The Darkest Price {Sign-Ups}


Netherworld Overlord
Character Sheet


Age:(10-18 for Terra royals, 13-21 for Ty'Scia royals, any age for all others)



Class: (Both Kingdoms can have knights, but only Ty'Scia can have other classes. The royals and knights are going to Ty'Scia. There can be assassins who aren't aligned with either side or one or the other. Bascially if you want something other than a royal or a knight I will see if it works)




Name: Enma

Age: 12

Appearance: Knight/1176828106682.jpg

History: Enma was born a couple months before her mother was killed, so she never knew her. She grew up mostly following her older siblings, mostly the ones closest to her age and she caused some trouble from her natural curiousity. Enma has wandered off pretty far once and usually now has someone watch her. Enma is a favorite of her father because she was the last one to be born and is claimed to look like her mother almost to the tee when she was young. Enma looks up to her older siblings too. She is not sure exactly what is going on since she is a little young to grasp the concept of marriage.

Class: Royalty

Kingdom: Terra

Magic/Weapon: Knows some basic healing magic

Other: Carries around a stuff animal

Username: TokoToTheEnd

Name: Hanyer Cauthon

Age: 23

Appearance: Knight/angelicsoldier.jpg

History: Hanyer is half elf. His mother, the elf, slept with a human man after many courting attempts on his part but Hanyer's father could not stay with her and eventually his mother let both her lover and her child go. Hanyer has little memory of his mother beyond a smiling face and long blonde hair and pointy ears. It was hard to hid that he was a halfbreed, but although Hanyer was teased as a child he learned that many did not care of his blood.

Eventually Hanyer left the dull life of a farmer as he became a squire to one of the kingdom's knights. He worked hard and eventually was given the title and honor of knight at the age of 18. Hanyer recalls the death of the Queen vaguely, still a squire at the time. He is unhappy with what the royal children have to go through and is being sent with them to protect them with a few other knights though he is meant to return after the weddings.

Class: Knight

Kingdom: Terra

Magic/Weapon: Make plants grow, control plants to an extend, sense people's emotion (but only the most dominate emotions at the time), healing magic/A sword that was given to him by his father

Other: N/A

Username: TokoToTheEnd

Name: Kirei

Age: 15

Appearance: Knight/black_bride_by_navate-d4n4psu.jpg

History: Kirei was born from her father's second wife, who happened to be a witch and was the only child from his union as the witch was soon killed. She was kind of hated for this by her older siblings who either came from a King's lover or his first wife, but Kirei didn't care really as she never thought her mother was important as long as she was Tylaer's true child. She was a troublemaker when she was younger, pranking people and causing mayhem as much as she could sometimes with her siblings, other times on them. When she got older, she was more subtle with her pranks, but she eventually stopped and began to read spell books wanting to leave all she could so that she could be powerful. She is not really looking forward to being married, but won't speak out against her father and his wishes.

Class: Royalty

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Go invisible, go through solid objects, teleport within a limited distance, able to choke people with a thought/Carries a dagger just incase

Other: Doesn't care whether she marries a boy or girl

Username: TokoToTheEnd

Name: Toan

Age: 21

Appearance: Knight/1191556260_temefrthis.jpg

History: Toan is the oldest of the Ty'Scia children and was born from King Tylaer's first wife who was half demon, which means that Toan has some demon blood. He doesn't really care about that fact and seems pretty uninteresting in most things, even as a child. He does not care for his siblings either and will sarcifice them if he has to but generally doesn't want to resort to violence against them unless they do it first. Because he is the oldest, he is the heir to the throne, but secretly Toan doesn't want to rule Ty'Scia or marry one of the Terra children. Toan also has a lover who is the child of one of the noble's.

Class: Royalty

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Uses fire magic mainly/poison darts mainly, but also good with hand to hand combat

Other: N/A

Name: Angeline

Age: 17


History: Angeline was always rather bright. She's obedient and peaceful, though inside she could be rather furious. She's not thrilled with the prospect of being married to someone she's not in love with because she has always imagined a fairytale romance for herself. However, she'll stick it out and do the best she can, even if it kills her to do so. She wants real love, so the whole situation just depresses her. She fears she will never know what it feels like.

Class: Royal

Kingdom: Terra

Magic/Weapon: Her weapon of choice is a bow and arrow. The only magic she knows is a small amount of wind and also healing.

Other: N/A

Name: Alzoar

Age: 20


History: From a young age, his goal was always to become a night. Alzoar trained hard to get to where he is and recently swore his oath to the King. Because he's new, he tends to get the tasks no one else wants, but he's okay with that. He's loyal to his blade and his King. However, he's not fond of every decision the King has made, especially when involving his family members and those of another kingdom. In those matters, though, he has no room to judge and just pretends it doesn't bother him and thanks God he's not one of the King's children.

Class: Knight


Magic/Weapon: He uses a long sword and also ice magic.

Other: N/A
Name: Alexander 'Alex' Smith

Age: 17,432 years old


View attachment 3522

No one knows how Alex became a vampire, and no one asks. She is a very well known vampire for her power, and age. Alex is the oldest known vampire, which makes her even more powerful. Only vampires know of her though. She may live in such a dreadful Kingdom, but Alex is actually nice, at least to the people in her 'clan' or group, but is serious and deadly when it comes to matters about vampires. Unlike most vampires, she drinks only the blood of criminals or animals, she believes it is wrong to take a life of an innocent. Her whole clan believes this. She formed this clan about 16,000 years ago that only drinks the blood of criminals and animals, and stop other vampires that take human lives, which some of the members call this clan " kalí̱ dolofónoi" She is called a cold blooded murder, but is resonable.

Class: Alex does do some tasks for the king of her kingdom. So I guess assassin and bounty hunter/The kalí̱ dolofónoi clan

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Sensing/Telepathic/Strength (When I mean by sensing, I mean she can sense people's feelings and can touch something and see the history behind it. Her eyes turn this color when she uses her senses (

Other: If my character is a bit godmodding, let me know so I can edit it.

Name: Stefan Richardson

Age: 753 years old


View attachment 3599

History: He was turned at the age of seventeen years old. He was set up on a blind date, and it turns out she was a vampire looking for a snack. He survived because Alex showed up to stop her from killing him. Since Stefan was gratful he joined her clan, since she fought for the good side. Before he turned, Stefan was a bit nice, but now he is cold emotionless. He asked Alex multiple times why he was like this, she just replied it was the process. Never beleiving he tried to change himself, but gave up after a couple years. But he's slowly changing, now he's more optimistic. about things. He is basicly Alex's right hand man, even though he is one of the youngest members of the clan.

Class: The kalí̱ dolofónoi clan

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Strength

Other: N/A

Just a note all the royals need to be taken before we can begin just incase anyone is curious.
Three from Terra (the youngest has been taken though) and three from Ty'Scia (the oldest has been taken though).
.... so i made another boy despite determination not to, lol~!

Hope he's okay:

Felrer ("Fele-yeh")

Age: 19

Appearance: Ka-lick


Owing to the innate and unusual ability he first displayed when merely an infant, Felrer spent many of his early years as the subject of rumor as it is not fully understood how he came into such power; his mother seemingly average in beauty and unastounding when compared to those of his siblings and her origin was subject to debate for some years to follow. However many would argue that in regards to his offspring the king was not unknown for his selective taste of lovers in order to 'secure his bloodline'* and that Felrer is the offspring of demons, dragons, fallen gods even darkness itself, the list simply goes on. None of which has ever been confirmed.

Whilst initially uncontrollable, emotion based, Felrer spent most of his infancy and early childhood in a fearsome state, armadillo plating coating his skin, spikes protruding his joints, only becoming worse with every upset and frustration in an automatic display of self defence/aggression, the skin moulding and reforming after each new protrusion and he became isolated from his carers and peers, his only real social interaction in the form of reluctant tutors and his siblings, whom due to their childish ignorance during the first years of their life he has become attached to despite how they may/may not have turned out and so looks out for them.

It was only with age as the protrusions gradually displayed some signs of easing and him some control over their manipulation that his potential was revealed. And now, nine years on, although there are some bones that he has not been able to fully retract and/or control the steady growth of, (the most prominent the 'demon's horns' that have grown steadily like an asymmetrical crown and the now blunted nubs that still protude the skin with each link of his spine, tracing from neck to tail) he has nonetheless become a formiddable asset to his father both in offence and defense.

Class: Royal

Kingdom: Ty'Scia


Bone manipulation ('the generation of new bone mass, removing/reshaping/projecting bones out from the skin and/or rearranging bones') and rapid healing/self-regeneration (makes him difficult though not impossible to kill; required for his ability, and also slows the aging process, destined for a longer youth-, as well as grants immunity to most illness).


He possesses an unerring and fearless confidence that allows him the luxury of being openly compassionate, considerate and merciful in such a dark place, and though he himself personally has no real thoughts about the marriages his father has arranged (there has never been any denying the king), it grieves him nonetheless on his suitors behalf.

(*all quotes are hearsay/rumour)
Name: Rosalind

Age: 17


History: Rosa grew up knowing she was to be married off and resigned herself to deal with it. However she was not defeated. Rosa spent her time experiencing as much as she could in the kingdom, learning both the roles of a woman and a man. She is a proficient seamstress and knows her way around a set of knitting needles, she can recite poetry and if you are lucky you may here her sing. She was not allowed to learns swords play however she can go shoot with a bow and arrow and beat any man in the saddle. Secretly she keeps a dagger hidden in the folds of her skirt, a gift from her brother.

She spends most of her time in the outdoors more specifically in the stables with her mare Velveteen

Class: Royalty

Kingdom: Terra

Magic/Weapon: She is pretty handy with her bow and arrow and her dagger. Rosa also knows a bit of sorcery because as a child her nurse into the forest and let roam. She was only 5 or 6 at the time and a bit clumsy. On one of these trips the small girl fell into a fairy ring and was trapped, the fairy's began to pick and tease her but as she began to cry the fairies felt a small shred of compassion for her. However they could not just let her escape without punishment so Rosa is now able to sense the emotions of everyone around her. It compels her to right everything and if emotions are high the force of all the emotions can give her severe headaches. Because of this "gift" the princess also has a better understanding of animals and their thoughts. No one knows of this, they just believe she is frail.

Other:This is the mare Velveteen View attachment 3186

Name: Bret

Age 18


History:Bret has been most of his days at a boarding school for boys training to one day be a Leader. He knows the marriage won't have too severe an affect on his life but that doesn't mean he likes it, he still wished he could have some say in the choice of wife. He knows that for the girls the affect will be more severe but he doesn't have the heart to tell them.

Class: Royalty

Kingdom: Terra

Magic/Weapon: Sword

Other:This is his horse Dash View attachment 3185

All accepted. We need one more Terra royal and two more for Ty'Scia.

Also both Angeline and Rosalind are 17 which is fine but just wanted to point it out.
Character Sheet


Age: 21 years old


View attachment 3600

Damion was always a carefree and friendly guy, he would always do what his father said, even if he disliked some tasks that were given to him. On the night of his sixteenth birthday, Damion was walking home and was a attacked by a group of blood sucking vampires. He was sure death was around the corner, since he was overwhelmed and his sword was at home, until someone stopped and killed the deadly vampires. It was Alex from kalí̱ dolofónoi clan. He had never heard of the clan until now. As the years passed by he became an asset and friend to Alex and her clan. He would give her valueable information and in return she would rid of as many human killing vampires as she could.

Class: Royal

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Strength/Sword and Sheld

Other: This is his horse. His horse consists of dark magic and is basicly a shadow.

Accepted. I decided to make it four royals on each side to make this begin faster. I shall start figuring out the pairings and post them soon.

--- Merged Double Post ---





These are the pairings that were chosen. You cannot fight this but remember your character does not have to love/be loyal to the person you are promised to.
Lmao I'm still laughing over my character's pairing. Anyways, can you give me a day before you start, I wanna see if my friend wants to join.
Lmao Im a pedophille even before the rp starts :P And I don't know why young girls are always attracted to my 21yr old guys xD

Uhhh my friend got grounded from her laptop so she can't join. And I can take another part if need be.
Zekeziel it is still open if you wish to take a Terra or Ty'Scia royal. I might redo the couples or just pair the newest Terra and Ty'Scia together. So Mint can take the other. and AGP you don't have to take any more characters than you are willing.
(Hope there's space for me to join if my characters are acceptable. If there are any problems such as me making them too powerful, just say so and I'll tone them down.)

Name: Vladimir Sevastian Lagunov

Age: 10,000 years


History: Vladimir was born a vampire and was not a human who had been turned into one. He is of a family of vampires referred to as the Pureblood as the members of said family were all born as vampires from as far up the family tree as can be traced. It is rumoured that his ancestors were the first vampires and had started it by creating the fountain of blood and drinking from it. The story however, has long since been regarded as nothing more than myth. He had ruled a small country, by the name of Alkmaar, in the centre of a massive lake where the skies were constantly blocked out by ash and soot from nearby volcanoes. There, the soil was acidic, geysers belched sulphur into the air and the lake water always boiled hot enough to wash the flesh right off the bones of anyone or anything thrown into it. The only way in or out was by a single bridge. Humans were kept captive and bred in the dungeon beneath his castle for food and entertainment. It was a paradise for him and his family but he wanted more. When he heard of the dark, dangerous land of Ty'Scia, he left his brother in charge of the country so he could venture to foreign lands or more precisely, conquer them. He asked to serve the king of Ty'Scia as his royal adviser and was accepted due to his wisdom and wise counsel and has served faithfully ever since though his true motives and allegiances remain hidden. He had heard of vampires who killed humans for sustenance being killed by a group of vampires who drank the blood of animals and to ensure his safety, took up the position of executioner as well. After all, who would care if he drained the corpse of an executed criminal? For his entertainment, he also took up the job of being a torturer as he found the pained screams of prisoners in a dungeon to be music to his ears.

Class: Royal Court

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Blood Magic, Physical Strength (nothing huge like punching through solid stone walls or tearing trees out of the ground, just enough for him to be able to lift an average fully grown male human peasant without too much of an effort), One-Handed Sword and Hypnotic Stare (which grows more effective the weaker the will of the victim is, becoming essentially useless against those with high willpower and those who can work themselves up enough to resist such as zealots due to their fervour and barbarians while in a berserker rage but becoming very powerful against those whose wills have been broken or who have been sufficiently demoralized)

Other: He carries a sword, known as the Bloodletter, with him at all times but he has not used it in such a long time that it is considered more of a decoration than a weapon. He plans to take over Ty'Scia by eliminating the entire royal family and taking the place of the king, replacing the royal family with members of his own family. To assist him with this is an old friend of his, the rune wraith named Dimizar.

Name: Dimizar Umbris Damocles

Age: 2,000 years


History: Dimizar started out with humble and rather uncivilized beginnings. His parents were chaos mages from a warband that raided towns on the border of Terra. For the early years of his life, everything went perfectly. They had success after success but that would not last forever. They encountered a garrison during one of their raids and though they outnumbered the guards in the garrison, the guards had better equipment and were very well trained. The entire raiding party except for Dimizar and one marauder were killed. The duo managed to escape but after that,the warband was weakened too greatly to continue their raids without significant losses. Having foreseen the inevitable scattering of the members of the warband, he ventured off to find a forbidden library described in myths. He searched for sixty years before he actually found the library, having met Vladimir along the way and befriended him as the two found that they had a lot in common. When he had finally managed to do so, he had already managed to become a rather powerful mage. He spent the rest of his natural life inside the library, going through tome after tome and scroll after scroll. One day, found a way to extend his life and that was to become a rune wraith. He bound his soul to an object using runic magic, tearing his soul from his own body and enduring the searing pain that came with the process. Using his extended time, he feverishly studied more and more of the arcane knowledge inside the library until he had memorized the work of hundreds of mages. From this time spent studying, he had learnt how to transmute objects and learn a small amount on the topic of the essence of life. To finance his research in creating life, he sought work involving the only thing he knew, magic. Knowing that what he was now could be considered a monster by the majority of the world’s humans, he set out for the one place he knew of where he might find refuge and that was Ty'Scia. There, he came across Vladimir againand found that he had become the royal adviser. He learnt of Vladimir’s plan and agreed to help his old friend, knowing that he would gain as well if the kingdom was taken over and to provide him the force he might need, started the unification of the various factions of his people.

Class: Noble

Kingdom: Ty'Scia

Magic/Weapon: Magic (of various elements) and Staff

Other: To the end of assisting his friend, Vladimir, he has started uniting the warring factions of chaos worshippers from the southern lands. So far, he has managed to unite various groups of marauders and warriors but he has yet to add his fellow chaos mages to the cause. He had bought his noble status using various treasures he had collected during his journeys.
Sorry. I spent like an hour working on those bios and didn't notice that anyone had posted anything by time I posted them. Are you sure there isn't any space left for any characters other than royals?
No there is room for more characters but I need a royal child of the King to begin the RP. There was five each on each side but then I put it down to four. Mint and you were agreed to take one so I put it back to five but I think you understood me wrong. I wanted to ask if you would take one of the royals who were to be married off.

Regardless your characters are accepted.
They don't have to be a child if you look at the ages I said on the front. But those ages are only for a royal family member who is being married off. You can have a demon though but any of the Ty'Scia royals must be at least half-human. And no more 21 years old for them either. But for anyone else outside of the royal family it is fine.
[Alrighty thank you I will make my character so he fits your rules I will have it done in a bit :3 ]

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Hisalius Ironskull

Age:19,567 years old.

This is what he looks like when he is fighting or eating a human being when walking around he has no horns and his eyes are green as well as he teeth aren't always sharp like that when he is just talking or something the only thing that is different is that he has longer caninse than most.

History:He was born in the underworld a fighting and killing machine but he was protected by his looks he was known as a Incubus which lure there prey in and then kill them.He was given the title The Prince of Shadows for his help to the under world buut he does have the ability to love he was never on to like the evil he was forced to do there so he left and wandered for a long time.After a long while he found the kingdom of Ty'Scia and decided to stay and join the
kalí̱ dolofónoi clan he was a great asset to them and good friends with there leader he has been around awhile and has seen many things so he is a very wise man.He has help his kingdom and has grown to love it and has no plans of leaving and he may eat beings and may be called a soul stealer but he only takes those from people who are deserving of such things like criminals who have done too much wrong or from those who appose him and what he stands for.He may eat what the humans eat and get something out of it but it doesn't give him the satisfaction of taking a soul and absorbing it into his system or the feeling or taste of fresh flesh in his mouth but he does have control and won't harm a innocent not again.

Class:He is a very fine Assassin who does plenty of killing in the name of his kingdom but he is also very loyal to t
he kalí̱ dolofónoi clan.


Magic/Weapons:He has the power to use magic but he doesn't really use it much in fighting unless he is pushed to a point.He studies spell book and tomes nonstop in order to make sure he is ready but he also uses it a lot on a daily basis but it has taken him years to master these skills and abilities but he knows he can't summon beings but he can do other things related to necromancy but there is a limit to how much he can do.He may also sense someones emotions and see a little bit into there thoughts but only a blurred image he was never quite able to just sit back to listen in and it takes a lot of power for him to do this.Yes he is a demon but that does not mean he is all powerful he has plenty of weaknesses but he doesn't expose them.He chooses to use to special swords that were formed for him in the pits of the underworld and they were a gift from the lord there himself and they are called twin blood blades because they have the ability to drain power but only to an extent and they look the same.

Other:He is openly Bi-sexual and he is actually a very loving person to those he is close to and his demon type is Incubus.


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