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Realistic or Modern The Days After (Character Sheet)



Wish I followed the signs, but now we're lost
It should look like this.

Appearance: Picture or description will do
Good Traits:
Bad Traits:
Gear: I don't really have a limit, but don't go overboard. I'd say maybe two long guns, a sidearm and a melee weapon, along with a backpack and all the items you have.
Name John King
Age 37
Gender male
Sexuality straight
Height 6ft 8
Weight 276
Personality depressed very suicidal a strong leader
Good traits strong leader and strong very smart
Bad traits depressed and very suicidal
Immunity not
Gear stg44 and desert eagle and a machete
Appearance black hair tall musclely
Name: john
Appearance: 4ft 6 whit brown hair and brown eyes
Personality:nice but is kinda off so he says weird things sometimes
Good Traits: organized,semi good builder,friendly
Bad Traits: wayy to friendly,kinda off
Gear:spas 12 shotgun and a smith and Wesson revolver.and a stick with glass shards glued to it
Name: john
Appearance: 4ft 6 whit brown hair and brown eyes
Personality:nice but is kinda off so he says weird things sometimes
Good Traits: organized,semi good builder,friendly
Bad Traits: wayy to friendly,kinda off
Gear:spas 12 shotgun and a smith and Wesson revolver.and a stick with glass shards glued to it
Wow We both have the same name for our characters

Alina Rothschild
Alina is tall and thin. She stands at around 5 feet 7 inches and weighs in at about 120 pounds. She has long blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes. She wears little to no makeup and has several tattoos.
Alina is bubbly and outgoing. She is extremely compassionate and would part the ocean to help someone in need. She tends to be generous, friendly, and trustworthy. Despite her friendliness, her trust is difficult to gain. Being taken advantage of in the past has forced her to become more outspoken about things she doesn't like or tolerate. She has a vast knowledge of herbal medicine.
Positive Traits:
Friendly, Determined, Practical
Negative Traits:
Cunning, Impulsive, Impatient, Obsessive
A green backpack containing: a flashlight, two spare batteries, an extra pair of socks, an empty water bottle, two hunting knives, matches, binoculars, and a thin blanket.​
Name: Alan Korski

Age: 28

Gender: Male



Personality: Alan is confident, laid back and generally friendly to most people he meets. He dislikes getting involved in drama and is usually the one who tries his best to keep the peace and do what he thinks is best for the group. Alan considers himself somewhat nerdy and is abit of a gun nut.

Good Traits: Level headed. Friendly. Determined. Cautious. Observant.

Bad Traits: Greedy, lazy, can be somewhat impatient. Manipulativeif he believes it's necessary. Prone to beating himself up if his mistakes cause others to get hurt.

Immunity: Yes.

Gear: M7 Hunter rifle, USP .45 pistol. Tactical body armor. Machete. Shortwave radio( almost out of batteries) Bag including a small medical kit, swiss army knife flashlights water and food for three days. He also has a lighter, a box of matches, a compass and a waterproof jacket. Issue #1 of Thor kept in a waterproof casing rolled up in a plastic tube.
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Name: Eden Loraine
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance: 5'5, thin but with a muscular build. Her stomach bores some ab lines and her legs are thicker and muscular. She wears a thumb ring that she not dare take off and carries the military tags of her father around her neck. She wears baggy cargo pants that fall low on her hips and has lots of pockets for her extra ammo. She bores some tattoos, and is by no means a frail girl.
Personality: Witty and sarcastic, but a little self-conscious. Eden is pretty level headed but hates quick, underdeveloped decisions. She would rather sit and really think things out. Having grown up in a hunting family, Eden understands that injury and death are apart of life, and they don't tend to freak her out.
Good Traits: Friendly, resourceful, good mental map of things she has seen/passed, light on her feet
Bad Traits: Gets anxious over rushed decisions, tends to stray away from a group if drama ensues, sometimes seen as 'unfeeling' due to her lack of reaction when it comes to deaths of those she didn't know/creatures she didn't care about
Immunity: Yes
Gear: Remington model 783 with 'Bite Me' carved into the butt, Buck's hunting knife with a piece of cloth tied around the handle (she'll never tell a stranger that it was a piece of her baby blanket), a smaller pocket knife she found stuck into a boar once, and a bag filled with a water bottle, some scraps of clothing she's found, a lighter but it's almost on empty, twine, some random animal bones, ammo for her trusty Remmy, some wash clothes, dusty hair ties, a half empty box of ziploc bags, and some granola bars.
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Name: Daniel Fields

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Personality: Daniel is a friendly, but cautious man. He can take you out for a drink, but will leave when things become too hairy. He likes to have things told to him straight up, not beating around the bush. He can be up-tight, but it's for the sake of everyone's safety. He doesn't like people who aren't serious when the situation calls for it, but he does like to joke around from time to time.

Appearance: 5'10, average build with slight muscle on his arms. Wears short sleeve red flannel shirt over a black long-sleeve shirt, blue jeans and brown hiking boots.

Good Traits: Friendly, Smart, Loyal, and good with his hands

Bad Traits: Too Serious, Up-tight, Bad at defusing hostile situations

Immunity: Resistant

Gear: Ithca Model 37 shotgun with a sling, 15 extra shells.
Glock 18 with a flashlight, 3 extra magazines.
Kukri with a ergonomic handle.
Black hiking backpack
Folding tent
Food and water for two days
Two books
His daughter's teddy bear
Hey Yuu! Are we waiting for more to start/will you be starting? Also, your OOC threat link doesn't seem to be working :)
It doesn't? Hmm, I'll fix that. And yes, we can start now since we have more than four people, excluding me.

james oliver | male | twenty one

PERSONA: james is sweet, but doesn't know how to survive. he came from a rich family, never having to worry about anything until now. consequently, he has common episodes of panic or doubt and thinks of himself as a liability to groups.

❐ sweet
❐ loyal
❐ trustworthy

❐ panicky
❐ naive
❐ inexperienced


❐ baseball bat
❐ flashlight
❐ rain jacket
❐ spare clothes
❐ water
❐ father's watch


Kylynn Richards | 21 | Female​


Along with the look above. She has several small tattoos hidden over her body. Her ears are pierced with the cartilage, bar, and three lobes. Her belly button is pierced also. She wears her parents' rings around her neck and has a picture of them in her boot. She stands at 5'6" with a very muscular build.

Kylynn is well educated and reserved. She grew up in a wealthy family, but didn't let her status get to her head. Her father was a cop and required her to learn self defense and how to use weapons, mostly knives. Once you get to know her, she can be bubbly and make jokes, but that takes forever. Ky has a short temper and it can really reflect in her decision making, but can be spoken down by people she cares about. And due to her rich upbringing she has resources and some intel to safe and stocked places.

Good Traits:
~ Educated
~ Good Self Defense
~ Loyal when you gain her trust
~ Light on her feet

Bad Traits:
~ Has trouble trusting others
~ Little Mercy
~ Has Trouble Listening to Authority due to always getting in troubled and for being on her own for so long
~ Can care too much about someone once they get close to her


~ Machete
~ Kitana Sword (which her father owned)
~ Two Walkie Talkies
~ Spare Batteries (8)
~ Map
~ Her father's police issued gun
~ Small snacks like crackers
~Water bottle
~ Wipes
~ Flashlight
~ Two extra pairs of pants and another shirt and a sweatshirt
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Could I join?!

Name: Benji
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Picture or description will do
Benji is a baby faced blonde kid. Skinny and small, He actually can’t believe he’s survived as long as he has. He wears a plain white tshirt (more grey),!some tatty jeans and even tattier converse. He got his tshirt caught in some thorn bushes and it tore a huge hole around his torso.

Benji has a nice personality. He’s there for his friends or his group. He has a good heart, even though that could lead him into trouble. He puts on a brave face, even when it is obvious he is afraid. No one is allowed to see him scared.

Good Traits:
Kind, Loyal and completely selfless. He may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but he follows and he listens. He also may not be the strongest or bravest, but he tries.

Bad Traits:
Sometimes his loyalty can land him in trouble. He’d put himself in danger for his friends. He’s small, so isn’t as strong as he’d like to be. His blonde locks and youthful face can make him a target. Like a limp zebra to a lion.

He also has a bit of a tendency to run his mouth when angry. It’s also a problem of hiding his fear.

He thinks he has immunity. But he’s too scared to test it in all honesty.

Backpack- spare hoody in case it gets cold. This is now worn and wearing thin.
Spare socks x 2.
Sucking Candy- Benji finds himself a bit dizzy if he hasn’t eaten enough. These can help bring his sugar back up. Used sparingly.

Benji also carries a gun. Just a handgun, nothing fancy. He much prefers to use his pocket knife, however. And is fairly proficient in that.
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