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"You can't defeat me!",but he was wrong; he can be defeated but no one knows how. The swarm of shades flew around him like angry bees,"get away from me!". Sombra saw him die down a bit, which bought him a little time to run, "if I can't get the princess first, you'll go down with me!"

To be continued
Ace goes ancient sage mode "get out of this castle" he throws both katana's at him purposely misses "LIKE I SAID GET OUT OF THIS CASTLE BETTER YET THIS KINGDOM or else" suddenly pitch black arrives "ace is that you" Ace "who said that" Pitch Black "I did, I thought I lost you for eternity" Ace "who the hell are you" Pitch Black "it's me your dad" Ace "my parents are dead" then Ace makes a black dust shard and throws it at Pitch, pitch makes it turn back into dust and turns it into a horse "heh heh heh, you really don't remember me do you" Ace "how can you do that I just learned how to do this" Pitch "shhh it's ok but wait you were born with no magic or power, it was always Aster who did the fighting" Ace "Aster gave me his power for now" Pitch "here let me PITCH in" suddenly pitch gives some of his power to Ace, Ace "Sombra, I know I said it before but this time it's true" and then the black family magic starts to circle around Ace in a ferocious and crazy like wind and then it all collapses into him his right pupil turn even more red than it already is and his right eye opens so wide it's almost like its going to burst

Virus Virus

to be continued
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"Never!!", he charged at him, but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard his brother,"no, no! It can't be!", he snarled and ran to the corridors while distracted.

"I think we should-", she heard shouting from the hallways,"no...".
"Let's get out of here!", Cambrid shouted.
"No, you idiot, kill her, son!!"
Laura realizes why her cousin had green eyes earlier; he didn't defeat him,"this is all your fault!!", in an instant, she flew out of the castle, Sombra right behind her, roaring madly,"get back here you fool!"

To be continued...
Jayden focused his eyes on Cambrid. "Why did you lie to her!" He then advanced towards Cambrid, Jayden's right eye half red due to lack of sleep and the vile starting to wear off. And it seemed Jayden has become aggressive.

Virus Virus

To be continued...
Ace "EVERYBODY GET OUT OF HERE THIS IS GOING TO GET MESSY" then his wings pop out but they are 5 times bigger than Laura's but look different, shadow swords Ace runs to Sombra and stabs him 50+ times "die already" "you know what you leave me no choice" Ancient sage Art Black magic rods "if you don't get your sorry little ass back to the dungeons your going to have more than one hundred of these in your body"

Virus Virus Half-blood demon Half-blood demon

to be continued
"You leave me no choice!", battered, bloody, and bruised, he stormed off to the dungeons; he would have to try again at getting the rulers. Laura flew back,"is he dead?", She caught eye of the liar and charged at him,"lemme at him! He started this!!"
"Whoa, hold on, ill explain!", he ran and hid.
"Come back here! You started all this war, and its all your fault. Ill kill you till death!", She still charged at him with a black dagger.
He his behind Alexander, hoping She couldn't find him, but she could see his face peeking out,"you are going down with him, ill show you the blacks wrath!"
"What's going on?!", soon enough, a black cloaked figure came out of the throne room, pitch.
"He didn't kill sombra, instead he let him Live and go on a rampage!"

Meanwhile, sombra ran into the dungeons; guards were suspicious of something, thinking he killed and murdered someone, so they put him back in his cell. "Ill get them, eventually..."

@ everyone
"wait Laura I was the one that started the war I went on a rampage and might have lowered the number of guards that were at the dungeon" suddenly Ace collapsed on the ground, black dust started to to turn into the shape of a body it was Astor in his true form he picked up Ace and said "c'mon man you have to stay with us there's going to be more battles like this and a lot of fun times" and then Astor collapsed back into Ace's body, Ace got up and said "I cant go on in this body i'll have to go into a new one" and then Ace regenerated but it wasn't a normal regeneration it was like the color of ice and then it stopped, Ace "what happened" and then he blacked out from exhaustion. "jack frost is the new form of my son, interesting" pitch black said with a smirk on his face.
"Okay everyone, it was a long and hectic day. Why don't we sleep over it and discuss the first thing in the morning what happened." Wich gives me a night to prepare new trinkets. As far as I know, I can trust them. I have to seeing that don't know how to get rid of them incase of the worst case scenario.
Jayden walks over to Alexander, "I agree we should deal with this tomorrow and get some sleep. Besides, we'll be rested and have more energy after some sleep."

@ all near
Alexis goes over to Ace's new body "uhh, shouldn't we take care of him first he's just here"

@ everyone nearby
"Laura, seeing you take charge of all, plus being leader of a army. The responsibility goes to your capable hands. " In reality Alexander was being a lazy ass and trying to get back at Laura for being secretive.

Everyone Everyone
Alexis "people we really need to take care of Ace he's just here in the hall way we need to get him somewhere"

@ everyone
Alexis "finally i can go to sleep" while Alexis was asleep her scythe told her father how she was doing.
Jayden then walked down the hall to his room 220. He entered the room and basically flopped down on his bed and almost instantly fell asleep.
(in the morning) Ace heads to the bathroom to wash his face he looks up in the mirror and see's his face "what the, what happened to my face" he goes into the hallway and see's Jayden and Alexander "hey guy's whats happening, what happened, why do I look like this"

ToLazyToCare ToLazyToCare Half-blood demon Half-blood demon

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