The Dark Era


The Faithful
Here are the open slots-


1. Khal Elementi @Dark Deceptions

2. Victor Vice @Darkens

5. Reserved @LotusSan





(Yes I can reserve slots, but make your character within 2 days.)

Name: (First middle last)

Age: (12+)



Race/Species: (You can be other races too, but I prefer if you were one of the ones that I listed)

Occupation: (If any)

Appearance: (Unrealistic or realistic picture or GIF)

Personality: (At least one paragraph)

Biography: (At least one paragraph)

Other: (Optional)


"She wields the sword not only physically, but spiritually."

Name: Esme Juniper Grasshans

  • Age: 19
  • Sex/Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'6"
    Race / Species: Unknown to others. They keep it a secret.
    Occupation: Lone warrior.
    Her Heaven form
    Her form when she is on earth.
    She changes her armor style to hide her identity. Her features get lighter when she is in her form to enter heaven.

    Personality: Esme is determined to finish what she started. She will not bring harm to others who do not act as a threat, but she will fight back if it's necessary. She dreads killing anything or anyone, but if it is vital to do so, she will not hesitate. She will find a way to make sure her comrades did not die in vain.
    She will do whatever it takes to keep others safe and will always keep a promise.
    Biography: She has no known family. She has never felt love, and has never loved anyone. She was adopted by a human family when she was found roaming the land alone as a child at the age of eleven. An evil foe killed the family who adopted her, and she is seeking revenge. She travels alone hoping to find the cause of her adopted family's death. Esme forged her own katana which she named Fearposer. She was naturally skilled at combat, and her race is one of few who can enter heaven and hell.


  • Other: About Fearposer- The katana was made from blessed steel. Steel that has been enchanted to last for eternity, and for the wielder of the weapon made from it will be spiritually connected to it. Her katana has a meter long blade and the handle is wrapped in a dark blue and light blue silk grip ribbon that is finished with a knot and the ribbon ends are about six to seven inches long. The sheath has an appearance of worn leather dyed blue with ancient style writing on it. It says 'kunama echt bassnokoh' which means 'knight worthy' in her native language.
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Name: Khal Elementi

Age: 23

Sex/Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Race/Species: Avariel Elf (Winged Elf)

Occupation: A Hunter/Woodsmen


Personality: Khal is a semi-solitary soul who spends most days out in nature. He is quick to help people and animals even at the risk if his own safety. Despite his more or less peaceful nature, Khal has a ruthless side when it comes to individuals or groups that have petty squabbles that end up putting others at risk, especially the nature he cares so much for.

Biography: Being one of the winged elves, Khal is known for being one of the few of his kind that will leave their floating home that no one can find and actually interact with the world below and around him. He is the equivalent of a ranger to his kind and is left alone to his own devices since it causes no issues and seems to only help. When Khal is on the ground, he is usually seen with a wolf, a bat, or a young dragon following him like a loyal pet. This ranger is well known to the other rangers as a peaceful individual who won't hesitate to help someone in need and won't tolerate any violence in his territory.

Other: Is equipped with two unique blades and a specially crafted bow. Is rumored to have elemental influences

Name: Indicus Vencule

Age: 27

Sex/Gender: Male

Height: 5' 10"

Race/Species: Human

Occupation: No occupation he is just an adventurer searching for a path in the world




Without his armor he has brown hair and eyes, lean and agile build, his face is a bit more angular then most humans, some scars on his stomach, one on his leg from an arrow.

Used to be more trusting and naive but over time has become weary of others until he comes to trust them, due to being cheated or back stabbed one time it was almost literally. Indicus has grown to enjoy the thrill of chaos and danger and even thrives in it. When he has his emotional armor off he is often a friendly person, but is not afraid to call things as he sees it.

Raised in a farming village his parents were of course farmers. His father taught him when he was eight, to hunt and be able to live off the land when necessary, and his mother taught him math, reading and writing. At the age of ten an old swordsman and storyteller taught him how to properly wield a blade, at fifteen Indicus's teacher tested him, and Indicus held his own.

He was sixteen years, the age where those in the village were considered adults, when he said his farewells and started his adventure to find his place and explore the world, while he was at it. During those eleven years, he has traveled much of the land and experienced many things, acquiring items and skills from his exploits, one of which was becoming a member of a thieves guild in the Villa of Taurus for two years, because he owed them when they got him out of trouble with a guard that was harassing him, during that time he received the armor he now wears.

Equip with a dragon-bone bow he found in an old ruin, arrows, a steel sword and dagger, some lockpicks, and armor he received for doing an important job for the guild.

rAiNbOw CoOkIe
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Name: Victor Vice

Age: 30

Sex/Gender: Male

Height: 7ft

Race/Species: Fallen Angel

Occupation: N/A


Personality: In heaven, Victor was a cheerful, joyous young man. But as soon as he was cast down to the world, with only one functional wing, he became the man he is today. A sarcastic, dark-humored, vengeance-seeking fallen angel. Victor continues to take very little seriously, but in a more twisted manner. There is no empathy or feelings in Victor; especially not feelings of remorse nor guilt. He believes everything he does is correct, making him quite conceited.

Biography: Victor was a normal angel. That is, until he commited, God-knows-what and sentenced to the worst punishment of angels. They tore up his left wing,and his right turned a sinister black. When he awoke on the ground, in the land of mortals, he snapped. Something in his brain went off that day, and he isn't planning on recovering. Victor now seeks revenge, the dish best served frozen - like his icy heart. He may never get his justice, he may never become an angel again; but that doesn't stop him from trying.

Victor is still searching for his purpose (if there is one anymore), and even just what kind of vengeance he wishes to attain.

rAiNbOw CoOkIe
Name: Annika Rose (She doesn't know her last name and goes by her first and middle)

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Height: Around 4'9

Race/Species: Elf

Occupation: None


(Her hair is instead a very fair blonde)

Personality: She is normally a very friendly and outgoing girl, though to strangers she can easily become shy and timid. She is very curious, active, fun-loving, and even has her stubborn moments. She has many personalities, but is very rarely ever angry.

Bio: Annika was an orphan, but wasn't interested in being adopted as much as some other kids. She headed out into the wilderness, and takes it upon herself to survive. She goes hungry most nights, but has managed to survive for a few years. Sometimes she bumps into someone, and either makes a new friend, or runs away before she can be killed. Some have called her mature, but other just say she's a kid with guts and logic. Annika is almost always on the move, and though she won't admit it, she gets a little lonely.

Other: She has a small knife as a weapon, but other than that has no weapons. Being an elf, she can do magic, but so far it is very limited and hard to use. She has been practicing a few simple spells however, though they still aren't quite as perfect as she would like.

The spells are invisibility and healing. Neither are very powerful or perfect, as said earlier.

rAiNbOw CoOkIe
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Name: Aaron Nebulas Sonak

Age: 100 (Looks 12 in human form)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11 in human form, 8'6 in other form

Race: Demon

Occupation: None


(Human form)


(Demon form)

Personality: Aaron is quiet and has a temper. He always thinks things through and is independent. He is a troublemaker and disagrees with almost everyone. His risks are almost as big as his ego. He is smart though, and he doesn't show kindness a lot. He would torture evil people to hear the stories they tell. He makes people fear him.

Biography: Aaron does not know of any family. He will show no mercy in battle. With his axe/staff, DeathBreaker, he is hard to defeat in demon form. While he is in human form, he has powerful fire magic. He'll welcome you to Hell. He speaks two languages, the language of the humans and DemonTongue. He might open up to people if they were nice to him or if they didn't hate him.

Other: His axe/staff DeathBreaker was forged from a metal unknown to many. DeathBreaker has writing on the staff. It says "Echid Fas Al Rol." It means "Strike Fear Into Hearts" in DemonTongue.

He also has a pet hellhound named Raiser.

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.

rAiNbOw CoOkIe
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Name: Erik Lif(leef) Pazuru

Age: 24

Sex/Gender: Male

Height: 5'4"

Race/Species: Human

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfee46e40_rplightgunner.png.8e252dcb8175b1ec7e634e6127f349ad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfee46e40_rplightgunner.png.8e252dcb8175b1ec7e634e6127f349ad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

PERSONALITY: Mostly serious and straightforward. Blunt. Not usually hesitant to get into a fight. When he does, the seriousness nearly vanishes. It is replaced by a bloodlust, and a strong sense of pride. Unless he's fighting or on the verge of inventing something new, he's very lazy. His current motivation is to reap bounties so he can continue his inventing.

Former archer of The Villa of Taurus. He vanished from the kingdom during a mission. Scouts found his team dead. Erik woke up in a field with little memory of the event, except for his comrades falling - it haunts him. Sometimes he'll find himself flashing back to the image, and let a target get away. An injured angel told him that she saved him, before she collapsed from injury and vanished. His father was an inventor. After he died, Erik, 9 at the time, studied his skills. He currently roams the world, in search of wanted criminals.

His guns, Cain and Abel, were given to him by the angel just before she disappeared. They shoot bullets of light, which only run out when the user has lost their will to fight. They cannot be wielded by demons. As an inventor, Erik also has an array of devices. This currently consists of a mobile sentry, air-propulsion boots for short bursts of speed, grappling hooks, and a large, steel glove to help with melee combat - which he has little experience in. His smaller-than-average frame, however, helps with evasive maneuvers.

rAiNbOw CoOkIe


  • rp light gunner.png
    rp light gunner.png
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Name: Amy Ipos Ornias

Age: 19

Sex/Gender: female

Height: 5"6'

Race/Species: fallen angel

Occupation: none

Appearance: (her wings are dark gray)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/675137f71ec0d60665f0833a0b8db8111230149458_full.png.f617e4619b105f67c5cf64d5f0e9b017.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/675137f71ec0d60665f0833a0b8db8111230149458_full.png.f617e4619b105f67c5cf64d5f0e9b017.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: In heaven Amy was very lively and known for her kind nature. When she fell to earth it was like a black hole appeared where her heart once was. The once lively girl became emotionless, not showing any sign of life. She just stares, like a life sized porcelain doll. Her kind nature was replaced by a desire to led people out in the middle of no-where and leave them to die. She doesn't feel remorse for this , she does get a weird sense of joy though.

Biography: Known for taking in newcomers and showing them the ropes, she was the model angel. Then one day she broke a rule, she fell in love with a human. It wouldn't have caused her to be casted out if, she hadn't gone and visited him on the human realm. She was casted out not before removing her ability to fly. She still has her wings but, she cant use them. Now she wanders the magroth ruins leading humans into the labyrinth of ruins until they are lost, leaving them for dead.


rAiNbOw CoOkIe


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I don't know what I'm missing so I just edited it. xD

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.
Fellow fan of Pacific Rim can you please read the message I sent you? ;-; 
Name: Nialla Grey

Age: 25

Sex/Gender: Female

Height: 5'7"

Race/Species: Human, shapeshifter

Occupation: Assassin (Formerly).

Appearance (human):Blue eyes, brown hair. This is about as close to her as I could find. She never wears heavy armor, finding comfort in light layers of clothing and aware that if in danger she can simply change her form to something with greater protection.

Her nonhuman appearance changes depending on what she wants to be.

Personality: She is outwardly a very friendly and charismatic woman, always offering a hand when needed and complaining as little as possible. She offers little to no true information about herself, but is known to lie about her life on the spot. When in situations in which someone sees her true self behind the mask, she is quick to eliminate them before they can become a threat.


Nialla was born in the streets of the capital city of the Kingdom of Hommeus. Her father was careless and abusive, leaving Nialla with bruise after bruise over the years. Eventually, after twelve years of near starvation and suffering, her parents sold her off to be one of the many servants of King Jumia.

The twelve year old girl was overwhelmed by the gorgeousness of King Jumia's castle, from the servants' quarters to the kitchen, everything she saw was luxurious. She shared the quarters with many other children and teenagers, with some as young as her or almost old enough to be adult. The older ones were the most experienced, and acted as though the youngest were to do all of their work for them. Intimidated by their size and attitude, Nicole and the other young ones did as they were told for weeks upon weeks.

Eventually, after almost two months of work, every underage servant was blindfolded and escorted to a large chamber with a balcony overlooking the room. The room was lit despite no visible light source shown, though there was still barely enough light to see one another with. After the last of them had been thrown into the chamber, the king himself, Jumia, appeared atop the balcony and ordered everyone in the arena to kill one another, offering the survivor riches beyond their wildest dreams.

Most stood in shock, not knowing what to do, and even Nialla didn't begin to move until the boy next to her attempted to punch her. She instinctively moved to avoid it and broke off, looking for some place to hide in the massive arena. She found nowhere to hide and no weapon to use, but by staying away from the middle she kept herself from having to fight.

She managed to kill the last exhausted survivor only so she didn't die, and was rewarded a full royal education and training to be one of the king's elite assassins. The six years that followed melded her into the person she became, teaching her to be cold and distant, and to always be prepared to end someone's life in service of Jumia.

For almost five years she served the king as an assassin, finally quitting when he sent her on a suicide mission to kill the queen of Taurus. Confident in the shapshifting abilities taught to her, and her abilities as an assassin, she struck out on her own with no mission in mind, her only goal being survival.

Other: She isn't the best of shapeshifters, and is unable to change into anything much larger than a bear, but is very capable for her age. She has two knives for her weapons, and is trained in the use of spears, swords, and bows.

rAiNbOw CoOkIe
@Darkens, your character is sort of overpowered. You can't be totally unstoppable in demon form. But you can be hard to defeat.


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