saxon saxon

She looked up at Griffin confused. β€œYour soul just came from somewhere? How does that work? Isn't trapping souls in bodies how they make constructs to begin with?” She was pretty sure that was what she'd been taught at least. β€œYes! I'm nine and one and six, so sixteen!” She stated, reconfirming her mathematics wasn't off.

Looking at Kasumi, confused, she had no clue why the girl was randomly commenting on things. She'd ask Tahmuras and Asuka. β€œ{Is that miss mad at me?}”

Somehow, it felt like nobody wanted her along, yet in the end, she still ended up coming along. Mostly due to the Elf starting to move before explaining more about Asuka's family, she figured. That information was worth joining, as family was important.

As they moved, she got confused a bit more. β€œ{Miss Eilredareth, why does all this stuff keep appearing here?}” She asked about the books and artefacts. They might've talked about it before, but she still didn't get it.

β€œAsuka is not a creature! She's Asuka!” The gnome huffed up her cheeks. That didn't sound like a nice way to talk about someone. As for getting the book back, she was confused. β€œCan we make the time right, right now?” She asked.

That said, as she was walking, there was one question in her mind that she couldn't stop herself from wondering about. β€œEhm... Miss and miss Human...” She'd address Amilia and Kasumi. β€œI sometimes got told by some Fae that Humans in the See are like bad bugs that should be squ... squeezed... squacked... squashed! That should be squashed. Aren't you afraid a Fae like that will come squash you?”
Amilia - F
Amilia followed the group, sighing as her question was glossed over. As powerful as she might be, Amilia wondered how helpful the elven woman would actually be. She hoped that not all the elves were like that, but it was a thought that would be put on the back burner. As they wondered through the forest, following Cliff and his scent tracking, Amilia once again found herself looking at the artifact more then listening to the group. It was all very curious on how items that she had seen in other dimensions are somehow ending up here. As magical as this forest is, it seemed like a universal dumping ground of lost and found items. Or maybe this forest liked collecting thing like her and was snatching items from other timelines like a house gnome would stuff the is shiny. She was so deep in those thoughts that she barely missed Amice talking to her, to which she turned her attention to fully.

The little ones question made her chuckle and she reached down and patted her on the head. "Unless the Fae are undead, I do not fear ones who can bleed little one." She smiled softly and continued. "However, are you not scared you might get squashed? By either a human, Fae, or other being? You are quite small and easy to miss for someone who doesn't pay attention. Forget squashing, a bird might swoop down and grab you up if you are not wary enough."

The cat walked silently at the edge of the group, tethering between the area lit by the plants dim light and the deep shadow casted by the thick canopy of the forest. For someone as small as her, she needs to watch where she was positioning herself in the group or else someone would accidentally trip on her, especially in this kind of lighting where people might mistook her sillhouette for random shadow. She's already used to it though, and her sharp senses still allow her to keep being vigilant to her surrounding.

"Bah, what's with this smell!!" Eeriel had a disgusted look on her face as moved to the rear of the group.

"The wolf is close, and smelled like he has been busy marking his territory." She warned the others.

1) Use Heightened Sense (Smelling, Hearing) E + Energized E - 0 cooldown

INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario Jupiter_South Jupiter_South Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
π™²πš˜πš—πšœπšπš›πšžπšŒπš, π™±πš˜πš  π™°πš™πš™πš›πšŽπš—πšπš’πšŒπšŽ, π™±πšžπšπšŽπš , πšπš’πš”πšŽπš— π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴 , πšπšŽπš™πšžπš‹πš•πš’πšŒ π™°πšπšŸπšŽπš—πšπšžπš›πšŽπš› 𝙴
Griffin really wished Amice didn’t have to ask, so, alternatively, he thought and decided to use a sugar-coated half-truth. He refused to explain the concept of death. He answered.

β€œMy soul comes from another world.”

Short, simple. He just had to wish she didn’t ask more questions regarding that. If she did, he was and would push it onto the other two animal-looking fae that accompanied her. He then questioned to Cliff.

β€œSo…are we just going to say our ages now?”

He questioned. It was odd... but he decided to go along with it He responded.

β€œAge is a confusing thing for constructs. But I was 16, and I guess if I were to go by how long I’ve been in this vessel…nearly a year old I think. Or wait…my soul might be closer to 17 now…uhh nevermind. I’m going to think about that later.”

Time passed by quickly. It had honestly felt like just yesterday he killed over in a hospital room and woke up as Griffin. Now that he realized it was probably nearing a year, well, a lot had happened in that time. He wasn’y going to think about the technicalities lf his age though, he was already going through enough things that was akin to an identity crisis. He then turned to the black cat, mildly concerned.

β€œYou know…I get the feeling you are going to make me wish I had a super sense of smell and glad I don’t have a super sense of smell at the same time.”

As they delved deeper into the forest, time and space unraveled like threads in an ancient tapestry. The once-familiar faces of their companions blurred, fading into the mist as the trees thickened and the shadows deepened. Each step forward seemed to stretch into eternity, until, with a sudden shiver, they realized they were utterly alone. The forest, a labyrinth of twisted roots and whispering winds, played its final trickβ€”guiding them out, one by one, to the fringes of its realm. No matter how desperately they tried to return, the forest's embrace had slipped away, leaving them on the outside, the echoes of their strange journey fading into silence. The elven enchantress and the cursed wolf were now mere phantoms of memory, and with a heavy heart, they understood: the forest had cast them out, the adventure ended as mysteriously as it had begun.

I apologize for starting this thread. I should have known better. To the Grader, I don't want any points for this. Please. If any are granted, please just split them between the people who were patient and tried to stick it through.

1. Narrator was Moonberry
2. Narrator standing is E. Character - Characters
3. The Elven sorceress that guards the enchanted woods summoned for assistance in finding and subduing the cursed Wolf. However the enchanted forest forced everyone back out. The status of the elven sorceress and the Wolf (Hideki) are unknown.
4.The goal was to find the cursed wolf and help him. Goal was not achieved.
5. No Criminal Activity happened.
6. The Deep Woods is an enchanted woods that is right on top of a convergence of ley lines. Where strange artifacts and random creatures are brought in and out of this plane of existence. - Finished - [The Deep Woods-Fae See] Shadows Unbound: The Broken Seal
7. No partial participants
8. No invaders
Amice (Elvario)- Character - Characters
Eeriel (Spoiled Bread)- Character - Characters
Cliff (Jupiter South)- http://post%20in%20thread%20'characters'%20https//www.rpnation.com/threads/characters.521140/post-11966204
Kasumi (Saxon) - Character - Characters
Griffin (Darkkitsune) - Character - Characters
Amilia (Daddy Dom) - Character - Characters
10. No Point Boosters
11. No recommended Titles.
12. No Assets earned or gained
13. Character Hideki is Wanted by Eirederath (The elven sorceress) ((This was an attempt to get rid of the title. It was not achieved.)
14. Yes Eirederath had brought in several adventurers to literally hunt Hideki down.
15. N/A
16. N/A
17. No Advanced Rules
18. No Oddities noticed
19. Aftermath: Nothing really. Hideki is lost in the enchanted woods.
20. I don't want any narrator pts. Take any points I would have earned from this and split it between those still active. (Side note, Eeriel is now dead. Cliff is no longer active. Same with Amilia I think.)
21. This was a failure on my part. Not much else to say.
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