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Fantasy The Cyclone: Reboot || CS Thread

Gary Sue

The One who Vibes
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

The Cyclone
Restless as ever, the Cyclone has seen much safer days than the present. Monsters roam about everywhere, overflowing from the arcane surrounding the Eye and creeping closer and closer to manmade settlements. With even travelling merchants requiring escorts to ensure their safety, near everyone is on edge when exiting their safe havens. The only exceptions are adventurers, such as yourselves. The previously known 'Storm' is much more inhabitable than it used to be, though its current state resembles its older name more than its current. And whoever that may be, someone needs to figure out how to help slowly get things back to normal.

Though your goals are yours own alone, you want to pitch into the cause as well. So then- who are you?

Rules for Character Creation:
  • Everyone starts with Common gear, a Weapon and an Armor set.​
  • Players must have only one Weapon Type at creation.​
  • All player characters will be human.​
  • Magic is not available during character creation, and neither are tomes.​
  • While you have to follow the template's instructions, feel free to format it as you please. Just try to not shift the categories around too much to keep things orderly with one another.​

Character Sheet template:
Tribe: Highlander / Snowfarer
Age: [18-25 preferably.]
Height & Weight:
Origin: West / Central / East Cyclone
Personality Traits:
Background: [As brief or detailed as you want it to be.]
Inventory: Pouch (30-100⋢), [Any 1 Personal Item important to your character]
Starting Weapon Type: Straightswords / Greatswords / Curved Swords / Gauntlets / Lances / Maces

Julia Rille

Tribe: Highlander

Age: 25

Height & Weight: 177 cm/5'9 ft | 63 kg/139 lbs

Origin: Central Cyclone

Personality Traits: Adventurous, Curious, Direct, Humorous, Reckless, Impatient, Stubborn

Born to a librarian father and an adventurer mother, Julia spent her early days surrounded by manuscripts and regaled with grand tales of adventure. Though her mother has long since retired from adventuring and has stuck to helping out her father in the library, Julia herself picked up right where her mother left off, going on several expeditions outside of the city in search of gemstones, herbs, and, more than anything, hidden secrets and the knowledge that comes with them.

She’s picked up a few quirks through her upbringing and her adventures, such as a habit of drinking whatever substance she keeps in the vials at her belt whenever she’s thirsty, though more often than not she keeps regular drinks in her vials rather than potions, and a tendency to pick people’s brains randomly about whatever subject happens to be on her mind. Her penchant for getting in danger is second only to her greed for information and the only things that will make her back down are the chance of lasting injury or certain death.

Lately, she’s been increasingly dissatisfied with her shorter adventures. Feeling like she’s seen all the immediate surrounding area has to offer and desiring to set out for a longer, greater adventure.

Inventory: Pouch (23⋢), Jeweler's Loupe, Wooden Coin, Scroll of Colligentes

Starting Weapon Type: Gauntlets
“Men have to have heroes, but no man can ever be as big as the need, and so a legend grows around a grain of truth, like a pearl.” - Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

Driven by fairytales and a hastily made, half-hearted promise, Neve finds herself leaving the simple comforts of her home and setting forth on an adventure far larger than any bedtime tale she could've imagined.
basic information
Neve Valewood
Ne, Kanel
East Cyclone
127 Lbs.

“You are touched by the soft sun's light, born on the warmest day of our coldest winter. Why else would your hair shine like her warm embrace?" - Kalliope Valewood
Naive. Childish. Wants to see the best in everyone. Obnoxiously strong-willed. Proud.
Born on a 'prophesized day' for her family, Neve was considered their crown jewel. An only child she was sheltered fiercely by her parents, not permitted to do anything they didn't explicitly want. Treated more like a porcelain doll than a living child by her mother, she was practically raised in the social courts and didn't interact with the other children more than a passing hello or goodbye. Because of this she was socially stunted, which became more notable as she aged and struggled to make any acquaintances her age. Her father, an herbalist and retired adventurer, was often her only solace from the high stress of being a lady of the court. He taught her much of what she knows on the subject of Alchemy, the two researching herbs and mixes together in the hopes of finding something that could potentially cure or at the very least help the illness that forced him to retire from his adventuring days.

It was that same illness that finally brought her father to his deathbed. As a final request he made Neve promise she'd continue his research and leave her comfortable life to explore Cyclone and all it has to offer. With some hesitance she promised and, shortly after he was laid to rest, found herself among a small group of travelers and merchants heading westbound.
53 ⋢, Her father's leather-bound research book.
Weapon Type
code by @Nano

Elijah Atkins

Description: Elijah Atkins cuts a striking figure with his muscular build and serious expression, a testament to the harsh conditions of the Eastern Cyclone. His deep brown skin contrasts with his short, reddish pink hair, while his practical outfit usually consists of a plain white t-shirt and dark, durable pants with multiple straps and pockets

Tribe: Snowfarer

Age: 24

Height & Weight: 182 cm/6’0 ft | 75 kg/167 lbs

Origin: Eastern Cyclone

Personality Traits
Positive: Resourceful, Driven, Detailed-Oriented
Negative: Overcritical, Quick-Tempered, Easily Frustrated

Elijah Atkins grew up in the unforgiving Eastern Cyclone, a frigid land where survival depends on the strength of one’s tribe. Raised by a mother who was a revered cook and a father who was a skilled mechanic, Elijah inherited a deep love for both crafts. However, the pressure to excel in both created a fierce inner conflict, contributing to his quick temper and frustration. Though he found joy in cooking, Elijah was ultimately more drawn to his father’s work, finding comfort in the control and precision of tinkering with machinery.

As he honed his skills, Elijah became known within his tribe for his mechanical prowess, though his overcritical nature and fiery temper often kept others at a distance. Despite this, Elijah’s work was highly respected, and many in his tribe relied on his expertise to keep their tools and machinery in working order, especially in the harsh conditions of the Eastern Cyclone.

Elijah often found himself torn between the warmth of his mother’s kitchen, where he could momentarily escape the cold and the pressures of life, and the solitary focus of his father’s workshop, where he could lose himself in the intricacies of machinery. This duality became a defining part of his character—one that drove him to pursue mastery in both fields.

Inventory: Pouch (23⋢), Miniature Multi-tool, A Notebook from his parents /w notes about machines and cooking recipes, Mechanical pencil

Starting Weapon Type: Gauntlets

Name: Ras Fugger
Tribe: Highlander
Age: 25
Height & Weight: 175 cm / 70 kg
Origin: Central
Personality Traits: Skeptical, Diplomatic, Self-Reliant, Judgemental, Fair, Cordial

Background: Ras was born to a family of merchants. For generations, the Fugger family had focused on building wealth through trade and running businesses. Ras himself was no different as his childhood was largely filled with him tagging along with his parents as they went to markets throughout Cyclone. While he had a fortunate upbringing as his family was well off and his parents went out of their way to have Ras tutored to become a shrewd merchant as well, Ras often found himself wondering what more to the world there was. He often looked at questing knights with envy as they traveled as they pleased to do what they wished and no one questioned them as it was expected that the Knight would be doing something noble. It was seeing this that a young Ras secretly yearned to become a Knight as well, traveling the lands to help others.

When Ras saved up a decent amount of money as an apprentice to his family business, he set off on his own disguised as a Knight. He knew he was not of noble birth, yet he had frequently interacted with the wealthy and nobles. He mimicked the mannerisms and speech of the nobility, bought himself a set of clothes and equipment that befitted a knight, and began to roam around Cyclone as a self proclaimed hedge knight, a wandering knight with no master. It was on his journeys as a pretend hedge knight that Ras become disillusioned with knighthood and more aware of the evils and terrible things that exist in the world. Oddly, he couldn't help but start to view life as a series of transactions. Pro quid pro. Yet, Ras continued to travel the lands. Why he still does so... even he is not sure. There were many long nights where he found himself contemplating if he should go back to his family business and give up the whole Knight act. Perhaps it a flickering hope deep inside him that somewhere in Cyclone he can find true good in the world and a cause to believe in that pushes him on.

Inventory: Pouch (78⋢), Family Signet Ring, Wooden Coins (x4), Strange Artifacts (x3), Unusual Artifact, Scroll of Bratea, Cursed Tome of Fungus
Starting Weapon Type: Lances

Tribe: Snowfarer
Age: 22
Height & Weight: 5'8" / 140 lbs
Origin: Central Cyclone
Personality Traits: Calm, Logical, Protective, Cynical, Lethargic, Sadistic
Bianca was born into Scarlet Coven, the cult that worships the infamous Scarlet Lich. Surrounded by death and gore since young, she grew numb to the death and suffering of other people around her. She was then picked up as an apprentice by the coven's doctor and started her study under his tutelage. He was a great teacher as he not only teach her medical knowledge but also how to think. The more she studied the more she realized at how flawed the coven was. It all climaxed when the cult's leader sentenced the doctor to death for brainwashing several members of the coven, and to prove her loyalty, Bianca was instructed to perform the execution.

The doctor looked very peaceful as she chopped him in two...

The experience shocked her mind and made her realize that all this time she had been brainwashed by the cult. Bianca packed her little belonging and snuck out of the coven. Determined to relearn how to live, and maybe dedicate herself to save lives this time.

Inventory: Pouch (20⋢), The doctor's beaked mask
Starting Weapon Type: Greatsword​

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