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Fandom The Dance of Dragons (Wanderlust and Azula)

a z u l a

these violent delights have violent ends.
Roleplay Availability
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Important Info


Ruling Houses
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King: Vaenor Targaryen
Deceased Queen Consort: Rhaella Targaryen
Queen Consort: Eurielle Targaryen (formerly Hightower)

Heir to the Iron Throne: Prince Aerys Targaryen (son of Vaenor and Rhaella)

Second in Line: Princess Visenya Targaryen (daughter of Vaenor and Rhaella)

Third in Line: (child of Vaenor and Eurielle)

Fourth in Line: (child of Vaenor and Eurielle)



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Alliance 1: The Targaryens, Starks, and Velaryons,
Alliance 2: The Tullys, Arryns, and Lannisters
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  • Golden child, lion boy; tell me what it's like to conquer. Fearless child, broken boy; tell me what it's like to burn.
    Aerys Targaryen
coded by natasha.
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  • A wolf is a wolf, even in a cage, even dressed in silk.
    Lyana Stark
coded by natasha.
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  • A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are built for.
    Theo Velaryon
coded by natasha.
  • I shall never again tell you what I think. I shall be sweet and crafty, soft and sly.
    Visenya Targaryen
coded by natasha.
mood :

location :
the red keep
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The celebration in honor of her brother's betrothal was almost here, and Visenya couldn't be more excited. Not only because she flourished in crowds of people, but because she would finally regain her freedom afterwards. Unlike many kings before him, her father allowed his daughter to learn war and strategy just like her brother. However, he made it extremely clear that it was only to prepare her in the event of the worst case scenario, her main duty as a daughter was to be married for the sake of an alliance and help support her brother's rule.

Which was why when important events such as these came about, King Vaenor didn't allow for Visenya to participate in any training for at least a week beforehand. Her fair, delicate skin couldn't be marred from a training accident. Her most beneficial asset to the crown was her beauty, if King Vaeron's daughter showed up with a scar across her forearm from sword fighting, what would the people think?

It was infuriating and made the princess rather insufferable while she pouted, moping around the castle as she tried to focus on reading and failed to do so. Thankfully, her knight in shining armor had arrived early to save her from her boredom. More or less, Visenya had used her betrothed as an excuse to leave the castle and have more freedom than she would be allowed on her own.

"Theoooo." She called, a wide smile gracing her face as she hurried down the hall towards him. Not because she was happy to see him, but because he was her ticket to getting out of this stuffy castle (or so she told herself). "Moonstorm has quite missed you. Would you care to join me for a walk down to the Dragonpit?" Visenya asked, all sweet voice and soft smiles in hopes that he might say yes.

As a lady and her father's ambassador, Visenya had learned how to read men as easily as books from a young age, deciphering exactly how she needed to act to get their approval. Lord Lannister wanted her to be a sweet, demure girl who knew nothing of war and let him explain concepts to her that she'd learned as a child. Lord Tyrell appreciated the strong, Commander VIsenya who would set ablaze anyone who dared to encroach upon his land.

Despite knowing Theo her entire life, Visenya had never quite figured out which version of her Theo liked best. Perhaps because he didn't like any part of her. Unfortunately for her, her betrothed was the only person who seemed to not be completely enamoured by her looks or perfectly curated personality. Theo Velaryon was a mystery to her, one she had been trying to crack for years now.

It didn't matter how much she contorted her personality, it never seemed to impress him. Eventually, she'd given up trying to win him over, it was easier that way, to not have to pretend all the time with someone she was bound to spend the rest of her life with. So Visenya had started speaking her mind around Theo, letting comments slip that she wouldn't let anyone else ever catch her uttering. Like how Lord Lannister was making a fool of himself trying to flirt with the young Lady Tully who was half his age, or how Lord Greyjoy's children were a nightmare at social events.

It was....nice, to have someone she didn't have to constantly perform around. Still, a little flattery never hurt anyone. "You were quite impressive at the hunt yesterday. Perhaps you'll have to teach me your tricks?" Her tone was complimentary but her eyes shined with mirth, as they both knew by now that Visenya was quite skilled herself, though she was never allowed to participate.

"It will make for great conversation tomorrow. I'll be able to boast to Lord Lannister about how you took down the largest beast of all. It will likely be the highlight of my night to watch his face turn red, I am truly in debt to you." Laughter spilled from her lips at the mere thought of how incensed Lord Lannister had looked after the hunt yesterday, it would certainly be entertaining at the ball.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
the red keep
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A week of excessive activities to celebrate his betrothal to a woman he’d never met before wasn’t exactly Aerys’ idea of a good time, but most of his life had not been about what he wanted. As heir to the 7 Kingdoms, most of his decisions were made for him, as it was always about what was best for the people. Or at least that was what his father and his council claimed.

His father had been casually parading potential brides in front of him for years now, but with the unrest growing in certain houses they needed to show the strength of the Targaryen's in full force, a united front that nothing could stop. He had let his father pick his betrothed based on which house would give them the most strength, a marriage based on love alone had never been in the cards for any of the Targaryen children, especially not Aerys.

Though he had not met his betrothed yet, tales of her beauty had been ushered into his ears since the announcement of their impending marriage. It was always an added benefit, but Aerys hoped that most of all she would not be as horribly vain as the women who had been simpering over him, no-his throne, since he became eligible for marriage. Aerys wanted a queen, not just an accessory to sit beside his throne. His mother, in her short reign, had been well-loved both within and outside of the castle walls. The same couldn't be said for his step-mother.

Perhaps it was too much to ask, but Aerys would marry the Stark girl whether he found her a good fit or not. Such was the duty of any Targaryen heir. Throughout the week leading up to their first meeting, he had found himself rather uncharacteristically nosey. The Starks were not frequent visitors to the Red Keep, Lord Brandon Stark often came alone and only when necessary. He'd never bothered to ask much of his children previously, but Aerys had found himself asking around about his mysterious new bride.

Unfortunately for him, there wasn't much known about Lyana Stark among the council or the servants. All he'd been able to glean from his conversations was a few minor details, leaving her almost entirely up to his imagination. It left him with a sense of....nervous excitement. He was interested to see who exactly his father had paired him with. Was she a complete and utter bore? Or would she bring a breath of fresh air that this stuffy castle desperately needed?

He practically bounced with nervous energy as he paced his quarters, the anticipation and sheer weight of this first meeting had set his nerves ablaze. The not-knowing bothered him, always one to prepare and analyze every bit of detail before him. It was of the utmost importance that she played her part, a future queen of the Targaryen dynasty had many roles to play. By the time the arrival was announced, Aerys had practically worn a hole into the flooring of his room.

With an unfamiliar anxiousness, Aerys waited with baited breath in the throne room beside his father. It wasn't long before the massive doors swung open to reveal the Starks, adorned in their finest clothing yet still so vastly different from the style most popular in King's Landing. It wasn't hard to pick out Lyana among the newcomers, the only Lady of House Stark stood out like a rose amongst a ticket of thorns. The tall tales of her beauty hadn't been exaggerated, it was a wonder she hadn't already been brought to the many social gatherings in King's Landing yet. Surely, he would've noticed her before.

The Northerners were so dissimilar from the rest of Westeros, in their styles and traditions, even in the way they held themselves. It would be interesting to see how Lyana adapted to the culture of the Red Keep, such a stark contrast to life anywhere else in the Kingdoms. He studied her intensely, watching the way she interacted with her family, how she stood tall as they approached his father first. He was so preoccupied that he almost missed his introduction, barely catching his name on his father's tongue.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Lord Stark. And to finally make your acquaintance, Lady Stark." The word's felt stiff, formal in the worst way when all he wanted was to question his betrothed about her thoughts on this engagement and her expectations of the role she would play in all of this. His father seemed to drone on forever, so the first moment Aerys' has a chance to escape, he took it.

"As this is Lyana's first visit to the Red Keep, it would be rude not to show her around the grounds, wouldn't it?" He mused, looking pointedly at his father. After much fussing about the details of their afternoon schedule, The prince finally found himself alone with his betrothed as they strolled through the courtyard. As alone as they could get with guards trailing their every move.

"So, what do you think of the Red Keep so far?" Aerys inquired, walking aimlessly about in hopes of enjoying the privacy while it lasted. "I hope it hasn't bored you to tears just yet." He winked, knowing full well that the next few days of festivities would but anything but exciting for them, despite it being in their honor.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
Kings Landing
outfit :
mentions :
a z u l a a z u l a

interactions :
Prince Aerys
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
coded by reveriee.

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