The Darkest Price {Sign-Ups}

That would be helpful Zekeziel. Try and make it less than 18 though. We got enough older members of the family. Then Mint can take the Terra one.
Name: Saffron

Age: 15


History: Saffron has always been closest to Enma, though he loves all of his family. He has worked hard to be a good Prince for his family. He always tried his hardest but Saffron was always more of a book person than an active child in the family. He does not like the idea of being married to some stranger but he thinks he knows enough about the dark kingdom to help him out.

Class: Royal

Kingdom: Terra

Magic/Weapon: Saffron has no magic but is quite skilled with a bow and a slingshot and a spear.

Name: Kitano

Age: 16


History: Kitano is the second youngest of the Ty'Scia children and sadly, the only one to be born with a disability. His blindness caused his father to make an attempt at covering up his existence so he could be killed in order to ensure that there was no chance of it spreading down the royal bloodline. His father was convinced into letting Kitano live when it was discovered that Kitano had an innate affinity for sensing and manipulating auras. His ability was discovered when he, as a baby, moved small objects in the room using his aura. With practice over the years, his skills grew and he was trained somewhat in swordsmanship. Due to him not having use of his eyes, his other senses improved and especially his sense of hearing. While he can see other living things by using his ability to sense auras, he still experiences difficulty with things such as avoiding walking into walls and tends to get lost. While he does not exactly enjoy the thought of marrying some stranger from a distant land, he is not exactly willing to oppose his father's will either.

Class: Royalty

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Aura Manipulation (meaning sensing the auras of others, draining the auras of others to replenish his strength and using his own aura to generate blasts of magic energy with the latter being quite draining for him), a single sensory spell which he can use to see inanimate objects (though the view is a bit blurry and it places a constant drain on his mana supply) and an Aura Blade (a special sword which was made for him to use in focusing his aura for use in combat)

Other: Kitano is almost never without an escort due to his almost complete inability to see inanimate objects. This escort sometimes comes in the form of him following his siblings around when he is heading for the same destination as one of them.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Just my luck, the last Terra royal had to be a male. [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] Any chance that you could tag everyone when the role play starts so we'll be notified of it starting?
Don't worry. I have decided to reshuffle the couples. You are also accepted. I will tag everyone as well. It should start later tonight. I just got to do my RPs and then I'll start it. Here are the new and now completely, 100% cemented, permanent, you have better cheat or get over it if you hate it so much pairings.





Awwww Legendless, I'm a bit too late aren't I? :(

If I'm not too late, could I make a female royal?

Or a female royal and male royal to balance it out?
Well we just started so it should be okay. If you make royals one must be Terra, one Ty'Scia and they will be paired together (no more shuffling).

Also if you do make two royals can the female be a Ty'Scia royal? Kirei is the only girl on that side.
This sounds like fun! You still accepting?

Name: Ana

Age: Late twenties

Appearance: Ana’a skin is pale, though she spends much of her time outdoors (which does result in her always being smudged with dirt). Her hair is grey with a few streaks of white, while her eyes are orange in color. She stands at 4’5”, a fact she does not like to be reminded of. Her clothing is of the same style as in the picture, but without the large collar, and is brown and dark green in color. She wears brown boots, but of a soft material, so as to walk lighter. When active on the job, she wears a hooded cloak that is a mixture of greens and browns, making it easy to blend into the shadows. Attached to her belt on the right is a waterskin and a pouch for a day’s ration of food.

Inspired by:

History: Ana was born in a distant land, across the seas. Her parents were poor farmers, already supporting five other children. Every day they struggled to survive, struggled to put food on the table. As Ana grew older, she began to resent her parents for how little they were able to give her, and for how hard her and her family had to work compared to the owners of the estate that they were “permitted” to live on, for a high cost of what they produced.

When Ana was nine, she and the owner’s daughter got in a fight. This wasn’t the first time Ana had caused trouble, but more of the final straw. After breaking some of the other girl’s bones, Ana was considered a menace to society and was taken by the military for them to raise—as what happened to most kids who caused trouble.

After a year of training, Ana was moved to a special unit of the military, known as the Huntsmen. These were the people who were sent in and got a job done without anyone the wiser. Magic was feared in that land, and so it was with fear that the citizens whispered stories about how the Huntsmen could disappear and appear from the air itself. Ana didn’t mind her new home—in fact, she found she rather enjoyed being trained in the ways of a Huntsman. One thing she did not like, however, was how trapped she felt. She refused to be under somebody else’s control for the rest of her life.

When she was sixteen, the king of the land was overthrown. With this change in power, any Huntsman not considered loyal to the new ruler was put to death. In all the confusion, the small figure of Ana slipped away. She didn’t stop until she had slipped out of that kingdom and into the next, which bordered the ocean.

Years passed, with her staying alive and refining her skills by taking on odd jobs as a tracker/assassin. Finally growing tired of the place and wanting to see new lands, she left on a merchant ship sailing across the ocean, where she arrived on the shores of Ty’Scia.

She has only been there a few months, and has found no shortage of smaller jobs, but it on the lookout for something a little more high paying.

Class: Foreigner/mercenary/assassin

Kingdom: Iselv

Magic/Weapon: No; Her stiletto is hidden inside her staff. The handle of the dagger is actually the top of her staff, and it takes her only a moment to unscrew the blade from the staff. Her staff also has a metal weight inside the bottom, to keep the weapon balanced. She has a trousse scabbard on the left side of her belt, which holds five hunting/meat-trimming knives, but which only three of them are these types of knives. The other two hidden in with these hunting knives are slightly curved throwing knives (similar to Tucked in the back of her belt is a Quillon dagger, which she uses only when she finds herself fighting against an opponent with a sword. She has an Indian kard strapped to each of her legs, underneath her clothing. Her last weapon is a recurve bow and arrow, which she made and is an excellent shot with.

Other: Does not care about sides, just the highest bidder
Yes I am still accepting all but royals now. Thanks for joining Casey. We have begun but haven't gotten too far.

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