Maelstrom Engineer
Yeah that was the first part. But it’s super helpful to break it down more. This is exactly correct.I think there is a second thing we spend coin on for crew. One being for hunting grounds and I think another to do with status during upgrades.
With hunting groundsdown.
1 coin is nuetral, let's us operate with no up or down status.
2 coins give status +1
0 coins is status -1.
With upgrades.
When you assign your two upgrades, the GM will tell you about two factions
that are impacted by your choices:
One faction helped you get an upgrade. They like you, and you get +1 status
with them. At your option, spend 1 coin to repay their kindness, and take
+2 status with them instead.
One faction was screwed over when you got an upgrade. They don’t like you,
and you get -2 status with them. At your option, spend 1 coin to mollify
them, and take -1 status with them instead.
So in total, we have 2 coins to spend. Amd we can't pick the best of all.
If we want to get in Scurlocks best graces, then:
Pay 1 coin for territory for no status benefit. He helps us get an upgrade and we pay 1 coin for a +2 status. And this passes someone off and we get -2 with someone.
Or if we want to go quiet.
1 coin for Scurlock for no status in territory. Get an upgrade from him and +1 status from him cause he looks us. And we use the second coin to mollify the pissed faction so we only get a -1 status with them.