The Dawn Brigade (Mlp) [Inactive]

Balancer said:
Blue taps a pencil against the edge of his desk. "Dr Seem, for a Doctorate your record is suspiciously blank. No record of any learning institution awarding any accolades, no papers published, no history of any kind. I tried to have files pulled on you before you arrived, apparently they're above my paygrade. You aren't a unicorn yet the Ministry has sent me a recomendation that I recruit your for our exotic magic R&D wing. Why?"
"there are things you do not need to know about me, and I think the very thing they wont is the very thing I have stopped to making, and telling you why would make them quite mad, but I will tell you, to get them to not pick me," I sat hard onto the chair.
abbilden said:
"there are things you do not need to know about me, and I think the very thing they wont is the very thing I have stopped to making, and telling you why would make them quite mad, but I will tell you, to get them to not pick me," I sat hard onto the chair.
Blue raises an eyebrow at the odd sentence structure. "Are you foreign Doctor?"
"maybe and maybe not, like I said I'm a loner who keeps to himself, but why do you think they need me is a question only you can answer."
abbilden said:
"maybe and maybe not, like I said I'm a loner who keeps to himself, but why do you think they need me is a question only you can answer."
Blue scowls. "So what do you bring to the brigade Doctor?"
abbilden said:
"What about it?"
"Perhaps you can explain in more detail my good Doctor, in what manner does...balloon making...serve our nation's best interests. Currently I can only assume that due to the recommendation from the ministry, coupled with the scarcity of information on you that you are in possession of a minor artifact of some kind. As to how that relates to balloons is beyond me." 
Blue raises an eyebrow as a flask appears in front of him before taking a swig.
"it's not the artifact itself, there is none, just a needle, a needle that turns ponies into balloons that is." I smile.
abbilden said:
"it's not the artifact itself, there is none, just a needle, a needle that turns ponies into balloons that is." I smile.
Blue makes a clicking sound with his tongue. "Huh, sounds like a minor artifact to me, discordian era perhaps....I suppose that's why the Ministry want you, or rather it, for the Exotic R&D wing."
"oh, but I am the only one that knows how to use it, and I don't plan on letting anypony take it, nor will I teach them, but I am willing to help with other things."
abbilden said:
"oh, but I am the only one that knows how to use it, and I don't plan on letting anypony take it, nor will I teach them, but I am willing to help with other things."
Blue quickly scribbles a note on scrap of paper. "Excuse me for a moment." He says as he exits the room for a moment, catching clerk on the way out, pushing the note to him. "Sorry for that Doctor, now I'm not sure about this...needle but if it is what the Ministry thinks it is then they would prefer if i followed proper Secure and Containment Protocol. How this is going to work is up to you."
I keep waiting for me to be discarded to leave. 
(I have RP be for you know.) 
(I think to really RP right you have to be your OC, if not it's just like a story. so I could every time put (Dr. Seem/ balloon Seem.))
abbilden said:
I sit there waiting.
"Dr Seem, as we are at the moment it appears that the Ministry would like your assistance in the study and operation of their artifacts. You obviously have a deep knowledge of these particular devices and we would like you to become part of our exotic R&D wing to help us devise proper containment protocol for these devices. As you undoubtedly know many of these pieces are very dangerous, whilst others are harmless and others still are beneficial. If you chose to join the Brigade you will be taken on a field analyst for the Ministry, you will have to give up your needle but in return you will be given access to limited wargear and be given the responsibility of containing any artifacts uncovered in the field."

Blue leans over the desk. "The other option is not so....friendly, my good doctor." He says, staring at the Pegasus.
" What do you mean the officers for the dawn brigade are on a mission!" The mare stamped her hoof as she looked at the soldier. " Damnit , fine get me two lunar seargents"
abbilden said:
"hmmm....... tempting, but I will be keeping my needle, but I will take the job."
Blue scowls slightly. "Dr Seem, I'm afraid that is not an option. The Ministry can not allow an unidentified artifact to be issued for field service at this time."
abbilden said:
"then I will get rid of it, but no pony will be given it."
"Of course Dr Seem, it will be locked away until it can be examined safely. Preferably with your oversight." Blue says as he draws a metal lock-box from under his desk, runes etched into the metal glowing faintly. "If you would Doctor?" 

Pleaseworkforonce said:
The mare walks into the office the interview ,but stops when she sees Seem " Is this a bad time Blue
"Not at all, I believe the good Doctor has come over to our side."

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