The Dandelar Club

Jonathan Kerrigan

The woman didn't seem shocked, but surprised by his words, his plan was successful. Every time this happened he was equally amazed, the power of speech. She might be holding the gun, but he had his way with words and after the unfortunate stumble, his confidence had now returned to normal. After she had obviously studied his appearance, foolishly thinking she could figure something out by looking at him, she spoke.

"Are you here for Mr.Hutchinson? Because so am I. His lateness has never occurred before...". How disappointing... He had lost his chance to play his beloved game of words. She had lost, no, she had yielded, giving away her intentions and her relation to the club. But the thought of that she just lost a game she didn't know she was playing amused him and he couldn't help but smile. Even though this encounter was in the end a social disappointment, he was glad she wasn't a woman of the law, they were all trouble and no fun.

"Can I reach for my smokes without you putting a bullet between my eyes?", he said, ignoring the question she had asked.
Evaline LaForge

~"Calm and collected."~

A brief pause, and the man simply smiled. Without so much as a quiver in this throat, the man casually sidestepped her question, asking his own instead. The sheer nerve, not answering her question, the woman who had a gun pointed straight for him! What made it all the more worse was his smooth voice, and confident tone. Almost as if he didn't care... his hands proceeded to move towards the cigarettes within his coat pocket. Evaline violently motioned her gun forward, "I'm afraid not.", she spoke harshly, emphasising the end of her statement. Her eyes scanned his face, but could draw nothing from it. "You haven't answered why you're here, and for all I know you have a gun ready to aim at me."

She waited for his eventual answer, and wondered where Hutchinson was still. Surely he could hear all of this transpiring, or perhaps he really wasn't here. She pondered further, her eyes never leaving the sights on her silenced pistol, still aiming at the man, ready to fire at a moments notice. No peculiar sounds occured around her, nobody else appeared to be here. The man seemed to have came alone. A grim hint of a smile blossomed on Evaline's face. Perhaps the man would answer and be more obedient if there was a bullet in his kneecap.
Jonathan Kerrigan

She didn't immediately respond to the question, so therefore Jonathan started to slowly move his left hand down towards his right jacket pocket. He didn't get far until the woman replied. "I'm afraid not.", she said emphasizing the "not". "You haven't answered why you're here, and for all I know you have a gun ready to aim at me.", she continued. Yes!. And just like that, the game had resumed after the short intermission. He looked right into her eyes, her look gave it away. To him, the way a person looked at you could tell you whether they had their next action planned out. The woman had the look of someone thinking they were in control of proceedings, which she was no fool to think. But Jonathan operated on a different level, he didn't need no gun to win the game of conviction.

"You're no fool, I'll give you that. But tell me, why do you aim weapons at strangers?", he replied while lowering his hand.
Evaline LaForge

~"Getting to the point."~

The man lowered his hand from his coat pocket - at last an action that made sense. He quickly glanced at her eyes, assessing her, reading her... and in a moment looked away. The man was calm, unnaturally calm, considering at any second Evaline could shoot an array of bullets into his chest, the last thing he would see would be the muzzleflash of her pistol... or perhaps the ceiling as he tumbled over in his own blood, his vision fading to black. Yet, Evaline felt no need to gun the man down... atleast not yet. Her trigger finger was still at the ready, her ears still scrying the area for any sounds of movement. He may not be alone, and their conversation was most likely attracting his friends if they were existed... It would certainly explain the mans collective nature. But then again, he seemed to know what he was doing here, how to manipulate and control a situation, how to consistently refuse to give out any information about himself, or answer any of her questions. A silver-toungued man perhaps? Or perhaps he was hiding his fears deep down that at any point he could take a bullet to the chest.

The true question was, why was he withholding information. A marked man? Perhaps wanting to get the upper-hand in knowledge? Whatever the case, Evaline was starting to bubble with irritation at the whole affair. If he refused to give information, then Evaline refused to as well; this word game was not new to her.

......."You expect answers, yet give none yourself? That only works when you're in my position." Evaline spoke, taking a step down the stairs towards the man. "The position of holding your life at my whim." She smirked slightly, she had full control of the situation, and the man below her knew it. "Now, tell me... why are you here?"
Jonathan Kerrigan

"You expect answers, yet give none yourself? That only works when you're in my position.", the woman said as she took a step down the stairs towards him, her gun still aimed right at his chest. "The position of holding your life at my whim.", she said as Jonathan waited for the inevitable complacent smirk, he didn't wait long. "Now, tell me... why are you here?". Jonathan couldn't help but let out a slight giggle, the game is intensifying. "Bravo, my lady, bravo.", he said while distinctly looking right into her eyes. "Allow me to smoke and I might let you in on a thing or two", he said with a ice cold smile on his lips.
Evaline LaForge

~"The straw that broke the camel's back."~

Evaline's mind was compiling information, shuffling knowledge about like a myraid of conveyor belts with boxes of puzzle pieces, trying to figure out who this man was, or most likely was. None of this made sense; the man wasn't afraid, he was unnaturally care-free, despite knowing full well his life could end at any second! Why!? Was the man simply this stupid? There had to be others; there just had to be. If he was alone, then he'd know he would be dead in the next few moments. But there was no noise, at all... and Evaline was no stranger to stealth. The whole affair made no sense, if only Hutchinson could just appear an-

-Hutchinson. Where was he? This new man, his whereabouts unknown, it all made sense. He had been kidnapped; he hadn't left a message on Evaline's phone apologizing for his lateness, there was no noise from him anywhere, the club was silent save the bickering idiot infront of herself. The man, was he sent here to kidnap him? Perhaps he had completed his task - but why did he come back? The theory felt out of place with that detail, but it was the only logical deduction. And his "smokes", most likely a weapon to detain Evaline. Yes, it had to be! She nearly considered shooting him there and then, if it wern't for the fact she had swore she had heard of his... peculair description. The Eye-patch certainly helped there. She had heard of the man somewhere... one of the Mafia members definitely. Did the Mafia send him? What did Hutchinson have to do with all of this!? Was he after the briefcase as well!?

It seemed far-fetched, but it seemed to be logical given the current situation. Evaline needed the man alive; but co-operative. The grip on her pistol tightened, her arm moved ever so slightly to the left, becoming rigid as soon as it stopped, her finger felt cold against the steel embrace of the trigger - it just wanted to be squeezed, to fire off just a single bullet. The man spoke into her eyes, never shying away from them.

"Bravo, my lady, bravo.", "Allow me to smoke and I might let you in on a thing or two".

Such... disrespect! Did he not care!? About anything!? How dare he not answer even a SINGLE question? Did he not consider that his life could be ended right now! He had no control, the control was all hers! If he didn't believe it then her finger clenching; pulling the trigger on her pistol definitely proved it. A loud bang, its pitch strangled and muffled by the supressor attached to the gun, the white flash invigorating the room with light for once in its decade of darkness, the bullet flew straight for the disrespectful imbecile infront of her.

A hard splash followed immediately after, and in the next moment, the casing of a hot nine millimeter round. The bullet hit the wooden floorboards directly behind the man, but not without first grazing the man's left ear, cutting it ever so slightly - a red line of blood streaking down it. She intended to miss entirely; but perhaps a little blood wouldn't help.

......."I don't care who you are, I don't give a shit if you insist on avoiding my question, I will put the next few rounds into your chest." Her lips moved ferociously, her teeth showing more-so than normal. Her eyes grew hotter, piercing into the man's own eyes, never averting her gaze. Her pistol moved downwards for the man's sternum. "Why. Are. You. Here?"
Jonathan Kerrigan

Her face turned gray, Ohh no! I just pissed off Evaline LaForge. He shrugged at the sound of the gun firing, but he remained still. Why hadn't he realized sooner? This woman was the thief!

They had never met in person, but he knew her very well. It was a contact he had long wanted to gain, she was worth a lot of money.

She said something to him but he didn't listen, his mind was in hyperdrive trying to figure his way out of this without loosing the possibility to make money out of her.

"Why. Are. You. Here?". Erhm... He remained silent for a short moment with a puzzled look on his face.

"Don't be such a bore Evaline, I'm here to see my dealer. But the true que-Ahh!", he felt a stinging pain in his left ear, he felt blood. "What the fuck? Why?", he said spontaneously while putting a finger towards where he thought the blood was coming down.
The gun blast echoed down the staircase, was reflected back to the ceiling and its sound spread throughout the entire building on both floors. The drops of blood that hit the wooden stair between Evaline and Jonathan made a quiet "thump" sound that was carried in the silence that filled the floors after the gunshot was over. The breathing between the two bodies at gun point picked up, as the pressure began to build.

Yet the silence didn't last, a loud sound of something being knocked over could be heard from behind Evaline's shoulder. It was in one of the closed rooms, and the one crashing sound led to an avalanche of other crashing sounds, as it seemed entire furniture was being pushed over. Loud footsteps followed, and then the jiggling of the lock. That was when the door flung open.

"What the hell?" An unfamiliar man's voice screamed. "What the fuck is happening out there?" The scream came from one of the rooms at the very end of the hallway.

Evaline - You probably took a look over your shoulder to see where the noise was coming from at first, but you knew who was more of an immediate danger, and refocused your efforts on the man standing a few steps below you. However you were startled when you heard the sound of the ricochet of a bullet against the wall in front of you.
Evaline LaForge

~"The clatter of casings."~

Her finger relaxed - her breath exhaled swiftly. It was like a painkiller in her head exploded, it felt good breaking this man's unnatural calm as he spouted an explicitive. The man felt the small graze on his ear, his hand slightly dotted with his own blood. His expression was puzzled; yet he still gazed at her. A smile crept on her face. The man said he was here to see Mr.Hutchinson, but she knew the man's name was already mentioned by herself. It could perhaps be a ploy to keep himself alive.

Perhaps finding out his purpose here wasn't worth the effort? The gun in her hand tightened ever so slightly, the thought of more firings appeased her mind - the man was a nuisance, a disrespectful and utter nuisance. The thought skipped a beat as the sound of unlocking and heavy moving was heard above - her mind cascaded with thoughts; perhaps the man wasn't alone? Heavy movements, an unlocking door, the sounds of creaking wood and shifting furniture... No, it was a man that decided to stay here. But why was he unlocking the door? Her head turned upwards, piqued with curiosity - but swiftly returned to the man infront of her.

She re-analyzed the situation again. What did the man say? His dealer... did she mention Mr.Hutchinson's profession? Evaline pondered, the profession wasn't mentioned - perhaps he really was here for him. Then again, if he was working for the mafia, he may know of him anyway. Too much risk, too many potential ways for this to end badly. If he just died here; then it wouldn't affect her slightly if he was after her. In fact, it would be benfecial! And if he really was a client for Hutchinson, then it was his fault for being so late. Evaline tightened her grip on the trigger, the blackened sheen of the pistol glaring in the light, its extended barrel aiming at the man.

A bang rang out, hitting the concrete of wall - shattering its plaster, but it was not from Evaline. It was on the wall infront of her, the explosive noise was loud - far louder than a pistol. The sound of metal hit the floor, the casing of a rifle round. Evaline panicked, and reacted to the most likely outcome. The noise was upstairs, someone came out of the room armed, and fired at Evaline - missing. How she missed the man's footsteps would have embarassed her - if not for the fact she was ready to kill the man that had foolishly forgotton how to aim such a simple tool. Her right foot pushed down on the wooden step, rotating her body to meet the upwards spiral of the stairs, her hair swinging with it. Her gun moved upwards - matching her eye. She lowered her body to make herself a smaller target - time seemed to slow down in the few seconds it took for the sights to line with the dark shadow aiming at her. Her body locked up, her legs rigid, her arms froze, the pistol ready to fire. Two shots rang. Two metal clicks on the floor.

The shadow at the top of the stairs bent over on the first, and fell backwards on the second. A clatter, followed by a reverberation of itself echoed in the room, but it was swallowed by the impact of the shadow's body, as well as it's screams of agony. Evaline quickly turned around to face the hostage she had taken - but was unsure whether he had ran, or was about to attack her. She was ready to shoot for the latter, and wondered if he had any sense to opt for the former. The pistol still had plenty of ammo to make sure he was dead.
Jonathan Kerrigan

Jonathan heard the now familiar loud bang of a gun firing and fell to the ground in reflex, but soon stood up again. He thought for a second that he had been shot. He looked down at his stomach and his legs, no, not him. What was going on here? He looked up at the woman as she made a quick turn and fired her weapon, it all happened to fast for him.

He took a step back but continued to stare at Evaline, who is this woman?. The limited information he had on her didn't include "Cold blooded killing professional", this is not at all how he imagined her. Obviously this made her even more valuable. She didn't fire again so he assumed she had hit her target, her skill stunned him. He took another step back as the woman turned towards him again. This was it, this is where his life ends. He thought of the years of struggle, deals and danger, all leading to a pathetic death in some old, dirty club, just because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Now you listen to me, I don't know what you think is going on here. But I'm here to see Mr. Hutchinson, nothing else", he said in desperation, not being able to think of a single reason why this woman shouldn't end his life.
Jacob Hawk/Mark Alder

Whatever his dreamy nightmares were Jacob had not been sleeping well, constantly tossing and turning on the leather booth. Alas whatever dreams were troubling him they did not have long to last as he was snapped back to wakefulness by a gunshot.

The sound echoed through the room and Jacobs eyes snapped open, he jerked with shock and rolled off the booth on to the hard floor and began to roll under the cloth covered table between. Daggers of pain laced in to his legs where he rolled over the broken glass from the bottle he had been drinking. He stops rolling and lifts his legs out of the mess of glass before they can come to more harm and slowly shimmies himself away from the glass pile against the other side of the booth.

Gunshot… too much of that today… Or was that yesterday now… Damnit don’t know… Damnit my legs hurt…. Jacob looks down at his legs and sees them covered in shallow but long scratches with a few deeper cuts mixed in, some smaller shards of glass are still in his skin and he reaches down to yank them out, causing more bleeding on his legs. What now... Do I run, hide or what…
Evaline LaForge

~"An end of charades."~

The pistol gripped tightly in her hand, her body rigid yet flowing as she spun around - ready to aim the pistol at the man below. She expected him gone; fled from the scene - but perhaps he was foolish enough to attack... whatever the case, her trigger finger was about to fire as she saw the faint outline of a man...

"Now you listen to me, I don't know what you think is going on here. But I'm here to see Mr. Hutchinson, nothing else"

Erratic... the words were no longer its unnatural calm - perhaps the man finally had an inkling of sense as to who controlled the situation here. And the words seemed true, yes... the man was telling the truth. At last, though his stupidity to not answering her question cost him perhaps a set of pants. A childish remark would have made her grin, if not for the fact Evaline was frothing inside at the situation. A dead man; an unwanted man; and a late man - men, honestly...

The sights on her pistol lowered as she retracted it towards her. She flung her other hand forward, striking the air.


"Finally, an actual fucking answer. You're welcome to wait for him down here..."

She turned around and walked up the stairs; keeping a careful watch on the man below with her ears. The stairs creaked with each step - she didnt care about being stealthy now, the situtation was handled. At the ascent of the stairs, she made sure her foot dug into the man that she mercilessly killed - remembering to pick up his rifle and ammo. A shame she had forgot her heels. She stroked her hair, brushing it sideways - a blow of air escaping her lungs. She needed her fix, it was starting to itch inside her - and the stress and panic of what had just transpired didn't help matters. Her bare feet brushed the dry carpet with each step towards her room - noting the lack of any forced entry... the briefcase was most likely safe. Checking her phone, it had been more than 20 minutes since her call... the only answer she had gotten lately was through an armed pistol and a dead man - perhaps it should be that way from now on with those that didn't answer her...

She opened the door, and wanted the world to just wash away for a brief moment...

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