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Fantasy The Cyclone: Reboot | Text RPG

Gary Sue

The One who Vibes
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Wow, does it feel weird to make an interest check again.

Hello there! If you're unfamiliar with me and most probably with this specific roleplay, this is a text based roleplay with some game elements for combat and crafting that I run here on RPN! Although the roleplay got going in the past, a lot of the players and the activity tapered out and it's about time we went back out on the prowl looking for more fresh meat to pull into this. Yes, what happened previously will still be in effect and 'canon' to the roleplay- however! No, it is not necessary whatsoever that you read the previous roleplay or even know about it! I appreciate immersion above all, and as this is an adventure there's no need for anyone to know all of what happened and how it went down if they don't want to!

The new group that I'll hopefully be able to gather over on this interest check will be meeting up with the members left from the previous group, and you'll merge into one almost immediately after the roleplay begins in order to get the story moving. The world I've crafted and the means of 'going through it' is very much non-linear and up for discovery, so trust me when I say this, you have not missed anything. So long as the characters have a reason to tag along with each other, the roleplay train has no stops. ^^

I'd keep on rambling, but let's get you a glimpse of the story first. Any further information on the roleplay, the game and the state of affairs can be found in the following sections!

So here's the hook...

Formerly known as ‘The Storm’, the citizens of this land have changed its name to move on with the times, and leave an ugly past behind. Long gone are the times when humans got mercilessly slaughtered by the monsters roaming these lands. Now there’s cities, houses and even bands of travelers in every corner of the world. That’s not to say that Cyclone is a safe place now. Monsters are more present than ever, with the tower at its very middle producing worrisome amounts. If nothing is done, it could mean that there are times even worse than the ones before just on the horizon. But what can be done? The Lich living atop of the unreachable tower at the center of the mainland is meant to be keeping these beasts in check, trickling just enough magic so small amounts of not-too strong monsters are let out at a time.

There are many questions everyone would like to ask this immortal Lich, but nobody has ever managed to reach the front door of the tower. The closest humans have gotten is staring across the near bottomless pool of magic energy and seeing a heavy, wide door in the distance that leads into the creator’s abode. And even so, swimming across too is ill advised. One would be a fool to stay right where all monsters emerge, they’d only be met with swarms of them and before long, nothing would be left behind. During the calmer, more peaceful times, towns were built just around the stronghold using what technology and magic humans themselves had harnessed, staying just close enough to The Eye but just out of the monsters’ reach, where people could live safely.

As is right now, Cyclone’s been widely acknowledged as a land split into three parts. The Western, Central and Eastern Cyclone. The Western parts of it are warmer, lush with all forms of strange fauna and flora, some more affected by magic than others. Sprawling jungles can be found, which eventually peter out into the more open, wide fields of plains one would expect to see many villages around. Cyclone’s easternmost parts are frigid, frozen over and covered in ice, hidden under a thick layer of snow. The humans that live there have bonds that go untested within their own tribes, although it’s not rare to see rival cultures fighting against one another, thankfully mostly verbally.

And at the center is where magic has clearly tampered with the order of most things- pieces of land have been lifted out of the pool at the center, forming floating islands in a ring around the tower, the caves down under are filled with all forms of magic crystals, ores and creatures unseen and the small, rocky peaks make traversing through it a mystery. What forests there are appear normal, yet feel all too mystifying and almost as nerve wracking to trudge through as they feel invigorating. At the very center of it all, is the lake of magic, where a liquid that looks just like the starry sky lays, creating all manners of creatures and even artifacts in mere seconds. Attempting to cross it will only mark the end of one’s life, as they’ll disperse into energy near instantly. Over what’s rumored to be the root of all magic in the heart of the lake, is the Lich’s Citadel tower.

Adventurers gathering up and tagging along while travelling all across the land are a tale as old as time when it comes to The Cyclone, and each group has its own agenda. Some wish to simply explore, others to defend those that can't fight and earn the title of heroes, and the rest? The rest are simply getting by as best as they can, doing odd jobs and escorting townsfolk, tradesmen and all professionals they can find through the dangerous lands to help keep life moving. But life works in mysterious ways, and often times, people get more than what they bargained for. Perhaps, such a fate could even lead to seeing Citadels considered unreachable? Without further ado, let us find out where this group's tale will lead.

Hello there! It's me, the funny blue man. 8 )

• My name is Gary (go figure), I'm currently 22 y/o and in college
• Active on RPN & frequently replying to RPs (daily/every few days)
• Literate fellow, post length varies depending on the scene (250-500 words)
• Priority is making good friends through roleplay and having fun with a good story to tell!

Pssst, this is where you come in folks.

• 18 years of age or older
• Decent post length (150+ words so I have stuff to work with as your GM!)
• Open to exploring the game elements of the RP (I'll be your full time support team on that!)
• Has no plans to drop out of the roleplay unexpectedly or after a short while, as it is on the long-term end!
• Active and frequent replies, at least once per week to keep the flow going. * Never at the expense of your post's quality. ♡
• Willing to use and active on Discord, as that's the main means of storing information and communicating.

Have no fear, I (the nerd) am here.

In an effort to explain this in the least scary way possible, I'll keep it things brief- however, do not take this as the system being of little value or significance. So put promptly: the roleplay will be accompanied with a system and set of rules that allow for each character to obtain a profession and craft items belonging to it with effects both in roleplay and gameplay scenarios, turn-based combat systems with semi-linear progression for the character's power and abilities, and a lot of numbers. All of this helps in keeping the narrative 'objective' when it comes to encounters and scenarios where the GM's authority could be put to question, as whatever pertains to your characters is at all times visible to you. In other words, an RPG-like system for those more familiar to videogames.

For those who have dabbled in Dungeons and Dragons, think of the roleplay as a post-based version of that, with one little caveat. The system I'll be using to run this has been made by me and entirely catered for the roleplay over the course of a few months, and I've ran tests using the 'optimal' methods to achieve damage or maximum gains out of one's abilities in order to keep everything at a similar (if not equal) power level. I'm currently looking for up to three players (3) to GM for, as I already have another player on the bench from the previous group and one more whose fate is up in the air for the time being!

The roleplay's focus is going to be on exploring the world as a team (much more often than not) and as such combat scenarios will be PvE focused (that stands for Player versus Environment, which- hi! That's me, the environment!). The numbers of everything have been tested for PvP (Player versus Player) situations as well and can be used in case there's tension or a story reason for such a scene. No matter what, you as the players will retain complete agency over your characters and the encounters you'll get into.

As mentioned in the forewarning to this wall of text, I appreciate immersion over anything and given the nature of an RPG, information is very important. As such, I'd like to both highlight the market for selling and buying info (quite literally called the Black Market) and request that you do not share information out of character unless it's already publicly available. Selling information to 'me' (I'm the one running the Black Market, hoho) will make it spread quite quickly and reach the ears of the other players over a short amount of time- sharing it in character after selling it is also a way to cash out in double though, time and money wise! This odd rule is to highlight the feeling of discovery I want going, as I believe the roleplay would become a 'checklist' if we disclosed all unlock requirements, skills or mechanics and the story aspect would suffer somewhat.

Four small paragraphs later, that should be it! The final thing I want to say in the scary red section of the interest check is that: as you've probably noticed, this is a lot. Keeping this in mind, I do not expect or demand anyone to know everything about my game nor care to discover every little nook and cranny. What I will ask for however is that you'll understand this takes a lot of effort and with respect to both yourself and me; please, do not apply if you feel it'll be too big an undertaking or you'll be dropping out (or worse, ghosting, wah) within a short period of time. Niche as this roleplay already is, 'marathon' roleplayers are the ideal catch out of this interest check. If you have any concerns about potential 'dedication' to the roleplay, message me and let's talk it out! If you do reach out though, do make sure to fill in all the requirements for the funny green ABOUT YOU section!

With this little rant out of the way, the key takeaway? Have time set aside for yourself and this roleplay if you apply, and if you're uncertain- hit me up, let's work out whether you feel or don't feel like it together! The game elements are on the easygoing side as I love the story we'll craft together over getting a world record on "obliterating my players' new characters speedrun glitchless%", so don't fear for them. When we've got a few members' interest, I'll be grabbing you lot and trapping inviting you to the discord server to meet the old team members as well and get in touch. I'm sure it'll be a fun time, so that all being said, thank you for reading the interest check and just maybe... see you again soon! Have a good one mates!

. . .

In case you're curious how everything else played out previously, here's links so you can stalk the group's history prior! Yes, this includes members that dropped out for whom I'm super stoked to have roleplayed with and GM'ed for. Cheers!

[Old] Interest Check Thread: Fantasy - The Cyclone | Text RPG [Spot Filled]
[Old] Roleplay Thread: Fantasy - The Cyclone - Act I: The West
[Old] Character Sheet Thread: Fantasy - The Cyclone || CS Thread
Consider my eyes caught! I’ll throw my hat into the ring for this, I love the world you’ve got built here!
It pains me to see such a good Rp go to waste, I would also like to join n see what can happen.
Look Looking GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

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