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Fantasy The Day The World Died (Interest Check)

Name: Sophie Irene Schneider

Age: 24

Looks: 1543212071982.png

Personality: Sophie is a naive young woman. She sees the best in everyone, and trusts easily. She is reserved and quiet. She loves her family dearly, and she adores little children and babies, having quite the nurturing side. She is also uncomfortable with her title. She would much rather marry a farmer and raise a large brood of children.

Backstory: She is the only German princess. She knows that it is expected of her to get married and have children. It's not something that she really minds, having a love of children and she wants a lot.

Position: Princess

Country: German


Name: Sophie Irene Schneider

Age: 24

Looks: View attachment 507411

Personality: Sophie is a naive young woman. She sees the best in everyone, and trusts easily. She is reserved and quiet. She loves her family dearly, and she adores little children and babies, having quite the nurturing side. She is also uncomfortable with her title. She would much rather marry a farmer and raise a large brood of children.

Backstory: She is the only German princess. She knows that it is expected of her to get married and have children. It's not something that she really minds, having a love of children and she wants a lot.

Position: Princess

Country: German



Accepted 🙂
Going ahead and bumping this. Our highest priority right now is looking for someone who would be willing to RP the Spanish king but any open role is up for grabs.
I'll play the second russian princess V(._.)v though i'll warn you now, this is my first historical roleplay so, im not exactly well-versed In this genre, nor do I know much about Russia but hey, first time for everything right? anyways, here is my form


Name: Artemis Arielle Nikolaevichi

Age: 20


fc: Emmanoodle

Personality: unlike her siblings, she is very reserved and quiet, though proper and kind, she often is found in her room writing poetry, in the nearby town, or reading, though just because she seems sweet and proper, doesn't mean she is always that way, there are times where she would drink until she was practically senseless, occasionally party with her siblings, and actually, against her father's wishes, cut her hair short, making it easy for her to care for, and actually making herself a tad more charming, she has a good sense of humor and is unafraid to speak her mind and take charge of situations which often lands her in trouble, not that it makes her any less proud of her independence, she is currently unsure of what she thinks of this idea of an arranged marriage though she is completely open minded towards it, actually somewhat excited about it due to it being a challenge, something she enjoys.

growing up as the youngest of three, she always somewhat had it easy, she got to play while her siblings studied, though she somewhat envied her brother due to him being the one who will inherit the throne, though despite this, she admires him more that her other sibling and aspires to be as independent and rebellious as he is, though for now she had made due with being proper and holding her tounge, though will this 'arranged marriage' be her breaking point? maybe.

Position: the youngest princess

Country: Russia

reading, writing poetry, dancing, playing various instruments


-she prides herself in her ability to drink a quarter-bottle of Irish whiskey as well as her skill in music, particularly the piano and violin.
-she absolutely loves animals
-she has major social anxiety when it comes to crowds
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I'll play the second russian princess V(._.)v though i'll warn you now, this is my first historical roleplay so, im not exactly well-versed In this genre, nor do I know much about Russia but hey, first time for everything right? anyways, here is my form


Name: Artemis Arielle Nikolaevichi

Age: 20


fc: Emmanoodle

Personality: unlike her siblings, she is very reserved and quiet, though proper and kind, she often is found in her room writing poetry, in the nearby town, or reading, though just because she seems sweet and proper, doesn't mean she is always that way, there are times where she would drink until she was practically senseless, occasionally party with her siblings, and actually, against her father's wishes, cut her hair short, making it easy for her to care for, and actually making herself a tad more charming, she has a good sense of humor and is unafraid to speak her mind and take charge of situations which often lands her in trouble, not that it makes her any less proud of her independence, she is currently unsure of what she thinks of this idea of an arranged marriage though she is completely open minded towards it, actually somewhat excited about it due to t being a challenge, something she enjoys.

growing up as the youngest of three, she always somewhat had it easy, she got to play while her siblings studied, though she somewhat envied her brother due to him being the one who will inherit the throne, though despite this, she admires him more that her other sibling and aspires to be as independent and rebellious as he is, though for now she had made due with being proper and holding her tounge, though will this 'arranged marriage' be her breaking point? maybe.

Position: the youngest princess

Country: Russia

reading, writing poetry, dancing, playing various instruments


-she prides herself in her ability to drink a quarter-bottle of Irish whiskey as well as her skill in music, particularly the piano and violin.
-she absolutely loves animals

Accepted, love this character!
Name: Margaux Claudette La Venus Leveon

Age: 18


Personality: Being the middle child of the family, Margaux had always been shadowed by her siblings. Contrasting the common middle child trope, Margaux wouldn't have it any other way. Perhaps it's because she never really experienced the joy of the spotlight, but she found all the attention to be unnerving and intrusive. In accordance with the aforementioned cliché, Margaux always had to negotiate in order to get the more desirable side of some affairs. This left her with an eloquent and equally sharp tongue. Unlike many of her peers, Margaux's way of thinking was very different, which in turn challenged many of the suitors who attempted to charm the lady. Instead of dreaming of the charming, horse-riding, physically-gifted prince, she often dreamed of men who were able to humor both her intellectual acuity and ridiculous nonsense. Don't get her wrong—the former wasn't a bad set of attributes, and she'd be lying if she didn't look for that in a man—but she would much rather have deep philosophical conversations during the night than ride off into the sunset, although let's face it, she's got a shallow side. On another note, her intellectual acuity was a result from spending her time with her nose buried in books that told of different worlds and scientific theories alike. While she was more drawn to novels that told fantasy, Margaux would occasionally skim a book about theories and such during a time of boredom when she couldn't really be bothered to commit herself to a book due to her schedule. Even as a middle child, there were still expectations set for her to meet, though her natural gift of intelligence helped very much. In fact, the few people who got to know Margaux often said that she would be an excellent addition to the court, with her silver tongue, love for complex concepts and natural affinity for reading people. Unfortunately, she never had the urge to be part of said court. She found it to bothersome as her lazy and disdainful side took over. As a child, Margaux was always like that for things she never felt attracted to. Passion was a hard thing to ignite in Margaux as as mentioned, she's incredibly lazy and careless when unmotivated. Because of this, she often tries to do everything the most efficient way possible, sometimes sacrificing quality over time. During her time with other noble children, she learned to manipulate things so that it would get her the most credit, whilst she did things with the least effort possible. The way she saw to this was leadership, thus she developed very good leadership skills, and the skill of being able to transfer the blame to others and looking like the victim was developed in the process whenever she failed.

Backstory: Being the middle child of the family had it's perks—the great and the not-so-great. The not-so-great was the obvious favoritism. She was very well aware that her parents loved her, and that perhaps she was in no position to complain as, while she lacked attention, she was pretty sure she was one of the most privileged girls in the world. Nonetheless, she was often left out. When Adelaide wasn't born yet, which really let's be honest, wasn't really a time she remembered very thoroughly, her parents would often focus on their first-born. Cliché, yes, but who could blame them, really? She was the prize, the eldest, the one to inherit, and as much as her maids tried to shield her from the whispers, much more desirable and important than the "second one". When Adelaide was born, Margaux didn't really have any time in the spotlight either. Adelaide thrived in the spotlight. She lived for it. Everyone was delighted with the sweet blonde baby who seemed to have the softest and sweetest features befitting that of an angel. At first, being the child that she was, Margaux couldn't help but feel a little spiteful. When was her turn to be loved? To be fawned over by everyone? Soon, she found herself tired of being spiteful. She felt as if it were below her, not worthy of her time. It was then that she decided to let things be. It wasn't her any of her two sisters' fault that they were born first or that they were much loved by everyone. It is here that she develops her flexible (perhaps too flexible) persona, as well as her obvious disdain for anger.

Into her teenage years, Margaux experimented with dating, in secret as she knew her family wouldn't exactly approve of dating outside nobility, something she did quite occasionally. However, none of these "relationships" would last as none of the would fit Margaux's expectations. At first, it would seem fine. However, Margaux's flexibility caused some inner conflict as she found herself adjusting to her partner a lot. Soon, she would find them rather boring and end the relationship. At 16, a few suitors came in, as many of the others had their eyes set on the oldest or the youngest. Many of them, however, would find themselves cast aside as Margaux would get bored with them eventually. Too boring, too ugly, too this, too that. The other half would be put off by Margaux's uncanny way of thinking, and just decide to go for the other sister. While the rejection stung at first, Margaux buried these feelings up with disdain, deciding to huff and move on. Now at 18, Margaux simply dreams of unlikely romance in her head.

Position: Princess

Country: France

Hobbies: The viola (VIOLA, not VIOLIN), reading & writing, deep philosophical discussions with herself, horse riding, joking about her long name

Other: Margaux will shake if you call her viola a violin. Also multi-lingual.

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Name: Callum MacGillis

Age: 23

Looks: (pictures please and no anime)

Personality: Confident, a bit of a rogue at times, intelligent.

Backstory: Born to the MacGillis family in the Highlands of Scotland, Callum learned immediately what it meant to be next in line to his family's title. The first legitimate son of his father, Gillis MacGillis, he had to dodge many means of power plays and assaults by his other elder brothers. A man of intellect and the arts, Callum researched the many different means of poison and their antidotes, the mixing of black powder and its uses, even the ancient dark and druidic arts that hailed from his native homeland. All to counter the attempts on his life. One by one he overcame them, and each other son was banished from the family, usually to be later found at the bottom or floating on a loch. In time, Callum's father would pass and he would inherit his title and rank.

Callum inherited a land that could be explained as....simple. In the hills of the north, his citizens raised the usual sheep and goats, harvested their wool and meat. But one thing made his family special. Wood. Forests a plenty. Forests that grew strong, hardy wood, which was used by England to build their ships and the neighboring coastal settlements and ports to build fishing boats. The colors of the woods emblazoned his family's tartan, a mixture of brown, green, blue and yellow. Through this trade, Callum thrived. When he wasn't trying to preserve his life, he was looking at trade manifests, almanacs, the different merchant and noble families who purchased their goods. He learned the trade, both the open trade and even the more seedier side. All for the benefit of his house and people.

Now at the age of 23 and proven himself successful, Callum takes his first steps in the larger world of court life in the streets of Edinburg and London. He must use all of his skills to survive, as well as find the one person who he would spend the rest of his life with.

Position: Noble

Country: England (Scotland)

Hobbies: Sketching, riding, exploration, hunting, alchemy.

Other: He wears his family tartan on a kilt draped around his shoulder.
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View attachment 509743

Name: Callum MacGillis

Age: 23

Looks: (pictures please and no anime)

Personality: Confident, a bit of a rogue at times, intelligent.

Backstory: Born to the MacGillis family in the Highlands of Scotland, Callum learned immediately what it meant to be next in line to his family's title. The first legitimate son of his father, Gillis MacGillis, he had to dodge many means of power plays and assaults by his other elder brothers. A man of intellect and the arts, Callum researched the many different means of poison and their antidotes, the mixing of black powder and its uses, even the ancient dark and druidic arts that hailed from his native homeland. All to counter the attempts on his life. One by one he overcame them, and each other son was banished from the family, usually to be later found at the bottom or floating on a loch. In time, Callum's father would pass and he would inherit his title and rank.

Callum inherited a land that could be explained as....simple. In the hills of the north, his citizens raised the usual sheep and goats, harvested their wool and meat. But one thing made his family special. Wood. Forests a plenty. Forests that grew strong, hardy wood, which was used by England to build their ships and the neighboring coastal settlements and ports to build fishing boats. The colors of the woods emblazoned his family's tartan, a mixture of brown, green, blue and yellow. Through this trade, Callum thrived. When he wasn't trying to preserve his life, he was looking at trade manifests, almanacs, the different merchant and noble families who purchased their goods. He learned the trade, both the open trade and even the more seedier side. All for the benefit of his house and people.

Now at the age of 23 and proven himself successful, Callum takes his first steps in the larger world of court life in the streets of Edinburg and London. He must use all of his skills to survive, as well as find the one person who he would spend the rest of his life with.

Position: Noble

Country: England (Scotland)

Hobbies: Sketching, riding, exploration, hunting, alchemy.

Other: He wears his family tartan on a kilt draped around his shoulder.

Accepted 🙂

(FC is JR Bourne)
Name: Raphael Leveon IV
Age: 45

Personality: While he isn't the most benevolent king, he is the most rational and logical one. He thinks in the long term and considers every positive and negative to each outcome. He's careful yet decisive when it comes to making important decisions for his country. The only thing he hasn't decided yet is who his next heir will be. The future of France is shrouded in mystery since no one knows who will be the next king or queen after Raphael meets his eventual demise. What people don't know is that he is considering all three of his daughters and is currently trying to calculate which of his daughters would be the best fit for the throne. In his personal life he is a caring guy who loves his family and his close friends, including King Henry who he's been friends with since childhood.

Backstory: Raphael had a rather happy life until his father passed away when he was four. Since he was so young, his mother became the queen regent of France until he was ready and old enough to rule. Raphael was rather close to his mother and she was a very good ruler. She taught him everything he knew and gave him a good childhood despite the absence of his father. Raphael and his mother often visited England and England's royal family where he met Henry and often played with him. Since they were around the same age, the two really got along and formed a close friendship that's lasted most of their lives.

When Henry went through his coronation Raphael supported him and helped him through his anxieties of being the next king. A year later when Raphael went through his coronation, Henry did the same. The two remained friends through adulthood and often helped each other with ruling their countries. It took awhile for Raphael to find a wife since he was very picky, he wanted his queen to be his equal. Then one day, when a local noble's family was visiting, their daughter caught his eye. They spent a lot of time together and she'd beat him at a lot of things, including chess, horse racing, and even fencing. The two fell in love and a year later he made her his queen. Shortly after that, the couple had three beautiful daughters. Raphael wanted more kids but unfortunately his wife became infertile after giving birth to Adelaide. He loved all three of his daughters and each of them were unique in personality. He loved Margaux's wit and intelligence, while he loved Adelaide's playful personality that dominated the room. At this point in his life as he's getting old, he is hoping to find suitable husbands for all of his daughters, and to decide who he wants as the next queen of France.

Position: King
Country: France
Hobbies: Chess, Fencing, Horseback Riding, Archery, Reading.

View attachment 510009
Царь Никита I Николаевичй
Tsar Nikita I Nikolaevichi of the Russian Empire

View attachment 510010

Bозраст - Age:
The Tsar is 49 years old.

Личность - Personality:
Nikita is a strict, disciplined man. He wants much from his children, even if they do not like it. The Tsar is a man of honour. He hates lying and especially cheating. He is stubborn and finds it hard to relate to others.

Биография - Biography:
Nikita was the firstborn to Konstantin II, the previous Tsar, and Esther, the previous Tsarina and a Danish princess. He had one younger brother, who would be made a duke, and three younger sisters, though one of those sisters wouldn't live to adulthood. His father and liege was a person who gave attention to him when needed.

As the Tsesarevich, Nikita got an education at the great St. Petersburg State University. Some time was spent also at a military academy and working as a military officer for a mounted regiment. After that, he spent much time traveling across Russia along with some other places. He visited various oblasts in Finland, Poland, Siberia, and the Baltics, when it was safe to. The prince also got to visit Cairo, Amsterdam, Rome, Libson, and Rio de Janiero.

The traveling however didn't stop him from starting a family. The Tsesarevich would marry and have a son along with two daughters. Nikita would do his best to make sure they, especially his only son, would become successful. Yet, his two eldest have been rather disappointments. As much as he has pushed them to be studious, he has found them partying off and being rebellious.

It was around 21 years ago his father Tsar Konstantin II died. With that, he was crowned Tsar of Russia in Dormition Cathedral. From now he had to handle the affairs of state. To summarize the last two decades without getting bogged down in politics, he had a decent reign. Russia has been able to do some minor expansion in the east, some influence has been improved in the Balkans, many factories have been built in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and no revolt or assassination has been plotted against him. However, there has been some growing unrest in the last few years as Russia is still behind many European countries in industry and because he's an autocrat.

Now he's been invited to this nice castle by the King of the British Empire. He hopes this may bring out something good.

Звание - Rank:


Страна - Country:
The Russian Empire

Хобби - Hobbies:
Nikita likes to do only a few of things, as his time is greatly limited since he runs an Empire. Horseback riding is his favourite. He's been doing it since he was a teenager, and has collected much experience from once being in a mounted regiment.

Another hobby of his is hunting. He'll go out into the Russian countryside with a rifle along with some friends and guards and hunt local game.

The Tsar has found writing to be a decent pastime. Occasionally he will write about his past experiences. Nikita even published a book once about his travels to various places long ago, though barely anyone liked it.

Другой - Other:
Nikita has learnt a variety of languages. He has learnt Danish from his mother along with French, German, Italian, and English from various nobles and teachers.

(FC is JR Bourne)
Name: Raphael Leveon IV
Age: 45

Personality: While he isn't the most benevolent king, he is the most rational and logical one. He thinks in the long term and considers every positive and negative to each outcome. He's careful yet decisive when it comes to making important decisions for his country. The only thing he hasn't decided yet is who his next heir will be. The future of France is shrouded in mystery since no one knows who will be the next king or queen after Raphael meets his eventual demise. What people don't know is that he is considering all three of his daughters and is currently trying to calculate which of his daughters would be the best fit for the throne. In his personal life he is a caring guy who loves his family and his close friends, including King Henry who he's been friends with since childhood.

Backstory: Raphael had a rather happy life until his father passed away when he was four. Since he was so young, his mother became the queen regent of France until he was ready and old enough to rule. Raphael was rather close to his mother and she was a very good ruler. She taught him everything he knew and gave him a good childhood despite the absence of his father. Raphael and his mother often visited England and England's royal family where he met Henry and often played with him. Since they were around the same age, the two really got along and formed a close friendship that's lasted most of their lives.

When Henry went through his coronation Raphael supported him and helped him through his anxieties of being the next king. A year later when Raphael went through his coronation, Henry did the same. The two remained friends through adulthood and often helped each other with ruling their countries. It took awhile for Raphael to find a wife since he was very picky, he wanted his queen to be his equal. Then one day, when a local noble's family was visiting, their daughter caught his eye. They spent a lot of time together and she'd beat him at a lot of things, including chess, horse racing, and even fencing. The two fell in love and a year later he made her his queen. Shortly after that, the couple had three beautiful daughters. Raphael wanted more kids but unfortunately his wife became infertile after giving birth to Adelaide. He loved all three of his daughters and each of them were unique in personality. He loved Margaux's wit and intelligence, while he loved Adelaide's playful personality that dominated the room. At this point in his life as he's getting old, he is hoping to find suitable husbands for all of his daughters, and to decide who he wants as the next queen of France.

Position: King
Country: France
Hobbies: Chess, Fencing, Horseback Riding, Archery, Reading.

Both are accepted!! 🙂

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