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Fantasy The death sentence.. (OPEN+ACCEPTING)


Sagittarius & Openminded
Character Skeleton





Powers:(4 magical abilities at most, although you can have countless spells that aren't too powerful)


Weaknesses:(At least 3)

Bio:(optional if you want to reveal it later)

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  • Name: Elizabeth "Beth" (last name unknown)

    Age: 14

    Gender: Female


    Relatively good but uses her magic for selfish purposes every once in a while


    -Telepathy within a 3 mile radius

    -Highly enhanced hearing

    -Can stop time as long as she can hold her breath, which is 35 seconds at most


    -Her powers and spells

    -Quick thinker

    -Fast runner(as long as she doesn't stumble or trip)

    -Her magic is enhanced if she is touching gold


    -Extremely clumsy

    -Physically very weak

    -If she uses her magic too much, she might pass out

    -Can't use any of her magic if she's touching iron


    Beth grew up quickly once she and many others discovered her gift of magic. Her own parents disowned her and she hardly escaped being captured. She had been discovered at age 9 and had been on the run ever since. However, that was before she came up with possibly the best yet most stupid idea ever. She planned on living in Chatea, where the castle that held the magic-hating King himself. She figured they'd never think that those born with magic would ever be bold, and dumb, enough to be so close to a possibly imminent and deathly fate. So she settled in by living on the streets, running errands for people in exchange for money to stay alive and relatively well.

    One day as Beth was running errands for someone, she saw the Princess Katrina being stalked. So, in turn, she stalked the stalker and tackled them as they were about to attack the Princess. The King was so impressed and glad that he rewarded her by letting her become the Princess's second maid. She daily got up early to take care of Princess Katrina's every need alongside the other maid who seemed to be two years older than Beth. The other maid's name was Sara and she allowed Beth to be like the little sister she never had. She took care of Beth and let her live with her and she's the only person who knows Beth's full name, true identity, and of her magic.


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Name: Emeritus



Alignment: Tries to be wicked but will have moments of kindness.

Powers:(4 magical abilities at most, although you can have countless spells that aren't too powerful):

-Summoning the dead/demons

-Able to disappear and reappear in a new location.

-Can change appearance.


-Witty talker

-Physically and mentally strong.

Weaknesses:(At least 3)

-Is a sucker for pretty women

-Not very trusting

-Likes to show off too much.

Bio:(optional if you want to reveal it later) Emeritus has been wandering the world for quite some time. He has even forgotten his own age. The youngest of three sons from a rich family, a family who disappeared long ago. Some say he had been wandering the work in search of his family, summoning the dead to aid him in his quest.

Appearance: Like in my avatar picture, sometimes changes outfits.
Name: Dottie Emmett Woodrot

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alignment: Gentle and kind, but something just isn't right.

- Can travel into and control dreams

- Ability to summon illusions within a 20 meter radius. (Audible, smell, and visual illusions)

- Senses people's emotions (Won't come up a lot, just for his character)

+ Sporadic

+ Adept Illusionist

+ Quick learner

- Weak willed

- Socially inept

- Crazy

To be revealed in rp. Uhh.. Merlin

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-14_18-4-39.jpeg.79d4732d18aa1d3985599a981a68a7ef.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-14_18-4-39.jpeg.79d4732d18aa1d3985599a981a68a7ef.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Name: Vashti Yasin Haniel

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alignment: Kind and thoughtful, though it may not seem like it with her almost never changing face.

Powers:(4 magical abilities at most, although you can have countless spells that aren't too powerful)

Main Powers

~Shadow Transformation: A Magic which allows the user to transform their physiology into that of a Shadow, turning their body into a shadow that cannot be touched by normal means. With this Magic, the user is also able to fade themselves into shadows to move swiftly, dodging efficiently and making surprise attacks. However, if the user is caught while in a tangible form, or by another person in shadow form, they are then vulnerable to attack

~Shadow Mending: The shadows produced by Shadow Magic are able to be utilized in several different ways, allowing for a high level of adaptability; the shadows are able to be released in freeform, as condensed, or even molded into the shape of a weapon, taking on the properties of said chosen shape.

~ White Shadow: Allows its user to consume shadows to replenish their strength and develop resistance to it as well. If a Shadow is somehow capable of successfully ingesting light, they will enter White Shadow Mode (Can explain more if needed.)



Can easily diffuse a situation if need arises

Quick on her feet and in her thinking

Weaknesses:(At least 3)

Sun Light

The more power she uses the greater the whispers in her head become

Using her powers can cause her to be severely physically and emotionally drained.

Bio:(My brief little bio)

Vashti has always lived by the words kill or be killed. When Vashti was a child her mother worked for one of the more prominent families in the kingdom. one day while helping her mother clean Vashti saw the lady of the house perform magic to make her children fall asleep. Being a child she ran and told her mother what she had seen, thinking it to be beautiful. With the information, her mother threatened to go to the king and expose her.The lady of the house did not take the accusations kindly instead cursing Vashti to live the same fate as her. With this her family was forced to go into hiding. Feeling the guilt of doing this to her family Vashti worked and provided for her family. Doing whatever work came her way magical and non-magical, hoping that one day the burden she placed on her family would go away.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/e7232c416559d8a2c60cdfcfd65faaf3.jpg.4a029fbaa36a673a7b40f05334eea8af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91944" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/e7232c416559d8a2c60cdfcfd65faaf3.jpg.4a029fbaa36a673a7b40f05334eea8af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Aio said:
Name: Vashti Yasin Haniel
Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alignment: Kind and thoughtful, though it may not seem like it with her almost never changing face.

Powers:(4 magical abilities at most, although you can have countless spells that aren't too powerful)

Main Powers

~Shadow Transformation: A Magic which allows the user to transform their physiology into that of a Shadow, turning their body into a shadow that cannot be touched by normal means. With this Magic, the user is also able to fade themselves into shadows to move swiftly, dodging efficiently and making surprise attacks. However, if the user is caught while in a tangible form, or by another person in shadow form, they are then vulnerable to attack

~Shadow Mending: The shadows produced by Shadow Magic are able to be utilized in several different ways, allowing for a high level of adaptability; the shadows are able to be released in freeform, as condensed, or even molded into the shape of a weapon, taking on the properties of said chosen shape.

~ White Shadow: Allows its user to consume shadows to replenish their strength and develop resistance to it as well. If a Shadow is somehow capable of successfully ingesting light, they will enter White Shadow Mode (Can explain more if needed.)



Can easily diffuse a situation if need arises

Quick on her feet and in her thinking

Weaknesses:(At least 3)

Sun Light

The more power she uses the greater the whispers in her head become

Using her powers can cause her to be severely physically and emotionally drained.

Bio:(My brief little bio)

Vashti has always lived by the words kill or be killed. When Vashti was a child her mother worked for one of the more prominent families in the kingdom. one day while helping her mother clean Vashti saw the lady of the house perform magic to make her children fall asleep. Being a child she ran and told her mother what she had seen, thinking it to be beautiful. With the information, her mother threatened to go to the king and expose her.The lady of the house did not take the accusations kindly instead cursing Vashti to live the same fate as her. With this her family was forced to go into hiding. Feeling the guilt of doing this to her family Vashti worked and provided for her family. Doing whatever work came her way magical and non-magical, hoping that one day the burden she placed on her family would go away.


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Accepted! Start rping whenever! :)

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