The Dead Woods (Ghost RP) || Open


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Welcome to Oakwood. A small dank, and musty forested area where no one seems to come out of, once they enter. But here, is home. Home to all the spirits. Well, ya know it's kind of dark, and gloomy, and hey, full of dead people. But in all seriousness. I'll be your guide. Edgard's the name.

( Ghost RP! Here's the skeleton to create your character. )




State:: (Alive? Dead?)

Type:: (Phantom, Banshee, Meekling {young ghost}, etc. , etc...)



Looks:: (Description works fine, if you have no actual picture.)



Name:: Edgard

Gender:: ?

Age:: 32

State:: Dead

Type:: Phantom

Persona:: Confused and Androgynous. Not even he can tell what his sex is. (Looks more like a he.)

Bio:: After having a successful marriage with a beautiful wife, everything went downhill. Their first two sons died not long after birth, and their third daughter had a heart failure at the age of six. His wife could not survive much trauma and died of a heart attack in her sleep. He couldn't take it himself and hung himself in Oakwood. He has been guiding visitors through it ever since.


Other:: N/A
Name:: Ivan

Gender:: Male

Age:: 47

State:: Dead

Type:: Elemental (Ghosts that take the form of something in the world and can move as it. For this case, Ivan is a water elemental.)

Persona:: Ivan is very cold and detached. He is wise and intelligent and quiet. He usually doesn't like talking.

Bio:: Ivan became this type of ghost because of his death. One day at the beach, Ivan was playing in the water and he felt waves come from both sides. This was known as riptide, and it pulled him out to sea. He fought the current, not knowing what to do and eventually drowned himself. He was manifested as water, and has moved to land ever since.


Other:: None
(( Accepted! ))

Edgard had been floating amongst the trees, curling his cloudy body around them, and looking here and there. His sunken eyes spotted nearby the small pond, a figure splashing around, causing waves to dance among it's rigid waters. It was dark now, so most of the ghosts and spirits would be visible about now. He began to fly over. His echoing voice shouted, "Who're you?"
The soft voice of a Phantom filled the vicinity, and Ivan watched as many other spirits appeared. He looked up at the new ghost flying towards him, and his cold black eye sockets narrowed. Most of the other ghosts just left him alone, however this one wanted to know his name. Something that usually got awkward.

"My name is Ivan. I'm a water elemental... and you?"

((Once we get going I'll post longer.))
Name:: Nettle

Gender:: Female

Age:: 12

State:: Dead

Type:: Meekling

Persona:: Nettle is a playful little child who loves attention, especially from the living. She loves to ask questions.

Bio:: Nettle died at a young age, the cause of death she is unsure of. It was probably not natural causes, sometimes she wants to know the answer other times she doesn't. She remembers having a family and that they cared, but most of her memories of life have faded over time.


(( Accepted! ))

His voice softened. "I am a phantom. Edgard is my name." He raised his hand, a small aura of light peeking through his fingers. Edgard has never seen an elemental type of ghost before. So he was quite intrigued. "Cause of death?" He cooed again. This time in a more gentle tone rather than a shout like before.
Name:: Maxine

Gender:: Female

Age:: At death, 23 Born 17th May 1853

State:: Dead

Type:: Phantom

Persona::Maxie is kind, caring but a little niave. She is also highly sensitive sometimes, but knows how to take care of herself. She's polite and lost, afraid of many things, envious of more. She watched her whole life disintergrte, everything she knew and now all she wants is someone to help her understand this new world, this world she watched develop in place of her own. She is often lonely, still trying to find that person she loves even now, even though she has all but forgotten their face.

Bio:: Maxine, born May 17th 1853, was not your average girl. Before her death in 1876, April 14th, she'd had many encounters with the supernatural that she didn't know about. One such example was the day she met Lucifer, known to her then as Lucian. She fell in love with this man, mysterious and charming, and had been told by him that they would be together. Before this could happen however, she was murdered by one of God's angels for her 'impurity', and by that i mean she was killed because she had traces of demonic power hanging around her from spending time with Lucifer. She waited for Lucian but he had vanished, and with him, her hopes for happiness. Over time her memory began to fade and she couldn't remember who she was mourning the loss of. All she knew was that she was waiting for someone. Now she drifts listlessly while waiting for this unknown person.


Name:: Lucy

Gender:: Female

Age:: 26

State:: Alive

Type:: Psychic (able to see and communicate with the dead)

Persona:: Lucy is outgoing, always trying new things and not afraid of much. She's very protective and defensive, but wants to please people, never one to hurt people's feelings. She tried her best to be polite to people, and never gets angry.

Bio:: Lucy lived in an orphanage until she was 6 years old, her parents having died in a fire. She would always hear their voices, encouraging her when she was down. Alice didnt, and still doesn't, tell people about her gift. When at the orphanage, she would hear the voice of, "Hannah", who supposedly hung herself. When she left to live with her adoptive parents, the voices stopped. For a time. They started again when she bought an older home, and now she's trying to seek refuge in Oakwood, buying a small cabin in the hopes of being left alone.

Looks:: Waist length, curly red hair, wide black/brown eyes, short, very pale, a burn mark across her right cheekbone, elfish features

Other:: None
Lucy wrapped the the thin throw blanket around herself tighter, shivering. The cabin didn't have any heating - only a small brick fireplace. She sighed, reaching up to her throbbing temples and slowly rubbing circles. She had terrible headache, which could only mean one thing.

Spirits, the one the Lucy had tried to escape from.
Nettle skips through the forest smiling. It was a nice day to play. She wished she had someone to play with though, it had been a while since she had someone to create a game with. She spun around entertaining herself, she couldn't get dizzy anymore, but sometimes she could pretend too which was almost as fun.
Name:: Christi Kalious



State:: Alive

Type :: channeler

Persona::Very kind and innocent. He will always try to help someone in need.

Bio:: He was always been the 'wolf' not in the pack, or the last child picked on dodge ball. The reason, well. He could see dead things. Because of this the world rejected him. He lived very lose to the woods where people disappear, because of this he talked to a lot of friends (ghost) who tried to escape. He lives there now because he got sent there by the town, but he likes it there. No one bothers him and he gets to have good friends. Until one day. He went into the woods.

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Name: Cassandra

Gender: Female

Age: 17

State: Alive

Type: Human

Persona: Lively and feisty, always looking for adventure

Bio: Cassandra’s late mother was always the one in the family talking about ghosts and espiers and time travelers and such, the vast majority of such tales were induced by her having grown up in a superstitious family. Her father, however, doesn't believe in anything of the latter and as such, scolds Cassandra, who is constantly searching for such things, whenever she brings them up. A few weeks ago, Cassandra decided to set out to Oakwood to find the ghosts she sought and to confirm to her father that they are indeed real.

( A haruhi recolor forgive me, I still have yet to draw my own characters sometimes. But I will someday I swear! TT n TT)

Always wearing this:
(From the top down, her hair reaches to her lower back but she commonly wears a ponytail with a red headband as it supposedly wards off EVIL spirits (epiclies), two ruby red ear rings, twilit ruby necklace (passed down from mother), a blouse, her custom made spellbook, beautifully woven skirt and her favorite little companion who wears her own red scarf, Akki! ) #compliments of dream avatar suite for design! :3

Other: Her favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake, her favorite thing is her pup companion Akki.
Name:: Toby Ariman


Age:: 16

State:: Dead

Type:: Phantom

Persona:: Toby appears as an introverted due to his constant talking to his self and wish to keep away from other people. He in truth tries to be very warming and kind to those who get him close. Although is afraid about getting close so makes things even more difficult.

Bio:: Toby was a bit of a social out cast through middle school so when he got into high school and his crush asked him to the Saddy Hawkins dance he was thrilled. The dance went great, the music was load, the room was sweaty and even the jocks seemed happy for him. That night his crush dragged him into a hotel room, since Toby was a bit tipsy from some spiked punch a jock gave him, and gave Toby a night he never dreamed would come. But come the Monday after the Friday night dance Toby learned the truth. He was being used as a prank. The room was video tapped and the woman in the tap wasn't his crush but the girl everyone mocked as Coconut girl due to being over weight and have hair growth problems. The mocking eventually drove Toby over the edge and by the end of the week Toby had hung himself in his bedroom. That is all Toby remember about his past nothing before the dance beyond feelings of who he was not what he did.


(Sorry the Image may be a bit big) Toby kinda fades in and out but this is about how he look when we is most solid, although his School uniform was Black instead of grey still red though

((All accepted!)) 
Edgard could sense more spirits coming through in the dark, especially Nettle, whom he noticed was spinning. He floated over to her and watched her curiously. "Hello," He cooed to her. "Nice to see you, little one."
Nettle looks over at Edgard and stops spinning. "I'm not that little" she pouts childishly and lets herself disappear. "Maybe I don't want you to see me" a voice complains from the air.
The day had been long and rather boring... I'd passed through a town full of licentious men and honestly I was in no mood to deal with any further disappointment of finding refuge... I looked down at Akki and then at the surrounding dank, dark woods that seemed to grow darker and darker as I entered. Soon enough, I could barely see the path which I'd followed to get here.

"Just great." I said aloud, turning to and fro to see where the path had disappeared to.

I began to walk back but was stopped by something... where had all the streetlights gone? Their luminous warm tint had to have disappeared minutes, even an hour or so ago because the only source of light now was the cool tinted light of the moon above. Had I been walking so aimlessly that I hadn't been paying attention? Was I in a trance before? No... Akki would've stopped me if she sensed something wrong. She often knows when danger is near. For some reason, though, she's always late to report it. And for some reason, I wasn't all that frightened anyway! The trees hadn't blocked out the light of the moon so I still had some source of light.

The only question that remained...

"Where to... now...?"
Toby wanders physically through the trees wondering how he got here. Why this fate of a life after death was given to him. As wanders through the forest he finds a group of people like him. Approaching them he gently states "Hello" with his form fading a little, much like his confidence in approaching these people
Nettle re-apeares behind Toby. She smiles "hello" she greets in return. She runs over excited to see a new face. "Are you here to play with me?" she asks hope twinkling in her eyes. She hadn't had a play mate in a long time.
Toby jumps, frightened by the sudden appearance of the young girl. His form fading out completely for a moment. "I didnt see you there sorry...." Toby shys away but hearing the girls question he thought "it would be better then just mopping around i guess" looking back at the girl Toby gently says "Sure lets play what do you want to play?"
Nettle smiles "Do you know how to play patty cake?" she asks "I like patty cake, it's fun." She jumps up and down giggling.
"I don't think I do actaully" Toby says truthfully "I don't remember much of anything" looking at the little girl again "How about you teach me?" hoping to keep the young girl happy
"It's easy" she explains "First you clap then you clap together. Like this" she plays patty-cake with the air. "then you add the song."
Toby starts copying the young girls motions slowly, picking up pace as it starts to feel familiar. "So whats this song that goes with patty cake?" Toby then realizes he hasn't asked the young girls name. Looking her in the eyes Toby quietly asks "What is your name, Mines Toby"
"Nettle" she answers "Patty cake patty cake bakers man bake me a cake as fast as you can. Roll and mold and mark it with T and put it in the oven to Toby and me." She giggles finishing her song.

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