The Crew


A Ghost of RpN's Past
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( I will be posting in Kyra's point of view, so, yea, good luck y'all! )

I had finally sent the email, I mean, I'd known it would come to this for awhile. Not everyone likes the Gods, then again, some people don't even know that my father, Hades, is real. Well, if he wasn't real, I wouldn't be here, now would I? I think not.

I grabbed my lap-top, and walked out of the library. I walked to a local cementary, yes, I do indeed prefer to hang out around those, but no, I don't, you know what? Never mind that, I'm not even going to go there.

I sat down, and waited. The very fate of the world could be resting in my hands, and why did I wait here? One 16 year old half Brit half God against people who think they can kill a God? I don't like those odds, do you?

([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION], [MENTION=3044]Rose[/MENTION], @IxIBunxBunIxI, [MENTION=3440]KoltVeral[/MENTION], [MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION], [MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION], @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ Welcome! Have fun! )
(Shall post in first person like a boss)



I walked out onto the green lawn and flopped down onto the grass. It was soft okay? I like soft things. Get over it. I looked up at the sky and shifted the chestnut hair out of my eyes. My eyes shimmered from the sunlight. I rolled onto my side, feeling the grass on the bare skin of my arm. I sighed heavily as I sat up slightly, cracking my neck.

"It's a nice day, I guess." I told myself shrugging.


I stepped out of the shadows, renewed and refreshed, waiting for the event of the day to start to come at me one by one. The first happened a bit to fast for my liking, as I was yanked back into the shadows and the pursuer wasn't to silent about it either.

"Don't you try to get away from me, you're going to do exactly I say," he said as he forced me to the ground. I reached for my revolver, but I didn't find it, I turned to look at my pursuer, but it was too dark, yet the shadows told me everything. There was no need for alarm, the man wasn't armed with a gun, and mine was behind a trash bin. Instinctively, I turned around and kicked the man in the jaw. The man broke his grip and brought his hands to his face. I grabbed the nearest trash bag, and pulled it over the mans head, it must have had something in it, because there was a loud crack and the man fell over.

I brushed off my white shirt, grabbed my revolver, and hid it in the back of my pants. I walked out of the shadow-covered alleyway into the nearly deserted city, and started to walk down the street out of the city.




I wake up in my apartment, scratch my head, and look out the window. A casual day in London. I slumped into my bathroom, cleaned up, and walked back out. I fell into my chair, still half asleep, and laid there for a good long while. When gravity finally took it's toll, and I fell off my chair, I walked out of my apartment tiredly. I walked down the street, not really knowing where I was going, but just wanted to go where the road took me. A man ran into me and then started yelling at ME for running into HIM, my first thought was to see how fast I could bring my sword down, cut him in two, and raise it back up. I instantly pushed that thought of my mind and continued to walk down the road, the man eventually just walked off. I walked down the road still, not looking back, not planning on turning around anytime soon.
I looked down from the tree I was sitting in and headed down to my apartment, I would go up to heaven to fight the angels in three days time, better get training, I trained for 3 hours simply practicing motions with my sword and focusing my will, I checked my "computer" for E-mails as my counselor had told me to keep doing, so I could look for work. I found an email from a girl named Kyra, I was about to send it away for spam when I got a feeling that told me to take a good look at it, I read over and stepped outside, there were things to do as I picked up my sword and belt with my gear in it, I spread my blood and dirt stained wings and began to head for London.

A soft, brush of gentle feathers touched the tips of my fingertips, sending a shiver up my arm. The pure white wings on my back billowed in the wind as I spread them. Looking up with my icy blue eyes, I stared up at the clear sky and sighed peacefully.

"What a beautiful day it is today.." She murmured with a voice like silk.

The chirps of a Warbler in the distance made me relaxed as I walked along the stone ledge of the mountain. I looked down at the gorgeous view in front of me, and swooped down over the ledge. I bent my wings like a falcon diving down at it's prey, and than suddenly shot upwards, floating gently on the breeze.


I stared aimlessly at the ceiling, I only could think "Why was it me, couldn't someone else have gotten those tats?.... Well i better leave before they realized that i'm in their fine weapons shop" The towns people could only yell at me for what I am, I had it all, the flowing blonde hair that chicks dug, eyes of gold, and a smile to melt their face, but now with darkness in me, i'm no different then a common thug to them. I heard the usual "monster" "demon" but today it was extra irritating, the seal began to crack and the dark cloud began to leak. They all gasp in their normal sate of fear"OH WE ALL DIE NOW BY THE MONSTER" Monster, you people are the real monster. This cave is the only save haven there is for me, i have a tiny hole in the sealing where I stare at the sky for hours"Why are you all up there sky, come down here with me, we can steal everything together" I became instantaneously became angry, why was I the hated, its not my fault that the ******* darkness decided to seal something in me, not cool darkness, WHY AM I THE BEAST?!

Anyway I got tired of being angry , it got too boring too fast, I decided to go look at some chicks on someones computer in town. I sneak into this old hags house all the time and use her rig* all the time. As I was browsing my e-mail to see if something was actually important I stumbled on a name I didn't realize, Kyra? Is she hot? I investigated the e-mail quickly and decided that I needed to something to do so I'd do it, besides all I do is get yelled at here, might as well do it where there are some different voices right?
I get halfway by wings, I can't fly any more it's taking to much out of me, I take my sword from its sheath to the screams of the bystanders, they don't matter, and gather up my will, I slice down through the air and my sword hits the ground in a shower of sparks, "Aparatum" I whisper and my power flows into the cut and slices a portal to London, I show up in a graveyard, not suprising as it's the thinnest border to otherworld, I walk through into the spirits graveyard and gather up my will for another portal when I'm attacked by 2 shades, one of them jumps at me and I slice at it with my sword, cutting it in half as it screams silently, I draw a shuriken from my belt and launch it into the other one, it screams and runs, I gather my shuriken and draw my will again, slicing another portal into the fabric of dimensions, I step through into a London graveyard as the spirit world is simply a copy of the normal one, I see a girl sitting on a headstone.
Now, it's not everyday that a portal opens up out of nowhere. A 6'2 person stepped out, and looked at me. I HATE when people stare at me when I'm in my element. Yes, Hades being my father, my element is a graveyard, how nice, eh?

"'Ello there, who are you?" I asked, looking at him. Well, it's not everyday someone that looks like a mage from Skyrim walks through a portal in your graveyard. And really, I hope this guy, is on my side.
I stepped through to see the girl, she says in a british accent, "Ello, who are you?" I reply, I'm one of the fallen denarius, I saw the angels conspiring against the gods and tried to fight, they kicked me out, I believe you are Kyra? You sent me an E-mail, I'm Kolt Veral, it's my pleasure to meet you.
"Well, it seems like you're a good guy, so, I might have to try to trust you," I said. Fallen Angel,eh? I thought to myself, unless of course he can read my mind, then I'd better them "girly girl" thoughts at bay, and any other types of thoughts that, well, aren't school appropriate.
"Am I the only one here or are there others coming, I can help you retrieve them if need be, as you noticed the portals." I say
Well this chick whats to meet up huh? Can't keep a lady waiting on me i guess. I had to make sure everything was in order, fighting gloves of kick-ass, dark-runed knife, and my looks, yep all checked off. I snooped throughout the docks and wanted a nice free style jet ski. Luckily people don't realize I live by them and leave it there unguarded, if that doesn't spell free invitation I don't know what does. Seeing that I'm just an hour or two away from British land I decided that the jet ski would fancy me just fine. I just put on the auto destination on, kicked back, and looked at the sky. "Why hello sky its you an me again, whats new, i'm going to get some girl if you know what i mean, do you ever get girls sky? If not then you can have some of mine at some point"
I didn't realize how tired I was from the portal opening, I shut my eyes and get some shuteye, I dream of being an angel again, it felt like a nightmare, I'm beginning to like mortality.
My eyes scanned the trees below me, trying to look for a certain thing. But I couldn't seem to find it..

"Oh great.. It got away.." I groaned irritably, referring to the demon she had been chasing only a few moments ago. Shaking my head, I decided to stop by a near by town.

Flapping my long wings, I shot forward, soon appearing over a decently large town. I swooped down, landing onto the brick road and looking at all the faces that greeted me. Most of there gazes were directed towards my long, white wings on my back, and than they would smile.
Ok finally hit shore, the sky went for his usual nap when a cloud passed overhead so it got boring again. When I started to hear people talk I thought that it would get so annoying that I would have to kill everyone of them. I took in the town which wasn't bad, defiantly some higher standard security levels but no biggy for me. So this Kyra chick is somewhere here eh? Guess I better start looking. Well looking got boring so I lied on a park bench " damn this is the most comfortable bench ever, GO BRITISHLAND, then fell asleep mumbling to the sky that had turned to night.
I woke up in a start, it wasn't safe for me in the graveyard anymore, just as well I need to scout out the area, I walk over to where the gate is and leave, I walk around town, bums aren't rare but this one just stood out, his hair was just to blonde and he had a knife, I could sense a sort of dark energy about him, my first instinct as an angel was to blast him with righteous justice, but then I realized I wasn't an angel anymore, I call upon my will and press it into one of my shurikens, so that I can draw it to explode on contact if need be, I walk up to him and try to shake him awake, I ask him why hes here.
"WOH BUDDY CALM IT, people have no manners for hte sleeping nowadays. Well lets cut the chitter chatter, Im Nickoties but call me Niko, now tell why you seem like some bastard that is here to kill me with your scary wings and shit before I slit your neck? This guy wasn't normal, I sensed his wings even know he had them sheathed and I knew it. I better be on my toes, this guy could be trouble if I got on his bad side, besides, he might have some cool stuff I can make into a new knife! "Well punk ass? Ya gonna answer?"
I rise to my full height and look at the boy, "Threaten me again and it will be the last thing you do boy, I am one of the fallen denarius, be thankful I didn't shatter every bone in your body while you were sleeping" This boy will certainly be a bother, but there is something about him that made me not incinerate him the first time I saw him, he throws an awful lot of weight around for such a smallfry, he must have something, I will be on my guard. I put my will into my sword and tilt my right shoulder forward so as to draw it and shield fast. "I sensed something about you, tell me why you are here before things get ugly." As a final note I summon my wings, their 10 ft span spattered with blood and dirt.
"You a big boy with those wings? Whatever, I'm going to meet some chick and maybe she has a lady friend for sky too I don't know but anyway that's about all you need to know right now because I have my things and you have yours." A fallen one eh? Thinks he's the top of the world? Well I give it to him that I sense the strength in that body. It did kind of scare me to think of what he could have done to me though. Oh well, talking to strangers is boring after a time too. So I laid back on the bench and twiddled my thumbs. "Hey sky, what do you think of this guy, he's a big and scary fallen, but you don't care because your sky, isn't that right?"
I decided enough was enough and as the boy walked away I drew a shuriken from my belt and jotted it right into his right sholder blade then launched myself at him, I grabbed him, looked him dead in the eyes and told him that if he ever shows me that kind of disrespect again I'd rip his eyes from his sockets and make him watch as I disembowled him, I twisted the shuriken and pulled it lose as I put my wings to use and flew back to the graveyard.
I grunted at the guy, he deserved no respect of mine but I just walked away. He didn't realize that I had my hand cupped around my seal that started to break keeping the rage and cloud subduded. I should fallow the guy, he seemed to be going somewhere important so why not, the least he can do is say go away,least.

After following the trail for a period of time I was twirling my knife when I saw that guy. I dropped the knife right on my foot causing me to scream. Oh shit he's gonna see me now, what kind of assassin does that?
I make it to the graveyard when I hear a scream I turn around to see the kid I'd given a shuriken in the shoulder to about 30 yards away, I decide that I will give him one chance to own up and tell me why hes here before I light his stupid blonde hair on fire. I draw my sword in order to keep him in line and then tell him. "Kid this is your last chance to tell me why you're here." I call will into the sword causing the runes to blaze a firey orange.
I padded through the streets, gazing endlessly at all the shops and stores. But soon, I stopped in my tracks as I sensed a few things. Things that didn't seem right to me. I spread my wings and shot into the sky, flapping quickly as I watched the ground below. Eventually, a thick fog surrounded me, and I swiftly landed onto the ground. My icy blue eyes searched the area, recognizing I was in a graveyard.

I shivered as the coldness soaked into my skin, making me want to fly back to where I had came from. Voices took my attention away from the cold, and I cautiously walked towards the sounds. I took out my white bow and arrow and gripped it tightly in my right hand. Figures soon appeared out of the fog, and I winced fearfully. I was afraid they were going to hurt me, since my skin was so delicate.

I walked out of the fog, and glanced my blue eyes at them.
I heard a scream, and my sense went hay-wire. I grabbed my bo staff, and ran towards the sound.

"Hey! Who's this! And why is there a shuriken in his shoulder!?" I yelled out to Kolt, and then I felt something, well, odd. We children of death, basically, know when there's a presence of, we know an Angel when they are here, I mean, I've got nothing against them, aslong as they don't assume that just because my father is Hades, that I'm bad. The only way some would consider me that, is that when it comes down to it, I do love my father, I've kept in contact with him my whole life. He's actually nice, and doesn't like being where he is. ​If only everyone else understood that. . .
All I could do in that moment was stand there like, well like an idiot with a knife stuck in his foot. I now met eyes with the fallen again and the same overwhelming feeling off a beast growling within me had arouse again. And for the chick behind him, I felt a sense of acceptance, almost wanting to honor but I couldn't realize what. "umm hi, sorry for the srcream of peril I like to keep my knifes sharp. Well isn't it that guy again, see you pick one up eh', not bad not bad."

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