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Fantasy The Dark World (info)


Ten Thousand Club
What is our Dark World:

Our World, year 2070 a.d. 35 years after the end of the third World War. A war, not fought with soldiers, or even with nuclear weapons. A war fought with - Super Weapons. Weapons of a new technological age. Weapons engineered for more than mass destruction. Weapons engineered to end a war with a single, decisive, all-encompassing shot. The first of these weapons 'manufactured' by North Korea, year 2032 a.d. The super weapon dubbed the 'Godhand'. The World's first "Super-Weapon".

Powered by a new element and energy source, recently unearthed. An energy called Xidian energy. Since changed to Element X. A very powerful energy, with radiation levels off the chart. This energy was harnessed and made weapon, by its conduit the Godhand.

Year 2035 a.d.. The end of the third world war. The nations of the world raced North Korea, to create their own Super weapons, powered by this new Element X. 2035 marked the end of WWIII. Ended quickly by these Super weapons. No one learned their lesson, and they laid waste to their world. To their Earth.

Year 2035 a.d. was the year, the World went Dark... but it didn't remain that way for long.

**Just a mere five years later, 2040, someone was born. This someone was named, Zach Merk.** A caucasian male. Cute as a button. However, there was something strange about him. He wasn't human. At least not really; he had a strange abnormality. Zach Merk, was an Abnorm. The very First. Zach Merk was changed physically, by the large amounts of X radiation that covered the World. X radiation did strange things to humans. Mutated them.

Thus the Age of Abnorms began. X radiation birthed many many of these "Abnorms" all around the globe.

The world was all but destroyed. Set back to the Dark Ages, with **little to no working technology.** (Xidian Energy messes with electronics. So when the Super weapons merely fired, it messed with electronics. When X radiation permeates the world, it tends to mess with normal tech just around. But there are people/places that have more tech than others. Like the WG. They've managed to get around the X radiation, and get some tech working, or they use tech that is powered by Xidian Energy itself). Humanity was in short numbers; all but wiped out.

And yet; there was a silver lining. A new step for Humanity. A new tomorrow.

What was lost when the world went Dark, was never regained, but something new came in its place. Something new and exciting. Abnormality.

Dark World's necessary info / Vocabulary :

Humanity: Regular humans. Most live in poverty, but not all. Most have trouble in life in the Dark World, but not all.

Abnorms and abnormalities: Abnorms are people with powers, as plain and simple as that sounds, it is, and it isn't. Abnormalities, are those people's strange powers and gifts.

Animals and abnormalities: So... we know what X radiation does to humans, what about animals? Okay, well... Mostly, animals in this new world suffer thanks to the radiation. Hell, a lot of meat is actually pretty contaminated, and can be poisonous to eat. It makes finding good meat actually pretty difficult... Though there are those out there that feast specifically on severely tainted meat... hoping to become some sort of Abnorm or something. Yeah, weirdos. Anyway! Lets just say, most animals in the DW have a much shorter lifespan (expected lifespan), than the animals of our world. Simply put, no animals live as long as our animals do. That tragically means there are less animals overall around. Rarely, extremely rarely, some animals can become Abnorms, too. It is extremely rare to find an animal that is an Abnorm, but it is possible. It's very hard to determine, because animals don't reveal stuff like humans do, unless it is easily apparent. Like a purple dog, or a bird that shoots fire, or something.

Abnorms come in rankings depending on how powerful they are. The rankings are as follows:
  • Rank A: The most powerful of "regular type 1-4 Abnorms". Power ranking usually equates to being able to destroy buildings in some fashion, taking out a large amount of soldiers single-handedly. A ranking Abnorms are no-joke, and should be dealt with cautiously.
  • Rank B: Abnorms that are just under A rank. Still quite strong. Fairly subjective in strength compared to A.
  • Rank C: Abnorms that pose a threat, but not usually a significant one. Still, approach with caution.
  • Rank D: Abnorms that have annoying abilities, but probably can be dealt with easily.
  • Rank E: Abnorms that possess some sort of abnormality, but its hardly worth noting. Hardly even considered dangerous. Sometimes not even considered fully Abnorm. Quite weak.
Abnorm Types: There are various type of Abnorms that have since been discovered since they first appeared in 2040.
  • Type 1 Abnorm: "Creatures" born with abnormalities. Never Human. Abnorm from birth. Born with X radiation in their very DNA.
  • Type 2 Abnorm: Is an Abnorm, that was born Human, but at some later point in their life developed an Abnormality, and began to exhibit signs of being an Abnorm. From being exposed to X radiation for too long.
  • Type 3 Abnorm: Abnorms that were originally Human. Technological enhancements and genetic manipulation change these humans to Abnorms. Sometimes referred to as "cyborgs", or genetically forced mutation.
  • Type 4 Abnorm: Not actually an Abnorm. Regular Human, that uses technology as a base for 'abnormality'. Technology that has been engineered usually from Abnorms's powers and DNA. Humans that use such weapons to combat Abnorms, and for various other things. Only in typing, due to technical use of "powers and abnormalities". Could be considered dangerous, but not usually.
  • Type O Abnorm: A class of Abnorm reserved for One only. The First Abnorm. Sometimes called the "Father" of abnormality: Zach Merk, exclusively. Not much else known about this class, other than Zach is a very very powerful Abnorm, speculated at fictitious "SS" rank.
  • Type S Abnorm: A class of Abnorm, exclusively reserved for Abnorms that are above Rank A in power. These Abnorms are given "S" Rank. With SS rank above that. Lastly followed by the newly 'confirmed' SSX ranking of Abnorm. Type S Abnorms can technically be any other type of Abnorm **(Barring Type O)**, however, they are classified Type S, due to their monstrous power. S unofficial rankings are as follows:

    • S Rank: Abnorms that are above even the highest previous ranking of A in power. S rank Abnorms are insanely powerful, with individuals posing threat to entire armies. S rank Abnorms are the epitome of Abnormality. "Eliminate with extreme prejudice". All "S" rankings of Abnorms, fall under "S" typing and ranking of Abnorms. Anything else is just more precise.
      "SS Rank": Abnorms even more powerful than S Rank technically is. **No Abnorms registered at this rank.**
      --Mythical legendary rank. Not an official ranking as by the World Government.
      SSX Rank: Rank given to Abnorms that have "god-like" power. Abnorms that are considered gods on Earth. (Only a handful exist-- maybe.)
"Devil's Children": Coined by the WG (probably), many people call Abnorms this. A lot of people believe Abnorms and abnormalities to be the work of the devil. --Something the WG preaches hard. As if the world is being punished for WW3, these 'Devil children' -or demons- have appeared to bring more ruin to humanity.

Means the New-World after WWIII, after year 2035. A "Dark World". Governments, and most modern-day society is gone. Modern conventions are in the past. Electricity and vehicles are almost exclusively used by higher New-Organizations.

New-America: America after WWIII. Governed predominantly by the "World Government".
New-Europe, New-Asia, New-Africa, etc: Those nations of the same name, just after the world went Dark after WWIII.

World Government: A militarized-style government founded in Freefall City. Rose up after WWIII knocked out the previously established American government and military. The World Government attempts to dictate everything across the New-World. They advocate peace, but mostly rule by fear and power, oppressing those against them. The World Government hates Abnorms (primary reason for this is thought to be because Abnorms pose a threat to their New-World. Other reasons include, but aren't limited to, biblical reasons perhaps, just general disdain for Abnorms that most people have, wary of the unknown, and finally, their ability to militarize and weaponize Abnorms and abnormalities.) Theres a dark side to the WG, few know (however most Abnorms know, or at least speculate, which is why Abnorms fear the WG). They regularly kidnap Abnorms. To either lock them away, experiment on them, to learn about their abnormalities, or to extract their abnormalities for later use, or to just simply kill them. Because of this the WG has an infamously dark reputation.

Freefall City: New-"Capital" of New-America, after Washington D.C. was destroyed on DoD Day. Freefall City is considered the 9th wonder of the world. A masterfully built metropolis, that was fully built by 5 years after DoD Day. The cornerstone of the "Free" World and a shinning beacon to all of Humanity. Proving that Humanity can pull itself up out of the deepest depths, even when it appears all hope is lost.

DoD Day: Day of Destruction. The first day officially of WWIII. January 7th, 2033 a.d., approximately 9:27 am. Thats the official start of WWIII, when the Godhand first fired. Putting a crater in the U.S. ranging from Kentucky all the way to Maryland.

'Gods' Crater: The crater on the Eastern side of the US. Where the Godhand first struck. A crater of astronomical size. The size ranging from Kentucky all the way to Maryland. Everyone who lived in the crater beforehand, was instantly wiped out, 100% fatality rate. No life absolution. Was once states of imaginable worth and beauty, now a crater, desolate, bleak. Any inhabitants of the crater are largely unknown and cut off from anyone else.

Guilds: Groups of Abnorms that gather together. Usually have a leader of sorts. They are primarily made up of Abnorms. They primarily are good people. They are the antithesis of gangs.

Gangs or Abnorm Gangs: Gangs of Abnorms, that harass and claim land due to their newly found Abnormalities, and their new ability to oppress citizens. Citizens who already have a tough time.

Gang and Guild Tattoos: Gang members have the tradition of usually branding somewhere, their Gang's symbols, on their members body. Guilds sometimes do this as well. Not all do this obviously.

The Big Three: The three biggest, baddest, strongest Abnorm gangs that currently rule all of New-America. They are in a semi-stable-ish alliance, to maintain New-America as 'peacefully' under them as possible. But it is a shaky alliance, due to each gang being filled with selfish, ambitious, "i want it all"-mentality assholes. Such is the nature of Abnorm gangs, though. Regardless, lesser gangs find their place under each of these gangs, usually agreeing to their demands, simply so they can maintain some sort of 'independence' themselves. If they do not agree to be ruled over, they usually live short lives before the Big Three root them out and wipe them out. But often, some of their members are left alive, able to join the Big Three, since able-bodied Abnorms are more use alive, than dead. As for regular folk? They fear these gangs, and are heavily taxed. Some people (or Abnorms) are taken for slave-like labor, living terrible lives. However, if they refuse to work, they are often killed, so... there isn't much choice. As for the WG? They do fight back against The Big Three, but these gangs are extremely powerful, and are very difficult to fight, even for the WG. Bounty Hunters? They tend to not go after The Big Three either, since most BHs work alone, and The Big Three gangs are too strong for any singular individual to handle.

The Devil and His Demons: One of The Big Three. They rule the Mid-West of New-America. They are ruled by a very powerful Abnorm (theorized at S rank), who goes by the name 'the Devil'. (He insists on being called that, most don't even know his actual name.) His 'Demons' are the Devil Children that work under him, enacting any sort of twisted degree he wants on his territory. He has a 'Right' and 'Left Fang' position, where two of his strongest fighters reside. They are his closest, most trusted Abnorms.

The Prophets: Ran by a man calling himself Ezekiel. In fact, many of the higher-ups in the gang have (or take) Biblical names. This gang is one of The Big Three, ruling the Mid-East of New-America. They have a very religious aspect to them, and their gang hide-out is well-known. It is a giant structure near the coast, beyond the crater. It looks like stairs, hence its name: Stairway to Heaven. Not much else is known about this gang, besides the fact they seem to have religious ties, or something.

The Fearsome Lords: The final Abnorm gang in the alliance of The Big Three. The rule the North. Technically, they are the strongest of the three, but have the least members. They are called 'Fearsome Lords' for one reason, they only accept the most powerful of Abnorms in their ranks. Each Abnorm in the gang is a "Lord": extremely strong. These 'Lords' rule over other smaller gangs within their territory, where the rest of their 'members' reside. -- The lesser, weaker members of their gang, that is. There is a strange ritual, test, competition they have to see who the next Lord accepted will be. Anyway, they technically have a leader, but he rarely acts as a leader, so the Lords are rather diplomatic in their gang, not always agreeing, but whatever. Regardless of their lesser numbers, The Fearsome Lords are considered the most dangerous of The Big Three. BHs seek out a Lord, thinking they can find fame and fortune bringing one of these Abnorms in... It doesn't end well for the BH. The Fearsome Lords have an inner competition of who can kill the most BHs (or WG officials), but its more of a fun game, instead of a pursued goal.

Forever Army: A massive Army located primarily in New-Asia, and somewhat in New-Africa. Army mainly includes Abnorms. Its the Army of the "King of All". The new King that rules Asia and Africa. The Forever Army's emblem is an infinite symbol, with an eye around it, and a spear piercing it from the top and out the bottom. The Forever Army boasts to be an Army, that will last forever, ruled by a new lineage of Kings and Queens. Their ambition is to one day conquer all of the New-World.

Future for Abnorms Society (FAS): A largely underground group. Though they have been revealing themselves more often as of late, trying to gain some headway towards their ideals. FAS believes in freedom. For not just Abnorms. For all. FAS is an organization made up of Abnorms as well as Humans. They preach freedom and equality for both. FAS dreams that one day both Humans and Abnorms will live side by side, equal, free, and with respect for their fellow people. Actually, FAS was founded by a Human. Professor Eldritch Vancouver. A man who believes equality is possible for every person. However, there are people that hate what FAS stands for, and those people are enemies, so FAS remains mostly underground and hidden away.

Bounty Hunters: Humans that hunt Abnorms for bounties. Or for various other reasons. Most bounties are given out by the World Government. Most Hunters (for short) are aware what the World Government does to the Abnorms they bring in. However, most Hunters do not care. Some are even happy about it. You see. These Bounty Hunters are not average people hunting bounties. They adamantly hate and disdain Abnorms. They are humans that believe Abnorms are Devil's-Children, as do some regular Humans that aren't hunters. They believe Abnorms to be a blight on Humanity, and adamantly search out ways to crush Abnorms. The League of Bounty Hunters are more a fanatical group of radicalists, as opposed to just vigilantes. Quite dangerous. Highly prejudice. They do not hesitate to stop Abnorms in any fashion they see fit. Note: Some Bounty Hunters exist that do not believe in these radical views. These bounty hunters are not associated with the "League of Bounty Hunters".

Leaders: People who generally lead and govern groups or societies. Various pronounced, noteworthy Leaders in Dark World currently are
  • His Emminence, Supreme President-General Herald, Sir. Mormont V. Castan: Current Leader of the World Government, self-proclaimed leader and president of New-America.
  • Right-Hand to Mormont Castan: Supreme-Commander, Firenze Stall.
  • King-of-All: Jeauyus: A self-proclaimed King. Ruler of the Forever Army. Conqueror of New-Asia and New-Africa.
  • "'Goddess' of Blood" Queen Anjika: Jeauyus's ruling queen.
  • Princess Elusa Alois: The daughter of Jeauyu, and Anjika
  • "The Trinity": "One entity" that consists of three Abnorms. The Ghost. The Holy. The Vision. These three "deity"-Abnorms not only rule New-Europe, but are also its prophets of New-Europe's new religion that worships Abnorms, and Abnormalities. Ascendaism. A religion that believes Abnorms are Angels-born human. And that one day the Trinity will bring on the rapture, and open up the gates to Ascendus: Abnorm Heaven. Regardless of being Abnorm or not, if you are a devote follower, you will be allowed in. That is what Ascendaism teaches, as preached by the Trinity.
  • Heath: Elected Leader of the League of Bounty Hunters
The "Polarize Effect": A strange, rare occurrence, between two Abnorms. Their powers react in away that is yet to be understood. Several things can occur when the Polarize Effect goes off, but the primarily interesting one, is infusing an Abnorm, with both Abnorm's abilities. Essentially, giving an Abnorm a new power. This transference is rare, and baffling. It is uncertain what causes this exactly, and what all of the effects of this are. The Polarize Effect is of great interest to many, and is an object of research for those many.

**Anything like this, are technically lies**

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