The Dawn Brigade (Mlp) [Inactive]

The Pegasus deftly caught the bag of bits, weighing it up, before nodding to himself. "Keep the bits coming and we'll all stay friendly."

Brushing past the Earth Pony, the Pegasus headed towards the armoury, intent on finding some armour before heading to the train station.
(Umm question, I thought this site didn't allowed this type of RP?) 

abbilden said:
(Umm question, I thought this site didn't allowed this type of RP?)
(I was talking about 18+ stuff?)
(it says -13, and it does say 18+ violence I see that as braking it's own rules ) 
I walked down the street, as I do every day, just doing the same I do all the time.
I looked around, never knowing what ot do, I had stopped making balloons, I made a oath I never make another one.
Blue walks into the office, his armour jingling lightly. "Morning miss." He says as he hands over his transfer papers. 

abbilden said:
I looked around, never knowing what ot do, I had stopped making balloons, I made a oath I never make another one.
Blue stands patiently in the office waiting room, tapping his hoof on the ground.
Balancer said:
Blue walks into the office, his armour jingling lightly. "Morning miss." He says as he hands over his transfer papers. 

Blue stands patiently in the office waiting room, tapping his hoof on the ground.
I walk by many buildingsnever knowing what was inside of them.
I keep looking, thinking maybe one more balloon wouldn't hurt, it's not like I'll be using a lot right.
Pleaseworkforonce said:
The pink mare groans before taking Blues papers (Any events involving Blue are not cannon in the actual RP, but the rest is)
abbilden said:
I keep looking, thinking maybe one more balloon wouldn't hurt, it's not like I'll be using a lot right.
(Will be with you shortly, have a quick errand to run.)
abbilden said:
"yes that's me, you wanted to see me," I walk up to him.
"Indeed, I'm to interview you for your application work with Her Majesties Princess Twilight Sparkle's Dawn Brigade." Blue replies, holding out a hoof.
abbilden said:
I look at his hoof, and then at him," we have not yet reached a agreement yet."
Blue scowls slightly as he lowers his hoof. "I see...well follow me Doctor, we'll use one of the empty rooms." Blue gestures down of the hall ways. "Follow me." He says, walking into one of the spartan offices and siting down behind a desk.
Balancer said:
Blue scowls slightly as he lowers his hoof. "I see...well follow me Doctor, we'll use one of the empty rooms." Blue gestures down of the hall ways. "Follow me." He says, walking into one of the spartan offices and siting down behind a desk.
I follow and look at him," now what is it you want me to do for this job?"
abbilden said:
I follow and look at him," now what is it you want me to do for this job?"
Blue unfolds a piece of paper. "According to this application entered with the Ministry of magical research and development you were flagged as a possible asset. I'm to interview you to gauge your possible aptitude with our outift and to send my recommendation back to the Ministry."
"magical research, hmmm........ I do have a few magical things, but I will not give them up, magical research, is not something I do."
abbilden said:
"magical research, hmmm........ I do have a few magical things, but I will not give them up, magical research, is not something I do."
Blue taps a pencil against the edge of his desk. "Dr Seem, for a Doctorate your record is suspiciously blank. No record of any learning institution awarding any accolades, no papers published, no history of any kind. I tried to have files pulled on you before you arrived, apparently they're above my paygrade. You aren't a unicorn yet the Ministry has sent me a recomendation that I recruit your for our exotic magic R&D wing. Why?"

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