Faceclaim/Description: (faceclaims highly preferred, 1 paragraph minimum for written description)
Age: (13-16 for novice, 16-19 for veterans)
Species: (your starting animal)
Starting role: (Novice or Veteran)
Signature weapon:
Signature ability: (you start out with 1 ability at 'Secondary' level. Also - generally speaking each ability should do only one or two thing. Keep it reasonable.)
Patron Deity: (Note that 'none' is also an option here)
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The above is what I need at minimum, you are free to add more info like strengths/weaknesses, likes/dislikes, etc.
You are more than welcome to decorate the CS however you like.
1) One post per week, minimum.
2) For combat - you can kill off weaker enemies, but for boss fights just say what you'll do and I'll calculate the results.
3) All RPN rules apply. All 'common courtesy' rules also apply.
4) Having fun is mandatory xD
Age: (13-16 for novice, 16-19 for veterans)
Species: (your starting animal)
Starting role: (Novice or Veteran)
Signature weapon:
Signature ability: (you start out with 1 ability at 'Secondary' level. Also - generally speaking each ability should do only one or two thing. Keep it reasonable.)
Patron Deity: (Note that 'none' is also an option here)
--------------------------------------------------erase this dotted line and everything below---------------------------------------------------
The above is what I need at minimum, you are free to add more info like strengths/weaknesses, likes/dislikes, etc.
You are more than welcome to decorate the CS however you like.
1) One post per week, minimum.
2) For combat - you can kill off weaker enemies, but for boss fights just say what you'll do and I'll calculate the results.
3) All RPN rules apply. All 'common courtesy' rules also apply.
4) Having fun is mandatory xD