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Futuristic The Crimson Death: Main

Jesse Gears
Jesse had been waiting in the crowd, waiting for the permit officer to report; taking longer than usual. She sighed, deciding to chew him out later once the refugees where moved inside the walls. She turned to the woman, knowing that medical professionals where in short supply. "Unfortunately there has been issues with people hiding their infections, and the medical areas have been exposed a few times. What field do you specialise in?" She said, looking to the table behind her where appointed interviewers would find out who was useful enough to allow immediate entry and housing assignment.

There simply wasn't enough room in the city for everyone to claim apartments, so most went into the crowded facilities that where once recreation center
and gyms. Jesse had spent months in the cramped room, with little of the low quality food to go around.

"There should be open apartments in the medical residential area, but I would have to ask housing and assignment." She said as she gestured to one woman, a doctor who had volunteered to interview the medically trained refugees to evaluate their usefulness.
Bambiholic Bambiholic

Vale Ashford
Location: New Manhattan Entry

Vale was dreading this next stop more than anything, in fact they would rather be cracking open an old deers ribcage right now elbow deep in guts before doing what they were about to do. But how many more years were they going to be able to avoid it? Certain supplied were running low and there's only so much you can get out in the wilderness and abandoned camps were becoming more and more scarce. They huffed and readjusted the large sack on their back while the smaller one with some utensils dangling from it bounced off their thigh. For the most part they were silent as they walked up to the large crowd of people waiting to get inside, their stealth mostly natural now when you get used to having to travel quietly day in and day out. They shook their head as their choppy hair fell in their face and with a sigh they noted they needed to clip some off again or at least maybe get lucky and find more supplies to help keep it out of their face.

"Excuse me..sorry.."

Their voice was more quiet than they intended which wasn't a huge surprise, when was the last time they actually used their voice? Weeks maybe? All Vale knew was that they hadn't spoken to an actual person in even longer than that and why would they bother talking if no one was there? Just talking to yourself in the woods is a good way to give away your location so why would they do that.
Their chest heaved, the dirty tatted tank top that read "Fuck You" on it was feeling bigger and bigger lately, they would need to make a note of that to make sure they up their calorie intake a little more. Nothing wrong with being small but getting too small was going to make them more weak and they couldn't have that. They looked around and wondered just how many people were trying to file in? They knew this place could be busy but this busy? It was almost a little too much for them...they hadn't seen this many people since...well since home.

New Manhattan
Quarantine Storage

It was clear he had her scared. Good. She needed to be if she knew what was good for her, but judging by her futile attempt to deflect her interest-- she hadn't quite figured out just HOW scared she needed to be. Eerie. That would be the perfect word to describe how relaxed the man suddenly got when she talked about her lab equipment, yet it also seemed like that very calm was little more than a lie the way his muscles tensed despite his relaxed posture.

"Oh, it's just your lab equipment?"

Aiden even giggled as though that much should have been obvious and that this was all a big mistake. He loosened his grip on her shoulders slightly before leaning down toward her, "Well, in that case you wouldn't mind if I took a look, then."

He outstretched his hand for her to give over her belongings willingly, yet there was a certain irritation in his eyes following her initial hesitation; this was her last chance to make things right before things got... less than desirable.

Border Protection Officer Matt "Frost" Davids
Frost walked trough the crowd of refugees, directing them to he volunteers to evaluate them for their positions om the new city. Few people where sent away, most staying in the nearby public housing. Most disappeared, for whatever reason before they could be reavaluated.

This was a minor concern, only the healthiest laborers disappeared without a trace, and before there was already enough in the city. After directing a priest, a veteran, and a family from New Chicago he walked towards one individual.

Frost wasn't one to judge others, noting the shirt with explecitives and the various piercings, but instead of showing distain like most he found try reminded him of his younger sister, who had recently gotten into a defiant stage since he began running later shifts without being able to drive her to her "Gang's" meetings, a group of so called rebellious anarchists that mostly just talked about corruption among themselves without causing any problems.

"Hello, before they let you into the city we are going to need to evaluate your prior progression and expertise. And don't worry about being sent away, then committees rarely do that."
SolitaryCryptid SolitaryCryptid
Vale Ashford
Location: New Manhattan Entry
Vale was trying their busy to shuffle along with everyone else, getting bumped along as their small pan made clanking sounds against their tattered and dirty pants. They ran their hand through their hair and sighed heavily before a voice broke their concentration. They turned around with a quick snap and looked the person before them up and down with their dark eyes. Their face still had marks of dried dirt from one of their previous nights hiding in some brush and the circles under there eyes a sure sign of the lack of sleep they had had the last few nights making their way to this place.
"O-oh..ya sure. Do I need to go somewhere specific for that?"
Their dry throat cracking a bit as they spoke, coughing slightly to clear it up. They adjusted the large bag on their shoulder as they shifted their weight. They also weren't aware at first that an initial screening would be needed but they also weren't all that surprised. Things were still chaotic and unsure and the last thing they probably wanted was to allow danger into their stronghold. But it did little to ease their discomfort being in such a place. They felt more at ease on their own and looking out for only themselves and with only one mouth to feed it wasnt awful surely.
Gears Gears
Juniper Pines


Location: Storage room
Interaction: Aegis Aegis Aiden
She could feel the man relax behind her. He was not letting go of June but she could hear his clothes move and feel his knees getting less stiff by the second. Maybe she was out in the clear as he could see she had nothing of worth to him or danger. Was it possible that the latter was the thing he was actually looking for like a hound craving for action? No matter what the case there was more of a chance of safety.

The man had made a statement about it all to which June knew only to nod in agreement. She tried to put enough excitement in it to hide her fear more for herself than anyone else but then she heard the giggle. Well, it was more like a cackle. She didn't know if it was death or the man or both. June felt the air shift knowing she might not leave the room with all her body parts. He seemed like someone who likes torture, killing and more things considered vile. Juniper couldn't imagine how many bodies are buried in his backyard and how many of them were once people like her - just someone in a bad situation.

She felt his grip loosen as he brought his head down closer to her making June lean away to cover her gear from the gaze that would make anyone's skin crawl. He whispered into her ear. His breath felt warm even through the face covering and laced with such poisonous intent. June had to fight her instinct to grab everything and just bolt towards the door as he extended his hand but she put everything back in there with shaking hands and giving him the bag. The moment she let go Juniper pulled her hand back to her chest in a hurry in part to stop the shaking and also because any extended contact felt like playing with death.

"P....pp....ppplease don't break anything or hurt me....." She felt the clump forming in her throat and her eyes starting to tear up. So this is the day Juniper Pines dies after avoiding death for so long.

New Manhattan
Quarantine Storage

Aiden eagerly snatched her bag before watching as she recoiled in unrestrained terror and poorly veiled self-preservation. Good. That would make this all so much easier than if she was too understanding about the situation. Of course, the last thing he wanted was for her to bring it up to the guards; not that it would accomplish anything. The Enforcer sunk back away from Juniper-- his prize secured, as he dug through her bags with a rough, desperate intensity. She wasn't lying: lab equipment, flasks... meat.

Aiden froze as his eyes made contact with that particular flask, and they slowly creeped up from inside the bag to make eye contact with Juniper signaling a sinister interest and vile purpose. Sinking his hand inside, he carefully let the tips of his fingers clutch around the flask before withdrawing it-- something he would've never dared had he not been wearing Kevlar gloves. It was a bloodied, rancid chunk of flesh that squished around inside the glass container; Aiden's mind spun with the possibilities of what it could possibly be. Then, it hit him. What could someone possibly be doing with a piece of flesh in a flask trying to enter a safe zone?

Adrenaline flushed his veins as he loosed the flask to fall a few inches back into the bag along with the other equipment. His eyes sharpened and snapped to Juniper before he set the bag on a shelf and his hand sunk toward his handgun-- alarm bells screaming in his skull.

"Don't FUCKING move!"

His body was tense in the shoulders as he leaned forward and prepared his shooter's stance; Aiden's fingers were bouncy with the spike of his heartrate and the uncertainty now clouding his mind as his grip danced dangerously close to the handle of the pistol. This was terrorism--

This was bad.

Aiden had to...

Wait. No...

This was good. Very good. Put him ahead of schedule, even.

"Get on your FUCKING FEET," He shouted as he drew his sidearm and levelled it toward Juniper's chest before snarling once more to break through any fear or apprehension she may have thought to experience, "ON YOUR FUCKING FEET OR I SWEAR TO FUCK THEY'LL BE CLEANING YOU OFF THE FLOOR FOR WEEKS!"

Juniper Pines


Location: Storage room

Interaction: Aegis Aegis Aiden

She watched him take a step back as he started to go through the bag like a predator shredding through pray - with eagerness and efficiency. Juniper was slowly scooting herself farther away from the man in order to put as much of a distance between him and her as he seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't stop at the bag.

He tensed up. What could have he seen she had nothing for him nothing of interest unless.......... June was reminded of the flask she had not thrown or hidden. Oh, how stupid of a person she was! She forgot to hide it outside of the city to retrieve it later. It was never supposed to enter the city. The man looked up and pierced through her with his eyes. Shivers went down June's back. She is so dead and will be shot on sight. Juniper couldn't hold back tears much longer, the hot trails were forming down her cheeks. The man lifted the flask slightly out of the bag as if to show her what was her death sentence. It was looking even worse than it did yesterday and her situation was progressing all the same.

She heard the flask drop among all the other glassware in the bag and then the man setting it on a shelf before yelling at her to stop moving. June at this point had been pressing herself so tightly against the shelf behind her she could feel all the boxes that were lower slowly moving backwards but this did stop her from shaking nor could his shouts. It caused her only to openly sob.

He shouted again but this time not about moving but to get up. June was still shaking so she cowered more into a ball pushing herself against the shelves. The man pulled out a gun threatening her once more. Juniper was mortified and tried to stand supporting her weight on the surrounding. At this point she was already sobbing uncontrollably and who wouldn't if they knew this was their death? Maybe if she had a tinge of more pride and honour would she have remained calm and welcomed the bliss but she did.

"Please! I am begging you.......Don't kill me.......I promise it was not to infect anyone......I just wanted to get a piece or two of new equipment and go.......PLEASE! I WILL DO ANYTHING!........I promise I will be gone by nightfall and you can take the damn thing" June was talking in between sobs.
Eddie Gears
Eddie woke up with a start, like always. Likely the production of the narcotics had done a number, if the fumes and chemicals from his previous jobs hadn't done it. Eddie analyzed his work, searching for signs of imperfection in the liquid, a bright purple. He hadn't placed what caused the odd coloring but had determined that the brighter shades had better potency.

This batch was one of his better ones, Eddie made sure on his wrist computer, a modified mobile he had reinforced and modified to help with his works. After the air was shown as clear, he removed his gas mask.

Eddie looked more like his father, a handsome man. Although Eddie had his mothers green eyes, although one was hidden by the eyepatch he wore, a scar running from his forehead to his cheek where gen had been slashed. Eddie began preparing the narcotic as he loaded the previous batch from the cooling system into a small elevator made to carry the hundreds of pounds of Morin.

Once Eddie was finished he sat in the worn out chair he had found while scavenging, staring at the makeshift lab, something similar to his previous lab, althkouvh there he was trying to cure the virus, not use the victims to make drugs and infect others. Eddie sat there for what felt like hours, wondering how it had come to this, andwondering what was going on in the world above him.
Matt "Frost" Davids
Frost looked around the room, looking for Beatrice, the volunteer for anyone who had any other jobs not recognized by the council, usually ending up laborors. "Over there is someone who can talk to you about your expertise, if your lucky you might get in earlier then most; just to be sure tell her Frost sent you." He said, smiling a bit under his helmet.
Vale Ashford
Location: New Manhattan

They nodded as they were led to another part of the crowd, they could see his eyes scanning as if searching for someone. As he pointed out to somewhere in a distant corner they squinted to look through the gaps of people to where he had been talking about. "Oh, ok I think I can manage that fine I appreciate the help" The looked up at the man, slightly taller than themselves as they thought they saw what looked like a smile in his eyes. They hadn't expected to come across anyone who would have a shred of decency about them but it was a nice change from the prowlers they usually end up dealing with. Vale then held out their ring clad hand out to the gentleman with a small but somewhat unsure smile on their face. "Thank you again for the assistance...Frost" They emphasized his rather uncommon name, not like their name had been any less odd for the most part.
Matt "Frost" Davids
"Good luck kid." Frost said, accepting the hand before one of his superiors motioned toward him. "Sorry, got to go." Frost said before walking to his supervisor, a group of soldiers around him.

"We have some officers that haven't reported in the last few minutes, the door to the decontamination room is stuck so we may be dealing with an attack. Stay calm and report anything you find." The captain said before directing majority of the forces to search the facility for the missing soldiers.

Clara walked through the inside of the wall, amaze face by the sheer size of this wall, barely towering over the buildings it protected. The buildings around the wall had been demolished, following a group of raiders parachuting into the city from a nearby skyscraper but what truly amazed her was the size of the facility within the wall.

She could see barracks, a medical area, and research facility within the concrete fortress or in a section of lower levels that hadn't formerly been the cities subway system. She had hurriedly taken an officers clothing after meeting with the other infiltrators, each armed with a stolen weapon and disguised as border patrol officers. They had split up, allowing Clara to avoid what would happen next as planned. She was glad she's wouldn't have to see what she had caused, telling herself it was to survive.
SolitaryCryptid SolitaryCryptid
Vale Ashford
Location: New Manhattan
Vale started to feel a little less confident with the man named Frost to show them the way. Sure it was a little awkward but it was nice to have a friendly face around to show them the area, they would have to be sure to thank him better next time they crossed paths if they did. For now they were walking in the direction he had pointed out looking for the face of someone who looked liked they had the information they needed. "Mmm...pretty sure he said she so I think im looking for a woman?" They rubbed their upper arm, still sore from how they were forced to sleep the night before leaving a pale bruise on their bicep. Plenty of people were still clumping together around the area but less so compared to the main entrance. Some were older couples clinging to one another, some were mothers with babies and also groups of children with what appeared to be teenagers keeping an eye on them. Regardless they all had roughly the same thing in common.
Gears Gears
Beatrice Peters
Beatrice had just finished an interview with a former farmer, hearing about how his livestock and feild had died, leaving him no choice but to take his family here. She quickly wrote her signature under the notes along with her decision on the man and his small family Accepted-Low Priority she rarely was able to give her usual interviewers: Ranchers, Scavengers, or farmers a high priority status, leaving them stranded in the crowded public housing. She saw Matt talking to some kid, seeing him fail to subtlety gesture to her making her chuckle. After Matt met up with the others officers she waved over the kid, grabbing a form for their priority status and records before they had traveled here.
SolitaryCryptid SolitaryCryptid
Vale Ashford
Location: New Manhattan
At some point they had noticed a woman welcoming people back and forth and eventually had locked eyes with them as they ushered them over. Vale sucked in a breath and prepared themselves as they approached, gripping the straps of their bag as they did so.
"Um...hi, I was told to come this way for some kind of screening?"
They still felt out of place as they spoke to unknown persons especially being surrounded by others that were eyeing their turn in line. Vale mad themself look smaller and less of a threat tkw void the looks of others.
"What all do you need from me?"
They had hoped it would turn out to be a yes no questionair that they didn't have to fumble around and could be straight forward with but they had a feeling that was a long shot. After all they needed to test their worth to stay here even if it was only temporary every little piece of information counted for something they guessed.
Gears Gears


New Manhattan
Quarantine Storage

Aiden held a steady grip on his pistol as it traced her torso while she tried to stand. Any trace of sympathy was too much to ask for in eyes as cold as his, eyes of warrior— a cynical, dead man. He knew her purpose to him now; it had gone from making a quick buck to quite possibly pushing forward his plans in terms of execution. Of course, everything depended on her skill as a doctor or scientist or whatever she claimed to be. He imagined she had some lofty ideals of perhaps developing a vaccine, or maybe saving the world with some cure that would restore all the infected to normalcy.

Who did she think she was? The CDC. FEMA. The WHO. Hundreds— thousands of people with more resources and—presumably, more experience has tried and failed. Their respective centers now rotted with the throngs of dead at home in their hollow corridors.

Aiden almost let out a snort at that, but he was too laser focused in eyeing her every movement. In his mind, a guilty person would have a lot to fight about here, but instead she seemed to cry. Shame. It wouldn’t work on him and he didn’t care.

He wanted to order her, but she seemed paralyzed. Aiden’s eyes suddenly sharpened as they stabbed into her; The Enforcer took off toward her and slammed her back against the shelving before wrenching her around and slapping cuffs on her wrist. This woman seemed to lack the coordination to follow basic orders, so he found it hard to imagine that she would be able to resist. Regardless, he pressed the full force of his massive weight on her as he kept her in place.

Stop crying. Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares. Right now, you haven’t gone through the rest of processing, so you have no ID. No life. No future beyond the one that I allow you to have, understood? I’ll assume you do because you seem to have a healthy sense of self-worth based on your sobbing.

Aiden wrenched her back from the shelving by the chain between the cuffs before realizing her had cuffed her hands behind her back. Annoyed, Aiden clicked his tongue and unlocked one cuff to bring her hands in front of her before locking her back in.

The Enforcer piled her belongings— including the aforementioned bag, over her arms to obscure the cuffs and snatched her elbow to lead her toward the door, “You said you’ll do anything? Well, I have a job for you, then.

Beatrice Peters
"Yes, the screening process is a bit unorthodox but if you prove even some worth I'm sure you can find a place here." Beatrice said as she grabbed a pen and her clipboard. "So what occupations did you have during or prior to the outbreak, if possible a representative will test and analyze your performance to insure you aren't lying about your profession at a later date." Beatrice read from the paper. Beatrice hadn't often done these interviews, having started her volunteering a few weeks ago but was getting the hang of looking for lies and half truths. She knew the people who tried to make up a way to get in just wanted a safe place for themselves and sometimes their families but she knew protocol soundly alliw just anyone into the secured areas of New Manhatten, instead sending them into the cramped warehouses that had been turned into living spaces for hundreds of refugees.
SolitaryCryptid SolitaryCryptid

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