The Dark Knight


New Member

It was a cloudless night that day. No one knew what was going to happen or unfold during this everlasting night, some stayed on the tippy toes and watch closely to the thick dark for something, others talked and calmed their nerves feeling safe being in a town for once and not out on the feild. However not to far away will come their doom, who knows who will live. I wasn't sure. Nor are you. Lets see what unfolds. Let the bloodshed begin!
There was a flash in the sky,but the people on the ground couldn't see anything else in the sky. A black speck circling lazily above their heads was there,but it was just a buzzard. What else could it be?

In reality,it was a Vokken Stealth Drone. An experimental model,known as VokkStlRcn000.EXE. Its mission was to gather intel of the planet's surface,and any inhabitants. If there was a battle,gague the combatants,and determine if they pose a threat. Invisible to radar,and appearing only as a circling buzzard high in the sky,it waited.

The drone's position:

A large crack of timber is heard int the Forrest

J/E have arrived with a small recon force

"this land must submit to our common wealth. if they don't they must be removed"

the drones are winding up. and waiting for the scout drones to enter orbit
Intercepted Data Packet. Decrypting...

///[sndMssg T COMMAND.COM F VokkStlRcn.EXE]\\\

///[sbjct: PrelimDta;Pln0379 Grd AV37,pt1]\\\


Two (2) fctns prsnt;One (1) hmn,one (1) Brthn. Hmn thrt:Sml. Brthn tht:Cnsdrbl. Brthrn cmptblty:???

Rsmng Rcn.APP


End transmission.

A sound has been heard the private goes and checks it out appearently no one else has noticed. But he has and he doesn't know what to do, so he shoots. THe alarm has been raised in the cottage house, alas no one but the private knows whats happening, he was the only one to see those things come from the forest. He had to do something, he choose wise but never the less stupid. I was near the dock at this time. I was with a time to go check out the ship off the dock. I was glad I was about to leave that place anlthough I never thought of leaving, all my friends were here. They even had hats! But i senced another peresence there some how something...watching me.

Dennis ( the cannon) gets startle by the gunshots against him.

his top hull is pieced and his main drive core is damaged. and it have to be replaced before it melts down.

he shots at the private with his high explosive round.

the damage is substantial

Klaus and Boris boots up

the scanners have entered and a typographic map of the area is set in effect

That explosion was huge, it couldn't have been on of ours maybe it was Russain, or german. All what I knew then was that my heart stopped. The two men theat were op the ramp yelled for me to continue. I wasn't all that happy, I wanted to get into the fight. Thats when I saw it. That thing in the sky. I idn't know what it was but in made my heart jump. At the moment all I wanted to do was run. But I didn't. I stood still not knowing what to actually do. The Hellfire roket was fired at that craft in the sky I hoped that it would hit.
VokkStlRcn.EXE picked the rocket up the moment it was fired,and put it's counter-intelligence systems to work. It sent detonationn signals to the projectile,at a rate of six hundred per second,each signal on a new frequency. Then,before the missile connected,it worked. It exploded well above the village,but well below the drone.

Intercepted data packet. Decrypting...

///[Msg F VokkStlRcn.EXE T COMMAND.COM]\\\

///[sbjt: Udr fre]\\\

Hmn fctn opd fre n ths unt. Rqstg bkp

Rsmg Rcn.APP

///[Msg F COMMAND.COM T VokkStlRcn.EXE]\\\

///[sbjt: RE: Udr fre]\\\



Klaus and Boris marches forward towards the explosion.

scanner et "levendene enheder fundet- - - - humanoider"

scanner to " ikke organiske enheder fundet - - - metaliske legering - - - ??fejl??"

scanner tre " landings zone fundet."

scanner one "Living units found - - - - Humanoid"

scanner Two "Non organic unit found - - - metallic alloy - - - ??error??"

scanner Three "Landing zone found."

Dennis pops open his hatch and the scolding hot shell out.

Lader pops out Dennis'es fresh shell out

Dennis is in operable until the Plutonium 299 power cells are replaced with new ones

the large radioactive wave caused by the exposed cores shuts off scanner et and fuzzes up Scanner to optical and inferred tracking equipment

The war has started and I was in the middle of it. I decided to do my mission and go to the ship. Nothing really happened when I did this other then Our tanks is up and running.
Data stream intercepted. Decrypting...

///[Msg F VokkStlRcn.EXE T COMMAND.COM]\\\

///[sbjt: Hmn tnk]\\\

Hmn fctn hs tnk. Wrnng Brthrn.

Rsmng rcn.APP

///[Msg F [uNCONFIRMED SOURCE].EXE T J/E Local Command Network]\\\

///[sbjt: Warning]\\\

Enemy armour detected in the settlement. Exercise caution.

Rsmng rcn.APP


Dennis is offline. but lader still manages to stuff his reload clasp inside of him with another HE shell

the cell changer sucks up His power core and the radiation is instantly lowered and both scanner et and to is fully operationally again

another cell changer is already on its way with a full set of plutonium rods


alerts the ground team. a amour vehicle is in the town.. thread is moderate

and a message is revived but incapable of transcribing it

alert status is now heighten from 5 to 4
Data packet intercepted. Decrypting...

///[Msg F [uNCOMFIRMED SOURCE].EXE T J/e Local Command]\\\

///[sbjt: Enemy movement]\\\

A single soldier is moving to docked vessel in small boat. Possible heavy weapons on board larger vessel. Act on your own discretion.

Rsmng Rcn.APP


Dennis is being re fitted with his new Power cell's

Klaus and Boris is having some trouble getting through the Forrest.


scanners unable of locating amour vehicle

static from //UNKNOWN// interference


DANGER level heighten to 3

//SENDING// ground team In //TWO// Cycles If //ERROR// Isn't fix by scout Team

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