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Fandom The DarkWatch Academy

"Your name might be Meredith, but until you earn my respect and deserve to have me call you by your real name, you are Mera to me. Moreover, that was just a demonstration of what you will be learning to defend against, nothing personal." Khal stares down at her and gives her mental props for not backing down. Girl has some spunk to her, he thinks to himself. "The class times and order have not yet been given out, so you will wait like everyone else until we tell you all together." Khal smiles his fanged smile at her, knowing that while she will be a hassle to teach and have in his dorm, it will be entertaining at the same time.

Khal starts walking away but suddenly turns, grabs one of the pistols on his belt and slices a small cut on Mera's neck with the bladed hilt. "There is your initiation to the Blood Dorm, enjoy your stay." He laughs as he walks away to return to work.​
Meredith's lip curled at his statement. Until I earn your respect, eh?

She wasn't quick enough to stop the strike, but she stared after the headmaster increadulously as he laughed.
He laughed. He laughed. He laughed at my suprise... She huffed, and it came out a feral snarl because of the position of her lips. She whipped around, sprinting, not stopping throught the hallways until she was out of breath. She turned to a door. Perhaps somebody can help me. She slowly opened the door, seeing a dark haired girl with blue eyes. She froze.

Hel turned slightly, making the voodoo doll visible in her hand. Her grip tightened on the doll. Hel didn't recognize the girl from last year. She must be new. "Hello there love." She said darkly. "Is there something i can help you with?" She turned to look the girl in the doorway. "Are you lost, coming here for your first time?" Hel squeezed the doll in her fist to where one of the stitches on the doll's body burst and sand began to pour out.

Meredith opened her mouth to speak, closing it. She opened her mouth again, forcing her words out. It was less that she was afraid and more that she didn't know what to say not to sound rude.

"Erm... I am lost, actually." She grimaced. "I seem to have misplaced my map, and..." She trailed off. "I have no idea where my room is." She came into the room farther, halting about five feet from Hel.

"I'm Meredith, by the way... Meredith Caine."

Valenthina Elenoir: Feather Dorm

A friendly, tender voice snapped Valenthina out of her thoughts and she nearly had missed the question. Absent-mindly, she sounded friendly herself, as she replied with "V-Valenthina, it's nice to meet you!"

Her hand was moving towards the girl named Yuki to shake her hand and it stopped midway, realising that she also was a half-vampire. Valenthina's mouth clamped shut and she cursed at her uncharacteristic behaviour. Instead, she withdrew her hand and curtly nodded before returning to her own thoughts.

Yuki Morokia: Feather Dorm

Yuki noticed the girl's hesitation, and wondered if there was something she did. Was it her red hair? Or maybe her tall form? She brushed the thought under her mental rug and began settling down. As she put her things in the proper places, she began a conversation with her headmaster from last year. "So," She said, "What classes are you going to be teaching this year? I want to become familiar with the schedule so I don't end up going to the Blood Dorm and missing a class, then staying until everyone else files in." She thought for a second and added, "Say, do you have anything to do here until everyone arrives?"
[Aleksander Raynewood]

Aleksander Raynewood. The other second year student. He was in his room. It was quite a sight. It was dark, very moody. There were lights but he never turned them on. He liked them dark. Not just because he was half-vampire, he just felt that brightness wasn't very fun. Darkness reminded him of blood. Especially when it oozes freshly from a cut. Yeah, Aleks was a bit messed up in the head but no one really minded. After all, most of his classmates got used to him. Or they avoided him. Either way works.

At the moment, Aleksander was on his bed, rocking back and forth. He was staring at a red piece of paper. Unfortunately (Or perhaps fortunately) he was banned from cutting himself or other people just for the sight of blood so he had to be content at looking at things that were at least the color of blood. All over his ceiling were red pieces of paper, hung from red string. Aleks just sat there, rocking back and forth, humming to himself quietly while staring at the pieces of paper.

For several minutes he stayed there, not moving except to rock back and forth. He only blinked every 30 seconds. Who knows how long he would've been when his alarm clock abruptly went off. Aleksander slowly turned toward the clock. It was time for new students to arrive at the Blood Dorm. Despite being completely bonkers, Aleks did enjoy having friends. He got up and left his room, careful to lock it in case any new students walked by.

He roamed the halls until he spotted his headmaster with the new students. Aleks waved to him continuously. He could also be obnoxious but he just likes to have fun sometimes. He wondered where his other fellow second year was.
"Meredith...." Hel repeated and held the doll with both hands and squeezed the doll again, this time, splitting a whole seam. "I am Helvetica Dwindle." She replied. The sand from the doll fell into a pile on the floor, and the doll went limp due to emptiness.

She looked at Meredith and noticed a fresh cut. Hel walked over slowly to the girl and ran her pointer finger along the edge of the cut. "You're bleeding, Meredith..." She said darkly. Hel's finger ran over the cut, smearing a small bit of blood across the skin, trapping some on her finger.

"You should clean up that cut..." Hel dropped the empty doll to the floor and reached down with her other hand and grabbed a smaller one from the belt and a frayed piece of thread that was dangling on the doll's face. She ran the thread between her thumb and pointer finger, spreading Meredith's bit of blood onto it.

"Well love..." She said. "You are lost... Where are you trying to go?"

Fuyuki Mori : Feather Dorm

"I'll tell you what classes are what later" He smiled "Well, we can train" He grinned, "But I don't want to hurt anyone, much less the new comer, so no on that" He relaxed in his chair, "Soon, we'll be able to start, just waiting until Darius returns" He shifted his attention to the new comer, "I hope you trust me when I say this but here, in the Feather Dorm, the first power you have is good, second is up to you, but you remain here" He paused for a moment, "Because I'm a Headmaster I must have two of each powers, first two good, last two, evil" He smiled, "But we only use our powers against Jericho, that means no more shooting me"

Meredith had watched Hel causiously. Her eyebrows rose at the spreading of her blood on the doll. Hopefully she doesn't use it, hmm.

"Voodoo dolls, are they?" She asked before realizing the girl was talking to her. "Oh, um, I want to get to my room... It's on the third floor, I think." She took a deep breath, studying the doll. I wonder how lethal those things are. "Do I call you Hel, then?" She smiled slightly, her eyes guarded as to not let her emotions show.

Yuki Morokia: Feather Dorm
"Ha, ha. Suspense." Yuki shrugged her shoulders and sat back down, waiting for Darius to come back once again. She reached into a handbag she had brought along and began amusing herself by scrolling down Tumblr on her phone. She yawned and wished that Darius hadn't had gotten so dirty, so he could've stayed and class could have started.
The Lone Snow Wolf

Darius had taken his time in the shower, not only because he enjoyed the feeling of almost scalding water pouring onto his body and running down it in rivulets... but because the engine oil and grease clung to his pale flesh like melted cheese to anything it came in contact with. He had scrubbed and scrubbed until every visible speck of both the grease and oil was gone, it was a hard life being both a clean freak, and an engineer. Of course, he only really liked the latter... the mild OCD was out of his control.

He turned off the water and grabbed his towel from where it hung on the wall from the towel rack, he wrapped it around his waist and padded from the bathroom to his closet. Opening the door, he hooked the corner of the towel inside itself to secure it temporarily in place. He took a few moments to decide exactly what to wear, and when he had found a flattering outfit, he closed the closet door and set about getting himself dressed. Once he was clothed, he went back to the bathroom to brush his hair before it dried and went curly. It was the only thing that really annoyed him about it, stupid curls.

Hair brushed, clean clothes on, he went to his bed and sat on the edge to pull his boots on. Once he'd tied the laces, he decided he'd taken more than his fair share of time to get ready and walked back out to the main room to find that Yuki had arrived while he'd been showering. She seemed to be on her phone again, looking at something, he wasn't big on the whole... modern technology thing. He didn't even own a mobile phone.

"Fuyuki, Yuki, stranger." He greeted each one as he looked at them and nodded politely. "Am I the last one here? Or are we expecting more?"

Yuki Morokia: Feather Dorm
Yuki looked up from her phone and gasped. "Oh my goooosh, thank god you're finally here. Anyway, you were the last one but you did have a reason to take a bit, so I won't murder you in your sleep this time." She nodded as well, trying not to ruin the calm feeling in the air. "So," She began, swiveling her head so that she was facing Fuyuki, "I believe you have some class schedules to share..." Yuki grinned. She was enjoying this year so far: being rejected and waiting for students was so fun! She sighed. Who was she kidding? It might as well get worse if it can.
"I suppose..." Hel walked over to the bed where she put her coat, and reached into one of it's pockets, pulling out a sewing needle and removed the blood covered thread from the doll's head and sewed it onto it's chest. 'I can help you find your room." She told Meredith. She held the doll in her hand gently as she walked back over to Meredith. "But first, let me try something..." She held the doll up and pressed firmly on the chest of the doll, gradually pressing harder, not letting up until she got the result she wanted from Meredith.

hel's voodoo doll
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Meredith winced, biting her lip before letting out a yell.

"What was that for?" She asked, glaring. Her chest felt tight. She studied the girl.

"Hel's right..." She muttered, glancing around the room.
Hel let the pressure off the chest of the doll. "That's more like it..." she said giving a half-smile, and walking over to the wardrobe in the back of the room, and putting the doll on the top shelf before closing the door. "Now then Meredith... lets go find your room, shall we?" She went past Meredith into the hall. "It seems my dolls are still working, isn't that nice?" Hel turned and began walking up the nearest flight of stairs
Meredith nodded.

"Sure..." She forced herself to smile. This girl made her uneasy, and she was fairly sure she knew why. She caused me pain without touching me. She followed Hel up the stairs, looking at the paintings and things adorning the walls as she passed. There were paintings everywhere, it seemed. There were windows, too, looking down the cliff face. Meredith enjoyed the veiw when she looked through them, though she almost thought that they were paintings at first, the view was that picturesque.

(Bloody headers not working properly, oh wait-

Valenthina Elenoir: Feather Dorm

The short girl snapped back to reality, or what she thought it was, or maybe it was a fantasy?

Either way, Valwnthina must've gone FAAAR to in-depth with her thinking of a chance to turn back into a normal human being (THAT OR THE WRITER DIDNT GET NOTIFIED OR WAS JUST A LAZY KLUTZ). Raising her head, she realised that another person had arrived. Fuyuki actually knew him, so it looked like they were second-years or they were just good ol' half-vampire pals. Oh and also, apparently the only she was the only...first-year.

Valenthina frowned, how much has she missed while in thought? Now they were discussing class schedules or something. She clicked her tongue, Power Class light, Weapons melee, Weapons heavy, combat training and last of all,

physical education, were her five chosen classes. At least she remembered her classes, now she has to remember the schedule as well. '
Better then learning then not learning at all,' she thought. '...That quote doesn't exactly fit my situation right now...'

The Lone Snow Wolf

"You can try to murder me in my sleep, but I assure you, you wouldn't succeed."

He was far too serious and the somewhat icy glare he shot his cheery dorm-mate reflected that. The politeness had melted away like a snowflake beneath the concentrated sun-beam of a magnifying glass. He never did understand how she found her phone so interesting all the time. Whatever. He took a seat and looked over at the new member of Feather dorm, another female.

"Darius." He extended his hand to shake hers firmly before resting his hands in his lap. "So, Fuyuki, what's on the board for us today?"
"Uh Hello there." Skyler remarked silently after entering the hall and hearing all the loud conversations and a small word skirmish as she pressed past everyone holding her bags in her hands, her gloves making her have to tighten her grip, and her nervous feeling making matters more stressful as she continued walking to an empty seat.
"Oh, Hey Sky!" Fuyuki replied, he looked at her, "We have a new student here" He hinted at the girl with the Gatling Gun. Fuyuki smiled, then returned to his seat.
"Oh? Um.. Sir How exactly did you learn my name so quickly?" Skyler asked Fuyuki before looking around and then at him confused slightly tilting her head and noticing what he was hinting at as she played with a ring that was placed across her finger of the gloves. Her expression showed she was not expecting things to be so excitable and odd for a dorm.
"I remember everyone's name" He smiled then hinted at the wrecked chair, "Yeah also I had an eventful welcome to wake me up" He laughed
Skyler smiled before holding her hand out for a handshake. "Eventful? It looks as if was shot.. What happened?" She asked before looking at it for a moment and tightening her grip on her belongings. "so, not to be rude but Where exactly do I pick up a room key?" She asked before looking at him in a shocked way.

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