The Death Penalty: Your Thoughts?

[QUOTE="The Cobalt Killer]Throw them out of society and base it on survive or die?!
In this day and age anyone can vanish, they could cross the border and find a new life. In a prison sentence, the guilty can "reflect/acknowledge their wrongdoings". Your idea means they could escape. Or worse, die. Without serving a life sentence, without reflection or remorse.

Of course there are "people all over the world that live off the land", and maybe they are more respectable than most, but that has nothing to do with capital punishment. If they had to survive by killing one another or becoming cannibals, would you cast these off as aliens as well. And anyway, it is mainly in LEDCs that you will find the death penalty and corrupt government.

Moreover, what if the killer did it by accident or under a condition, and got NGRI or a lower degree verdict. Are they now not human. Are mentally 'challenged' people who might commit a crime not human?

Listen, I'm not saying my idea is great, or even realistic. But I dont think that simple execution and life sentences are any better better. To be honest, I wouldnt know the first thing about managing any system that deals with thousands of criminals on a daily basis, but I do feel that they should be made to suffer for their mistakes and the pain they caused to all of the people affected by their actions. With how our society runs it now, that just doesn't happen.

There is no such thing as reflection or remorse when you have all your needs provided for by the government. Sure, someone sentenced to life in prison lives with restrictions, but is that really punishment when there is a roof over your head, food to eat, jobs and clean living? What about the people that live on the streets who have lived an honest life and cant get any of that? How is that fair?

As for accidental deaths and mentally challenged people, it's obvious that they aren't likely to be given the death penalty for such things. This topic is about death penalty. Serving prison time isn't bad in itself, I'm mostly against life sentences when it comes to that, though I do feel the prison system is flawed as well.
Saturnity said:
Listen, I'm not saying my idea is great, or even realistic. But I dont think that simple execution and life sentences are any better better. To be honest, I wouldnt know the first thing about managing any system that deals with thousands of criminals on a daily basis, but I do feel that they should be made to suffer for their mistakes and the pain they caused to all of the people affected by their actions. With how our society runs it now, that just doesn't happen.
There is no such thing as reflection or remorse when you have all your needs provided for by the government. Sure, someone sentenced to life in prison lives with restrictions, but is that really punishment when there is a roof over your head, food to eat, jobs and clean living? What about the people that live on the streets who have lived an honest life and cant get any of that? How is that fair?

As for accidental deaths and mentally challenged people, it's obvious that they aren't likely to be given the death penalty for such things. This topic is about death penalty. Serving prison time isn't bad in itself, I'm mostly against life sentences when it comes to that, though I do feel the prison system is flawed as well.
You say that you feel that they should be made to suffer, yet somehow you managed to state that you believed that those who made others suffer weren't human.

In terms of people on the streets, this isn't about fair. They themselves might just commit crimes, only small like theft, in order to keep themselves alive. That too is suffering. But whose to play there? What has it got to do with the death penalty? Do you think it would be more just to throw the convicted into a pig pen?

"Serving prison time isn't bad in itself, I'm mostly against life sentences when it comes to that, though I do feel the prison system is flawed as well." Have you served a 25-year life sentence? Sure, I haven't. And most likely never will. But I know that there is no way you can say that life in the can is easy. Insanity, boredom, conclusion. 
Come now... Surely you haven't lost?
Saturnity said:
Listen, I'm not saying my idea is great, or even realistic. But I dont think that simple execution and life sentences are any better better. To be honest, I wouldnt know the first thing about managing any system that deals with thousands of criminals on a daily basis, but I do feel that they should be made to suffer for their mistakes and the pain they caused to all of the people affected by their actions. With how our society runs it now, that just doesn't happen.
There is no such thing as reflection or remorse when you have all your needs provided for by the government. Sure, someone sentenced to life in prison lives with restrictions, but is that really punishment when there is a roof over your head, food to eat, jobs and clean living? What about the people that live on the streets who have lived an honest life and cant get any of that? How is that fair?

As for accidental deaths and mentally challenged people, it's obvious that they aren't likely to be given the death penalty for such things. This topic is about death penalty. Serving prison time isn't bad in itself, I'm mostly against life sentences when it comes to that, though I do feel the prison system is flawed as well.
Kind of would suck to throw them out there, just to find out later on that the DNA was tampered with or a witness got it wrong. Which has happened in a lot of cases. With the prison or execution option, you generally will have a long enough time for appeals to sort that out. Under your option, you're screwed if they get it wrong and probably won't live long enough to figure it out.

And always remember, "The degree of civilisation in a society is revealed by entering its prisons."
Aeradom said:
Kind of would suck to throw them out there, just to find out later on that the DNA was tampered with or a witness got it wrong. Which has happened in a lot of cases. With the prison or execution option, you generally will have a long enough time for appeals to sort that out. Under your option, you're screwed if they get it wrong and probably won't live long enough to figure it out.
And always remember, "The degree of civilisation in a society is revealed by entering its prisons."

Well, with the whole "throw them into the wild" idea, that would most likely take a long time to enact as well. They would have to relocated to an isolated area, or, if possible, a government reserve, where they would be away from people, and the chance of them escaping it low. If we were to just drop people who could have received the death penalty (if they are properly sentenced and actually committed the crime that they were convicted for) into some random forest near civilization, there is a much higher chance that they could escape, and IF they escaped, it would be much more difficult to track them back down again. That being said, the wild idea wouldn't be that great. Eventually, if it were to be put in place, we would come to the same situation that we're in today with the death penalty; some would be opposed to it, while others would agree with it. We, as a society, would be stuck in an endless loop of inhumane practices, as their decency slowly was degraded as time went on, until we reverted back to medieval torture practices.

Sorry if I got a little carried away.
Kitt said:
Well, with the whole "throw them into the wild" idea, that would most likely take a long time to enact as well. They would have to relocated to an isolated area, or, if possible, a government reserve, where they would be away from people, and the chance of them escaping it low. If we were to just drop people who could have received the death penalty (if they are properly sentenced and actually committed the crime that they were convicted for) into some random forest near civilization, there is a much higher chance that they could escape, and IF they escaped, it would be much more difficult to track them back down again. That being said, the wild idea wouldn't be that great. Eventually, if it were to be put in place, we would come to the same situation that we're in today with the death penalty; some would be opposed to it, while others would agree with it. We, as a society, would be stuck in an endless loop of inhumane practices, as their decency slowly was degraded as time went on, until we reverted back to medieval torture practices.

Sorry if I got a little carried away.
I'm curious, what crimes (if any) do you think should carry the death penalty?

By the way, is it ironic that your bottom pic thing is a girl being hung?

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