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Dice The Cycle of Magic


The Sane
Character Sheet Template



Appearance: can be a picture or a written description.

Equipment: what your character has brought with them, what they have. Can be armor, weapons, tools, miscellaneous, all that jazz.

Stats: remember, 90 points total plus your racial bonus and a maximum of 30 in any one stat.








Abilities: make sure to write a thorough description of the abilities here. As in what they do, how often, how powerful and such.

Simple Ability:

Simple Ability:

Advanced Ability:

Ultra Ability:

Background: This is where you give everyone the general backstory to your character, how they became who they are. You don't have to give everything away to begin with, but I do expect at least 2 paragraphs describing your character. Other than that, give as much or as little detail as you want (though a more thorough description would be much appreciated)
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Name: Dawn 'Maverick' Rivet

Race: Human

Appearance: Maverick ultimately bears the rather dominant darker traits of the human gene table sharing to him brown skin with curled black hair to the bottom of his neck that sits loosely, then a browned hazel shade resting in his eyes complete his general make-up. His facial features for his age are where they should be, that includes facial hair that cast' a shadow on his face. His figure on the other hand isn't perfectly lean, he is built stocky but has his body trained to overcome it. He stands at an average height for a male his age and overall his physique is rather masculine. Clearly, he is of foreign blood. For clothing, that can be found in 'Equipment'.

Equipment: Maverick's lower body gear consist of leather gear doubled and enforced by iron plates on the joint connections acting as braces. His upper half on the other hand almost bare except for a jacket without sleeves and a few necklaces that hang to his midsection. Besides clothing, he carries a satchel-like sack on his left hip hooked onto his belt as well as a knife with a thick-ish string attached to it sheathed onto a bracers upon his right arm for easy access. Just above that hung a strap where a simple yet modified bolt-action rifle rested ready to use.


Strength: 12

Dexterity: 16

Intelligence: 13

Endurance: 13

Intuition: 14

Prowess: 20

Luck: 12


Simple Ability: [skill] Sense. Maverick will often times be the hunter because of his training and instincts. Yet, when relaxing it is always safer to think things through using his adventurer's intuition and prowess. He will 'scan' the nearby area for threats in silence. If he is satisfied, it is then he'll rest.

Simple Ability: [buff] Focus. Maverick will takes a deep breath calming himself in the heat of battle in order to fire a much more and well aimed shot the next time he fires. This results in +10% the chance for a critical hit. His trade is in that of ranged weaponry, sniping is his preferred method. He often will try to focus, but since it takes time to breath it rarely occurs in combat due to the situation. This means it can be done often [every other turn] but at a price, it leaves him vulnerable temporarily. Another down side is when trying to breath, it can easily be interrupted due to interference. If attacked previously, he will not make the same mistake a second time.

Advanced Ability: [Counter] Trickery. Maverick's secondary is a battle-made knife. He's an adventurer, so is there a good reason why he shouldn't have one? At close range after blocking or shoving off an attack he may attempt to strike back, and he does so with a forward lunge with the knife pointed downward giving the enemy a false impression, only then will his wrist rise successfully cutting the enemy upwards. This takes a large amount of skill. Timing is everything. Can only be done while in melee combat, but only after a safe dodge or block can he counter with Trickery, the end result will be '1' solid point of damage.

Ultra Ability: [buff] Adrenaline. Maverick will sometimes need to be up close and personal, if that day comes his blood will pump more than usual. He takes into consideration what is at stake and gives it his all. This increases his overall agility temporarily causing his dodge rate to become slightly higher. This takes a massive amount of energy in a fight, thus leaving him exhausted. It may take a good nights rest for this to be done again in the future. (+DEX10/+PRW5)

Dawn 'Maverick' Rivet was reluctantly born at dawn during the Fall, just before the sky at set itself. His parents weren't all too happy with him when they found that he'd not be able to succeed in nobility considering the mother's past as a thief and tainted blood line. Yet, even then the father left the two on the lowest level of the 'Gate' saying he'd support as much as he can. Knowing most fathers, he never did. Maverick grew up with his mother and the adopted children of the streets playing with items around the alleys and pretending to fight when they found it needed to prove their strength to one another. Although, even playing can turn into reality. During his years as a teenager he was certainly a troublemaker considering his mother was no longer around to stop him from being and doing so, while his father was still nowhere to be seen. Even the troubled ones this low are still watched with the current situation of the community and the unstable arguments being held by old grumpy men. The guards of the lower city watched the male for sometime as his reign of trouble began to grow eventually considering him a danger. At first in an attempt to gain him rather than lose him to other side or pirates they attempted to recruit him into the armed forces. Declining saying how they've done nothing for him, he was brought into the phase of law only to be banished. It was then his true adventure began, now at his coming of age.

It had been some years, and this trouble maker had found his way into a band of rebels with their own cause claiming to be in for the righteous. Now, if pillaging and stealing from nobles was righteous, then absolutely he believed he was correct. Yet, somewhere along the line it snagged him as he was forced to slaughter a couple. The reasons was 'righteous' in vengeance. Maverick had never killed in his entire life until then, yet his upbringing would've sooner or later required him to. Is this what his mother wanted? Nevermind his father he never cared, this is what he thought of those who didn't care laying dead before his knife. By now it had seemed the playful child had evolved into a monster of the wastelands. He questioned himself for sometime afterwards and after several months, eventually turning in his right to the pirates he headed his own way, feeling massive guilt for his past actions. Only his deceased mother driving him to make things right regardless of the side, because in the end we all thrive. That was when he found out about the Baron.
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Name: Atiya Sabah

Race: Djinn


Atiya stands at around 5'4", with mostly charcoal making up her ilignus body and small bits of dark wood fitting in the empty slots to make her look whole. The slits on her face that imitate eyes, look directly into her true form, but give off the impression that she has glowing eyes. The colour of it though frequently changes in small amounts, swirling between bright light blue to an almost rich green colour.

She wears a traditional head scarf that many of her people wear while living in natural desert homeland, with robes that cover most of her ilignus, but leaves one shoulder and her lower legs bare. The cloth is a similar colour to her true colours, having a sheen of green and blue to it in the light, but mostly a dark blue in shadowed or covered areas outside.

Atiya also wears the simplest of leather armour, and only has it placed over her chest and covered shoulder, hiding it underneath her clothes. She's always seen with a small staff, held by her left hand, as one of her legs isn't as strong as the other, and it's easy to pick out which leg is which. Atiya's left leg, or more specially her left ankle, doesn't have nearly as much charcoal and wood to fill out and function as a normal limb, and looks almost like a twig in comparison to her other leg.

Along her cheeks and uncovered shoulder though, the charcoal that makes up her body glows as though the charcoal is still within a fire, but instead of the member glowing a red or orange colour of normal fire, her ilignus glows the same colour that she is on the inside.


Satchel Bag Leather Armour chest plate Shotel Weapon
-Book of rudimentary Spells Leather Armour shoulder gaurd Leaning Staff
-Burn Salve Spare Scarf Jar of Tea Herbs


Strength: 14

Dexterity: 15

Intelligence: 20

Endurance: 20

Intuition: 9

Prowess: 14

Luck: 8


Simple Ability
Short Range Teleportation

Short range teleportation is mainly the ability to teleport from point A to point B in relatively less than a second. The Range can be anything from 1-2 metres from an original point, or up to 20-30 metres away from an original point, and when teleporting Atiya can only teleport herself, her ilignus, and anything she is wearing/holding on her person.

If Atiya cannot see where she is teleporting too, or has not seen a place before, she cannot teleport to that point. Atiya can use this teleportation ability whenever she can, able to seamlessly use it within seconds of using it last if she has need too, but often she doe not use it as often as she is able too. It takes a little magic in order to use, but it is easily done to use the short range teleportation in short bursts in high frequency and not feel fatigued till later on in the day.
Simple Ability
Item Levitation

Item levitation is the ability to make small enough items float and move around as Atiya commands. She cannot left heavy things for long durations of time, nor can she lift many heavy items at the same time, but can levitate small items like books and tools for long periods of time if it is needed.

Item levitation fatigues Atiya depending on factors like weight, size, duration of levitation, and how far off a surface the item is from in the air. A small feather being levitated mere inches off the ground will cost less than 12 books floating at different heights while within a library.
Advanced Ability
Companion Teleportation

Companion teleportation is mainly the ability to teleport from point A to point B in relatively less than a second with another being or several other beings. The Range for a teleportation can be anything from 1-2 metres from an original point, or up to 20-30 metres away from an original point.

If Atiya cannot see where she is teleporting too, or has not seen a place before, she cannot teleport to that point with her companions. Atiya can use this teleportation ability whenever she can, but takes at least half an hour to a full hour before she is capable of doing it again, and depending on how many companions she previously teleported with influences how much more time she needs before she can do it again.

Ultra Ability
Burst of Light

This ability is of a one use per every 2 days, if it is needed at that frequency, and uses almost all of Atiya's energy with it's use. The ability is Atiya removing enough of her ilignus so that her true form is bare to the outside world, and burning herself up at extreme temperatures to blind enemies and even burn them when in close range. The ability only leaves Atiya with enough energy to put back her ilignus, and usually with aid is she able to walk and move.


Atiya Sabah was born in the sands of Teredor, in which she lasted a year before she gained her ilignus. Though as soon as Atiya had gained a body that would last past the sweltering heat of the desert, and as soon as she had well adjusted to her ilignus, she took off to go explore what she could.

She didn't travel far from the sands for several years, always seeming to come back to the outskirts of the sands, mainly because it was home, and mainly because it was warm and wasn't taxing on her to move.

Though in passing Atiya met a human man that was older than herself, since she was around 5 at this time, and became fascinated with him in her youthful age. He was a scholar, and held vast banks of knowledge within books and his own collective thought. Atiya followed him around, and became the scholar's student so that she could learn and know just as much as he did.

In a freak accident with magic, Atiya lost most of her left leg, and her mentor. It was devastating, losing someone who was a friend, and losing the ability to walk normally, as healing magic could do next to nothing to help her ilignus.

But Atiya continued her almost nomadic instinct, and continued to travel between towns and even territories, to either learn or just experience something new. Currently at the age of 14, far from still being a fully grown of her kind, Atiya wonders in and out of cities and towns, looking for information and supplies to last her as she goes on with her travels.
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[QUOTE="A Tranquil Sonata]
Name: Dawn 'Maverick' Rivet

Hmm... the shift ability is something you can do without taking up an ability slot. I'd say. Replace it with something else. The focus ability is good, I'll say you can you use it every other turn, and if you didn't take damage the previous turn (please add that in to the description!)

Trickery is good, I'd say you can always use it when in melee combat, but only after dodging an attack (so it'd be after losing a prowess roll, but then succeeding on your dexterity and luck roll to dodge). And it'll count as one point of damage.

Adrenaline is definitely worthy of being called an ultra ability! For how it works, it'll give you a +5 bonus to prowess and +10 to dexterity for the rest of a battle. And like you suggested, a day's rest will be enough to use it again. So note all of that in your CS, and come up with another simple ability, and you're set!

[QUOTE="Detective Rascal]
Name: Atiya Sabah

The abilities are good. The two simple abilities are good as is, nothing really needs to be added to them I don't think. For companion teleportation, if you want, you can have it so she can teleport others without teleporting herself. Just a suggestion, you don't need to add that if you don't want. As for the ultra ability, it seems a bit underpowered. You can either have it recharge in two days instead of seven, or have it deal one damage to all nearby enemies and three damage to anyone standing right next to her. Your choice. Do all that and you're set as well!


[QUOTE="A Tranquil Sonata]
Name: Dawn 'Maverick' Rivet

Good! For the sense ability, it'll add 20 to his intuition when sensing for enemies or traps.

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