The Dandelar Club


Level 20 Mizard
The Dandelar Club

OOC - This thread was separated/moved from the Downtown District. As such its location information will be added later.


Jacob - You took in breath. As you nervously scavenged the bodies that laid beside you. Feeling into their pants pockets, and their jackets you managed to recover a few magazines of bullets, and two handguns. While two of the men had rifles in their grasps, and one even had a shotgun, you didn't approach them. As their hands still quivered over the body and nose of the larger weapons. You also concluded that you wouldn't be able to carry much more than this anyway.

Stuffing the ammunition into your pockets, and holding the rifle with both hands (as it lacked any sort of strap), you darted away from the screen and crossed the street. The back-ways were always maze like, but what made you even more concerned was the echoing sound your footsteps made. The tiny pathways were in squalor, as you now headed towards one of the many ghettos that existed in the Downtown District bordering the Warehouse District.

You didn't run in a straight pattern, knowing it was too dangerous, but even so your pattern of movement was predictable, and you even backtracked several times, only to arrive at the conclusion that you were lost.

As you moved running left, than straight, for one or two more blocks, the adrenaline within you calmed and you found yourself running out of energy to move forward. You tried to observe your surroundings. The once glimmering portions of the city were gone, you could see the Price Tower and other monuments far overhead, possibly miles away. You weren't sure how long you ran, or where you intended on going, you just knew you wanted to get away. Taking in the environment, the boxed up buildings were somewhat familiar. However it was unsettling how it appeared every window in the block was boarded up, gang symbols written and then demarked, and the prized blue city dumpsters turned over and rusting.

You took in another deep breath, the idea came to start running again, but just as you picked up your feet, you stepped in another muddy puddle that filled in the remainder of a pot hole causing yourself to trip over. You fell flat on your face, but when you looked up you saw that directly ahead of you was an older apartment building with the door broken into. It seemed secure, and safe place to rest and think about what you might have to do.

You got away from Eli, that much you were glad, but now you were unsure if the Police were after you, or where Dean even went. You must of sighed as you got yourself back up from the ground.
Jacob Hawk / Mark Alder

Need to... Rest.. Tired. Jacob looks in to the building, the door had been kicked in at some point causing it to be dented in and the doorframe itself broken, it is now lying half in half out, its wood rotting slowly. Maybe if I get inside... anyone looking for me wont find me... Can.. Think of what to do next after I rest... Jacob slowly begins walking to the building, avoiding the copious cracks and pot holes in the road as he approached the exterior of the building. The old red brick and mortar building had been painted pink at one point, but now the paint was faded and flaking off in most places. Jacob reached the stairs and placed a careful foot on the stairs but away from the crumbling edges. He looked through the door, the hall lit by a single dim flickering bulb. Its wall coated in stained and peeling wallpaper that may of once bore the iconography of ponies.
Jacob - The entire room gave off a gasp of mildew as Jacob leaned into the room from the door-frame. It was a whiff of something fowl. There was evidence to a whole array of natural disasters within the room. The first noticeable one was previous flooding, it could be assumed from the smell alone. The wallpaper also signified something, its surface appearing to have air and water bubbles where it hadn't yet peeled. The next disaster, a testament to nature, didn't appear until Jacob looked past the flood damaged carpet of the hallway and looked towards the tiles on the ground that were a part of another room of the building. A gash protruded itself on the surface, as nearly one portion of the floor rose above the other. It was no doubt the recent Earthquakes that had caused such tremendous damage.

The old incandescent light bulb still flickered on and off, the other two lights in the hallway did not turn on. There circuits must have been damaged somewhere, but electricity did exist in this house, that much you knew. With the exception of the constant hum however of some machine working in the portion of the red brick building, the only other sound appeared to be the rustling of a pony wind-chime that hung in the hallways entrance. The window blowing its precious parts from the cracks in the boarded up window frame and the ajar door.
Detective Gremon's Shade......

The man ran desperately, trying to escape the scene, but the shade was already one step behind him, the darkened alleyways rendering him invisible. The man was searching frantically, his forehead sweating, irratic breathing. Scared, desperate. At times he ran in circles, sometimes backtracking on himself. Most likely lost, but perhaps he was trying to lose anyone potentially following him? Both options were possible. He fled towards the outskirt of the Downtown District, encroaching upon the Warehouse District itself. The closer he got to the other district, the more forgotton and decayed the buildings became. Gang symbols, boarded windows, graffiti, an entire realm of carelessness. The earthquakes however certainly added to it - some of the walls had collapsed into brick and dust.

The man kept running, his breathing starting to calm. His eyes no longer wide, the pupils not so dilated. The panic was starting to go away. He ran forward more, tripping over a wet pothole, slamming into the ground. It didn't seem to faze him. He immediately got up and entered a derelict building. He rested his hand on the doorframe, looking around, the shade right behind him in the house's shadow. He was clearly spent of energy, his arms were not as tense as they were, his breathing whilst slower, was more heavy. The dim light flickered on and off, only slightly illuminating the already darkened room. The man walked in slowly, climbing the stairs, looking behind him, his eyes staring right through the invisible haze of the shade. The light flickered again, the shade still perfectly invisible. The man continued to climb the stairs, the shade right behind him, hugging the darkness as a shroud.
Jacob Hawk / Mark Alder

Jacob slowly stepped off the steps of the building on to the old, stained and faintly rotting white carpeting. He eyed gash in the floor as he continued inward, wondering if the building was actually safe to be in. As he walked across the room he began to realize just how tired he actually was. He begin to feel the various bruises, cuts and scrapes he had gotten in the fight and on the way here. Damn.. It hurts.. Hopefully there is a place to sit somewhere in here. Jacob continued slowly across the room, he reached the doorframe for the next room, the door missing and the old linoleum tiling ripped inches up from the rest of the floor. Jacob slumped against the old wooden doorframe and looked in to the next room.
Jacob - Jacob's body relied on the door frame for safety, its wooden support were aged and a thin line of grim, evidence of the flood before, existed on its exterior. Slanting over to take a glance over the room, he saw nothing particularly spectacular, the floor was jagged, evidence to the previous earthquakes, and boxes were lined up on one portion of the room. No other furniture filled in, making the room appear very large and open. The walls were a creamy brown and the floor, with a large chasm diagonally through, was decorated with light brown tiles with a reddish hue.

There was one window in the center of the room but it was completely boarded up. There was also a closed door on Jacob's left side which had a loosely hanged dart board on it. Three darts protruded out of the target, but none of them hit the center. Whoever put them there was a bad shot. On his right was another doorway but without a door, it lead to a stairwell going up in the building. Strangely enough the stairwell's room had natural light coming in, as it appeared different then the other lights in the house. It was possible the window weren't all boarded up at the second level.

It was quiet, and Jacob almost felt at ease, like his body could just collapse into sleep at any time. Then there was the screeching of a car just outside the building. It seemed to have been turning dramatically and attempting to flee. Police sirens weren't too far off from then.

You looked around behind you to make sure you weren't being followed with a sigh of relief you didn't hear or see anything.The police sirens eventually moved on, and you were assured they were not met for you. Returning your eyes to the new room, something caught your attention. Next to the dart board, in one of the many stacks of cardboard boxes, a long stick of batteries, one of those impossible to open packages, revealed itself ever so shyly from its containing moving box, prevent the box from being fully closed.
Jacob Hawk / Mark Alder

As the cop cars sirens echoed through the building Jacob lurched in to the room out of sight from the door. He leaned against the wall shaking in fear as they passed. When silence once again fell he looked out of the room and saw nothing to be concerned with and looked back in to examining the room once more his eyes fell to the boxes. Jacob walked over to the boxes and lifted several of the packages out, there was several sizes of batteries in varying packages but less concerned with what size they were Jacob wanted to get them out of the packaging without having to drain a few of them to melt the plastic. Jacob looked around and saw the dart board with three darts still in it and walked over, he pried one of the darts out before lifting a battery package to the wall and using the darts sharp tip to pry at the packaging edges.
Jacob - Prying it open was a difficult process, but with a few gasps of air, a few tugs of your wrists and a few stabs of the dart, the packaging plastic that resisted all resistance gave away. The batteries were various sizes from the different packages. The most common were some alkaline AA batteries, but there was even a small container with watch batteries.

Cycling through the casing, you felt a tiny burning sensation on your hands. Jumping at the sight, you dropped the dart on the floor and were astonished to see that some of the batteries had corroded in their time stuck in the damp boxes. A thin acidic layer that appeared to be like rust, but was also similar to a liquid, burnt you when you touched it. Wiping it off as fast as possible, you felt some relief on your hand that now had a trickle of red skin from your index finger to your palm.

The pain wasn't unbearable and salvaging the remaining batteries you could you were able to fill an entire pocket with the different batteries. You felt some satisfaction with the find, but fatigue soon overcame you. Though examining the other portions of the room, there was only the small red couch, that wasn't appeasing to look at, its sensitive fabrics being destroyed by some water damage.

A need for rest made you yawn uncontrollably, but the couch was not really considered a desirable option. It could due, but there was also possibility to sleep elsewhere, as you looked to your right to see the upstairs, or looked to your left to see the closed door.
Jacob Hawk / Mark Alder

After the battery acid Jacob proceeded more cautiously through the remaining packages of batteries. When he reached the watch batteries he simply pocketed them rather than going through the trouble right then and there for such minor immediate benefit. Jacob yawned and turned away from the boxes looking around the room. Getting... *Yawn* Sleepy.. Jacob scanned the room, seeing the door and the stairs as the ways out of the room that may lead to sleep. With... the quakes... the upstairs levels... may not be stable... Jacob turns and tiredly shuffles over to the old solid oak door. He gently grabs the oxidized bronze handle and slowly turns it, leaning on it as it slides inward in to the next room holding on to the handle for support.
Jacob - The place was obviously older, the building must have been built decades ago, as you examined the now rusted bronze door handle. It was very decorative, and crafted into such a design that was beyond the regular time someone would spend in the modern day on such a simple thing as a door knob. Bolstering up the door with your body, you turned the door knob. The rust had gotten to its workings however, and it refused to budge at first. With a little ore weight pressed on the door by your body, the door reliquished itself from its aged position, swinging open to a dark abandoned room.

It was an uncanny presence the room had, as a warm dry breeze bellowed from the doorway. The room was dark and musty, and was strange in size. The room appeared to be more of a ballroom, but it was hard to tell exactly. There were also sorts of tables and booths and chairs decorated in the room, but most of the furniture was ether covered by sheets or laid in scattered piles in disarray. In the left most corner there was a small triangular stage and on the right portion was a bar, with cabinets and shelves filled with bottles behind it. What was most noticeable even in the darkness of it all, was the elaborate carvings that were engraved into the wooden bar's exterior. Angels, and songs and lain words were all described from where you were standing, but that was all you could see.

The room was too dark to see was rested in the back, the windows had all but been boarded up with the exception of one, whose curtains had been brought forward.
Jacob Hawk / Mark Alder

Jacob slowly moves forward through the dank darkness of the ballroom. He slowly meanders through the dank air of the room, past the ornate tables covered by dusty sheets. Jacob stopped for a moment and looked about the room, he stands roughly in the center of the room and turns about looking over the room from farther in.

As he turns about the room he sees the bar, behind it the shelves are still filled with bottles. Jacob's thoughts turn to not only is he tired but he is thirsty as well. He begins to head for it, grabbing a discarded metal folding chair along the way he lifts it to the crook of his arm and heads for the bar. Eventually he reaches the bar after tripping several times over pieces of discarded furniture and narrowly avoiding twisting his ankle in the darkness. He staggers around the end and folds open the chair between the shelves and the bar. Jacob plops down in to the chair and looks around the bar, looking for water or at least something only mildly alcoholic.
Jacob - At first glance, amongst the shelves of bottles, it appeared only the strongest of alcohols were available, the vodkas and gins. You pushed some of the bottles aside, as you soon stood up on the chair in the hopes of reaching even further shelves. From the ones that were empty to the unopened, you noticed that all the bottles were antiques. Their labels displaying dates long past, some vast decades old. You began to feel a little bit disoriented in the metal chair, as it wobble a bit underneath your feet, and made a sharp sound of metal bending. Fortunately nothing came about this after you stood still and you continued moving through the shelves.

Just as you were certain that no drinks existed that quenched your thirst and that you could tolerate, you noticed several other bottles in the lower shelves that had gone overlooked. They were in the back, behind several other bottles and containers. They were liquids certainly but these drinks were different than the brandies and other alcoholics found in the back, in fact, you weren't even sure if they were beverages. None of them had labels, and the bottles all varied in size, shape and material, and the liquids were an array of different colors, but the ones that caught your eyes appeared to be clear like water.
Jacob Hawk / Mark Alder

Jacob kneeled down to look at the bottom shelves. He pushed the bottles in the front aside and reached back feeling around in the back, eventually he pulled out a small bottle filled with something clear. Jacob popped off the top and sniffed it, having no distinguishable smell to it he raised it to his mouth to take a drink. Well…. This is a bad idea but… maybe its water. He raises it to his mouth and slowly gulps down a large part of the bottle before setting it down on the counter. Well… it tasted like water…. At least…..
Jacob - You moved over some of the bottles as gently as you could. Popping open the cap, a slight gasp of air escaped the bottle, and bubbles crawled up the bottle's curves. You raised it in the air, and it had quite the viscosity, moving quickly with every sudden movement. Believing it to be safe, you gulped down some of it. The liquid was refreshingly cool, it wasn't cold but it was certainly cooler than room temperature. It had a slight taste of minerals, but you were certain now that it was water in some form. Breathing in a sigh of relief, you felt relaxation overcome your body and a need to sit down. You immediately took a seat on one of the cushioned booths nearby, and continued drinking from the water.

As you sat there, you felt relaxed after drinking it, as you realized how hot and exhausted you were from running. The entire room felt relaxing actually, it wasn't nearly as muggy and hot as you remembered. It was relaxing. Very relaxing. You felt yourself starting to lean back a bit, but you took another sip. Once again it felt refreshing and you felt another wave of relaxation come over you.
Evaline LaForge

~"The start of things to come."~

"I want an answer in twenty minutes or less. No excuses."

The cell phone closed shut with a quick flick of the gloved hand. It stayed raised in the air, the hand clenching ever so slightly. A small gust of breath caressed it as it lowered; retreating into the fine satin side-pocket of a pair of black trousers. The hand lingered slightly, and raised itself up, past the exquisite white buttoned shirt, towards the forehead of the woman behind it all. Her middle and index finger rested on her brow; a fervorous blue sapphire ring, surrounded by intricate detailed gold resting on the index. A wisp of her brown hair gently surrounded her hand as a wind passed by.

A few minutes passed, and still no answer came. Such a simple answer as well: "Yes" or "No". The simplicity of it all was beyond comprehension as to how the answer had not arrived yet. Twenty minutes was a privilege for something so trivial. The man had ample time for someone of her status. She lowered her hand down at last; and laid her back against the brick wall. The area around her was torn, and beat-down. Buildings had been stripped of any lead and copper it had, glass windows were near non-existant. Wooden barriers and boardings dominated the architecture, mainly simple MDF or other fibreboards. Even those were broken in most areas; but they seemed to hide the interior of the buildings to some extent. The buildings themselves were decrepit and uncared for. Gang signs; random graphiti - or "art" as some naive people thought. They certainly were not a Picasso, such lack of sophistication or meaning. Just mere scribblings on walls. The pavement itself was neglected. Potholes and litter were scattered everywhere.

Not exactly a fine establishment for the great LaForge...

Still no answer. She cocked her head, her eyes darting to the right. She nodded to herself in agreement. Perhaps the messenger should be shot. A pity she didn't catch his name. The thought passed on, and Evaline grew bored of waiting as more minutes went by. She left the brick wall alone; the back of her white shirt covered in dust and soot. The dull hard knocks of her heels hit the pavement, their clickings creating a slight echo in the alleyways nearby. Up ahead was her home, her temporary home. The Dandelar Club. Supposedly it was a fine establishment for its time, well respected and serving many celebrities and those of the higher status in its time. Even in its current state; it still fulfilled that. The bold white letters that once proudly displayed its name was now gone - only showing the blackened outline of where it once laid. The building was in no better condition than the others; but atleast it had a fully functioning door that swung open. She approached it; the green and black paint visibly peeling from its coating, the grey concrete and beige wood showing underneath. The door swung open as her hand pushed into it - the bell ontop within chiming twice. Entering; she looked left, then right.

"Hutchinson? Where are you."

Evaline demanded.
Jonathan Kerrigan

Just as Jonathan was opening the car doors the taxi driver shouted. "Hey! This is only twelve dollars!" Jonathan had hoped he would've been able to leave the scene before the driver had noticed. He ignored the driver and continued to get out of the car. He opened the door and placed one foot on the sidewalk while at the same time reaching into his left jacket pocket for his cigarettes. As he stepped outside he could hear the front door on the other side of the car open. "Hey, boy! Where do you think you're going?" the man said. The taxi driver was a short, round man. He had a very round appearance in general, especially his head. He looked like a insecure bully from elementary school, with his curly hair that was sticking out from underneath his his 1960s style, gray cap. His angry face made him look silly. Jon just stood there as the man hurried around the back of the car, placing his hand on the trunk as if he was pulling himself forward. Jonathan pulled out a cigarette from his pack of "One Shots" and placed it between his lips. "You owe me six dollars mister!" the driver said, now standing in front of him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I must have made a miscalculation," Jonathan responded as he let a smug grin cross his face. They were standing a couple of blocks away from the Dandelar Club. Jonathan never let anyone see him enter, some of his contacts would not take kindly to knowing about his addiction. If they saw him buying weed from the "guy on the corner" they probably wouldn't care, but P-18, that was something else. Jonathan was looking down on the short man. The improvised, forced anger amused him greatly.

"You better have! Now pay up! So I can get out of here." the man continued.

"Fine," Jonathan said, opening his wallet that he still had in his left hand. He looked down, 128 dollars. He didn't have enough to pay the driver if he wanted his weekly fix, which he couldn't live without. He stared into the drivers eyes for a moment, thinking about the possible outcomes of his next action. He quickly made up his mind and made a quick turn and started running towards the club, dropping his cigarette on the ground in the process.
Evaline - It was all familiar to Evaline, she visited this place on a rather regular basis. In fact, she could practically say she lived here. Her extended stays were often, and quite long. The place was a clever hideout, and Hutchinson was a rather cozy neighbor to have. He never inquired about her business, and never really minded what she did. He would only occasionally warn her of some certain chemical lying about or another, and was frequent in his bringing up of her Condrenyl intact. He took her money gladly, or would accept a late payment if need be. Hutchinson was rather fond of you it seemed, but you were never really sure, he never seemed interested in much. Besides his last name you didn't know much else, and the conversation never led to anywhere about him or who he was.

Silently you stepped in and closed the door, the bell ringing again. Hutchinson did not appear from any nooks or crannies. You wait a few seconds in the main hall, observing its lavish but peeling wallpaper, its chipped paint on its columns, and the concerning balconies that observed your position from the second floor. The corridor ended with large oak doors which were the restaurant portion of the club, and on the left there was an entryway with no doors that led to a grand staircase leading to the second floor. The second floor had all sort of lounges and offices and, of course, bed rooms, one of which you properly secured as yours. It was originally an office, a safe located in its wall, but you moved a mattress in and called it your room. It was like the club itself, rather safe for putting some things, but not everything.

Smiling, you caressed your newly found treasure with ease. It was too easy, it honestly was. The thing was supposedly worth thousands on the black market, more if you knew exactly who to give it to. It was like some kind of game really, a rat race, to find these objects and deliver them to some select entity. Evaline knew a good deal when she saw one, and all she had to do was get rid of a few thugs who only had it in their grasps for a few minutes certainly. Your grin was empowered through satisfaction.

Disappointingly though, Hutchinson still didn't greet you at the door.

Jonathan - Your heard a gun shot, you did, and you refrained from looking back. Adrenaline took over and you attempted to run as fast as you could from the taxi and the road. You knew it wasn't smart yet to enter the Club, not with this taxi driver, but you knew that he wouldn't chase you not through these streets. Running to the back of the alleyway you made a turn around a corner. You hid there, seeing if the man got out of his car, but he just muttered to himself about how he should be more careful, you might have been working for some government agency. You heard the car start up but not speed off, it remained there stall waiting to see if you would come back. Minutes would pass and your breathing calmed down. Eventually the man yelled something, you couldn't tell, but he sped off, probably hoping to make another sale.
Jacob Hawk/ Mark Alder

Jacob nodded off slowly, the glass bottle slipping from his hand and shattering to the floor. Jacob jerks slightly his eyes snapping back open before slowly closing again in the dim light of the room. He slowly slides down to his right side and lifts his feet up on to the black and red leather of the booth. Before long he is deep in to sleep, dead to the world.
Jonathan Kerrigan

Jonathan started walking down the alleyway towards the club. That was stupid, and must never happen again. He was still looking for the taxi, he wasn't going to let his guard down like a fool. He was also looking out for people he didn't want to be spotted by. He walked a little bit further until arriving at the club. The place disgusted him, dirty and rundown. It wasn't the look of rundown locations that turned him off, it was the people that lived in or visited them. Like him, his biggest fear was to one day meet someone like himself. He realized that the door was open, a raid? He was quick to act, running up to the door and pressing himself against the wall. He looked around him and spotted a man coming from the same direction as him. He stared at the man for a brief moment, until he got his message through. The man turned around and walked quickly back the way he came. He slowly approached the door, not making a sound. When he was just about to peak into the club he slipped on a piece of cardboard. He fell down and hit the ground in front of the door.
Evaline LaForge

~"Returning to an unwelcome wait."~

A few seconds passed, and Hutchinson still had not greeted Evaline. She tapped her heel on the wooden floorboards, each thunk on the wood matching the clicking of the grandfather clock at the end of the room. lHe wasn't normally this informal, perhaps he was busy concocting whatever chemicals he had to create. A mysterious man he was, Evaline knew little about him, save that his last name was Hutchinson, and that he was an excellent chemist. A few more seconds, and the man refused to appear. Where was he? Evaline exhaled sharply.

......."Hmph, don't keep me waiting Hutchinson, I shall be in my room." Evaline shouted throughout the club. Her right arm raised with her voice, the briefcase on her left swinging slightly. Her hand lowered and clapped on her thigh. Still no response. She half-considered searching the entire building for him, but she had business to conduct. She moved left briskly towards the entryway leading to the grand staircase, passing by the marble columns and the ticking grandfather clock. A brief glance showed the man on the phone had fifteen minutes to respond.

She ascended the staircase, creaking and groaning with each climb on the steps. Ahead of her was another reception area, and to the sides were entryways to offices and bedrooms. The same forgotton, tarnished look was here. Peeling wallpaper, crumbling plaster, litter and discarded items strewn across the floor. It was all the same around here, she simply stepped forward and glanced over the dispicable state of the place. She entered a doorway, pulling open the oak door, closing it behind her. The wooden floorboards changed into dry carpet, the fibres cracked roughly as she moved towards her bedroom. She looked into each open room for any sign of Hutchinson, but none were found. Eventually she reached her own bedroom.

Unlike the other rooms, this one was far more furnished and secure - although the only indication of that was the keypad (without stepping inside). The oak door was just as scratched and neglected like the others. She inputted her six digit code, the door letting loose a hard sliding noise. She rotated the brass doorknob, and entered her lair.
Jonathan - Ironic that your stealth tactics didn't preform themselves as expected. Instead it turned rather disastrous, a board of cardboard no larger than your foot, wet from the rain, stuck itself to the sole of your shoe, just like wet cement. In a mere two seconds, it was enough to have you fall over air and into the door. It was perhaps fortunate that the door was open and left ajar instead of locked. Falling into the Club's lobby, you opened your eyes to the ancient familiar wooden floors, its layer of dust scattered into the air by your collapsed body.

You peered forward to your side and then forward, noticing footsteps in the dust, leading to the staircase. You had been here only a few times and only new your way around the ground floor, but beyond that you remained unsure. The room was quiet after you fell to the ground. Everything was rather silent, it was mimicked by even the stillness in the air. It was then that a fear surfaced, a fear of interruption, a fear of being vulnerable, your legs twitched a bit even though you were lying on your front. Fearing what weakness you might have in this position, you most certainly returned to you feet, but not before you heard a faint sliding noise of metal scratching against metal. Something was being unlocked upstairs?
Jonathan Kerrigan

Jonathan got up and quickly but silently moved towards the staircase leading to the second floor. The footsteps were small and after studying them for a brief moment, he realized they were high heels. A woman?, he thought, but he rarely took anything for granted. As he was approaching the staircase he could hear a door upstairs, he couldn't make out if it was being closed or opened, or both.
Evaline LaForge

~"An unexpected interruption..."~

The door opened, a slither of light growing along the oak door, expanding into the darkened corridor around Evaline. The room inside was starting to reveal itself. A wooden floor, clean and tidy. Green walls, Various cupboards and furniture... the details were hazy, but grew more clear as Evaline's eyes adjusted. She was about to step into the room, when a loud thud interrupted her. The sound came from her left, the sound of... wood and something heavy. The impact first hit her feet, so it had to have come from below. Evaline considered how to... approach this sudden interruption. Most certainly a visitor... a clumsy half-wit visitor who must have bashed into something heavy, or perhaps fell over? The floor was made of wood after all. Her slow pondering quickly paced up when she realised the potential for an attacker. She eyed the briefcase in her hand, and silently went into action. She cursed her heels making a faint tapping noise on the wooden floorboards - they wern't exactly built for stealth. However, her excellent footwork and stealth would surely render the noise unhearable down below. Of course the visitor wouldn't!

The room was a blur as she moved about. In roughly a minute, she quickly hid the briefcase behind one of the cupboards, the dark black leather melding perfectly with the cupboard's shadow. She next pulled aside a painting, neglecting the fine tapestry in her haste. Turning it around, she grabbed her silenced pistol, pulling it out of the small rectangular hole cut into the framework. Of course, it was just cheap framework, such fine framing wasn't fit for such butchery. She left the painting down on the floor gently, blowing dust into the recesses between each plank. She quickly checked to see if the gun was loaded, and flipped the safety. Finally, she removed her hard heels, allowing her black socks to taste hard wood, instead of soft leather. Exitting the room, Evaline closed the door slowly - though it still spouted a heavy noise as the lock engaged itself.

She moved across the rough carpeted floor, the dry fibres now feeling her . She took a different route around the club, not wanting to make a noise with the door she closedas she journeyed to her bedroom. No noise was made, perhaps the visitor knocked himself out. Then again, most people were just idiots, why should it surprise the great LaForge? She moved towards the lobby area above the grand staircase, and approached the door leading to it. It wasn't closed, only slightly ajar. Pulling it open, the door made a faint creaking along its hinges. Evaline's eyes glared at it, her lips curled. Of course, the door had to have done that. It was only for a few seconds fortunately. The door now open, her socks muffled the noise of her footsteps as she made her way to the staircase. The windows were boarded up, the room was mostly dark. Her pistol met her eyes, the barrel following the path of the staircase as she approached. The area was starting to brighten with light entering from the ground floor, though in one part of it, the light was disfigured. A shadow. Her feet escaped each creak and crack she knew of, her approach was silent. Her sights lined up with the bumbling figure that most likely made the noise in the first place. What if he wasn't alone though? She heard no footsteps or noises, perhaps this was one of Hutchinsons clients... Well he'd have to wait for him just like she was. Although, he'd have a gun aimed straight at him.

"State your business here, or i'll make a noise louder than the one your bumbling self made."


Detective Gremon's Shade......

The shade had followed this man, and nothing was coming from it. He approached things wearily, his eyes loosely hung open. Tired, fatigued. He pocketed clearly defunct batteries. He appeared to be thirsty, dry lips, the occasional smacking of dry skin. Licking of lips. He left various rooms, eventually hitting a bar, most likely searching for water, avoiding all of the alcoholic liquids. He grabbed one and quickly drank it, but sudden weariness overcame him. The bottle smashed - its contents dispersing and seeping into the floorboards. The man fell to the floor, eyes closed. An odd occurence, but none the less this venture was appearing fruitless. No evidence was found, so the shade left, noting the mans position for later. He moved quickly through the club, but a loud noise occured at the other end of the building, the front entrance. The shade pondered on what to do. A possibility for evidence; but most likely nothing. Then again, why would this building have such activity? The shade ventured swiftly, moving outside of the club and around it towards the front entrance. Entering the open doorway, he looked towards the left. A man was crouched on the ground looking up at a gun pointed towards him from a woman.
Jonathan Kerrigan

Jonathan remained silent and tried to figure his way out of this. Guns had been pointed at him on various occasions, but he had always known exactly how to get out of it. Above him stood a beautiful woman, who seemed to have no problem with putting a bullet between his eyes. What scared him was her tone, she was confident and knew what she was doing. Jonathan was very good with words, speaking them and understanding them. Who is this woman? Jonathan never said anything that he hadn't thought through in detail, sometimes people would find him odd because in challenging situations his response speed was lower than average. There was a brief silence, both staring at eachother.

He finaly figured out the perfect response, intending to disarm the situation while not giving away the reason of his visit, fearing the woman was a cop.

"I could ask you the same thing," he responded.
Evaline LaForge

~"A precarious position..."~

A thug? An assailant? A lost man? Evaline didn't really care who he was; but why he was here of all places was the true question. She looked at the man's face, or what was visibly clear from the streak of light caressing it. Dark brown hair, the hair in the shadow melding to black. And the eye-patch... how mysterious. And quite the suit... At last, the man spoke, his mouth eventually moving to answer her important question. Her trigger finger was getting impatient.

"I could ask you the same thing," the man said with confidence. His un-patched eye gazed at her.

Th-The same thing!? Evaline was taken back at the remark. Does this man know nothing of the great woman that stood before him? But if he didn't know why she was here, then he must not know of this place. No, certainly not an assailant of sorts. Besides, he was far too well dressed to be some gang thug. Evaline narrowed her eyes, assessing him once more. The eye-patch, the voice... mainly the eye-patch though. Yes, he sounded familiar. Perhaps one of the many mafia members spoke of him as she overheard them. However; if he wasn't an assailant... why was he here? Either a lost man, or perhaps one of Hutchinson's clients. Evaline went straight to the heart of the matter.

......."Are you here for Mr.Hutchinson? Because so am I. His lateness has never occured before..." She turned her head left, shaking it slightly, her lips pursing. Her gaze quickly returned to the dashing man however, the gun still pointed straight at his chest. She wasn't ready to let him go until a satisfactory answer emerged from all of this.

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