The Dead Still Walk Sign Up

The Lore Master

Senior Member
For info head to this thread-

I will give random encounters to traveling players, and post bounties on undead hordes or outlaws here- As for the outlaw players, do not take this lightly you will not be allowed in towns if outlawed, you will have more encounters with zombies or undead animals. I want to work out some way of a trading system, currency is an equal weight Gold Piece, if you want something new you should have to trade something for it(unless I post it in an encounter!), also outlaw and bandit characters, I will post when trading caravans are moving through an area and you can decide wether or not to try and rob it. Yes I'm not going to create my own character because I will be working to make your characters life a living hell. If anyone has any suggestions I will take them gladly!


Melee and Throwing Weapons+Gold Piece Value:

Iron=Common $Under 10

Steel=Less Common $10-15

Bone=Unique $25-30

Glass=Rare $45-50

Ebony=Extremely Rare $70-80

Blades- Great sword, Longsword, Bastard sword, Short sword, Dagger, Knife, Throwing Knife

Axes-Battle Axe(One or Two Handed), War Axe(Two Handed), Woodsman Axe, Throwing Axe

Hammers- Battle Hammer(One or Two Handed), War Hammer(Two Handed), Carpenters Hammer

Ranged Weapons+Gold Piece Value:

Elm-Common $Under 10

Oak-Less Common $10-15

Bone-Unique $25-30

Hickory Ash-Rare $45-50

Ebony-Extremely Rare $70-80


Short bows- Variations can have blades on either or both limbs of the bow

Crossbows-Single Fire and Repeating

Or you can start with no weapons…

Starting Gold Pieces:

Fighter- 45 to 60

Crafter- 50 to 65

Merchant- 100 to 115

Bandit- 0 to 10

Watchful- 0

Character Sheet:(This isn't necessarily fantasy, there's no magic or spirits, so no supernatural characters!)




Town:(if you are a Bandit then put No Mans Land)

Description and or Image:


Class:(see for classes)

Starting Equipment:(See Top of Page, you can have up to two starting weapons which must be common or less common!)
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Name: Erin Norin

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Town:Carson's Forest

Description and or Image:

Erin is a young female whose beauty was a gift from her mother. Taking upon her mothers genes for a soft heart and beauty she has her fathers mind and swift think, movements. She has his taste as well along with her mothers. She wears wolf fur leg warmers. An inch above her knees the color varies from dark brown. Going down the color tone gets lighter to tan. She wears no shoes, only due to the weight she does not want to add on. She wears a low skirt that is made of the trees leaves and bushes that lie close to the rushing waters. She wears a white shirt that exposes most of her chest. Under her chest is a brown and looks similar to a girttle but loose. She wears arm bands made by the meat of the deer they have skinned. Her hair is pure white along with her nails. Her iris are white with a tint of baby blue. On her right upper arm she has a tattoo of a circle in another circle. Around the bigger circle are flame like patterns.

Background: Ever sine she was little she wanted to be apart of the watchful. She looked up to them like idols and saw them as her hero before her parents. Although she looked up to them she also respected her family. Her mother was known around the forest. Her soft heart and helping hand gave her names. Her father was more known. He was a part of the watchful. His good wits and strong determination. His quick movements and skillful fighting. Everyone thought highly of them but saw their child as nothing but dust. Her parents had casted to high of shadows for her to be even noticed. She didn't like this, her being an eyesore.

Because of this her father neglected her but her mother stayed right by her side. She swore to cast an every shadow for her father to cower in. She thought it was her duty to become bigger than her family. On the days she was free she would train non stop, she would have private tutors. Small jobs she would go on. She kept training and training always thinking that she wasn't strong enough. One night her father went out on patrol and it was just her luck her mother had sent her out to gather herbs for the wounded. During her search for the herbs she came upon her fathers body. He was barely breathing but managed to speak. Run, he said. She had looked up and it was a bandit. So close to home, it was unheard of.

He had a hammer in his hand while she had nothing. She could here the men of the watchful come running , but she knew they wouldn't get her in time. Her body became stiff ,afraid to act, to do anything. She gritted her teeth when she told herself she wanted to cast a bigger shadow for her dad to cower in but i'm not moving. With a groan and more foot steps nearing she made her move, taking him out with a work an da push off a ledge. Saving her father gained her a small spot in the watchful. She still is unrecognized and very seldom is able to go bounties.

Class: Watchful

Starting Equipment: Long Bow made from Elm
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You can have up to two weapons, and use the material list to describe what kind of longbow is but other than that your accepted! I love the back story(p.s. your clothing didn't have to be so "primitive" lol but its ok!)
[QUOTE="The Lore Master]You can have up to two weapons, and use the material list to describe what kind of longbow is but other than that your accepted! I love the back story(p.s. your clothing didn't have to be so "primitive" lol but its ok!)

(lol alright ill do it and I love my ladies primitive it shows the men what she is capable of )
The map I am creating will have distance and travel time so trading and traveling will be more structured instead of just guessing how far it is! Trading will be a big thing as the RPers will be the ones to drive the economy!!!
I'll put one up tomorrow, just wait :)  
Name: Jake Snow

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Town: Sea Town

Description or Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_lyxw2zCKBC1r2k2xho1_400.jpg.ca4ff07d453a02a85ebccc7dcf00548b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/tumblr_lyxw2zCKBC1r2k2xho1_400.jpg.ca4ff07d453a02a85ebccc7dcf00548b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jake was a pretty average guy with nothing too noticeable about him. He has pale white skin with dark green eyes. He normally wears his dark green coat along with a brown leggings and a black scarf. Under his coat is a white ruffled shirt to help him keep warm through the cold breezes of Sea Town. Jake had always kept his glasses on ever since he was a young child since it was his only keepsake of his father.

Background: Jake lived a pretty horrible life until now. His family lived in poverty since his mother had so much debt from her gambling addiction. His father tried to repay her debt by working as a fighter and taking some of the most dangerous bounties. One day, his father died during one of the bounty hunts and the only that was able to be scavenged from the body were his glasses. By the time his father was gone, his mother abandoned him since she only married his father for money. Jake was taken to the homeless shelter a few days later after being found rummaging through the trash of the local baker. When he turned twelve, someone adopted him into her family. The family had one mother and one daughter who was about his age. After many years, he grew up in that family, sharing the wonderful times they had together. That is, until the time his new mother died of disease. He was fifteen by then and he wanted to take care of his "sister." Even though it wasn't the job he chose first, he became a fighter to help pay for him and his sister's living expenses. Ever since then, he kept taking bounties and gaining a reputation among the other fighters around the area.

Class: Fighter

Starting Equipment: A Repeating Oak Crossbow with an Iron Dagger



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A couple things seemed a little modern…(some of the clothes and reference to dumpster and a government official) this is like post apocalyptic medieval style! But the back story is great and I would be glad to accept it, thanks for contributing… we need a few more people(at least from one or two more settlements before we can start though!)
[QUOTE="The Lore Master]A couple things seemed a little modern…(some of the clothes and reference to dumpster and a government official) this is like post apocalyptic medieval style! But the back story is great and I would be glad to accept it, thanks for contributing… we need a few more people(at least from one or two more settlements before we can start though!)

Fixed the clothing and a few other things to make it more medieval :P
That's great, now I'm not saying your character has to be like "thy king commandeth thee!" Medieval, its just the clothes and actions that concern me, does that make sense?

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