The Crownlands & The Riverlands

Driftmark, Crownlands

Viserys Blood Raven

A false smile spread across the lips of Lord Bloodraven, taken aback by how. . Brutally honest and straight forward the Velaryon's were with their treasonous talks. His squinting gaze shot past them, seeking out those who showed any hesitance among the nobles. Upon seeing no such examples, Bloodraven gave a curt nod to the Lady of the house, who spoke most brazenly. 'An oddity, many men I have known would've slapped Lady Valaena by now.' For that, Aenar received Viserys' begrudging respect. But, the talk of warships, of a son of such skill (such braggadocios talk was expected..) and coinage to expand this enterprise forced the Captain-Commander of the Golden Company to comment with dreadful news. "We who have opposed the Blackfyre dynasty appreciate this display of loyalty," Bloodraven hissed with perfect articulation, a slowness occupied his words, forcing emphasis as he spoke of loyalty. "You have been antagonistic towards our mutual foes, for that you are among no better friends." A smile, ugly in character but delighted in design. Bloodraven had no great joy in the bold Velaryon's, their island was mayhaps the fifth worst he'd stepped foot on, with a lacking hospitality.

"Any discussion based on possible hostilities towards the black lizard that occupies my grandfather's throne will have to wait. If we could take this to a place with walls, a roof and more privacy than a barn? I dare not speak more than I have already, the spies of the king's court are legendary." Though, Aemond the Black's intelligence was never spoken highly of. Viserys doubted any mention of Bloodraven's presence would cause any overall negative response to the Golden Companies cause. 'What will he do, destroy a house for meeting with a distant relative? Burn it so solidly? A jester's tactic to keep loyalty, fear is nothing but a poison to share with yourself and an enemy.' The silver haired figure took a step forward, eyes locking with Addam, shaking slightly as he felt. . Uncomfortable and surprisingly alarmed by their hosts. "If it is at all possible, of course. Should you wish to have this discussion another time, we'll return in two lunar cycles."
Ridend Ridend
Vaella Blackfyre
King's Landing, The Red Keep
"Come now, Bowena, must you spoil my fun?" Vaella flashed a smile that held an almost mischievous glint as she acknowledged the approaching handmaiden. She had been reluctant to go for breakfast before she had people to talk to, and now the reluctance was growing. She was a curious creature by nature, and the fact that neither Horatio nor Ilyana had disclosed who Horatio's father was had not escaped her. Pursing her lips, she looked the boy up and down. He couldn't be all that much younger than her. Did she know of anyone with a son around that age? She couldn't recall.
Another smile, warmer now, crossed Vaella's face as Lyle Hightower approached. She was rather fond of most of the people she saw on a regular basis, and he was no exception. She would trust the man with her life, which she supposed was convenient, because that was exactly what she happened to be doing.
"Ser!" The young woman exclaimed, then tossed her head and laughed. "If anyone has tried to kill me so far, they've been unsuccessful. Here I am, still breathing. And as for riveting discussions..." She trailed off, and shot the man a wink, "I'm sure there will be more that you won't miss next time." It was unclear whether the princess was joking, teasing, or being deadly serious. A mixture, maybe. She'd never been the most solemn of people.
Instinctively, Vaella reached to catch Ilyana as though the girl was going to disappear and abandon her. Slender fingers curled around the girl's wrist.
"Are you leaving me?" She asked, her words casual, but her expression tinged with sadness. Hopefully not. Being apart from her friend often dampened Vaella's good mood, especially when she wasn't with her husband or one of her siblings either. Perhaps she should learn to grow up a bit and accept it. Still with her hand on her friend's wrist, Vaella smiled at Horatio and continued, "I'm terribly sorry about the interruptions. Horatio, isn't it? Forgive me but the rest of your name seems to have slipped my mind. Which house do you belong to?"

Akio Akio JPTheWarrior JPTheWarrior @Fezzes

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